The first video of Due King MAX is Yomiji. Is there a channel like this? That’s what I thought, but it looks like Fairy Channel and is good. I have also recorded a regular introduction video, so I will continue to upload it. Nice to meet you!![Click here to register for membership] In the members-only Discord, we are updating the environmental deck template list and tier table.It is also possible to interact and compete with other members, so we are looking forward to seeing you![Fairy’s Twitter][◆Dorayaki’s Twitter][Work Click here for inquiries] #DM #Duema #Battle video #Duel Masters


    1. ヨミジ1枚だけ使えるようになってもそこそこ強いからドッカンデイヤーとネイチャーとヨミジとマリゴルドが全部使えてた時代って本当に地獄だったんだなぁ…

    2. イソレイトループとして普通に組めそうなくらい面白いデッキだ!最新弾のカードにヨミジ合わせるの上手すぎて構築力に敬服です

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