*This video contains advertisements and promotions, and the links in this summary section include affiliate links. 00:00​ intro 01:46 Today’s topic: Explaining 9 points to earn 50,000 yen a month from a side job04:41 ① Recognize the “length of training period” you have undergone to become a company employee06 :20 ② Don’t spend too much time inputting information 07:30 ③ Change the way you think about “failure” 09:13 ④ Do business with “what you already have” 10:23 ⑤ “Monetize” people who are doing well 11:43 ⑥ If you want to earn money, consider earning money as “justice” 13:12 ⑦ Don’t be fooled by dream killers 15:50 ⑧ Utilize online communities 17:51 ⑨ Don’t quit until you earn money 19:22 Summary: One side job 9 ball Let’s review it one by one and achieve 50,000 yen per month! I am explaining about. ————————————— ▼Online community “Livecity” https://site .libecity.com/join ▼Libe Dai Blog[Teaching strategies]Explaining 9 points to earn 50,000 yen a month from a side job https://liberaluni.com/9tips ◆We also handle tax consultation and advisory contracts for individual cases Possible[Libe City Tax Accountant Corporation]https://site.libecity.com/content/libe-tax ◆Building a home that will not make you fail with money[Libe City Construction Company]https://libe-home.com/ ◆If you want to rent a room[Libe Dai Real Estate]https://libe-estate.com/ ◆Safe and smart moving[Libe Dai Moving Center]https://libe-moving.com/ ◆A restaurant where you can enjoy socializing[Libe Dai Restaurant]https:/ /libe-restaurant-osaka.com/ ★Libe Dai is now a book! Amazon https://amzn.to/2VztyaF Rakuten https://books.rakuten.co.jp/rb/16310040/ ———————– —————-[Book introduced in the video]“Saizeriya: It’s not because it’s delicious that it sells, it’s the delicious food that sells” ▼Amazon https://af. moshimo.com/af/c/click?a_id=1057360&p_id=170&pc_id=185&pl_id=4062&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.co.jp%2Fdp%2F453219802X ▼Rakuten https://books.rakuten.co.jp /rb/14343497/[Related materials]“2021 Determined Starting Salary Survey” (Sanro Research Institute) https://www.e-sanro.net/research/research_jinji/chinginseido/shoninkyu/pr2107.html “Malcolm Gladwell ” (Wikipedia) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_Gladwell “Dragon Quest” (SQUARE ENIX) https://www.jp.square-enix.com/game/detail/dq/[Related videos]Original video First release date: 2021/03/16 https://youtu.be/bAwoXkzvwdU Animation video release date: 2021/11/04 https://youtu.be/GDxzly7zOVc[Rebroadcast][3 differences]“Goal Explanation of the decisive difference between “those who set goals and achieve goals” and “those who fail”[Life theory]: (Anime video) 147th https://youtu.be/sAOm-OiSfqg[2021 edition]50,000 yen per month Get extra income! 9 Recommended Side Jobs[Earn Money Practical Edition]: (Anime Video) No. 163 https://youtu.be/_hoMbjn8eM4[How to Earn 30,000 Yen a Month]A thorough explanation of the “charms” and “pitfalls” of being a side job web writer[Earn Money]Practical Edition】: (Anime Video) No. 259 https://youtu.be/6-0sNffTYmE[Modern New Assets]SNS followers are “assets” comparable to land, money, and stocks: (Anime Video) No. 191 times https://youtu.be/EeWPTJD4qZY Blog basic course playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLat8yv5xGAdwe5O-ypGw3Lg19tJD_ZOb2 Video editing basic course playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLat8yv5xGAdzcSZJdLsmfF7k1XbHA3APL —————————————- ▼Video material creation tool “MindMeister” Star)” https://www.mindmeister.com/?r=571381 ——————————— ——- ▼List of highly recommended services https://liberaluni.com/recommended-services ▼List of highly recommended books https://liberaluni.com/recommended-books ——— —————————- ◆twitter https://twitter.com/freelife_blog ◆instagram http://instagram .com/freelife_blog ◆Official LINE account for both university presidents https://lin.ee/gsTRDUv ◆Official blog https://liberaluni.com/ ——————– ——————– ~First, check out the videos on this list~ Learning about money for beginners – For first-time users, start here – https://www.youtube. com/playlist?list=PLpwLNivKud-jSHTx8hArrxyUqmLgm1opb —————————————- ~ 5 powers needed to become rich ~[Save]- Develop the ability to reduce expenses https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpwLNivKud-jfHYqAOGhKM-pzIQh2fSdA[Earn]- The power to increase income Let’s grow – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpwLNivKud-in1wtIJTbVgDvrFDNJFwpo[Increase]- Let’s develop the ability to increase assets – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpwLNivKud-iOTvsdRXy1hcbQSeAKxUuU[Protect]- Develop the ability to not reduce your assets – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpwLNivKud-j7u8WKXmo-h0FsJ4IY3HBt[Use]- Develop the ability to spend money on things that increase your satisfaction – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpwLNivKud-gITrm7Fsil7odutlOjXLIH ——————————— ——- ◆Profile of the president: Started his own business when he was a high school student and has been in business for over 20 years.・Currently, I have achieved financial freedom and have started disseminating “money knowledge” to my friends on YouTube and SNS. ▼For more information, please see the related video on the president’s profile[Life Goal]Explaining the meaning of “I don’t need money” as the president says https://youtu.be/-TVOR5G_P34 “Money Tree” for over 10 years As a result of continuing to buy[For some reason, everyone doesn’t do it]https://youtu.be/Mr_ykmzIdVA[Which one is the most important? ]Money, Skills, Morals, Love A story about a president who lacks one thing https://youtu.be/lkmC8WgWZYI How the president earned money while a student https://youtu.be/FkQ9Xh2w2WY ▼Opinions and comments for the president Ask your questions here https://forms.gle/LcZ4cJGb9ii3VaWL6 *As an Amazon Associate, Both Presidents College of Liberal Arts earns income from qualified sales. —————————————- #Both Presidents #Libe University #Liberal Arts University #money #rebroadcast


    1. 今正に副業の事を考えていた時にこの動画がおすすめ動画に上がってきましたw

    2. 今日も有益な動画をありがとうございます。

    3. レストラン経営をしているとどうしてもお客さんが来ない日が続く時があります。




    4. 副業としてブログ、リベ大と出会ってすぐ始めて1年間頑張って見ましたが、結果が出ませんでした。


    5. この動画、副業始めたばかりの頃何度も何度も見返してました。最近ちょっと収入が下降気味なので再放送のタイミングもばっちりでまた頑張ろうって気持ちになりました!副業もっと頑張って新NISAの投資枠埋められるくらい稼ぎます!!

    6. 本当に神回です。ここにヒントが全て詰まっていました。曲作り楽器が弾けないところからコツコツやり始めていよいよ曲リリースできるところまで来ました。学長にやっと良い報告がもう少しでできそうです

    7. 🥹改めて、折れてる自分にエール頂きました😂長年学長ラバーなのにー自分ごとになるとグサグサ心に刺さります

    8. 学長~、今日もありがとうございます😊

    9. 学長動画ありがとうございます✨️

    10. こんばんはございます✨️学長様🌛🦁😄

    11. 動画ありがとうございます😊ビリヤード、パズルなど例えが上手いです👏

    12. 動画ありがとうございます!

    13. 学長ありがとうございます。アパレルせどりの副業を始めましたが、売れたり売れなかったりと、一喜一憂していました。この動画でまた頑張ろうと前を向くことが出来そうです。先日、神戸ミニオフィスにも行ってきました。希望をありがとうございます。

    14. 副業で稼ぐ事は理解しましたが

    15. 副業で疲労困憊して全く収入に繋がらない日々が続くと、低時給のパートで沢山働いた方が良かったのかな…などと考えてしまうことがよくあります。

    16. 学長の動画からスタートしてせどりをきっかけとして他の副業にも徐々に広がっていき、今月初めて100万利益達成しました。3年かかったけど、やってて良かった。

    17. 負けたと思うまで人間は負けない。

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