For people who are busy with work and don’t have time, click here for a free online course on high performance coaching that aims to reduce working hours and aim for an annual income of 10 million yen ↓ Achieve an annual income of 10 million yen in the shortest possible time with a coaching side job Click here for details on the high performance coaching experience session that will help you achieve the fastest results ↓ “Shu President LINE Official Account” We provide useful information for coaching, work, and life. ID search with @highperformance! (Don’t forget @) Click here to follow the URL ↓ Click here to subscribe to “Shu President” YouTube channel ↓ 1 “President Shu” YouTube channel introduction If you want to learn coaching, increase productivity, or are interested in psychology and the subconscious mind, please watch this video! ♦︎List of recommended playlists for coaches and those who aim to become high performers♦︎Basic coaching skills series playlist taught by coaching professionals ▷ How to improve your performance | Playlist of ways to increase productivity, influence, and health levels to improve performance ▷ How to improve partnerships and relationships | Family relationships and Playlist of ways to improve interpersonal relationships and improve performance ▷ ▷Profile◁ Nagoune Shu, Representative of High Performance Co., Ltd. Director Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Master of Business Administration (MBA) MIT Sloan School of Management (Executive MBA) Born in Iwate Prefecture in 1978. After working at an American strategic consulting firm and a global medical device manufacturer, he is currently involved in company management in the medical field, striving to popularize the world’s most cutting-edge medical technologies and products. He studied under Dan Sullivan, the world’s best strategic coach and founder of Strategic Coach, and is the only Japanese to graduate from the company’s 10x Ambition Program. He teaches business owners and executives how to increase their business tenfold while creating free time, and provides high-performance coaching that leads to true success. #Coaching #Productivity #President


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