Intro: Foundations (Assistive Technology and early electronic and computer gaming). (0:00) 1: Cognition (9:44) 2: Control (15:50) 3: Hearing (22:12) 4: Sight (26:18 ) 5: Accessible eSports (32:22) 6: Finding Game Accessibility Information (39:11) Q&A: (46:00) “Game Accessibility: Past, Present and Possible Futures: A skipping stone tour of game accessibility History, including the origins, rarely told stories, and thoughts on where things may go next.” Barrie Ellis at JAMTL Canada: 17th August 2023 See more at the OneSwitch accessible gaming musuem:

    1 Comment

    1. This is a really great piece and it's really impressive to see how early accessibility endeavours started already.

      On the other hand it's kinda sad it took until the recent years to become kiiinda more mainstream, but let's for now stay positive: it's really cool to see some of the old tools and how they improved or were adapted over time. So, thanks for this very interesting history lesson.

      One sad bit of irony: this video only has YouTube's auto-generated subtitles, no proper human-checked ones. Especially on an accessibility video, that's really kinda strange, so, maybe that can be added at some point?

      Thank you for this piece!

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