—————————– For work requests, please contact us here 💌 gyahaha0127@gmail.com —- ————————————– Recommended video 👇 ■[Mom of 2 children]Introducing 10 breakfast choices that are highly praised by a picky 2-year-old!Time-saving dishes ~ Dishes that can be made within 20 minutes ✨ https://youtu.be/ImufQXuGsEM ■[Real life this morning]Mom got angry at 3-year-old who threw rice at her😱😱 https://youtu.be/3nKaBahGaXk ■[Hot Day]A real day without leaving the house 🌞 Introducing our recommended toys ❗️ https://youtu.be/99RdKDCBH7s ■ Celebrating my dad’s birthday with a relaxing and loving day at home 🥂[5th year of marriage]https: //youtu.be/ZMxRbBCw3gg —————————– 💌Mom Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rena_igo /?hl=ja 👨Dad Instagram https://instagram.com/hayaty_daddy?igshid=1cspn4ddbwbab 📩Mom Twitter https://twitter.com/gyahaha2 —————– ———— #Childcare #Life with children #See also the summary section


    1. 女子ですが🙋‍♀️

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