Animation Director Hiroyuki Hashimoto Chat Distributed Animation directed by “ESTA LIFE GREAT ESCAPE” “Is the Order a Rabbit?? ” series “Slow Start” “Magical Girl Raising Project” “Welcome to the Classroom of Ability Supreme” General Director “Raidbackers” My daily work includes directing, directing, and scripting of anime.In this program, I will be giving advice on my concerns, etc. We’re also looking for people, so if you’d like, please contact us at #Hashiraj or I’d like to play games from time to time (*´∀`*)

    1 Comment

    1. 最近なかなか配信中に聞けてないです😭 私がいなくて寂しですよね 笑笑 お正月企画楽しみです! はしラジオフ会もいつかしたいですね!その時はコストコの七面鳥と橋本監督のチキンカツ食べたいですw

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