Episode 4 – International Negotiation

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    Though they speak of eradicating warfare, the actions taken by Celestial Being are nothing more than terrorism, throwing our nation into disorder.

    Questions of the Day:

    1) How else do you think the world is going to abuse what Celestial Being is doing for their own benefit?

    2) Which country do you think is going to pull off a Gundam-jack first?

    Wallpaper of the Day:

    Tieria Erde

    Rewatchers, please remember to be mindful of all the first-timers in this. No talking about or hinting at future events no matter how much you want to, unless you're doing it underneath spoiler tags. Don't spoil anything for the first-timers, that's rude!

    Additionally, for long-time fans of the franchise, please remember that this rewatch is only for 00, not any of the other shows. Assume that there are people in this rewatch who have not seen anything else Gundam, and tag your spoilers for those shows appropriately if something in 00 makes you want to talk about them.

    by Shimmering-Sky


    1. Shimmering-Sky on

      **Rewatch Host Wishing Over This Airspace, subbed**

      [Welcome back, everyone!](#michaelwink)

      Sorry I wasn’t as reply-heavy yesterday as I was for the previous two threads, basically right after I posted, I had to babysit my niece for a bit, then I was scrambling to get [the 11 million subs scavenger hunt results](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1fzeu1y/ranime_11_million_subs_scavenger_hunt_results/) out. [](#seasonaltired)

      – [It was only a matter of time before part of the world named Celestial Being a group of terrorists.](https://i.imgur.com/3j7Z50X.png)

      – [Aha! Shirin “sore demo”!](https://files.catbox.moe/m9vqko.mp4) My initial watch of this came before I really started collecting these in the shows I watched, so I’m glad to finally be going back through one of the big Gundam series to get what I missed.

      – [Child soldiers *and* because it’s part of an experiment](https://i.imgur.com/NBexrrC.png), sasuga Gundam.

      – [That’s a *lot*.](https://i.imgur.com/TDMt04m.png) [](#spinning)

      – [It was *also* only a matter of time before people started to deliberately use Celestial Being for their own gain.](https://i.imgur.com/05UyLmJ.png) [](#cantbehelped)

      – [Good luck!](https://i.imgur.com/zcwijSO.png) [](#faito)

      – [Meaning, Taribia made itself a target with this stunt.](https://i.imgur.com/xuV6gwH.png) [](#hikariactually)

      – [Only *twice* as fast?](https://i.imgur.com/iuWzbHZ.png) [](#foldedarms)

      – I think I like the normal ED lead-in from last episode more, but the acoustic one from this episode is pretty nice too. [](#listen)

    2. **First-Timer**

      **On today’s episode of Gundam:** Congratulations, you played yourself. Unless of course, the plan was for you to get played all along. Then the congratulations become genuine and not sarcastic.

      – “We’ll just keep intervening as many times as it takes” is not an effective strategy. If you need to intervene everywhere, all the time, you haven’t actually solved anything.

      – The CGI for the flags in this show immediately makes me think of the CGI for the flags in Code Geass. [](#schemingsaten)

      – The oil exporter would be in a bad position after the oil stopped being sold.

      – Allelujah and Lockon do at least recognize that peace in this situation is only temporary as long as Celestial Being can enforce it. So what is their plan for long-term peace? [](#harukathink)

      – Super-Human Insitute? Oh boy, this should be good. These must be the [UC Gundam] >!Cyber-Newtypes!< or [Gundam SEED] >!Coordinators!< of this setting. I knew the Human Reform League was up to something like this. [](#rengethink)

      – Huh, it looks like the Ptolemaios has a bunch of scenarios aboard that Sumeragi is studying. Are we actually doing the psychohistory thing of predicting how the future will turn out? [](#harukathonk)

      – Taribia secedes from the Union. This will go well because we all know how the US has handled secession in the past.

      – Oh…Oh that is monstrously clever! This is such a good turn for the story. What happens when countries not only anticipate that Celestial Being will intervene but try to take advantage of that intervention for themselves? Oh that’s such a good direction to go in! [](#awe)

      – “I know we’re being played, but we’re still going to intervene anyway” is probably not the savviest response.

      – This also works as a way to lure out the Gundams. Just start a conflict somewhere and they are bound to show up eventually.

      – Wow, so Celestial Being decided to attack Taribia in this scenario for provoking a confrontation. That certainly is a choice.

      – And it’s a choice that drove Taribia back into the Union so the Union could say they are now protecting their ally. I love scummy international relationship politicking like this.

      – Darn, Graham’s mobile suit is only twice as fast and not three times as fast. [](#frustrated)

      – Graham’s quite skilled to be able to stand up to the Exia like that. Setsuna’s Exia may be the more advanced mobile suit, but he’s lacking in skill and experience.

      – Wow, that is some real wheels-within-wheels planning if both the US and Taribia expected this as a possible outcome they could use to their advantage.

      – So this girl is named Marina and she’s the ruler of Azadistan. [Since “stan” just means “land of” in Central Asian languages](https://www.britannica.com/story/where-did-the–stan-country-name-suffix-come-from), I can assume this fictional country is in Central Asia. It’s probably where the other “stans” are located.

      – “They said they’re going to stop the fighting, but they’re starting it.” What an on-the-nose line for armed interventions.

      – I actually can’t tell if this is an ED lead-in or a separate insert song. [](#hardthink)

      Celestial Being’s intervention in this episode is absolutely fascinating to consider. Celestial Being decided to attack Taribia before the shooting even began. Taribia was labeled as a country that was promoting conflict and got smacked down for that. Celestial Being saw that Taribia was trying to take advantage of their intervention and so attacked Taribia for taking actions that would lead to a war with the Union. But let’s think about what the end result of this is. In the end, Taribia’s independence movement is squashed and US hegemony is reinforced. Yes, it did prevent a war from breaking out, but can we really say this was the ideal outcome? 

      There’s a concept I learned that divides peace into “negative peace” and “positive peace.” Negative peace is the absence of violent conflict. In essence, it means that people aren’t shooting at each other. Positive peace is the promotion of justice. It means trying to build a society that is more fair and meets the needs of everyone. This episode provides an especially stark example of negative peace. Celestial Being has intervened and they have prevented a war from breaking out. But this also reinforces the control the Union has over its member states, regardless of the fact that the members are not necessarily equal within the Union. Yes, the shooting has stopped. But the underlying injustices that led to the shooting have not been addressed.

      I think Gundam 00 is pretty well aware of this discrepancy. I believe that Gundam 00 is setting up something greater here. Celestial Being’s plan could be criticized as being much too short-sighted to lead to lasting peace. Or, there could be more to the plan that we are not yet aware of. Either way, I’m certain it will be addressed somehow.


      1) How long until someone starts false flag operations to make Celestial Being attack someone else? One country is going to have their soldiers dress up like soldiers of another country to make Celestial Being attack that other country.

      2) It’s gotta be the AEU. The British proved they were some of the most accomplished thieves in history with their empire and they can put those skills to good use here.

    3. **Rewatcher built a Takodachi Gunpla in GB4, ran into a clan of Hololive cosplayers hanging out in a public lobby, and got adopted by a player with an Ina Gunpla**


      [Princess Marina Ismail](https://i.imgur.com/gJml4t2.png)! Not every country got folded into one of the three superpowers to benefit from the solar towers. The Middle East got totally left out of the whole deal, and with the world no longer reliant on oil, they’ve lost a lot of their international power. So now they’re just left to fight amongst each other while the rest of the world no longer has to care about them.

      [Also, the real-life Azadistan only existed for a few months in 1920.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azadistan)

      But how does Celestial Being intend to bring about a permanent peace? They’re going to have to keep fighting. The moment they stop, every military in the world will see it as their opportunity to go right back to doing whatever they were doing before. At this rate, any peace they get will be lucky to outlive the Gundam Meisters enforcing it. And if they have to keep conducting armed interventions all the time, then they’re not truly ending war – only monopolizing it.

      [Of course, we’ve got to have a cute super soldier girl!](https://i.imgur.com/rjgUPvT.png)

      [Everyone here is at peace, but only Setsuna is thinking about how fragile that peace is.](https://i.imgur.com/GRBbkZD.png)

      [The Flag Custom!](https://i.imgur.com/sfuMOkS.png) The one thing the Flag has over the Exia is its superior aerial mobility. To push that advantage as much as possible, the fuel payload for its engines have been removed and lighter materials have been used for the armor. This reduced the weight so much that, even though larger and more powerful flight units were installed, it’s still lighter than the standard Flag, which means it goes *fast* – so fast that only a pilot as skilled as Graham can handle it, and even then 12Gs is pretty rough. He swapped the sides of the Linear Rifle and Defense Rod because he’s a lefty, and he updated the software to match. Also, they somehow figured out anti beam coating before actual beam weapons.

      And then there’s Taribia. Because of how space elevators work, they have to be built around the equator. However, this means that the most powerful countries with the resources to construct and the global influence to administrate these space elevators aren’t actually where the elevators are located, hence the need to assemble into massive power blocs surrounding said elevator countries. Not everybody is happy with this arrangement.

      [Only twice?](https://i.imgur.com/3bcOkeN.png) It’s not red…

      The reveal that Taribia was just trying to reduce anti-US sentiments within its own population was pretty genius. It’s always cool to see these kinds of manipulations.


      Questions of the day:

      * I can see a lot of countries more genuinely trying to bait their enemies into getting an armed intervention. They just have to be careful about keeping their own hands clean.

      * The Union is in the better position to potentially subdue a Gundam, but the HRL is the one that’s actually trying to take one for themselves. And the AEU is… just there I guess? As for the results, *laughs in rewatcher*

    4. **Rewatcher, Sub-dam Meister**

      [Conflict does tend to breed technological innovation.](https://i.imgur.com/B2ScbdP.jpeg)

      [Shirin always looks so smug.](https://i.imgur.com/zXM2ogB.jpeg)

      [It’s so easy to give orders.](https://i.imgur.com/4XQ83Fl.jpeg)

      [Soma is](https://i.imgur.com/6sENKAH.jpeg) [per the wiki]>!actually somehow 18 years old which I am just learning now as I had never bothered to look it up before.!<

      [“What, is it Thursday again already?”](https://i.imgur.com/gx2uZ9D.jpeg)

      [Howard and Daryl are good wingmen.](https://i.imgur.com/ELESPDE.jpeg)


      [Love the audacity to just park the container right off the harbor.](https://i.imgur.com/97v6Mxb.jpeg)

      [Everyone missed the obvious answer of Celestial Being attacking the instagators.](https://i.imgur.com/D0kx06w.jpeg)

      [..but that does still give Taribia and the Union a political move to make.](https://i.imgur.com/2hMZotY.jpeg)

      [Gundam 00]>![Amusing little hint that Lockon is Irish.](https://i.imgur.com/gko6eTN.jpeg)!<

    5. **First Timer – sub**

      I’m already so, so sick of hearing the words “Celestial Being”

      In general I’m also finding the dialogue increasingly grating. It was dull but decent enough in previous episodes, where for example all nations would find out about the CB spokesman but address it differently after that. Today’s episode had a lot of lines that we’ve either heard before with no added meaning (“this is celestial being”), or sheer redundancies, such as the Taribian president saying “the gundams are attacking our military” just after the american forces also said that, which was just after the gundam pilots commented on doing that, which was just after the people in HQ suggested that was the goal. At that point this is known information, and as we find out later the whole point, you could have just cut that line and had him move on with the scene and used that shot for more interesting things. That’s not this only example from this episode, just the one that stood out most

      Similarly, the narration was woefully underused this episode. Rather than just repeating the existing basic world context, they could have used that narration to explain the fate of the smaller nations who don’t have access to the solar power, and then the two women wouldn’t have had to very awkwardly and dryly narrate that to the audience instead of having a more natural conversation about the situation.

      All that said, I did like Lockon’s scene with Alelujah. Using questioning him about the current state of things as a launching board into a “exactly so in that case go rest” discussion was clever of him, and further showcases both his caring and the fact that he’s use to working with these more unusual other pilots

      Ask and ye shall receive about a girl pilot! And an enhanced one as well, which is interesting that we get her independent of the hyped up Flag that the other normal guy is piloting. Usually those would go together, but once again I like the fact that instead of keeping one as an antagonist and putting the others as just worldbuilding, all three factions are getting very difference responces to this.

      Setsuna at the fountain is scene of the day. Nothing much to say about it, but it greatly enhanced the entire episode for its presence.

      I also took note of the fact that Sumeragi was using the super computer to support her existing predictions and calculations, not to either do them or gather the possibilities so she could work from there. Or at least that is if the phrasing in the subtitles was accurate. And I like that, that even with powered tech it is a person knowing people who is at the center of it all. It further reinforces the conclusion at the end of the episode, taking this from national political goals to very human ones: The government of that nation wanted to stay in power, and they were willing to use everyone, including CB, their military, and even their own people as sacrifices to do so. Very true to history, especially with the US involvement.

      Complaints about the dialogue aside, I think this is my favourite episode so far precisely for this balance it had about the big military actions being about people and their choices first and foremost, and how other people will react to that.

      (Speedy post as I forgot to watch the episode last night so had to type all of this up in the last twenty minutes after watching it this morning… and now sitting here waiting the three minutes for sky to post the topic so I can go eat haha)

    6. **Episode 4 (first timer)**

      * To state the obvious: “solar power” is not photovoltaic here. Neither the Gundam’s magic particles, nor the space elevator stations look anything like a solar panel. We don’t know *what* solar power is yet, but it is not what we would call “solar power” in today’s use.
      * There is a ring around Earth.


      * Marina’s country clung to fossil fuels and now realizes their extractive oil industry is worthless? Gonna go with “sucks to be them” here, as I will have little sympathy for the Saudi Arabia’s and Kuwait’s of this world once oil runs out. That said, it probably was not Marina who set up that policy, so we can cheer for her trying to find a way out of the mess left by older generations.
      * Super Soldier Number One – Hmmmm. The newtypes of this Gundam? Or another doomed attempt to make super soldiers?
      * Nice daydreams, Setsuna. How about therapy?
      * Taribia (which looks like a Venezuela stand-in) secedes from the Union – did not work out so great for the last guys who tried.
      * Celestial Being vs everybody – as they wanted.
      * The president withdraws his secession to request the Union army protect them vs Celestial Being? – How stupid is that guy?
      * Flag vs Exia, round 2.
      * … and it’s over already. Not a long fight.

      With several characters having already stated it in-universe, this is hardly a new insight, but Celestial Being as the world police has less than a snowball’s chance in hell of working out. Hell, even the full power of the US at the most uni-polar moment in time after the end of the cold war didn’t do exactly great at this task. So the interesting question in this series is not whether Celestial Being as world police will fail, but how it will fail and what the original plans of them (founder or pilots or both, the later might be brainwashed idiots or not) were. That said, the series should not pretend that this could work out for too long. If they want to drag it out for a long while, they could go until the mid-season twist, but I would prefer if we get something substantial before then.

    7. *A Gundam Fan Rewatches Gundam 00 Episode 4:*

      – It’s hardly surprising that the Human Reform League would brand Celestial Being as terrorists in their press conference about the Ceylon intervention. It’s certainly an uphill battle for Celestial Being, since Christina is absolutely correct that the power blocs are only going to strengthen themselves to prevent more interventions from happening. They wouldn’t capitulate to a smaller group like Celestial Being so easily, even if their technology is highly advanced.

      – With Azadistan’s situation, you can see how hard things are for nations that aren’t a part of the gentleman’s club of nations that have their own orbital elevator and solar energy plants. As Marina and Shirin discuss, they’re struggling with terrorism and factions vying for control in a country that’s being left behind the others, since their oil exports are heavily taxed due to solar energy being mankind’s new preferred power source. You know that shit is dire if Azadistan’s National Assembly is willing to reimplement the monarchy if just to find *some* solution to the hole they’ve found themselves stuck in.

      – The Human Reform League’s name is way more literal than what you’d probably think, considering that Soma Peries here is a superhuman herself, the product of a secretive super-soldier project thought to have been cancelled before. It seems that the presence of Celestial Being is forcing them to play their trump card now. It really does make you wonder what else the HRL is cooking up, since Soma herself is pretty young to be a superhuman soldier. Hopefully there isn’t a certain Dr. Catherine Halsey involved here.

      – Fun fact: you can get Setsuna’s hot dog (minus all the PTSD-induced daydreams) to order over at the Gundam Cafe.

      – For as shocking as Taribia’s break-away from the Union is, I suppose they do have a point that the Union is pretty much acting at the whims of the United States, since the Union is mobilizing their army at America’s request. That said, it’s not like they’re entirely doing this out of a pure sense of independence, since Taribia is fully expecting Celestial Being to intervene and take the hits for them. Declaring independence and demanding an equal share of solar energy while using Celestial Being as a meat shield is rather underhanded of them, since while the space elevator is near them, it wasn’t just them that funded it’s construction. It’s at least enough of an angle for them to work with.

      – Side note, but I have no idea why we’re calling this country Taribia. It’s very obviously Venezuela, based on where it is in South America. And there’s also the fact that some of the maps in this episode clearly have Venezuela marked on them. Like, we already had the United States of America and Brazil directly mentioned by name, so it’s odd that we’re doing a “no actual communities were harmed” thing with them here.

      – The power blocs and Taribia really did misunderstand what Aeolia Schenberg said in his video. They apparently thought that he meant that Celestial Being would support the underdog in a conflict, but as Wang and Alejandro note, they’ll intervene against the side that provoked the conflict to begin with. And in this case, that’s Taribia. That said, President Stegmeyer played this situation well while it was unfolding. All he had to do was park the Union and American army off the coast and wait for Celestial Being to do their thing, and then swoop in with an offer to help defend Taribia from Celestial Being as long as the prime minister rescinds everything he announced before. He certainly does know how to play realpolitik on the fly.

      – It seems that Shirin has a keen eye for realpolitik too, given how she laid out everything about what the incident could do politically. Now that Taribia has accepted America’s offer, they’re basically locked into supporting their presence as policy and rejoining the Union, all while quelling anti-American sentiment and getting aid from the Union. Although I will say that Shirin might be off on this being a likely intended outcome for both America and Taribia, since the prime minister genuinely did look like he would’ve preferred if he would’ve gotten his country independence. Regardless though, this intervention does send a strong message: Celestial Being won’t always side with an underdog, and will chose to enforce peace at all costs even if the situation seems clear cut in the other direction. Other nations of the world will need to beware their presence, even if they’re not a part of the power blocs.

    8. **First timer, subs**

      * These are rookie numbers. You gotta up these numbers.
      * I know you can’t do colored subs, Crunchy, but could you at least keep the different audio sources on the same line?
      * Wait, the preamble is back? It just skipped an episode?
      * If they are attacking the capital in waves to bring down the government, and the moderates might join them, I think we are past the point of calling them terrorists.
      * I know a cyber-newtype girlfriend when I see one. She looks about Setsuna’s age.
      * [Bleeding Edge **Prototype**](#feelsgoodman)
      * Hot damn! We’re even throwing shade at the UN.
      * Ah, the old zero tolerance to bullying problem.
      * [“Venezuela”](#binoculars) Someone forgot to update the visual assets.
      * Fuck your self-determinism!
      * [More Than Twice? **×3 Times as Fast!**](#rengehype)
      * With all the names they’ve dropped, they are being weirdly unsubtle about this being future Azerbaijan. We all learnt about the Baku oil fields in history class.
      * OMG, this dude is even more smooth brain than Celestial Being. Dude needs more history classes.

    9. **First Timer – Sub**

      Hm. Which one is the Human Reform League again? Looks like the Asian one? Ih look, consequences. The name of the game is not *disarmament*, it is *escalation*.

      Well, at least the writers have them recognise that any ‘peace’ due to Celestial Being can only possibly last as long as they do. And with the events of today’s episode, at least *someone* seems to have an actual plan…even if that plan appears to be ‘we are The Villians, come at me bro’.

      That’s mot going to end in world peace. It’s more likely to end with a *world war*.

      Two other things I find particularly worrying…*super soldier*. Oh, *bugger*. Someone has been breaking into the genetic engineering and eugenics vault. That neber ends well.

      And, of course, *they still need some bloody therapists*. Setsuna is absolutely not right in the head.

    10. baboon_bassoon on

      first timer who [has control](https://imgur.com/nFf4eA6)


      Princess has an [immaculate fit](https://imgur.com/fZDICly), looks mad [](#cosy) with the pants. I would rock this without the sleeves tbh

      And here are the aforementioned [reformed humans](https://imgur.com/cBtX1EB)

      Veda, what is this [Alien](https://imgur.com/lgK2rj8)?

      What card can Tarabia play being closer to the elevator? Taking it hostage? Not clear on how the energy situation here works

      An important distinction that Celestial Being is anti war not pro peace

      US involved to install their own power into South American countries, to strengthen the Western hemisphere against ~~communism~~ AEU/HRL

      [oh shes Arab?](https://imgur.com/gh5NUT3) LETS GOOOO [](#sports)

      >wait Azadistan was a real thing [](#maxshock)

      [Setsuna it wasnt your violent nature that scared me. It was your room, your heart. There wasnt anything in your room – only a bed and a small desk. It looked like a prison cell… no television set…no family pictures… not even a poster… A lifeless room… almost like your empty heart](https://imgur.com/Xv9NwCU)

    11. **Rewatcher, subbed**

      Mobile Suit Gundam 00 was my first Gundam series, so it holds a special place in my heart. I first watched it 7 years ago; glad I’m able to rewatch it with everyone here!

      Anyways, I missed the first few days, so here goes:

      **Episode 1:**

      I love this episode. The animation is good. The soundtrack is great. It’s just 20 straight minutes of Gundam pilots flexing on the plebs.

      >Did any of the characters seen in this episode catch your eye in terms of who you want to see more of?

      I feel like it’s cheating for me to answer this since I’ve seen it before

      >What do you think of Celestial Being’s stated goal to end war by using violence?

      I don’t see how else war could possibly be ended.

      **Episode 2:**

      My favorite aesthetic detail here is the curved screens the Human Reform League soldiers are sitting at. It’s not like we don’t have the tech, but a single giant curved monoscreen is definitely a choice.

      I love how big and clunky these non-Gundam mobile suits feel on the ground. Really drives home how far ahead Celestial Being is.

      Oh wow, Mr. Gundam himself is here to help! What a reveal.

      I feel like in Episode 1 the Gundam pilots were trying not to kill their opponents, but rather take them down non-lethally. The kid gloves are definitely off here with Setsuna slicing right through the cockpit and everyone exploding everyone else.

      There’s something really funny about Sumeragi dramatically saying “That is Celestial Being” while a spinning can of “Earth Beer”/”Earth Space Beer” floats past her.

      > What do you think it would take for there to not be conflict in the world anymore?

      Seems close to impossible. I have no idea.

      > Given they seem to accept being the bad guys (like with Allelujah calling himself a mass murderer after the bombing), what do you think of the show setting Celestial Being as the protagonists?

      I don’t think that Allelujah calling himself a mass murderer means they’re accepting that they’re the bad guys. Besides, considering the genre their kill count is basically a rounding error right now.

    12. **Rewatcher, subbed**

      Mobile Suit Gundam 00 was my first Gundam series, so it holds a special place in my heart. I first watched it 7 years ago; glad I’m able to rewatch it with everyone here!

      Anyways, I missed the first few days, so here goes:

      **Episode 1:**

      I love this episode. The animation is good. The soundtrack is great. It’s just 20 straight minutes of Gundam pilots flexing on the plebs.

      >Did any of the characters seen in this episode catch your eye in terms of who you want to see more of?

      I feel like it’s cheating for me to answer this since I’ve seen it before

      >What do you think of Celestial Being’s stated goal to end war by using violence?

      I don’t see how else war could possibly be ended.

      **Episode 2:**

      My favorite aesthetic detail here is the curved screens the Human Reform League soldiers are sitting at. It’s not like we don’t have the tech, but a single giant curved monoscreen is definitely a choice.

      I love how big and clunky these non-Gundam mobile suits feel on the ground. Really drives home how far ahead Celestial Being is.

      Oh wow, Mr. Gundam himself is here to help! What a reveal.

      I feel like in Episode 1 the Gundam pilots were trying not to kill their opponents, but rather take them down non-lethally. The kid gloves are definitely off here with Setsuna slicing right through the cockpit and everyone exploding everyone else.

      There’s something really funny about Sumeragi dramatically saying “That is Celestial Being” while a spinning can of “Earth Beer”/”Earth Space Beer” floats past her.

      > What do you think it would take for there to not be conflict in the world anymore?

      Seems close to impossible. I have no idea.

      > Given they seem to accept being the bad guys (like with Allelujah calling himself a mass murderer after the bombing), what do you think of the show setting Celestial Being as the protagonists?

      I don’t think that Allelujah calling himself a mass murderer means they’re accepting that they’re the bad guys. Besides, considering the genre their kill count is basically a rounding error right now.

    13. TakenRedditName on

      **Rewatcher – Gundam 00 Ep4:**

      I found [Setsuna’s nightmare sequence](https://i.imgur.com/PdQOOWu.png) to be quite effective at communicating his deal. It captures what he fears the most in a world without peace. Setsuna’s reaction throughout is also telling because he remains his usual stoic face. He has witnessed this tragedy before so he knows what reality can bring. Also, this nightmare is not the first time he experienced the disassociated intrusive thoughts in.

      The main setpiece of the episode is the political crisis with not-Venezula. My read of it was leaning towards criticizing CB’s ways, and how their peace-enforcing interventions can be abused. At the end, we got the reveal that this was all political theatre for existing ruling parties to further entrench themselves without a care for the people. The problem of the Union (US)’s dominance over its partners was never resolved. All that happened was dissent being silenced for daring to challenge the people who held power.

      Before it was revealed to all be staged, I did have the question of what would CB do in this sort of situation? For the powerless, violence is the only language the powerful will pay attention to. It is a topic Gundam has touched upon before. It is told with *the* Gundam. Common angle being the Gundam empowering the youth in a world of adults.

      At the start of the episode during the scene with Marina, I did have the thought that a government could abuse CB to qwell any civil unrest. Just sit back and do nothin until the protesters throw the first punch and have CB your problems.

      Meta-narratively, it is interesting to see this conflict presented. [Gundam 00/Franchise:] >!Third party armed interventions failing to address societal issues was my biggest grip with the previous Gundam show before 00. Lacus Clyne, I like you for your character conflict of identity and destiny, but I find your methods to bring peace highly questionable. 00 as possibly response or at least a show made with previous Gundams in mind.!<

      Other random points:

      * The deep traumatic shock in horror as I realize that between [Saji and Setsuna,](https://i.imgur.com/KgkdocT.png) Saji is actually the older one by 13 months. [](#forgotkeys)

      * [Kyouka ningen!](#happyclap) Just the brief introduction to them on the scene, but still me pointing and cheering. [Gundam 00:] >!To get more specific, the Allelujah/Soma is one of the parts I am most excited to see. I was already a fan before and since then I’ve become deeply Zeta-brain so I love Cyber Newtypes storylines in Gundam. I’m always a fan of them when they show up especially Cyber Newtype romances.!<

      * [“Flag Fighter”](https://i.imgur.com/KYo6m5b.png) is 100% a term Graham came up and tries to make a thing. [](#kukuku2)


      **Q2)** The country to first employ the perfect people to steal a Gundam, teens with attitude.


      As much as he fits the energy of a teen with attitude, Graham is 27. By Gundam terms, he is already an ancient adult.

    14. **First Timer**

      >I don’t think they like us.

      You don’t say…

      The Zaribia/U.S. conflict takes center stage this episode, with each player in the game (the U.S., Zaribia, Celestial Being, etc.) trying to manipulate the situation and come out on top. I was wondering if the show was going to explore infighting within power blocs; I’m pleased that it’s done so this early in the story. 

      What interested me the most, however, was not the situation itself but what it implies about Celestial Being’s goals and how easily other nations could twist that to their advantage. Their stated mission is to eradicate war, which one would assume would result in world peace, but that raises the old philosophical question of whether peace is war’s direct opposite or even necessarily a positive thing. People who are perfectly content with the status quo (even if others take issue with it) have much to gain from preserving “peace” and opposing dissent, so nations eager to maintain their power against rival countries might have less of an issue with the idea of no conflict. 

      With the introduction of Soma Peries, we also get confirmation that super humans are a thing (mark one off your sci-fi bingo boards). I wonder if that has anything to do with the Gundams…

      Finally, I really liked the way the episode used Marina and her advisor’s discussion of the conflict as a way to add a bit of characterization amid all the infodumps. The juxtaposition between the cold, calculating analysis of a presumably experienced political player and Marina’s uncertainty gives way nicely to Saji’s kind of simplistically-expressed opinions on Celestial Being’s wrongness and what they should be doing differently. Alas, poor Saji, “the world isn’t so simple.” 

    15. **00th Timer Searching for the One**

      A very interesting concept for an episode, I was waiting for someone to abuse their system, since “stopping war” the way they’re doing it, also stops it from being a deterrent for stupid choices that you wouldn’t ordinarily make. So in this case, they had to be the deterrent instead, which ended up playing right into the Union’s hands, it all tracks, it’s all annoying as hell, and it makes sense.

      Granted, I think the Taribia leader could’ve taken the bluff a bit further, call bullshit with one hand, and raise a white flag in the other, don’t even bother with an army, or a single piece of weapon being raised. What will Celestial Being do then? Attack your weapons factory? The parliament?

      In other notes:

      * The Russians finally have a [new face](https://i.imgur.com/J7koRrw.jpeg) [Gundam lore] >!is she 00’s Cyber Newtype?!<, and [Sergei](https://i.imgur.com/Vgg9LK3.jpeg) is becoming likeable lately.
      * [Setsuna is haunted by war](https://i.imgur.com/LYYAfKj.jpeg), he can’t live in the peaceful world everyone else lives in, when he’s seen how easily it can all shatter.
      * I think the [Gundams could do with a horn or any fancy entrance](https://i.imgur.com/YFsM8wV.jpeg), in this context, the theatrics would help their goals, since they’re sending the message to everyone at arrival.
      * [Of course…](https://i.imgur.com/EccKzu5.jpeg) [](#bruh)
      * [So… 3 times as fast?](https://i.imgur.com/nntBSH0.jpeg) [](#mug3)
      * I didn’t expect that they’d catch up in 4 episodes, this isn’t gonna be fun for Setsuna.

      The resource conflict has been established, lots of countries are suffering because of it, and using Celestial Being for their purposes failed. But if the Union keeps pushing them around, that’d basically make Celestial Being their guard dogs in a way, I’d be interested in seeing whether the bigger picture or the Afghanistan Princess can change Celestial Being’s plans in the future (good luck getting it past Rigid Fn’ Seiei though).

      >1) How else do you think the world is going to abuse what Celestial Being is doing for their own benefit?

      You can use them as guards for any unfair status quo, since they’d stop any uprising, so have fun and be as shitty as you want, just without it being “aggression”.

    16. **First Timer**

      This episode was a bit heavy.


      I mean it’s understandable, it has to setup (al least!) four different factions and so we really get a big focus on the political situation this time around and how some of the big world players approach conflict.

      I do however think that every scene with Marina could have been handled a bit better, from a writing standpoint it makes sense that the new and [politically inexperienced](https://imgur.com/a/8VvcQcN) princess needs everything explained to her, and thus by extension exposition is delivered to the viewer in a *somewhat* natural way, but also it’s still just mostly “other character explains the plot to you” scenes which aren’t super engaging to watch.

      [Super soldiers](https://imgur.com/a/btAONQg)! and a young one at that, I’m sure Setsuna is going to love this…

      Speaking of Setsuna, if you couldn’t already tell he has PTSD, [the show makes that blatantly clear](https://imgur.com/a/3dHd3SM), cool to see it effect him even in his day to day life (as it often does IRL) and not just when he’s fighting, he face may not show it but he’s always on edge.

      [The U.S president continues to deliver time appropriate IRL political commentary.


      Going back to what I said above about setting up everything, this episode really made me realize just how many character this show seems to have, it gives it a nice sense of scale fitting of global conflict, especially as we shift around between everyone’s perspectives, it also has 4 cours to develop (or kill off lol) everybody so I’m expecting great things.


      Celestial Being’s very existence is now being used for international politics and it makes for a very interesting dilemma to their approach, in this case, Celestial Being’s intervention stopped the conflict thanks to smart politics but in the first place it was their potential to intervene that got this conflict rolling.

      Just their existence can create conflict, for one it really puts the whole “we’ll be the villain everyone unites against” idea to reality, as our Gundam Meisters are forced to kill people for the sake of others’ political machinations, and while this time the conflict was created with a clear and clever political goal in mind, I think Celestial Being could just as easily be used to create an even more dire situation through the ability to force them to intervene.

      It makes for really good political intrigue and also should pose some real moral quandaries for our characters as they to try to use their power independently to achieve their vision of world piece


    17. **Rewatcher, First Time Sub**

      Setsuna really likes using people’s full names doesn’t he

      I really liked the politics played in this episode. The two involved nations and Celestial Being as a sort of way to fulfill objectives. Of course Celestial Being is aware they are being used in this case but they stick to their rules. The Conflict in question deals with a nation trying to leave the Union prompting the Meisters to intervene. Again nice look at the politics playing between the main blocs and the non affiliated countries but I guess it also shows how CB’s rules can be played into the favor of one side.

      Watching this unfold is Marina Ismail, our Gundam Princess because no Gundam show is complete without one (except a couple). We saw her already a couple times but we see more of her situation with all the civil unrest with ideological factions fighting for control as well as the country’s resources used for the Space elevator yet they have no use of it. Some interesting parallels that they used here.

      Also really interesting seeing Setsuna’s thought process when he imagines everyone blown up before being interrupted, he’s not over from what he’s seen. We also see Colonel Smirnov meet Soma Peries. In particular is how Smirnov notes is that she’s too young for this which I really liked from him showing more of his character.

    18. Sooooopertrack on

      First Timer, sub

      1) How else do you think the world is going to abuse what Celestial Being is doing for their own benefit?
      – Primarly false flag operations
      – Feigning being attacked

      2) Which country do you think is going to pull off a Gundam-jack first?
      …….wait…this question sounds like it’s not the question if but when this will happen….
      I strongly suppose it’s superhuman lady because no one expects the spanish inquisition I mean the superhuman who actually won’t be a human but something more… super… I suppose.

      Ok, I’m hooked. I really love the premise that Gundam wants to be the world police and stop all wars. It’s interesting it’s only pretty young people. Reminds me of Fridays for Future movement where the younger generation stands up against the old generations because the young generation still has their whole lives ahead of them.

      I love the ethical dilemma that they’re causing harm in stopping wars. This episode showed that they will soon be taken advantage of. I would not have guessed they’d to an intervention and attack Tiberia.
      I appreciate that they’re also one step ahead of their opponents for now.

      Finally we see “villains” / antagonists: The flag used by the tech duo, the weird superhuman lady who will obviously be OP and who will have superhuman reflexes. Nations who try to take advantage.

      Since the first episode I’m still thinking about the question: Does the end justify the means. Is it justified to kill / become a massmurderer for “the greater good”? What if you fail half way?
      And I still have lots of logistical questions: Where did the gundam meisters get their training? How are the gundams that are huuuuge metal robots not detected. How are they not detected when they’re starting? Is there no video surveillance at all? Why aren’t they appearing on any radars as soon as they launch (yeah light particles but still…).

      I’m expecting the first gundam crisis soon…

    19. First timer. Dubbed

      Man this assistant to the princess is a little too happy to watch her current leader fail, all the while accurately(?) assessing the possible reason behind the latest actions of Celestial Being, all so she can… what, school her inexperienced superior and thus make her a better leader? Because so far all she has done is be an asshole all the while salivating anytime she hears about CB since anything they do means a grab for power for Her… country.

      “if you can’t understand any of this, then you’re not qualified to save this country” – and what, bitch, you are? It’s always those who aren’t wearing the crown who think it’s easy to shoulder the responsibilities of it.

      Did Setsuna have rocks in his shoes or something? Did he eat a devil fruit? How the fuck was he able to sink to the bottom like that feet first?

      I guess my feelings are similar to that of Saji, I genuinely don’t get why CB attacked Teribia as opposed to doing literally anything else that others predicted that they’d do. I personally thought they were going to attack both sides so as to actually eliminate war but, as the asshole assistant to the princess pointed out, all this action does is make America look good at the end of the day and any desire for any other country to distance themselves from America look bad. I mean Sniper leader says that CB doesn’t tolerate those who take advantage of CBs presence and goal, but people are going end up doing that anyway as we saw in this episode. I’m also still not sure what Hallelujah meant when he said that this was one-sided. Did he mean their actions? Because if he did then again I agree.

    20. **Firsttimer** who has fallen behind again [](#tiredaoi)

      This earths policitcs is quite intruiging. On top of the big 3, we also got their sattelite states attempting to do their own thing, as well as totally neutral parties. All trying to get a piece of the cake, both in terms of energy as well as Gundams.

      Random thoughts

      * Getting strong [Princess Amidala vibes](https://imgur.com/ZTVW5M2) from here which would make [Her](https://imgur.com/1AJR87m)… Shiv? [](#riddhethink)
      * Oh look, [best girl](https://imgur.com/1m9Ey7s) made her appearance. By now I know enough about Gundam to know a [Newtype](https://imgur.com/0pIIvJM) when I see one. I was mostly basing my initial impression on her looking like Aila though.
      * Also nice to see [him](https://imgur.com/jBY2dNY) having a conscience, I can see him trying to save this Newtype from the worst of it
      * [Das](https://imgur.com/AfI9ceu) a cool suit [](#neat) 12 G though [](#spinning)
      * Wait, is Sumeragi smarter than the [computer](https://imgur.com/NhtdMti) [](#awe)
      * Ah, this truly is a [2000s](https://imgur.com/HfBAq7u) show, thinking about it, those sentiments have gone down quite a bit recently
      * Wonder what [Meis (?)](https://imgur.com/QxvvsjO) deal is, she is quite intelligent for her age
      * Feels like the show [glanced](https://imgur.com/ctbSaks) [over](https://imgur.com/dxOrviv) the finer logistics on how Setsuna got in his suit… And I guess this makes the Exia an Aquatic suit…
      * Feels like [those](https://imgur.com/vlPbP4F) guys are more expandable than usual
      * The Unions [uniforms](https://imgur.com/A9Ys2eQ) look kinda french
      * The intervention makes a lot of sense, if they had shielded them from the Union, they would have opened the door to everyone trying to stirr some shit, they want political cohesion after all
      * I thought they where friends, but she seems a bit like a [bully](https://imgur.com/aZ2xeuG)… or maybe just tough love


      * Vexing your opponents to make the first step seems like the most obvious answer, but today has shown that you have to be subtle about it… it could mean you could lax your own deffence, since CB would deffend any opening your enemies might try to exploit
      * We haven’t even seen what AEU wants to do… though I’m betting on Russoindochina since they have best girl, Graham seems to focused… Also think it wont be Setsuna who will be the first to fall, would be too obvious

    21. **Rewatcher, Subbed**

      **[Non-Spoiler Character Chart](https://i.imgur.com/9x2CmfZ.jpeg)** – Four more characters added bringing us to 33 by episode 4… lol. At this point I’d say I’ve swapped out any of the older pics I wasn’t happy with aside from [Gundam 00 minor spoilers]>!Patrick, who I’d like to swap to something a bit more goofy to fit with his memeable role.!<


      Good to get at least a little bit more time with our Celestial Being ship crew. Poor Lasse and Lichty haven’t been seen since episode 1.

      Setsuna’s reading up on Aeolia Schenberg, wonder if even a Celestial Being member like him has any idea what’s going on with him.

      The way they show them in these shots, the Orbital Elevators look so skinny and brittle, way too easy to destroy.

      So some nations still are reliant on fossil fuels, presumably ones that aren’t part of the three main political blocs?

      Do they have AI bots working on fixing up Kyrios?

      Sergei’s ordered to acquire a Gundam, and do so before the Union or AEU does. He says it as if it were easy!

      I agree with Sergei that Soma looks too young to be a part of this, but as said yesterday in spoilers [Age spoilers]>!she’s canonically 18!<

      Stinks that Setsuna can’t simply enjoy his lunch in a park without thinking about something horrible happening.

      Upgrade time for Graham’s mobile suit! Alas, it wasn’t repainted red… He at least has a pair of Roberto/Apolly style wingmen to join him now though.

      Rather than Celestial Being’s efforts causing parts of the world to unite, we’ve now got a country seceding from the Union and thinking it can take advantage of Celestial Being’s interventions to do it.

      That’s four episodes, four outfits for Wang…

      Oh wow, Setsuna stores his Gundam underwater? For whatever reason I didn’t think until now about where he may be hiding it while living in that apartment. Is anyone nearby gonna notice as it blasts off out of the water?

      Is that yet another outfit change for Wang? LoL.

      Oops, looks like things aren’t working out as planned for Taribia.Still got 5 minutes left in the episode and they already are reversing their secession plans.

      A mere four episodes in and Graham’s already attacked Exia twice. Like an annoying mosquito to Setsuna.

      Once again their battle is over right away though.

      Ooh, another lead in!

      Is Saji questioning why Celestial Being attacked Taribia because they hid from the public the fact that they brought out their military forces expecting a US attack? Or is Saji a bit clueless about world affairs? I suppose we are at an advantage since we have access to world leaders every episode.

      Meanwhile next door neighbor Setsuna has already made it home.


      **Quid’s Voice Actor of the Day**

      Time for our final Gundam Meister, **Tieria Erde**, who is voiced in Japanese by **Hiroshi Kamiya**. This is his second Gundam role, with his first being Shams Couza in Gundam Seed CE 73: Stargazer. He
      would later return to the Gundam franchise in one of the rare Gundam shows I’ve not seen, Gundam AGE, where he plays Zeheart Galette. I figure he’s most well known for playing Koyomi Araragi, main character of the Monogatari franchise. He also appears as Shinji Matou in the Fate/Stay Night franchise, Yato in Noragami, Izaya Orihara in Durarara! and Levi in Attack on Titan. Also check him out as Quon in Towa no Quon if you want to see him voicing a different type of character than those he usually does.

      In English he is voiced by **Sam Vincent** who was previously featured in Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny as Athrun Zala. The only other thing I’ve heard him in is Death Note, where he plays Sidoh and Stephen Gevanni.

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