Episode 6 – Seven Swords

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    Celestial Being rescued us, but now they're starting a war themselves. Doing that isn't gonna change the world. It'll just create hate.

    Questions of the Day:

    1) If you were in this world, which side do you think you'd want to be on?

    2) This episode has hinted at connections from the past for Setsuna, Allelujah, and Sumeragi with Ali al-Saachez, Soma, and Billy, respectively. Which are you most interested in seeing develop?

    Wallpaper of the Day:

    Graham Aker

    Rewatchers, please remember to be mindful of all the first-timers in this. No talking about or hinting at future events no matter how much you want to, unless you're doing it underneath spoiler tags. Don't spoil anything for the first-timers, that's rude!

    Additionally, for long-time fans of the franchise, please remember that this rewatch is only for 00, not any of the other shows. Assume that there are people in this rewatch who have not seen anything else Gundam, and tag your spoilers for those shows appropriately if something in 00 makes you want to talk about them.

    by Shimmering-Sky


    1. Shimmering-Sky on

      **Rewatch Host Wishing Over This Airspace, subbed**

      [Welcome back, everyone!](#michaelwink)

      I came so close to being utterly fucked with all of my rewatches last night, laptop crashed before I could finish any of my episodes for today and wouldn’t boot back up until this morning, but this one in particular would’ve been bad because I didn’t have any of the other wallpapers I’ve pre-prepared or the episode title cards uploaded yet (*now* I do). I was so scared I was gonna have a repeat of what happened during my 2018 Death parade rewatch. [](#scaredmio)

      – On one hand, [Keiji Fujiwara…](#trynottocry), on the other [implied later spoilers]>!fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck I hate it when shows give my favorite voices to characters I very much do not like. This is gonna be a pain.!< [](#hardthink)

      – [It *is* about time we get more of the AEU.](https://i.imgur.com/vzMlTy3.png) Poor Patrick’s been the only named character on that side this whole time.

      – [Sergei raises a *damn* good point.](https://i.imgur.com/hMc1Rtz.png) Ordinarily, I would *hope* you’d never field someone who had a breakdown like that in the middle of battle again. [](#kumikolook)

      – [Speaking of Patrick…](https://i.imgur.com/I70i3ja.png) [](#urarahype) ~~I can hear Naz groaning from the other side of the world.~~

      – [I love the Dynames’ shield loadout](https://i.imgur.com/QqxsCOK.png), something about them just triggers the “this looks super fucking cool” button in my head. [](#hypeoverload)

      – [A hint towards Sumeragi’s past…](https://i.imgur.com/976gjjh.png)

      – [lol](https://i.imgur.com/iaI0eFx.png) [](#pointandlaugh)

      – [Setsuna knows his opponent…](https://i.imgur.com/w9UXuNv.png) [](#emiliaohdear)

    2. **Rewatcher, First Time Sub**

      Celestial Being’s next intervention is against the Republic of Moralia, a rather interesting country that’s big in the war business. They bring in their mercenaries and make alliances with the AEU for a “training exercise” in order to protect their interests. The battle that ensues brings in the connection between Setsuna and one of the mercenary leaders, Ali al-Saachez and his own new Mobile Unit as well as Setsuna’s former commander who had indoctrinated him as a child soldier.

      Meanwhile we learn that Billy and Sumeragi know each other though Billy seems unaware of her role in CB. It brings some interesting things about her and her past especially as to how she became involved with them in the first place. Besides that it’s clear that Billy seems rather interested in her which I can’t blame him for.

      For the ace of the AEU, Patrick Colasour keeps taking L’s, I still believe in his rise though

    3. **First-Timer**

      **On today’s episode of Gundam:** I’m not sure setting up your entire country to be based on Private Military Companies is such a good idea. Clearly these people have forgotten what Machiavelli had to say about mercenaries: [“Mercenaries and auxiliaries are at once useless and dangerous, and he who holds his State by means of mercenary troops can never be solidly or securely seated. For such troops are disunited, ambitious, insubordinate, treacherous, insolent among friends, cowardly before foes, and without fear of God or faith with man. Whenever they are attacked defeat follows; so that in peace you are plundered by them, in war by your enemies. And this because they have no tie or motive to keep them in the field beyond their paltry pay, in return for which it would be too much to expect them to give their lives. They are ready enough, therefore, to be your soldiers while you are at peace, but when war is declared they make off and disappear.”](https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Annotated_Prince/Chapter_XII)

      – “Let’s now worry about what happened in the past. We’re deploying troops on foreign soil because it’s what’s best for the AEU today.” Gee, [I wonder what foreign intervention in the past might have gone so poorly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War) that politicians and military leaders were saying it wouldn’t happen again during other interventions when this series was being made?

      – The AEU is competing in space mostly because it can’t stand the possibility of being left behind in the space race. This is one of the weird parts of international politics. One country may not care about a particular region, but it can’t allow a rival country to have control of it instead.

      – If the AEU is only sending in the troops of countries who volunteer to send troops, I guess the AEU is sending a [coalition of the willing.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coalition_of_the_willing_(Iraq_War))

      – The AEU are literally White Knighting. [](#kukuku)

      – Oh damn, they locked Allelujah in what looks like a padded cell for his actions. [](#hornyjail)

      – Tieria sure is building team spirit by saying he thinks Allelujah is unworthy of piloting a Gundam.

      – That confirms it. Allelujah must be a genetically enhanced person like Soma.

      – Jeez, Moralia seems like it was essentially set up to be a country for Private Military Companies.

      – [PATRICK!!!](#woo)

      – Smart move to take care of your shopping before inflation hits. [](#tiredaoi)

      – Celestial Being must have a lot of people helping with the development of all these weapons. Ian is just the tip of the iceberg.

      – A blade powered by the GN particles sounds really cool. [](#doggo)

      – Ooh! Sumeragi and Billy know each other! It seems they are old flames.

      – Sumeragi is not so subtly trying to figure out exactly what Billy and the anti-Gundam task force know.

      – The Gundams really do have a bunch of bright and shiny new toys to play with here. [](#mugistronk)

      – Once again, Patrick goes down without really putting up a fight. [](#pointandlaugh)

      – Oh this is a good development. That one mercenary is someone who Setsuna knows from his childhood. This fight being a grudge match makes it way more exciting. [](#concealedexcitement)

      PMCs would be another big issue in the modern world and modern conflicts. They are all over the place. A common term used for them is “contractors” and they were very heavily involved in the War on Terror. A significant number of the soldiers deployed by the US in Iraq and Afghanistan were contractors from PMCs. Blackwater is probably the most famous one, though it is not the only one. Government-sponsored and employed PMCs are certainly a thing in the real world and it makes sense that Gundam 00 is including them in the series.

      I’m really excited that the one mercenary is someone from Setsuna’s past. That makes the fight between them a lot more interesting because of the personal history they share. I imagine that the next episode will focus a lot on Setsuna’s childhood. We already know that Setsuna is a child soldier, but we’re lacking in the specifics. Hopefully the next episode will begin to fill in those details.


      1) As long as I’m not a merc, I think I’d be happy.

      2) Soma and Allelujah is the one I’m most interested in right now. I love seeing how the Newtype resonance stuff works out for characters. Additionally, I’m really curious about Billy and Sumeragi because they seem like they were an item in the past that aren’t quite over each other. I’m getting Misato and Kaji vibes from them.

    4. **First Timer – sub**

      I’m finally being not-lazy enough to actually start an album for this show, only because [I wanted to laugh at this visual some more](https://imgur.com/nK2Eyg6). Because the four of them flying together is kind of hilarious. Setsuna is in such a typical Gundam in its core sillouette and colors that even non genre fans could probably identify it as a Gundam. Lockon’s looks a little bird like which is both a nice contrast without being completely mismatched to Setsuna but is sharper and more neutral. Then you have Alelujah who’s effectively just a weirdly proportioned plane. And Tieria is a flying rock. I love it. It’s making me giggle so I’m leaving it on my screen while typing the rest of the post.

      One observation for today is the interesting position that Lockon is in. Media as a whole has a tendency to make sniper characters a loner, and one who’s usually either cold or reckless when it comes to their relationships and sometimes aim. In reality snipers almost always work in pairs, a sniper and spotter, for safety but also accuracy. Haro serving as the spotter for Lockon gives his amiable personality someone to bounce off in the battle scenes in a way you usually wouldn’t see in the sniper role, as well as allow Lockon to be safe without risking always having to divert battles to “saving” him or having him so far out of battle range he’s never at risk at all. It’s a nice set up.

      Had a little laugh that I made an off hand comment to /u/Great_Mr_L yesterday about how the faction tensions were starting to remind me of the space race, and today we get told there’s a space development race that’s already been underway because of the elevators. It’s nice to see the show actually following through on the tone of these initial setups quite well

      Similarly, while they didn’t do it back in episode two which is when we first started talking about it, they have started to address the consequences and problems of dismantling war from an economical side. 20% of a countries companies being PMCs is a huge deal, and they’re probably a significantly higher percentage of its economy as a result, and removing that would have far reaching consequences not just for war, or even for the country, but anyone connected to it even several times removed. The fall even of a small country is not a small thing.

      Today’s council meeting with the AEU actually had decent dialogue I’m happy to say, and wanted to say it specifically after the last couple of days of complaining. It’s nothing fancy, but it also didn’t need to be. It was a bunch of powerful people sitting around a table trying to diplomatically throw their weight around. It did what it set out to do by painting a clear picture of the internal balance of the AEU, and without sacrificing the flow of the scene for writing quirks. yay.

      I do not know her name, but I like the data obsessed girl. I also really like the new military guys mech’s design, though hearing Keiji Fujiwara’s voice out of the man made me sad for a moment, such a shame when he passed away even though it’s been a few years. Immediately recognized his voice, and he does it well here.

      At first I thought Setsuna’s new weapon was a dual ended glaive, and I was going to be so excited. But no, it’s just matching swords. Not nearly as fun.

      I was going to be annoyed at Patrick showing up again, but seeing him shot down in half a second flat made me so happy I was getting flashbacks of [this dude who’s name I forgot from Build Fighters](https://imgur.com/Kb4q6Oh) and getting similar amusement out of him.

      Not much time to comment on ponytail guy and his meeting with Sumeragi, but I do like how they show that the people from CB aren’t disconnected from the world, they had to live and learn somewhere first, and Sumeragi wasn’t just a born genius who did all of this herself. I hope this leads to interesting stuff with the professor.

    5. **First timer, subs**

      * You put your space arm in the hands of mercenaries?
      * Always with the 300 years ago. Did history just take a pause? Think about how much happened to us in the last 300 years. Lincoln was sending faxes to samurai, people!
      * Man is really using “white knight” ironically.
      * Space solitary? Gotta keep the ideology pure, eh?
      * This is just a modern boarder map! The only difference is Russia being randomly slip in two.
      * [He’s Back!](#urarahype) Live up to your hype, Pat.
      * [Priorities](#rum)
      * How many kinds of swords does one mech need? Ah, seven, apparently.
      * Turns out it’s a lot easier to reverse engineer technology than it is to develop now ones.
      * It’s… Blue? I don’t see the improvement of this prototype.
      * Cute little cube dongles.
      * You can’t just name someone Ribbons and not have them do anything.
      * Shoulder cannons are the best kind!
      * The gold scar is its charm point.


      1) AEU seem the least crazy. Is Australia still an option on the table?

      2) Sumeragi×Billy > Allelujah×Soma > Setsuna×Ali al-Saachez

    6. **Rewatcher, Sub-dam Meister**

      [Right, it is about that time, isn’t it?](https://i.imgur.com/8IU18zr.jpeg)

      [Prince Ali, murderous he, Ali al-Saachez.](https://i.imgur.com/iLsMxey.jpeg) Bloodthirst of ten regular men, definitely. Attentive viewers might recognize his voice.

      [Poor guy got thrown in the brig for a week.](https://i.imgur.com/5saYdCv.jpeg)

      [A shame that the cast are all living in extraordinary times.](https://i.imgur.com/m2hFRl4.jpeg)

      [It would cut into the bottom line, after all.](https://i.imgur.com/b2Vxfha.jpeg)

      [Setsuna puts on such a cold front.](https://i.imgur.com/AOvhn9Z.jpeg)

      [D’aww, look at him.](https://i.imgur.com/uFrWYL8.jpeg) So arrogant.

      [And armor.](https://i.imgur.com/v5kmnYK.jpeg)

      [She says, about an event that neither of them clarified.](https://i.imgur.com/f00Xjq7.jpeg)

      [Capturing is typically more difficult than killing, after all.](https://i.imgur.com/sgvM1Qq.jpeg)

      [Why yes, Sumeragi’s shirt is rather ridiculous.](https://i.imgur.com/xAGx0NJ.jpeg)

      [My son, working another day at the job factory.](https://i.imgur.com/5S1G6zw.jpeg)

      [For those keeping track, that’s two Beam Daggers, two Beam Sabers, two GN Blades, and one GN Sword.](https://i.imgur.com/U7nVKMr.jpeg) Thus giving the Exia Seven Swords.

    7. *A Gundam Fan Rewatches Gundam 00 Episode 6:*

      – Scott McNeil! It’s good to have him back for a Gundam role, although he’s quite different from Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing. Ali Al-Saachez is quite the mercenary bastard through and through.

      – Of course the AEU is making their moves too, now that they’ve seen how Celestial Being plays their cards in tough political situations. In this case, debating on how to handle the country of Moralia, which is an ally but not a member of their power bloc. For them, supporting Moralia and its mercenaries is a money sink, but they need the security for their space development projects. So the best idea they have is to get Moralia to mobilize their forces along with their own, which would then get Celestial Being involved. Afterwards, they’ll swoop in as Moralia’s white knights and get what they want from them that way. Hell of a situation, isn’t it? It didn’t take long for people to find ways to make Celestial Being their patsies and plan around them.

      – Poor Allelujah, he got tossed into solitary confinement for a week for deviating from the previously planned mission. He got punished for doing the morally correct thing there. And I wouldn’t doubt it that it was Tieria who pushed for that punishment, given how he says straight to Allelujah’s face that he isn’t worthy of being a Gundam Meister. For a guy dressed in cozy clothes with pastel colors, Tieria really is an abrasive jerk.

      – Quantum brainwaves! You can tell that this is a concept that was absolutely cooked up in the mid 2000s, since that’s really around the time quantum mechanics really got picked up by the average person as a concept. Just put the word “quantum” next to something, and suddenly it sounds like super advanced science.

      – Marina’s stuck in a hard place: the AEU won’t help with solar power generation because of how unstable Azadistan is, and Azadistan is unstable because its economy is a wreck due to not being able to shift towards solar energy production. It makes it so that no power bloc wants to take her country on as a charity case. It certainly isn’t easy being a politically active princess.

      – Poor Saji, he’s just trying to do the nice thing and bring Setsuna some dinner, but his neighbor just happens to be an edgy Gundam pilot who talks about how close him and Louise were to dying when the gravity block fell. It’s hard being neighbors with an edgy Gundam pilot.

      – Okay, you know your setting has something deeply wrong with it if Monaco (it’s absolutely Monaco, we’re just doing that weird alternate name stuff again with Moralia) somehow ended up becoming a hub for mercenaries. Hell, nearly a quarter of their total economy comes from the PMC Trust mega-corporation there. That’s straight up some Metal Gear Solid 4 shit right there. Are we sure that Revolver Ocelot somehow isn’t pulling the strings from behind the scenes here?

      – Side note, but between this and Infinite Ryvius, I’ve been hearing plenty of Chantal Strand this year. She voices a character in that as well as Feldt here. I guess when you watch a lot of dubbed anime, you really do pick up on the repeats, especially since the Ocean Group dubs a fuckton of stuff. It’s the resident stable for Vancouver-based English dubbing.

      – It’s him! It’s Patrick Colasour again! The lad returns!

      – Talk about a surprising connection there, apparently Sumeragi and Billy are old friends, maybe something a bit more too. I guess this social call turned more into a business one for Sumeragi though, since she began to subtly pump him for information once Billy mentioned being a part of the Anti-Gundam Task Force. I guess we can call it more if a working vacation instead. Anyways, apparently Billy and Professor Eifman also know her as “Kujoh” rather than Sumeragi, as well as there being some “incident” she was involved with as a combat forecaster. She really is a complex woman, given how many mysteries these scenes raise about her.

      – God damn, the sheer cleavage in Sumeragi’s clothing on this mission is nuts. She’s damn near spilling out of her top. It’s definitely up there with the level of cleavage that Chara Soon brings to ZZ Gundam.

      – “I’m glad I have you around to mysteriously monologue at Ribbons, my favorite mysterious twink servant.” —Alejandro Corner

      – Welp, there goes Patrick, spinning out of control and away from the fight as soon as he barely dodged Gundam Virtue’s attack. Mr. Special is blasting off again! But don’t worry, surely he’ll get to face off against a Gundam properly next time.

      – Well shit, speaking of surprising connections, it turns out that Setsuna knows Ali. In fact, he served under him as a child soldier back in the day, with Ali just throwing children into the fray against Mobile Suits. It isn’t just Metal Gear we’re taking notes from in this episode, but Full Metal Panic as well. This is like the greatest hits version of mecha series happening so far.

      Okay, since the Gundam Exia Seven Swords version was introduced in this episode, I’m going to take this opportunity to complain about the RG Gunpla it got. It’s easily one of the most frustrating kits that I’ve assembled. You know, I wanted to pull it back out of storage and onto my display shelf since we’re doing this rewatch, but even just touching it reminded me why it’s pretty much taking a permanent residence in my gunpla storage box. Every single time I try to put one part back on after it falls off, another one pops off in its place. That fucking right shoulder might as well be held onto the main body only with the wish of a dying child. It pops off so easily that it should be a hype man in a rap battle video instead of a gunpla. After a while of trying to get it all right, I just gave up entirely on putting it back on the shelf. The only one I’ve made that’s more frustrating is my gunpla of the Vic Viper from Zone of the Enders 2, and that’s one where it falls apart and crushes the stand it comes with if you put it into flight mode. Okay, venting over.

    8. **Rewatcher found a port. Here it is. Don’t ask what it’s called or anything.**


      [Prince Ali is here!](https://i.imgur.com/KEFfuKp.png) And as a mercenary who relies on war in order to profit, he’s the polar opposite of everything Celestial Being stands for.

      Now it’s the AEU’s turn to start targeting the Gundams!

      [Every time I see somebody locked up, I gotta wonder, where is their toilet?](https://i.imgur.com/7gdztBD.png) Maybe there’s a space toilet *juuust* out of frame in the corner somewhere.

      If two super soldiers even being near each other can mess both of them up so badly, that feels like a pretty big oversight!

      [“Found a port”](https://i.imgur.com/2f45G0e.png). Yes. Yes, you did. Also, “Port of Moraria”.

      [THE IMMORTAL COLASOUR IS BACK](https://i.imgur.com/vKkQOSm.png)

      [Google “Gundam 00 inflation” to learn more](https://i.imgur.com/pyY4GhL.png)

      Ian’s here, and he’s brought new equipment! Well, it’s really just the stuff that they were supposed to have from the beginning but hit developmental delays along the way. [Dynames’ GN Full Shield](https://i.imgur.com/qaxaSKG.png) is a pair of movable GN Shields, which Haro automatically moves to block attacks from the front, sides, or rear. Individual sections of the shields can flip up and out of the way, allowing the Dynames to shoot even when its entire front is covered. Its development took longer than expected due to challenges in balancing the lightness of the equipment with the energy supplied to the GN Field on its surface. [Exia’s GN Blades](https://i.imgur.com/Huw2EIe.png) are a pair of physical swords of differing lengths, and, like its signature GN Sword, are coated with GN particles to enhance their cutting ability. They needed more time in order to tune them for their hidden purpose, something that we’ll get into later…

      [She’s 26, by the way.](https://i.imgur.com/nhpABKR.png)

      AEU’s main unit is the Enact’s precursor, the [Hellion](https://i.imgur.com/WI1kuuj.png), which was developed using the Union Realdo as reference! There are two types here: The ones flying around are the [Hellion Perpetuums](https://i.imgur.com/fNOjIWB.png), which are capable of partsforming in-hangar, while the ones walking are [Hellion Ground Types](https://i.imgur.com/D0IMjRa.png), which have had the transformation removed and the wings shortened.

      [Ali gets a custom Enact!](https://i.imgur.com/o7fbfAJ.png) Notice that the head is shaped a little differently from Patrick’s unit. A few reasons have been given for this. The antennae have been enlarged to receive more power from the AEU’s space elevator, the new head’s sensors are tuned for the climate at lower latitudes… and because Moralia found Patrick’s “fight” against the Exia *so embarrassing* that they refused to use the same head.

      [I’m looking respectfully.](https://i.imgur.com/DmUpL4A.png)

      Kujo? SHE’S A JOESTAR

      [Guys, it would help](https://i.imgur.com/BlCZnS4.png) [if you didn’t just stand there](https://i.imgur.com/MO9YvwY.png) [staring slack-jawed](https://i.imgur.com/lOx3WJJ.png) [at the Gundams.](https://i.imgur.com/0TE4hGJ.png) Especially those guys who basically just lined up and patiently waited for the Dynames and Virtue to shoot them. Seriously wtf guys Lockon wasn’t even trying and the Virtue isn’t made for anti-MS combat and you have them surrounded and outnumbered JUST STEP TWO METERS TO THE RIGHT.

      [And here we see a wild Colasour in its natural state](https://i.imgur.com/kRvhhvG.png)

      [It was him all along!](https://i.imgur.com/Ic5YUeF.png) What a heartwarming reunion.


      Questions of the day:

      * MURICA

      * Sumeragi and Billy!

    9. **Episode 6 (first timer)**

      * The Europeans are still doing what they know best: squabble among themselves.
      * Quantum brain wave blockers – let’s see if this techno babble blocker will actually work.
      * The AEU space elevator is not fully operational?
      * “Me neither” – dude.


      * Moralia and its “Port of Moraria” and “found a port” ports.
      * Moralia is Monaco?
      * The bridge crew of CB treat this as a shopping trip.


      * Only 6 episodes in and we get the first weapons upgrade.
      * Time for the AEU to show off their anti-gundam mecha.
      * CB starts an attack on Moralia for … holding a military exercise? Pulling back their PMCs from deployment? Talking to the AEU?
      * *Old acquaintance from childhood soldier days* cliff-hanger.

      The entire Moralia plotline has me puzzled. Why is any of this happening? Even if there is some ulterior motive for CB, why would Moralia be able to predict that they are getting attacked? It does not track with CB’s stated motive of eradicating war. Unless eradicating war has been mission crept into “eradicating armies”, which is completely different premise.

      > If you were in this world, which side do you think you’d want to be on?

      Morally, probably one of the smaller nations. To live, the Union looked best.

    10. **First Timer – Sub**

      Am I supposed to remember where Moralia is? Is that the random small nation that’s not connected to the solar power network, or was that somewhere else?

      …I should not be this disappointed that Celestial Being threw the Gundam pilot in the brig for the crime of saving lives, but I am.

      Ah, right, the country with the princess we’ve seen before is Azadistan, and there she is now. Not related to this Moralia place. Which is apparently full of mercenaries.

      …okay, the backstory hints for Sumeragi are *pretty damn interesting*, but there isn’t really a lot to go on here. And there is most *definitely* something fishy with Celestial Being’s aims/actions.

      Gah. There’s still loads of time fot reveals, I’ll probably have a lot more to say once we know more.

    11. **Rewatching, subbed**

      Won’t someone think of the mercenaries? Damn world peace taking our jobs!

      I really like how the chairs are mounted in this conference room. They can go side to side on a rail but they can’t go forward or backwards. It’s extravagant and I think it’s also neat. Also, the two-tiered table thing is funny. They can probably only see each others’ heads from across the table.

      Oh dang, Allelujah got sent to their weird-ass brig for over a week? That sucks.

      The twink appears just to be mean again, lol. What a guy.

      > It’s Celestial Being’s fault we’re like this

      Yeah, okay. Sure.

      Nice of Saji to offer, but Gundams don’t need to eat.

      It’s still unclear to me why these PMCs need to get involved in war for the AEU’s space elevator to be completed.

      Good to see that the support team have personalities that are just as steadfast and reliable as those of the Gundam pilots.

      I like the little projector thingy Sumeragi was using at the bar, but it’s unclear to me how the UI would work. Perhaps it’s gesture-based, or remote-controlled with a smartphone-like device?

      I think this might be the first time we’ve seen Sumeragi not drink during an operation. Maybe it doesn’t count though since she was drinking immediately beforehand.

      Oh hey it’s that guy. I’m sure Setsuna will continue to be a mentally well-adjusted adult who doesn’t get tilted by this at all.

      > If you were in this world, which side do you think you’d want to be on?

      I would be minding my own business.

      > This episode has hinted at connections from the past for Setsuna, Allelujah, and Sumeragi with Ali al-Saachez, Soma, and Billy, respectively. Which are you most interested in seeing develop?

      Since I have some memory of how this develops I think I’ll have to refrain from commenting.

    12. **First Timer**

      After a brief fit of pure altruism, Celestial Being is back to its old tricks today. Not very fair of them to lock up Allelujah for a week when most of the team also helped with the rescue operation. Otherwise it was nice to see more of the support crew members outside their regular roles; those more casual scenes definitely help them seem more like proper characters, particularly Sumeragi’s scene with Billy. 

      The Moralia stuff this episode is pretty typical of the show so far, so I don’t have much to say there, but we do get introduced to a new player in this game: Ali al-Saachez. Not sure what his role will be in the long run, but right now he seems to be in it for the money and to have a history with Setsuna, provoking what’s probably his strongest emotional reaction so far.

      Speaking of which … Setsuna *is* the protagonist, right? It’s not like we know nothing about him (though most of what we do know is implied rather than told to us directly), but I feel like I know significantly more about some of the side characters compared to him. It also doesn’t help that he’s quite stoic and gets like 5 lines per episode. I’m not complaining yet as they *are* exploring his character a bit; it’s just unusual to have a main character who is out of focus so much at the beginning of the show. Usually the sidelining happens later on in a story. 

    13. baboon_bassoon on

      first timer who [has control](https://imgur.com/nFf4eA6)

      A bit surprised Sumeragi has ties to Union and not AEU who are supposed to be more technologically advanced. Maybe Union is behind because with whatever “incident” they decided to not progress research into using Veda


      Solitary for a week yikes

      Glial cells and quantum brain wave functions. Glial maybe relation to GN time will tell.

      [you were going to do that anyway](https://imgur.com/x3AmV04)

      Billy dont cheat on your man

      Feldt notably not wearing any of the clothes genki girl got for her

      so what are the seven swords. 2 new ones, beam saber, 2 short beam sabers, and the regular sword. Whats the last one.

      I would love if Ali is the actual pilot representing AEU and Patrick is comic relief

      Ali had a run in with Setsuna before, maybe saved him as a kid

    14. TakenRedditName on

      **Rewatcher – Gundam 00 Ep6:**

      Super scruffy comment since I was busy and have no time.

      Since seeing it pointed out, I do pick up on it more when 00 decides to rename an existing country. Turns out in 300 years, Monaco becomes a tiny republic dedicated to mercenary companies.


      I thought it was nice seeing some downtime with the characters. It was casual downtime mainly for girls, the boys were either thrown in solitary confinement or getting new toys for their robots.

      I know the trope age is 25, but if we’re going by her profile-stated age, Sumeragi is only 26. From how she acts and is coded as the *adult* one, I assume she was older. Miss Sumeragi, you’re too young to play coy about your age.


      The CB Gundams having their secret special particles lets them do the cool thing of skating across the ground like the Doms from original Gundam. That’s so much cooler than regular walking.


      **Q1)** Based on where I live in current Earth timeline, I would be from the Union, but there is no bigger betrayal to my country and my honour than calling myself from the United States of America.


      AEU is the uncool one of the three so I guess that leaves me with the HRL, but they’re sorta on about unethical human experiments as their big thing so mmm…


    15. **Rewatcher, Subbed**

      **[Non-Spoiler Character Chart](https://i.imgur.com/cQrcgHE.jpeg)** – Two new character plus finally got a better pic for Patrick Colasour.


      [Gundam 00 Rewatchers only]>!Our first timers are good, yesterday not only figuring out that Allelujah and Soma probably were in the same facility, but one person successfully predicted they’d be in a romantic relationship with each other too. Expert first timers? Or is the Gundam franchise too obvious with its tropes?!<

      For those complaining about them saying Celestial Being too much, how about Celestial Whatsitsname?

      So is there a reason why there’s always all these empty seats at the AEU Council meetings?

      They put Allelujah in a padded cell for a week because he saved those people?!

      How dare you not apologize for saving a bunch of people!

      A good thing Tieria isn’t in charge.

      Not that hard to figure out why Soma’s tests turned out perfectly fine, no Allelujah around.

      So Celestial Being coming on the scene has led to more human experimentation. Wonderful.

      Oh wow, Saji is such a kind neighbor to offer leftovers to Setsuna.

      So Sumeragi, Christina and Feldt are all going down to the surface too? Leaving the Ptolemaios to be a sausage fest, huh?

      Ace of the AEU? Are you telling me he’s back? the great Patrick Colasour?!

      Wang New Outfit Counter up to 7.

      Feldt doesn’t know how to have fun, huh? LoL @ Sumeragi resorting to drinking as soon as they go.

      “Setsuna’s totally infatuated with Exia” truer words were never spoken.

      Sumeragi and Billy know each other?

      OMG Christina sure did a lot of shopping. How is she gonna get all that up on the orbital elevator when they return to space?

      Woah, Billy, I know you don’t know she’s part of Celestial Being, but you shouldn’t be revealing all this presumably top secret military info to one of your friends…

      Christina learns the fun of dressing Feldt.

      Marina New Outfit Counter up to 4.

      Gee, you mean to tell me the AEU wants to do the same thing as the Union and HRL, capture a Gundam?

      Kujo? So Sumeragi’s not her real name then. [Gundam 00]>!Actually she’s just the first of many using a fake name!<

      Having used this scene to take screencaps of them for my character chart, I can say this Alejandro talking to Ribbons scene is stock footage; the first I’ve noticed in the show.

      Ugh, Virtue’s blast robbed us of seeing an amazing duel between Tieria and Patrick!

      Something tells me fights Ali Al Saachez won’t be as easy for Setsuna as Patrick, Graham and Sergei were.


      **Quid’s Voice Actor of the Day**

      Today I’ll be featuring **Sumeragi Lee Noriega** who is voiced in Japanese by **Yoko Honna**. This is her first and to my knowledge only Gundam role. Havne’t run across her in major roles in any other anime but I have seen her in Space Patrol Luluco as Lalaco Godspeed, in Listeners as Wendy and Gunbuster 2 as Nyan Nok Cham. In English she is voiced by **Lisa Ann Beley**. She’s got a lengthy Gundam resume, premiering as Relena Peacecraft in Gundam Wing. She also voiced Amuro’s mother in Mobile Suit Gundam, Murrue Ramius in Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny as well as Eileen Canaver in Gundam Seed. On the video game side she also appeared in Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space as Kycilia Zabi and Cima Garahau. She also appeared in Dragonball Z as Chi Chi, Brain Powered as Eileen Carrier/Baron Maximillian, Death Note as Halle Lidner and Escaflowne as Marlene. Similar to Michael Dobson from yesterday I have also seen her on the X-Files, lol.

    16. InfamousEmpire on

      **Kidou Senshi Rewatcher 00**

      Jumping right into the episode, I like the emphasis on how the AEU’s military-industrial complex fuels even their more benign humanitarian efforts like the Orbital Elevators. Even the best of what we can achieve can’t help but be intertwined with our worst as long as war turns more of a profit than humanitarianism. Reminds me of Royal Space Force, thematically.

      And on that note, the meeting between Marina and the representative from France. They say they can’t give Azadistan access to the solar energy grid because the country is “too unstable”, meanwhile the rest of the episode shows how clearly the AEU profits from foreign wars, which implicitly keeps third world countries in that same kind of instability, giving them a plausible excuse to not help. It’s almost like the existing geopolitical power structures of the world only benefit those that are already well-off.

      Anyway, with all that established, the show is really great at building up to the eventual battle for Moralia. Like, yeah, all of CB’s interventions are given an appropriate level of gravitas, but this one is special (what with it being all the Gundams intervening together and a force trying to actually fight CB in some form) and the show is able to convey that extra weight well enough.

      Anyway, in between all that, we’ve got fun character bits sprinkled all around. I love the bridge bunnies in this show, the contrast between Christina’s earnest upbeat energy & Feldt’s focused stoicism is very entertaining, as is the return of our lord & savior [PATRICK COLASOUR!](#UTAHAPRAISES) Not to mention the fact that it’s now been revealed that Sumeragi is drinking buddies with Billy, which is nice in terms of how it serves to ground the rest of CB in the world a bit more.

      As for the battle itself? Well, I’ll save talking about that for next episode.

    17. First timer. Dubbed

      AEU bitches be stressing about Celestial Being

      Wait, Hallelujah doesn’t know what’s going on inside him? Also, fuck CB for punishing Hallelujah for literally SAVING LIVES lol

      [My reaction upon](https://preview.redd.it/an8kdyhmg5uc1.jpeg?width=1273&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6e8502912745d4d1a590c3da8a645e8a3f94507) seeing Patrick Coleslaw.

      So whilst watching the episode, I couldn’t help but ponder on the English voice for PMC Guy and I finally remembered where I last heard him, it was actually Hulk vs Wolverine with him playing [the role of Sabertooth](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1325753/characters/nm0009811#:~:text=Hulk%20Vs.,Mark%20Acheson%20as%20Sabretooth%20%2D%20IMDb) – Mark Acheson

      Maybe it’s because I’ve been taking more notice of the news lately, especially with what’s been going on for the past few years, but I’m beginning to enjoy the way this show implements news broadcast and preparation. It kinda makes it clear that despite showing us news outlets trying to keep “independent and impartial” there’s still cases and and an overall possibility of them being used to spread a narrative.

    18. **Firsttimer** who really can only barely keep up with one rewatch at a time [](#tiredaoi)

      * Oh cool, last episode I was remarking that the AEU wasn’t even playing along any of this
      * Halleluya got sentenced to [solitary confinement](https://imgur.com/qpbwUaV)… I also don’t see a toilet in the cell. I asume it’ either exactly where the camera is, or behind one of those pannels. Personally, I would at least sit on it, he looks unfomfortable…
      * My theory about the newtypes gets more [fooder](https://imgur.com/mLRFtJG)
      * I guess [this](https://imgur.com/6bNcCto) explains why AEU was involved so little up until now
      * Setsuna doesn’t even have a [nameplate](https://imgur.com/LaOni9r)…
      * [Looks like Nizza or mabye Cannes](https://imgur.com/806tVZX)… neither make a lot of sense in the current timeline. They don’t even have fancy hats named after them
      * Oh [Patrick](https://imgur.com/jShh6Lu), how many mock battle simulations did you do in preparation to this?
      * [Does](https://imgur.com/cJP9e7t) [this](https://imgur.com/meCnluu) count as war profiteering?
      * I have seen the kit by now, the [shield](https://imgur.com/5XpACNw) looks a bit wonky, but I guess it makes sense
      * Btw [sky](/u/Shimmering-Sky), you don’t happen to know the track during the [sword reveal scene](https://imgur.com/oAanI9I)
      * I thouth CB had an inside man in the union, but Sumeragi feigning [ignorance](https://imgur.com/UePDsp1) is more exicting even
      * Feels like CB is bringing [way](https://imgur.com/6ebUhjJ) [more](https://imgur.com/ArZsL7i) [power](https://imgur.com/QajsyRK) than needed. I bet they could overwhelm every military on the world as long as they have an element of surprise
      * Oh, Setsuna and the guy have history, but it feels like the guy has changed since then


      * The side that just lets me live in peace, probably in mainland europe, popular oppinion seems to be a strong factor in politics
      * Is Soma best girl? Than that. Jokes aside, probably Sumeragis “Incident”

    19. StardustGogeta on


      >Tower, this is Patrick Colasour, requesting a flyby!

      >Negative, Colasour. The pattern is full.

      Good episode. Lots of parallel plot threads going at once here, but I think I’m following along for the most part.

      Questions of the day:

      * Maybe the Union? After all, it’s probably the most like the modern USA.

      * I’m most interested in Sumeragi’s past, personally, and whether her affiliation with Celestial Being will be revealed at some point.

    20. **00th Timer Searching for the One**

      * [It’s FujiKei!](https://i.imgur.com/ZnMZDyd.jpeg) Just how stacked is this cast?! Leave a bit for the other Gundams!
      * [Not!Merkel: “let’s not worry about the past”](https://i.imgur.com/s8iPtJf.jpeg) [](#laughter) [](#laughter) [](#laughter)
      * [If I said no, can I get back to my sleep?](https://i.imgur.com/GK0n7EV.jpeg)
      * Here’s the one thing I don’t really get about the episode, if [Moralia’s technology is in high demand by the AEU](https://i.imgur.com/UEZGpI1.jpeg), why not rebuild its economy around that? Why start a war when there’s a much easier way out.
      * [Mr. Meme is back!](https://i.imgur.com/zbc8jxb.jpeg) Let’s see how long he’ll last today.
      * Hmm, [about as long as expected](https://i.imgur.com/a3RgnOO.jpeg)

      The last two episodes are starting to connect our cast with the world around them, they didn’t come together out of nowhere afterall. Setsuna worked as a child soldier under FujiKei (probably not his best daddy role), and the Captain seems to have learned from/with the Union anti-guys, here’s hoping this connection doesn’t turn against her soon.

      >1) If you were in this world, which side do you think you’d want to be on?

      I mean, none of them seem to care about Australia, so I’d mind my own business too.

      >2) This episode has hinted at connections from the past for Setsuna, Allelujah, and Sumeragi with Ali al-Saachez, Soma, and Billy, respectively. Which are you most interested in seeing develop?

      The Captain side of thing, I can see how the other would go, but I have no clue with the Captain/Union connection.

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