The voting page is here↓ Is the #anime #Yasogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki (4th season) #interesting? #boring ? These are the voting results for the theme.・Excerpt from comments I don’t understand why there is a 4th season because the drawings should be a little more detailed. The 1st season, which already had the title, was interesting, but the self-deprecation material is becoming more and more forced, and I’m starting to get discouraged. I’ve seen people refer to Aichi as Nagoya Prefecture, but I’ve never seen anyone refer to Kanagawa as Yokohama Prefecture. Mie’s female characters who say things like “What else is there in Kanagawa besides Yokohama?” are so ignorant. Kamakura, Yokosuka, Shonan, Odawara, Hakone…there are many cities, towns and villages that are better known than the prefecture of Mie. I wonder if the author is from a rural area and has a complex about the metropolitan area? The characters are so unreasonable that the characters just look like idiots. I’m a resident of Saga Prefecture, and what you’re saying is true, but that’s a comment that shows the arrogance of people who live in the metropolitan area. Can people from the metropolitan area say all of Kyushu? If you were to ask me that question, I would probably not be able to say even 10% of the time, but I think a fairly high percentage of people in Kyushu can do it. It is the same everywhere that people are not familiar with distant areas. This anime is seen from the perspective of the three Tokai prefectures, so it can’t be helped that it’s portrayed as if you don’t know much about other areas. Kamakura, Yokosuka, Shonan, Odawara, and Hakone. I’ve heard of all of them, but they’re in Kanagawa prefecture. I didn’t know that, but I know where Mie is, so the place name you mentioned is less well-known than Mie. I’m just expressing my personal impressions of the work, so why do you think it’s personal? I’m sure he’ll be quick to criticize his subjective views. You are free to defend or criticize your opinion about the work, but I don’t think you should use rude words like “arrogant” towards the person posting. If you are criticizing someone else’s comments that are not directly related to your own impressions of the work, please be careful with your expressions. I have no intention of denying the fact that you write that your opinion differs from mine. However, you said to me, “I look like an idiot,” to a fictional anime character that doesn’t exist, and you said to me, “I can see your arrogance in that person,” who is a real person with human rights. I hope people don’t equate criticism (though I wouldn’t go so far as to call it slander) with it. I think it’s easy for people to carelessly and aggressively reply to comments that are just personal opinions, just because they differ from their own, and the situation tends to get rough with selling words and buying words. Yo···. Also, this is completely unrelated to anime, but the boss I respect is from Saga Prefecture, and I like Saga Prefecture partly because of Zombieland Saga. I would like you to understand that I did not say this out of a discriminatory attitude towards local areas. By the way, I remember that Teikoku Shoin, which is famous for its atlases, conducted a “recognition” survey in which they handed out blank maps to 4th to 6th graders across the country and asked them about their locations, and there was a huge difference. Hokkaido ranked first with 99.1%, and Okinawa came in second with an overwhelming 93.8%. 6th place Tokyo 63.8%, 8th place Chiba 55.6%, 21st place Saitama 39.1%, 25th place Kanagawa 36.3%, 27th place Aichi 35.5%…On the other hand, Mie is 42nd place with 30.8%, which is quite low awareness. There is data that says. The objective fact is that it was the lowest among the prefectures that appear in the work. Well, it’s just a sample case, but as I watch it, I think that if there were more material based on objective research like this, it would be a work that the majority could enjoy watching. . Since Japan’s population distribution is biased toward the metropolitan area, it is natural that a nationwide survey would yield such results. Your statements, which say things like objective facts without taking that into consideration, certainly seem like the arrogance of someone who lives in the metropolitan area. Even for me, who has lived in the metropolitan area all my life. No, since objectivity is the sum total of subjectivity, I don’t think there is such a thing as complete objectivity. That’s why I use the word “objective.” The totality of subjectivity as close as possible to objectivity…in other words, the majority, not the minority, is one of the important elements that constitutes objectivity. Since the population of the Tokyo metropolitan area is close to one-third of the Japanese population, it is natural that this would have an impact on the recognition results. The word “objective” includes such elements. However, if, as you say, it is “natural that such a result would result” due to the influence of the majority, then Tokyo should be by far the most recognized city, right?If this survey was only for the metropolitan area, Although this may be a biased view, there is no doubt that it is “objective data” targeting the metropolitan area. Besides, in the first place, I thought that this survey was “just a sample case.”

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