Episode 8 – Indiscriminate Retaliation

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    There’s something else behind that impossible goal of eradicating war. I bet there’s an ulterior motive that Celestial Being wants to accomplish.

    Questions of the Day:

    1) What do you think Celestial Being’s possible ulterior is that Kinue was theorizing about?

    2) Marina is now the first person outside of Celestial Being to know one of the Gundam Meisters by name and face (even if she thinks it was a bad joke), were you expecting someone else to earn this honor?

    Wallpaper of the Day:

    Marina Ismail

    Rewatchers, please remember to be mindful of all the first-timers in this. No talking about or hinting at future events no matter how much you want to, unless you're doing it underneath spoiler tags. Don't spoil anything for the first-timers, that's rude!

    Additionally, for long-time fans of the franchise, please remember that this rewatch is only for 00, not any of the other shows. Assume that there are people in this rewatch who have not seen anything else Gundam, and tag your spoilers for those shows appropriately if something in 00 makes you want to talk about them.

    by Shimmering-Sky


    1. Shimmering-Sky on

      **Rewatch Host Wishing Over This Airspace, subbed**

      [Welcome back, everyone!](#michaelwink)

      – [Bruh.](https://i.imgur.com/06ZjTqo.png) [](#bruh)

      – u/Great_Mr_L, I chuckled a little last night upon reading [this comment of yours](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1g2ayvs/rewatch_mobile_suit_gundam_00_episode_7_discussion/lrn3i7c/), since today’s episode [immediately proceeds to reveal Lockon clearly survived one when he was younger.](https://i.imgur.com/3grmsZq.png) [](#ohoho)

      – [Ergo, perfect excuse for swimsuits.](https://i.imgur.com/tT5iKvS.png) [](#etotamadunno)

      – [It sure must be hell for the news stations to keep up with all that.](https://i.imgur.com/znM6dTZ.png)

      – [Isn’t that the truth for how a lot of people feel IRL about this sort of thing…](https://i.imgur.com/aZEe1kH.png)

      – [And so Marina crosses paths with a main character at long last.](https://i.imgur.com/E8wrZ3F.png)

      – [The dub actually does give (or at least attempted to give?) this random cop a Scottish accent.](https://i.imgur.com/MtUFQhH.png) That was something I noticed in my rewatch-ahead-of-the-rewatch.

      – [Well, at least that terrorist still got caught.](https://i.imgur.com/TX33Kr2.png)

      – [You’re saying that *to* a Celestial Being member…](https://i.imgur.com/2WVWMMN.png)

      – [Mm…](https://i.imgur.com/flKVx9r.png) [](#popcorn2)

      – [*Marina.*](https://i.imgur.com/SDtOwB7.png) [](#kyonfacepalm)

      – [Shouldn’t have landed on the boat.](https://i.imgur.com/JHbiIDf.png) [](#rinkek)

    2. **Rewatcher, First Time Sub**

      Oh Gundam Beach Episode

      Some good Lockon stuff this episode. He’s been so far the most laid back of the Meisters but we saw some good stuff relating to him such as the shots of his backstory and why he heads to confront the new organization.

      In the meantime Setsuna gets detained after trying to detain someone in broad daylight but gets saved by Marina Ismail who has serious eagle eyesight. Their conversation which almost feels like Setsuna’s best attempts at a Heero impression but It gives a good view of their respective positions as of now. Marina is idealistic and a pacifist and criticizes CB for their contradictions, But Setsuna responds with simply that People Die even when there is “peace talks” or any else. It makes sense from Setsuna to take this stance considering his last and as he points out that Marina’s country had fought against his, and of course it leads to his rather angry revelation of his identity to her as a sort of a threat to get her country in order. I guess you could say that Marina comes off a bit naive while Setsuna comes off as angry or forceful.

      in the meantime Wang Liu Mei and the others gain the aid of other intelligence agencies to track down this new organization and bring it down. Successful as they are, the rest of them muse that much like in Episode 4 they were used again though they both gained something out of it. Politics am I right?

    3. **First timer, subs**

      * It’s been like, what, a few weeks? This is something they had set up to some extent before this all started.
      * That boat better be able to fly, with how extra it is.
      * Beach episode, but somehow no fujoshi?
      * …So this really isn’t a false flag? None of them are in on it?
      * Oh thank god. These ones actually have keys. Last thing we need was one hijacked by the local ten-year-old.
      * Don’t you have ongoing attacks in your capital? I don’t think a few loose fists in parliament are the most grave concern.
      * It’s hard to take someone serious when their demands are ostensibly “let us commit terrorism, or we’ll commit terrorism until you do!”.
      * [Australia](#godisdead)
      * That’s a weird looking bike. Is it supposed to be conspicuous?
      * So you’re global terrorism cabal are also the kinds of operatives who drive away erratically once their bomb goes off immediately after they install it?
      * What does taxi even mean in the future? At least make them self driving.
      * They’re just… letting foreign diplomatic corps operate as security elements in one of their major cities?
      * OK, but like, the solar power rings aren’t an overnight thing. You knew this was coming, you had time to shift away from expiring natural resources. Heck, we already have countries making that shift.
      * Bruh. Why are you saying this? You rented an apartment under that name.
      * Ah, she’s an idiot.
      * The best kind of wet work is the kind you don’t even have to dirty your hands to do.
      * Those MSs look pretty modern for a terrorist group. Didn’t feel like having some old junkers?
      * I’m not sure I’d even want to fly in an airplane with a transparent aluminum ceiling.


      1) Changing the underlying power dynamics of the world powers? They seem to have changed fairly little in the last 300 years.

      2) I think she was pretty well my last guess. I guess this does help make her less irrelevant quickly, at least.

    4. **First-Timer**

      **On today’s episode of Gundam:** Be careful of the edge, Setsuna. We wouldn’t want you to get hurt, after all.

      – Looks like the speculation people had in the previous thread was correct. Lockon did experience a pretty nasty terrorist attack in the past.

      – Normally Lockon doesn’t seem to enjoy targeting people. When it comes to terrorists, he feels none of that usual hesitation. He very much wants to kill them. [](#terminate)

      – Yup, those swimsuits are for [“disguise”](#aliens) and nothing else.[](#vacationcup)

      – I figured this was the case, but Sumeragi and Co. are just the combat team in Celestial Being. So how much larger is the rest of Celestial Being? Who are all the intelligence and supply people, for example? And is the leadership of the organization really just that computer program? [](#rengethink)

      – Does Feldt have a past with that Haro? Or with Lockon? They’re exchanging many meaningful looks. [](#schemingsaten)

      – Brawls between legislators are usually not a good sign. As fun as it may be to watch politicians fistfight, mixing violence with everyday politics is not a good idea.

      – I know how you feel, Saji, because I’ve been there. It’s blissful imagining that it’s all someone else’s problem and harsh learning how it isn’t. [](#tiredaoi)

      – Oh, needing to interview the families of the terrorist attack victims. That is rough. [](#sadholo)

      – Jeez, Ali really is an absolute scumbag. He indoctrinates his child soldiers and then assures them that their deaths are okay because they’ll be with god afterwards.

      – Setsuna looks like he’s driving one of the Tron motorcycles.

      – Does that count as an Akira Slide? It was the same maneuver, but the camera angle was wrong. [](#hardthink)

      – Do Marina and Setsuna know each other? [](#harukathink)

      – Oh, they don’t. Marina just assumed he was also from Azadistan.

      – Setsuna really has no time for even the most rudimentary of polite small talk. [](#azusalaugh)

      – “Nature Revival Group?” Are they ecoterrorists? [](#harukathonk)

      – That is an interesting dilemma that Marina and Setsuna bring up. Marina complains that Celestial Being never tries to resolve things peacefully, while Setsuna argues that people still die even as the peace talks get nowhere. What good are peace talks if people are dying while nothing gets done? But what long-term good are interventions that kill people and don’t solve the underlying causes that started the fighting?

      – “Were you fighting?” “I’m still fighting. I’m fighting now.” [There it is!](#binoculars) This is another one of the meme scenes I know from Gundam 00! [](#laughter)

      – Wow, Setsuna blew his cover just like that. What a good agent he is. [](#yousaidsomethingdumb)

      – The intelligence agencies of the countries were able to leak information to Celestial Being? Do they even have a way of contacting Celestial Being? Having backdoor communication networks like this is an intriguing wrinkle.

      – Sumeragi is really going to hang out on the beach while the Gundams go to war. [](#vacationcup)

      – The countries really do know how to make use of Celestial Being. Leaking info about the terrorists means the countries can let Celestial Being take care of the problem without getting their own hands dirty by operating outside their jurisdiction.

      – Lockon really is fighting far more mercilessly than usual.

      – An underwater mobile armor fight! It’s been a while since I watched one of those. [](#concealedexcitement)

      Setsuna is so delightfully edgy in his conversation with Marina. While the points are interesting, the conversation is so silly to watch when Setsuna will say all those edgy things with absolute conviction. The Gundam MC I keep comparing Setsuna to is Heero Yuy, who was also silly for similar reasons. They both say the craziest and edgiest things with the most deadpan expressions.

      Setsuna and Marina do bring up an interesting dilemma in their discussion. Is it better to hold peace talks while the fighting continues or simply attack both sides and force them apart through violence? Either way, people will die. The peace talks may result in a peace agreement, but think about how many ongoing conflicts have had peace talks that have lasted for years. As those talks drag on, people die and the conflict continues. Setsuna brings up the good point that it might simply be better to intervene and force the two sides apart. But that doesn’t solve the underlying causes of the conflict. All it does is use the threat of force to keep things quiet for the time being. It isn’t a permanent solution if the fighting will start up again as soon as the intervening troops leave. Which is preferable? A short-term solution with no long-term plans for peace? Or a potential long-term solution that does nothing to help in the short-term?

      Sumeragi said that it was good progress that the countries of the world leaked information to Celestial Being in this episode. I think I have an idea about what she’s getting at. This is a sign that the countries of the world have recognized Celestial Being as an organization with the power to intervene anywhere in the world. That is a power that goes beyond the legal jurisdiction of any country. In some ways, it places Celestial Being above the international order of countries. This action did confer some level of legitimacy upon Celestial Being in the wider world.


      1) Celestial Being must just be the first step. Their interventions are too haphazard and too short-term to be a long-term solution. They are setting something else up. Maybe they are trying to form a new power bloc, gathering together allies who would assist in interventions and occupations to begin setting up long-term governance. That seems a bit too conventional, though, so I’m not sure about that. I really have no other ideas, though.

      2) I was wondering how Marina would fit into the plot exactly, so her being someone to clash ideologically with Setsuna (and by extension Celestial Being) makes sense. Looking at it through that lens, it makes sense she learned.

    5. **Episode 8 (first timer)**

      * Lockon has history with terrorism.
      * Maids and head butler – The only question is: are they all combat trained, or only the butler?
      * “Camouflage” – “fanservice”
      * Feldt is a Haro stan.
      * Those are some pretty big launch systems. I get that everything is hidden by GN magic as long as the Gundam’s are on that island, but now that all four have left, that is some pretty suspicious infrastructure.
      * Marina has some tough luck. The head of some poor small country begging for help is never the first priority, but when the big countries need to organize their reaction to both CB and a new wave of terrorism, she quickly drops off the agenda entirely.
      * “When I saw that, I realized that it matters a lot” – understatement of the year.
      * Sister points out that CB may have an ulterior motive – this seems a classic case of “taking the slow viewers with us”. Some character mentioning what has been obvious to attentive viewers already, to ensure that everybody is on the same page going onward.
      * Saji seems to be extremely detached, thinking about the effect the terrorism will have on the world, not his own near demise. Maybe he is that grounded and cold, but neither does his sister seem to have any worries about him – I wonder whether they had this scene planned out before they belatedly inserted Saji and Louise into the terror bombing.
      * The Gundam pilots play private detective, trying to chase the terrorists.


      * RENTTAXI car chase.


      * *Akira bike scene* trope.
      * Almost arrested by the police (what did you think would happen?) and saved by Marina (why?).
      * Because you thought he looked like somebody from your country? Shesh girl, there must be 1-2 billion fitting that.
      * And now you beg him to stay and discuss the political situation in Azadistan? Is this the fastest ever MC pheromones in action, or is Marina simply nuts?
      * “Are you with the conservatives? Are you here to kill me?” “I am a Gundam Meister.”


      * “The world is telling us to take action”


      * Time for some extra fanservice!
      * The AEU eco-terrorists who tried to blackmail CB have a military base on the Marshall Islands and in South America.


      * Setsuna checking in on Marina. Side character pheromones??

      It is hard to overstate just how stupid this episode is. I was expecting the terrorists to be bad, but literally half the cast piled in to get a chance of being hit by the dumb stick. Marina, Setsuna, Sumeragi, all the intelligence agencies informing CB, … I guess the *biggest idiot of the episode* has to go to the writers.

    6. **Rewatcher, Sub-dam Meister**

      [Plus, doing things would use valuable energy.](https://i.imgur.com/M0e0eW3.jpeg)

      [Lotta information in that line.](https://i.imgur.com/EzLGOmp.jpeg)

      [I was about to snark about that very thing.](https://i.imgur.com/0cIuiJb.jpeg)

      [All in one day.](https://i.imgur.com/6mhMOMw.jpeg)

      [What, you think Aeolia Schenberg would just come onto the television and *lie?*](https://i.imgur.com/uECER71.jpeg)

      [I’m sure that outfit will be much less conspicuous.](https://i.imgur.com/7Nqrumr.jpeg)

      [Huh, I forgot that Setsuna gave a fake name.](https://i.imgur.com/dkH8n75.jpeg)

      [Something something, committee meetings until the boots are in the hall.](https://i.imgur.com/i0YvMDP.jpeg)

      [“And I don’t care about the masquerade.”](https://i.imgur.com/cfsKQF7.jpeg)

      [Setsuna isn’t big on humor.](https://i.imgur.com/DvLwbf2.jpeg)

      [I would hope so.](https://i.imgur.com/WUOFZu3.jpeg) La Edenra had like thirty dudes, max.

      [Gundam 00]>!I wonder if any eagle-eyed First-Timers will notice that [Virtue is label GN 005.](https://i.imgur.com/WUOFZu3.jpeg)!<

    7. **First Timer – sub**

      Sorry for the lack of replies lately guys, I’ve just been too tired to read through the threads. And while I’ve not been so functional the last few days maybe I missed it, but how did someone seemingly useless as Marina (thanks for the name in the OP, Sky) end up in charge of a country? Because if the country is depending on the Princess alone to survive, they’re fucked.

      As a whole I think this episode is a misstep for the show, because it makes her seem not just inexperienced or naive as they’ve tried to portray her earlier, near comically inept at her role. To step into a police action while a guest in a country she needs the help of for someone who she wrongly visually profiled as being from her country right after a terrorist bombing when from a country known to be unstable and have a recent history of war. Sooked to said person about the state of her country after finding out he’s from a country that destroyed his own, preached to him about the need for diplomacy after said sooking, and callously questioned the implication of him being a child solider because not only has she not read a history book, she also can’t read a room, make logical deductions, or use tact. She is hilariously incompetent in the multiple aspects a leader needs to have skills in, and if they picked her just to put on a nice face to the other countries, holy shit does she need an escort with brains. They ran over her existing characterization in this episode, and painted her purely as a fool.

      …I really did not mean to turn this into such a rant. I’m very tired and was just letting my fingers type


      Back on track: I’m worried this will turn into her “saving” Setsuna, or just as bad, one sided where through him alone she becomes this strong person who saves her country. CB as a whole is so isolated, there’s been no chance to properly challenge them personally or ideologically, and this could have been a good chance for that. But that chances feels ruined by it reading like a scene purely to make her look ignorant, when it could have been a much better scene between ideological opposites but social equals about the potential future for the world while having learnt different lessons from the past. Instead she knows nothing, and even dismisses his identity as a joke despite his seriousness which is just… it reeks of dumb writing for a dumb character rather than anything interesting. Time will tell, but I will be mad if her dismissal of that means it doesn’t matter at all to their future interactions until some big reveal later that she’ll learn nothing from.

      [IBO]>!Funnily enough in my notes I called her not-Kudelia today, in part because her assistant reminds me of Kudelia’s assistant and also because I don’t know her name, but even Kudelia for her all her naivety wasn’t nearly this bad. She was young, and idealistic, but she was always actively trying to learn, do, and listen. I have seen none of that from Princess today and its frustrating to see. I’m so grateful Kudelia was a better approach on a similar character that fit far better into the world we were presented in IBO!<

      All of that said, I do like that we’re finally getting some more pay off from the Student being in the show. It’s not that uncommon to see a “normal” character showing daily life in the middle of a situation like this, but I feel like it’s rarely done well instead of bluntly. I was expecting him to be more involved with Setsuna, or end up doing stuff for his sister. Using him to showcase how quickly a distant war can creep up and affect things close to him, even though he’s not involved despite how close he is to people who are, is a better way to do it. He is Setsuna’s opposite, but also a solid marker for the fact that this is a world being fought over, and not just a power game.

      Did not need beach moments

      I like Fedlt missing Haro. But torn on how the rest of CB’s background cast is handled. A it’s good because it gives CB needed scale to go up against the world vs if it was just a couple of named characters alone, and they’re also not trying to force awesome moments or an emotional connection too them which makes them work in the background better than a lot of other shoved in bridge crews do, but still, it’s a LOT of faces that get screen time when I forget who they are.

      Surprise mobile armor was cool! Also surprise aquatic battle because hell yes for that. How come when a show near promises me one we don’t get one, but it just pops up today out of no where? It may not have been fancy but I’ll take it

      Hints at Lockons backstory with terrorism. I probably should write more on this but I’ve completely run out of energy for the day already.

    8. *A Gundam Fan Rewatches Gundam 00 Episode 8:*

      – Well, that certainly explains why Lockon is so vehemently against terrorism, to the point of needing to hold back his fury: he was caught up in a similar attack when he was a kid. Yeah, it’s not hard to see how that would lead him down the pipeline towards joining Celestial Being. Like with Setsuna, he encounter with the cruelty of the world at a young age made him want to change it somehow, even through Celestial Being’s overwhelming force. It’s probably safe to say by now that it’s a fairly common thing among a majority of the Gundam Meisters so far: trauma and a desire to change the way the world works.

      – Wang does have a point, with how much the terrorist network is coordinating their attacks across the world, it does seem like at least some nation is backing them. It’s the one possibility that makes the most sense there. It does make me wonder if Ali Al-Saachez was involved somehow too, since he did seem to know about the terror attacks before his bosses in the PMC Trust did in the last episode.

      – Terrorism in one part of the world has knock-on effects elsewhere too. Marina had to deal with a delay to a meeting in England’s foreign ministry due to the national crisis they’re under due to terror attacks, and since there’s still nothing being done to improve Azadistan’s situation, things are getting way worse in the capital. Although if a member of the conservative faction was attacked by reformists in the middle of the assembly, I think something like that goes beyond just internal schisms and probably into a low-scale civil war that nobody is acknowledging to be the case yet. It really does suck to live in Azadistan.

      – Well, at least now Saji can see that all this stuff happening in the world affects him too, even if it took nearly being caught in a terror attack to realize it. So far, Saji has been embodying the bystander effect: distant or apathetic to the world outside of their bubble until it affects them directly. Although he still does think that it’s impossible for things to change, so I guess he still does have apathy within him even though he’s considering his place in the world more. It’s a hard mindset to grow out of, I suppose.

      – You can’t be too surprised that all of this is triggering Setsuna’s memories of his time as a child soldier. That one kid he talked to thought he was fighting for god, but he ultimately got killed. His innocence was taken advantage of, just like how the terrorists are taking advantage of the innocent people living peacefully for the sake of their own ends. The terrorists said earlier that they were fighting for the sake of the people, to stop those who oppress others by force. But I think we can all agree that it rings hollow. For people like them and people like Ali, innocence isn’t something to be spared, it’s something to take advantage of.

      – Krugis and Azadistan have a rough shared history. A few years ago, Azadistan launched an invasion on the independent Krugis Republic and they razed it to the ground while taking it over. And even though Marina tries to defend her country by saying that they tried to negotiate a peace settlement, that doesn’t change anything that Azadistan ultimately did to Setsuna’s home country. That’s why he fights for Celestial Being: to do work where words and waiting fail. Even if Marina and others can see their interventions as arbitrary, to Setsuna this is what he does to try and prevent a similar level of destruction from happening again. And if Azadistan doesn’t stabilize soon, then he and Celestial Being *will* be paying it a visit in the future, to continue the work they’ve started.

      – You do have to admit, it was clever of the AEU’s intelligence services to leak the information they had on La Edenra like that. The whole world is on the hunt for them, and they figured that Celestial Being would be too. So why not help someone who is willing to go into places where they can’t? This is honestly one of the more positive attempts from the power blocs to use Celestial Being, although it’s a shame that it had to happen this way at all.

      – Man, this is a weird beach episode. The ladies of the Ptolemaios plus Ian are just enjoying the sea and the sand while the Gundam Meisters are gunning down terrorists. I guess they felt the need to add in a beach episode somewhere, even if it was really only like 3 minutes tops of seeing the ladies in their beach wear. Congratulations everyone, we hit our beach episode quota for this series.

      – Naturally, once Celestial Being has a bead on them, it doesn’t take much time for La Edenra to fall. Their strongest attack was harming innocent people, so of course they wouldn’t have much else to use once they got sniffed out. Even that large aquatic MA, the Shuichai, barely even stood a chance against Gundam Exia. That’s one less enemy to peace in the world, and I don’t think anyone is going to complain about Celestial Being destroying a terror organization.

      – Marina: “He had to be joking earlier, right?” Setsuna: “You wish! Byeeeeeeee.” *flies off*

    9. baboon_bassoon on

      first timer who [has control](https://imgur.com/nFf4eA6)


      whenever theres now terror attakks + trains i will be thinking of the Tokyo sarin gas incident

      Lockon might be the first Gundam character created as sheer pandering that I dont find annoying

      [i love how extra Wang is](https://imgur.com/wZ8vnv7)

      [shes dressed like this for the culture shut up Allelujah](https://imgur.com/Raw9EDQ)

      [a beautiful friendship emerges](https://imgur.com/MtKVXnD)

      ok maybe i was too quick to blame Wang, i thought last episode she emailed Sumeragi about the attacks before they started them, but she seems super lost

      [despair already](https://imgur.com/FUSNa4V)

      retina scanners, thats new

      havent mentioned it before, but i love how dramatic [the main theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hMhN3jCy1I) that plays is. its so over the top but i really dig it

      [ok i know i know this is insanely nitpicky but look how far Kinue launches herself](https://imgur.com/acloFWV)

      Taxi…[bike](https://imgur.com/G8H1tKt )?

      Kamal Mazirif, isnt Setsuna already a fake name???? Whats the point, you gave your real country

      ok now [im shipping them](https://imgur.com/KC7rfg4 ) they should hate each other this is a fun dynamic

      [o fuck](https://imgur.com/fDP8lP5)

      [this entire scene was complete money](https://imgur.com/I1tugyV)

      and [there](https://imgur.com/hQujDDq ) it [is](https://imgur.com/3Q62RFO ) i cannot wait for Tieria to learn about this [](#concealedexcitement)

      [that wasnt very cash money of him](https://imgur.com/N0X8GYy)

      [party time](https://imgur.com/8ILwMwb ) wow we actually got a montage too [](#laughter)

      [like how is this single unit not the most terrifying one by far](https://imgur.com/WsOkKHj)

    10. **First Timer**

      [I’d love it if we start one episode *without* the indiscriminate murder of civilians thanks](https://imgur.com/a/UEiCVni).


      Lockon has in fact been heavily effected by terrorists in the past, I’d assume his family or people close to him ended up dying because of it, and either way [he clearly saw some awful sights as a child](https://imgur.com/a/Nv9c8Np) that could easily instill a passionate hatred of terrorism.

      [Haro is not being helpful here](https://imgur.com/a/TOgbZ6q)


      Ah yes “[camouflage](https://imgur.com/a/LyoqqCa)” of course! [Love him in the back](https://imgur.com/a/cvrvWvn) lol


      [Wonder if Feldt has some bigger connection to Haro](https://imgur.com/a/Qx9IFdQ), they definielty seems more acquainted at least.


      [Such reassuring words of encouragement](https://imgur.com/a/ckEQFWm)…this does touch on how much effect CB really has gained on the world stage, a big point of urgency for Marina’s visits is the potential intervention of CB in her country, despite that her attempts moving towards a peaceful solution are being hurt by groups targeting CB, there’s a real self fulfilling nature to CB’s existence, even indirectly they are partly contributing to the conflicts they end up stopping, which connects very poignantly to her conversation with Setsuna later on.

      Love Saji’s conversation with his sister, ultimately the real cost of war, be it conventional or otherwise, is the human tragedy, and that’s not something you truly realize until you see it for yourself, it’s a harrowing realization to think that at the end of the day even someone in a different country, completely unrelated to a conflict, just living their life, can end up being taken away for just being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

      [I do wonder about her speculation though](https://imgur.com/a/sc3jdkM), the Gundam Meisters at the very least seem to believe that goal? but maybe there’s something deeper going on here.


      Great tension build up as the team wait around for info on the terrorists, it also gives Setsuna some time for self reflection and to reafiorm that Saachez is in fact, [the worst](https://imgur.com/a/5SnJxJf), again this show isn’t exactly hiding [how it was influenced](https://imgur.com/a/jrMqeyH) by the events of the time.

      “I will apprehend the target”, [*proceeds to pull out gun and immediately starts shooting*](https://imgur.com/a/Wq7Ney0) , the guy really has no chill.


      Marina’s situation really just sucks, I already mentioned the CB problem she has above but even her fundamental energy problem is a self perpetuating downward spiral.


      [Well that’s awkward](https://imgur.com/a/ZRZp9DO), this conversation gives us a really good look into Setsuna’s mind, [why he views CB’s goal and methods to be worthy of pursuing](https://imgur.com/a/3pJiMCb) and [how he really feels](https://imgur.com/a/7DyY8mR), I said it back in episode 4’s PTSD sequence but despite his stoic demeanor Setsuna is always on edge, the war in Krugis may have ended but *his war* never did.

      Thankfully for him, despite immediately ignoring everything Tieria and Lockon told him last episode and just revealing his identity to someone, while also directly threatening her in CB’s name, she *somehow* [takes it as a joke](https://imgur.com/a/Bl6g1uG) (or just doesn’t want to believe him )..


      The episode ends with a really interesting development for CB’s situation, although they have been used before as tool in the political plans of others, this time around the world is [directly “asking them for help”](https://imgur.com/a/ApnCGPO) and actively cooperating with them to do things they couldn’t otherwise.

      [It all seems to be part of the plan](https://imgur.com/a/t2bobSm) and it certainly gives them a legitimacy they didn’t have before, it also creates a possibly dangerous political situation where the politicians that once denounced CB are using them for help, something the populace which currently doesn’t like CB might not appreciate.


    11. **Rewatcher**

      I find it kinda funny that Lockon even puts up a front when it’s just Haro he’s talking to. Well, it’s not like Haro is unintelligent.

      [00 Spoilers] >!Crazy to think that Lockon and Setsuna are connected in that way.!<

      [00 Spoilers] >!Ian, you’re married.!<

      Note the sound when Setsuna sits in Exia’s cockpit. This is his pilot seat physically connecting with his suit to help mitigate the effects of G-Forces. Interestingly, the Flag’s anti-G system doesn’t require any such connection.

      I’ll also take this moment to say, I love the gong-like sound effect when the Gundams do that eye flash. It’s very regal, befitting these machines that hold almost otherworldly power.

      Hi, Australia.

      Bye, Australia.

      You know, I think if this scene had been written in current year it’d probably be one of those rental bikes you see everywhere. At least this way saves on pedalling.

      Finally, the Gundam Pilot meets the Peace Princess, and it doesn’t seem like their ideologies quite match up. I wonder who’s closer to being correct, also, [classic scene](https://old.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/uthrbn/gundam_00_dub_is_amazing/).

      Setsuna does a dumb 2, but he also delivers an ultimatum. It’s true, Celestial Being’s mission is to intervene in all conflicts. Unless something changes quick, Azadistan will find itself subject to armed intervention sooner or later.

      It’s interesting to see the different ways in which countries try to take advantage of Celestial Being. The Union invites Celestial Being’s wrath upon themselves to conveniently gain a common enemy, while the AEU exploits their lack of restrictions to sic Celestial Being upon a different enemy.

      I wonder if that taxibike has a GPS tracker on it.

      Exia isn’t just capable of operating underwater, its beam weapons also seem fully-functional. Not many other Gundams can claim to retain so much effectiveness while submerged. [Maybe minor Gundam 00V spoilers] >!Makes it extra funny that Dynames’s anti-submarine equipment has it above the water, shooting torpedoes from land. I know that GN-powered MS do still lose some effectiveness underwater, but surely something like the Superbia GN-X would be more effective?!<

      By the way, has anyone been watching the next ep previews?

    12. **Rewatcher hyped for the BEACH EPISODE**


      [Well, that sounds uncomfortably like Celestial Being itself.](https://imgur.com/a/j1yvEQt)

      [And of course, Lockon’s got quite the traumatic past himself.](https://i.imgur.com/2mM5ZmC.png)

      [that stretched cat tho](https://i.imgur.com/cTUYiRt.png)

      [Also, I like how Ian keeps trying to get a better look](https://i.imgur.com/xEEfpe9.png) [when Allelujah blocks his view](https://i.imgur.com/jBi7gRc.png)

      Sure, the combat team doesn’t need to know everything, but does anybody? I don’t think there’s any human who has the full picture of whatever Veda is scheming.

      Things just keep hitting closer and closer to home. Saji is a reasonably well-off guy in a relatively stable area, and even he’s starting to be directly impacted by things. This isn’t just somebody else’s problem anymore. It’s everybody’s.

      [Of course he does the Akira slide](https://i.imgur.com/hc5pMpT.png)

      Did Setsuna seriously not have a plan for the car having bulletproof glass? Or the police showing up? I guess this is what happens when you send a Gundam Meister to do an agent’s job.

      Kamal Majirif? So you had a fake name prepared after all why did you not give that to Saji instead of your actual codename?

      [Well, they don’t call themselves “Celestial Being” for nothing](https://i.imgur.com/VRMcJ1H.png)

      Peace talks are nice and all, but if they worked so easily, the world’s problems would have been solved long ago. As far as Celestial Being is concerned, the diplomatic solution has failed, and in the end, force is the only universal language. There’s also the matter of perspective. From where Marina is, war is just an unfortunate statistic to be minimized. But Setsuna has seen the war firsthand. Hundreds of people die in even the most minor conflict, and they continue to fight and die, somewhere in the world.

      [Oh that’s gonna give Tieria an aneurysm and a half](https://i.imgur.com/bIEmUxT.png)

      [Don’t forget, this is the beach episode](https://i.imgur.com/POmrYCQ.png)

      [Hey, where’s the Virtue’s GN Bazooka?](https://i.imgur.com/8m6VaXp.png) Yeah, the other guys didn’t bring their Gundams’ optional equipment, but Tieria just straight-up left his main weapon at home. Not that he’s lacking in firepower without it, but still.

      [Mobile Armor Shuichai!](https://i.imgur.com/JRku8Pr.png) It’s rather outdated and I forgot this thing even existed.

      [Another shield and two beam daggers lost.](https://i.imgur.com/Ig8m8X3.png) Come on, at least pull out the daggers and take them with you!

      [I’m surprised they’re all gushing over the Gundam instead of shitting their pants at the sight of it.](https://i.imgur.com/FCVEOAB.png) Hey, if you wave, maybe he’ll see you and wave back!


      Questions of the day:

      * *laughs in rewatcher*

      * I would have expected Ali to be first!

    13. **Rewatching, subbed**

      Crazy that Setsuna is going out there himself. You’d think Celestial Being would have another agent who isn’t also a pilot who could handle this.

      > Killing you won’t change anything

      Way to tell a worthless leader she’s worthless.

      Oh wow, he just straight-up gave away the fact that he’s a Gundam Meister. He once again demonstrates the complete vacancy that occupies the space his marbles ought to be at.

      Oh hey, everyone is just straight-up telling Celestial Being where their enemies are. How convenient.

      Once again Sumeragi is as Sumeragi does.

      They didn’t exactly go for the capture with this one. I’d have thought they’d want prisoners since they still have no idea what this group’s motivation is. Or perhaps it’s more convenient for the writers if they don’t have to come up with one?

      Wow, way to spook a bunch of passengers Setsuna. Anyways, why didn’t his GN particles disrupt all the passengers’ electronics? Nothing but an unfortunate inconsistency I suppose.

      > What do you think Celestial Being’s possible ulterior is that Kinue was theorizing about?

      I often wondered this on my first watch-through. Imagine Celestial Being intervenes in Ukraine but doesn’t do anything about Putin himself. It wouldn’t make much sense, would it?

      > Marina is now the first person outside of Celestial Being to know one of the Gundam Meisters by name and face (even if she thinks it was a bad joke), were you expecting someone else to earn this honor?

      Luckily I can’t remember so I might as well speculate. Anyways, Setsuna is completely nuts so who knows who he’ll tell next. Maybe Saji Crossroad? He seems like the type to give a very serious and intense answer to a mildly confused teenager.

    14. octopathfinder on

      **First Timer**

      [This looks like the type of bike you’d play children’s card games on](https://i.imgur.com/1XdJggd.png)

      [Bro really started blasting with no disguise on or anything](https://i.imgur.com/zjXzrFL.png)

      [Huh???](https://i.imgur.com/mnmo26L.png) Wasn’t he just getting yelled at last episode about how this is supposed to be top secret info?

      [Well good thing she thinks he’s just a comedian](https://i.imgur.com/z1Ri1yv.png)

      [Nice time to have a beach episode while the boys are fighting terrorists](https://i.imgur.com/gXT1iiw.png)

      This terrorist plot was way shorter than I thought it would be

    15. **Rewatcher, Subbed**

      **[Non-Spoiler Character Chart](https://i.imgur.com/SnX6DFX.jpeg)**


      Yesterday we got a brief flashback to a young Setsuna, today a young Lockon, no wonder he’s so upset about the terrorist’s plot, looks like he experienced it personally when he was a kid.

      Meanwhile up in space its just Licthy and Lasse hanging out together…

      We didn’t get a new Wang outfit for yesterday’s episode so luckily that episode where she had two of them enables her to remain at 8 episodes, 8 outfits with this latest one.

      This show’s a bit too serious for a beach episode, but how about a yacht episode? Something tells me Christina picked out Feldt’s yacht attire.

      Feldt and Haro being friends is so cute.

      Azadistan’s got it tough, it’s hard for Marina to find help for them and there’s in-fighting too.

      Official confirmation of Louise’s home country, Spain! Similar to Britain its a fortunate one that hasn’t been renamed after all this time.

      The victim’s families are mad at Celestial Being… and not the terrorists who are actually responsible for the deaths?

      So the Gundam Meisters are split up all across the world, huh?

      From Gundam Meister to secret agent fighting in person…

      Marina looked out the window and probably thought “Hey, I saw that guy in the OP sequence!”

      Wow, Setsuna’s lucky she showed up.

      Kamal Mazarif, ugh, I left enough space in my character chart for two names, not three… as I’m pretty sure he just made this up for this moment I’m gonna hold off on adding it.

      Celestial Being finding out who the terrorists are is coming off a bit too easy to me…

      Criticizing Celestial Being? Uh oh, if only you knew who you were talking to Marina…

      It was bad enough that he got out of his Gundam last episode, now Setsuna’s admitting to his codename and that he’s a Gundam Meister…

      For the Celestial Being ladies it is a beach episode after all!

      For a sec there I wondered if Graham & friends would show up to take on Lockon, but I guess it’s just the Exia that the focus is on with him?

      Ooh, a mobile armor! Cool to see, but didn’t last too long.

      Setsuna’s really got a think for passing close by to Marina today, eh?


      **Quid’s Voice Actor of the Day**

      Today I’ll be featuring **Marina Ismail**, who is voiced in Japanese by **Ayumi Tsunematsu**. This is her first Gundam role, but she will later appear in Gundam AGE as Marina Asuno and Romy Ezelcant, SD Gundam Brave Battle Warriors as Qubeley, Gundam the Origin as Char and Sayla’s Mother and the Witch from Mercury as Belmeria Winston. Other anime roles of hers I’ve run across include Akito’s Mother in Code Geass: Akito the Exiled, Maiya Hisau in Fate Zero and Rackage in Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet.

      She is voiced in English by **Paula Lindberg**. I have never come across her in any other anime, and looks like her overall voice acting is limited to just a few other roles such as Alley Hisaka in Starship Operators and Rin Sai in The Story of Saiunkoku.

    16. **Firsttimer** who still didn’t find time to read yesterdays thread, but could at least write something more coherent today

      * [Lockons](https://imgur.com/uMVILyG) [Backstory](https://imgur.com/fhBsvCy) explains his aversion towards Terrorists, I have to asume he lost [a few](https://imgur.com/RlZYJIO) people dear to him…
      * In that regard, I recall him waiting for some small fries to just run away before, but [not today](https://imgur.com/EMzHF3F)
      * Funny how the title and the first line [line up](https://imgur.com/wbuKE9Q)
      * [Meido](https://imgur.com/NU2sIOP) [](#awe)
      * Wonder what [Feldts](https://imgur.com/j4Zm9og) relationship to [Haro](https://imgur.com/mU0dNwX) is… did she maybe program him? Does this make her his mother?
      * [Interesting](https://imgur.com/vFL1pZx)… would that be a country we haven’t met so far?
      * Sounds like a [lively](https://imgur.com/OUvjP89) democracy
      * [More Orphans](https://imgur.com/F2CzTOd)… But I do wonder what their role in the grand scheme of things is? Just a civilian contrast to deliver exposition from time to time?
      * [Ali](https://imgur.com/sPZlZlr) quickly becoming worst guy
      * The Idea of [Setsuna](https://imgur.com/onxHCGA) doing covert operations sounds cool, too bad it didn’t amount to much
      * Similar to the Tokyo Orphans, I wonder about [Princess Amidalas](https://imgur.com/JjsWnPC) role beside [randomly](https://imgur.com/efGgkJq) being at important places, but she at least raises some philosophical questions… silly ones mind you, but still
      * Like lets say [the conservatives](https://imgur.com/S1KJGW8) start a [civil war](https://imgur.com/Knlypah) in her country. Would she rather wait for that to take it’s [natural course](https://imgur.com/nfrBgyN) or have CB disarm them before innocents die and *force* them *back* to talks, because it looks like talking isn’t working for them
      * Also, this is the [third](https://imgur.com/GtLc6rd) name Setsuna has given
      * He must also wonder how his live must look like if CB had existed [earlier](https://imgur.com/gSkmlGL)
      * I love this [sneaky](https://imgur.com/B3EX4Rf) [politics](https://imgur.com/Y5nP2CA) though
      * Exia has a [cloak](https://imgur.com/IpiSUC1) [field](https://imgur.com/otQw2Y9) [](#maxshock) this better be coming back up again later
      * Wait, [was](https://imgur.com/I25eH7T) [this](https://imgur.com/LsENZv6) [the](https://imgur.com/DUytyVl) [beach](https://imgur.com/RbmlGLl) [episode](https://imgur.com/0Vm90KY) [all along](https://imgur.com/htA4ER2) [](#vacationcup)
      * What are you even [doing](https://imgur.com/T4xbXxN) [](#pointandlaugh) though I notice a difference in the grade of preparedness the [eco terrorist](https://imgur.com/3wAmdm0) show, one camp got completly wiped without warning, one at least pretended to deffend themself, and one had a [mean](https://imgur.com/18Y6XgX) [trick](https://imgur.com/jcbOyHZ) prepared… now I wonder if this was a trap from one of the major factions to capture a Gundam [](#rengethink)
      * Also, Setsuna [sucks](https://imgur.com/58R4a2S) at staying [subtle](https://imgur.com/cKMYMI7)


      * Wasn’t it already declared that they plan to unite the factions against *them*?
      * Would have thought Ali to figure it out first

    17. TakenRedditName on

      **Rewatcher – Gundam 00 Ep8:**

      There is something a little funny about seeing Wang Liu Mei’s [Barbie super secret spycraft](https://i.imgur.com/gq5WiyX.png) and the [CB crew waiting on her pink boat.](https://i.imgur.com/EtItqO4.png)


      I usually don’t comment about this obvious stuff, but since this episode indulges in itself, the panning shot of Feldt picking up Haro was sure an excuse for “Anime camera angles” moment.

      I love the [little future bike](https://i.imgur.com/u9ThIPx.png) the episode makes Setsuna ride in.

      [Marina thought she could extend some hometown solidarity](https://i.imgur.com/4IUjkFK.png) only to step on [her country’s biggest landmine.](https://i.imgur.com/xMyrjmz.png)


      I like the talk between Marina and Setsuna. It sorta had an unhinged escalation at the end with the quick play between Setsuna’s declaring he never stopped fighting -> Marina thinks he is here to kill her -> Him announcing his secret identity of being world enemy number 1.

      Random aside, [this screencap](https://i.imgur.com/2knRYE0.png) is making really look at how Marina’s eyes are so big and blue. Her and Setsuna are the flipped case of “Big beautiful brown eyes vs Blue eyes that will stare into your soul” meme.

      Oh man, [Tieria is not going to be happy about this one.](https://i.imgur.com/Pq8QC7m.png) It was already questionable that CB sent out one of its Gundam pilots for an on-the-ground mission, but Setsuna is practically giving away his identity for free.

      Bit funny to see the show try to squeeze in the its obligatory cute beach episode moments while the dramatic music is still playing meant for CB doing a hit on tons of people with full malice this time.

      It was brief, but the show managed to squeeze in the [“Gundam gets pulled underwater by a Mobile Armour”](https://i.imgur.com/9BIQ4aO.png) episode the run. The Bigro staple.

    18. First timer. Dubbed (Kudos to the dub team for having that cop speak with an Irish accent).

      I find it interesting that it’s only NOW that Saji feels like these events directly impact him after nearly being blown up in a terrorist attack, and not, yknow, after he & Rouise almost burned to death falling to earth. But that kind of shit is somewhat natural sadly, most people are like that. Greater events that are happening in the world don’t really affect them, not even the smallest ways they actually do like price hikes and other economic issues. It’s only until they end up in a situation where their lives are put in direct danger where they begin to change their tune.

      And am I tripping or does that asshole assistant actually care about our Gundam Princess?

      What I don’t get about Setsuna is that he fully acknowledges the fact that whilst bigger shit is happening, people are still fighting and dying regardless, so if he knows this then why the fuck is he contributing to that? He even says right here that he’s BEEN fighting and is STILL fighting, so all I can get from this is that he never really grew out of childhood indoctrination of carrying out missions, he’s just doing them on a much bigger scale. It would explain why he reacted the way he did to the guy who indoctrinated him, bro is feeling some kind of way about his abuser and it shows.

      Khamal Mazerif is his favorite actual codename… right? Because he said Setsuna was his codename and now I’m confused and beginning to wonder if that’s why Meisters say both their name and surnames to each other.

    19. **First Timer**

      A bit of a less hectic episode, with everyone dealing with the fallout from recent events. I really liked the conversation between Kinue and Saji where he realizes that the current state of the world *does* in fact matter a lot to him; the show’s recurring focus on civilian perspectives and how different their experiences are from has been interesting. I also agree with Kinue’s analysis of Celestial Being: their insistence on fighting a hopeless battle does seem to indicate that their real goals lie beyond the eradication of war. 

      As for Marina and Setsuna’s meeting … okay, I know it was supposed to be a super tense, serious scene where the differences in their ideologies (which happen to be the central conflict of the show at the moment) are on full display … but the split screen effects, the zoom-ins, Setsuna’s deadpan delivery, Marina’s shocked facial expressions … I couldn’t stop laughing. Still, it was an important moment for the two of them, with each being confronted with a viewpoint opposite to their own and Setsuna revealing his true identity–or at least an identity a bit truer than what he initially gave Marina. 

    20. **00th Timer Searching for the One**

      * [I see why Lockon is taking this especially personally](https://i.imgur.com/Qoop00a.jpeg)
      * [Beach episode?](https://i.imgur.com/D0dxmYw.jpeg) Shame it’s just the girls though.
      * At the start of the series we assumed that CB are just reactive, they go wherever there is war to stop it, but the last few episodes especially have made it clear that [that’s not the case.](https://i.imgur.com/hnMqW7T.jpeg) They’re following a “Grand Plan” as it were, without fully understanding its purposes.
      * [Noooo](https://i.imgur.com/TLJC20K.jpeg) why send the one with the stick up his ass here? Send Lockon, he’d be right at home.
      * “Hey Setsuna, that thing you did against Ali where you almost revealed your identity? Never do it again, ok?” Setsuna: “Understood, [I won’t stop at “almost” next time](https://i.imgur.com/heyKv3l.jpeg)”.


      >1) What do you think Celestial Being’s possible ulterior is that Kinue was theorizing about?

      The obvious one would be they want the whole world to hate them, to unite the world against them. But I don’t think that’s the truth… there’s something more sinister in there, someone in CB is using them for their own motives (I’d bet on the suit guy).

      >2) Marina is now the first person outside of Celestial Being to know one of the Gundam Meisters by name and face (even if she thinks it was a bad joke), were you expecting someone else to earn this honor?

      I expected her to get along with CB eventually, so this is just the awkward start. If we’re talking about others who will learn the secret:

      * Her secretary
      * Ali
      * Kintoki
      * The whole world when we’re getting close to the ending.

    21. BadBehaviour613 on


      Galactically hunted terrorists going on a beach trip. The first time I saw it I realized 00 wasn’t going to be less goofy than Seed

    22. InfamousEmpire on

      **Kidou Senshi Rewatcher 00**

      Before talking about the contents of the episode directly, I will first say there’s a couple details that get me thinking in terms of how they contextualize the previous one a bit.

      – The first mostly comes from Lockon’s flashback at the start of the episode, mostly in how the fact that he was traumatized as a child by a terrorist attack adds a bit more explicit meaning to his argument with Tieria (as well as just being solid character-building for him in general, showing how, despite the smile he puts on & his laidback attitude, he’s concealing just as much pain as Setsuna & Allelujah).

      – The second is in Saji’s conversation with Kinue, mostly in how his thoughts on how it feels like the conflicts going on around him matter so much more to him now plays interestingly with the framing of the Bus bombing scene. Just before it, there is a focus on the civilian-side negative aftereffects of Celestial Being, but it’s… distant. The choice to present it through the lens of the news was definitely really strong as an artistic choice, but doing so in combination with throwing in Saji & Louise’s POV going about some usual first world teenager shit right afterwards creates an interesting… dissonance. Like they exist in a secure bubble unaffected by Celestial Being or the wars raging in the world miles away from them. A bubble which bursts the moment they almost die in the bus bombing.

      I could plug the thesis of the latter paragraph into my comment for Episode 7 comment, since I’m writing this before that thread goes up & it doesn’t necessarily need this episode’s details to make sense, but I’m frankly too lazy for that.^1

      ^(1: You can tell this line was written before I spent an hour on this comment lol)

      Anyway, as for this episode, the main meat of it mostly comes in the form of Setsuna’s conversation with Marina, which provides some interesting perspective & characterization. So, right off the bat, Marina’s perspective is common sense stuff in theory. Peace negotiations & reaching out to the other side in any form are pretty much a necessity for any conflict to really end in any meaningful sense. At the same time, though, the fact that she’s clearly more than a little naive puts wrinkles to that idea in practice, where pretty words about reaching across the aisle can only get you far when you can back them up.

      And on that note, Setsuna’s side is really compelling in how much it says about his own life experiences. He’s someone who feels let down by the system, by general platitudes about reaching out & forming dialogues that come across as little more than hollow platitudes to him. He never really got to see the fruits of diplomacy, especially when you consider how, even after the war in Krugis came to an end, the region is still unstable & about to slip into conflict again, given how Azadistan currently is. So the only thing he’s seen that’s been able to bring any semblance of salvation & peace to his own life was the Gundam which rescued him as a child, thus he sees its methods as the only thing able to bring real peace. This isn’t even mentioning how the fact that Setsuna has clearly never known anything except constant fighting for most of his life has also shaped his worldview.

      It’s a flawed ideology which only thinks in the short-term, sure, but it’s also a genuinely fascinating portrait of someone too broken by the tragedies the world has inflicted on him to be able to believe in anything except the universal languages of power & force. It’s less about making you consider his ideology to be viable and more about how it informs who he is.

      Put together, the clash in ideals between the two is also very much a microcosm of the greater ideological clash the series has been dealing with regarding how CB’s methods work in the short-term but don’t fix any real problems in the long-term.

      The threat of an intervention in Azadistan is also a great plot hook. It has the potential to put both Marina & Setsuna’s viewpoints to the test, and the fact that a potential intervention is framed as a threat in the first place does continue to emphasize what the series has been getting at regarding the negative impacts CB’s interventions have.

      On a slightly less serious note, between this & the Saachez incident last episode, Setsuna being much more impulsive & uncaring of CB’s rules when his childhood trauma is unearthed is now very much a consistent character trait of Setsuna’s, but thankfully he blabbed to one of the less likely people to spill the beans. What a silly goose.

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