Episode 2: Not Enough Time!

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    Today at the park, we see the more professional side of the park- and the people who will take over it! We also get to see the entire cast gathered as one where they meet their new manager; are they in good hands?

    Question of the Day:

    1. How do you predict his mind-reading skills will help, or cause problems, in the show?
    2. Now it's revealed he can only use his powers once, how would you go about using these powers? Now, would it be a power you would want?
    3. Do you think Kanie would actually stay for the 3 months?

    Attraction of the Day:

    Macaron's Music Theater

    • a musical place
    • has legends of Macaron brawling with the guest
    • he also destroys the stage

    What's a bad experience you had at a concert?

    Gif of the Day (what a cutie)

    Clip of the Day (none today; it's more of a setup episode)

    That concludes the prologue! The actual journey of saving this park starts tomorrow~

    by Baby-Penewine


    1. Shimmering-Sky on

      **Amagi Brilliant First-Timer, subbed**

      – [I now have](https://i.imgur.com/3Ntpszl.png) the [Elusive Samurai ED](https://v.animethemes.moe/Nigewaka-ED1.webm) stuck in my head. [](#pigeonbeats)

      – [Aha…](https://i.imgur.com/yLCENxh.png) [](#kotohoops)

      – [Moffle said this](https://i.imgur.com/i1CexnC.png) but then [immediately apologized for it](https://i.imgur.com/U5wbo4B.png), is Latifa unable to age? [](#sakurathink)

      – [I see.](https://i.imgur.com/zK8UzUn.png) [](#wakarimasu)

      – [Junichi Suwabe!](https://i.imgur.com/wWKeL4o.png) [](#seasonallisten) He’s doing a higher-pitched voice than normal, but that’s unmistakingly *him*.

      – [This would have convinced a normal protagonist.](https://i.imgur.com/aX8frnf.png) Of course, Seiya is not normal.

      – [Looks like he changed his mind after seeing the mascots all upset](https://i.imgur.com/WfY91lL.png), though [he’s still being stuck-up about it](https://i.imgur.com/aaDFnjB.png) because of course he is.

      – [He’s going full dictator mode over this, haha.](https://i.imgur.com/AVsmbOp.png) Even if it’s just an act, apparently?

      – [The mascots have shoes?](https://i.imgur.com/7MZvpup.png) [](#flyingbunsofdoom)

      – [Okay then.](https://i.imgur.com/pauXiqG.png) [](#ok)

    2. **Rewatcher**

      * So, did I get the time of the rewatch upload wrong? Feels like this is an hour late from what googling the time got me.

      * Lol he’s using his new powers to read random people’s minds, and gets mad at the guy for getting something wrong while he’s studying.

      * Sento is smart, tricked him into reading her mind to reveal that he can only do it once per person, so that way he can’t do it on her after this.

      * Also, love the plaid skirt her uniform has.

      * [Damn that’s a decent sized park.](https://i.imgur.com/C4Gp7uY.png) Kanie has some work to do.

      * Won’t be easy or cheap either, first thing I’d do is clean up the place, pressure wash the ground, buildings to remove all the built up moss and dirt, remove the rust from any metal fixtures, inspect every ride and perform any needed maintenance to ensure safety, adjust any of the games like Moffles to make sure it’s properly balanced for all ages.

      * Apparently Mofle is Latifa’s uncle, don’t know how that works out.

      * Moffle is acting a bit weird when he mentioned her growing up, wonder what that’s about.

      * [Hey look it’s Tirame and Macaron.](https://i.imgur.com/CSbXwXN.png) We didn’t get to meet them yesterday.

      * Poor things are just getting wailed on by those kids.

      * [lol.](https://i.imgur.com/0BuOWbu.png)

      * [Now they’re brawling.](https://i.imgur.com/2BN7YFg.png)

      * Looking forward to seeing how the first timers react to these two, mainly the antics Tiramie will get up to.

      * Gotta agree with Tiramee, Muse is pretty cute.

      * Love how Sylphy is just doing her own thing and being a bundle of chaos whenever she’s on screen.

      * So, the people of the park live off of Animus, or happy feelings to live, and if the park closes, no food.

      * So there are multiple magic realms that have set up theme parks, but Maple Land is struggling hard and is risking losing their power if the park closes.

      * They’re meeting their enemies, businessmen.

      * So, they haven’t hit 500k visitors for four years now, that’s why they’re desperate for Kanie’s help, they don’t meet it five years in a row the rights get transferred to Amagi development where they’ll probably close it for a mall or something else.

      * So we have three months to get 250 visitors, that’s going to be a very tight gamble.

      * This blonde guy sure is an ass.

      * Kanie might be an insufferable narcissist, but at least he has the smarts to back it up.

      * Have to say, [Sento is rocking the hell out that pin stripped suit.](https://i.imgur.com/TN0hIvG.png) Even if she might be unaware that it kind of accentuates her chest due to the pinstripes.

      * So this blonde guy also figured out Kanie’s acting past.

      * Yep he’s still an ass, warning Kanie to not do anything dumb, else he’ll become a loser if he hangs around losers. Careful man, you’re insulting his ego, don’t make him do anything out of spite against you, spite can do powerful things, Like Enzo being a dick to Ford by backing out of a deal for Ford to acquire Ferrari in 1963 because Enzo would have to give up control of the budget, which would mean he’d have to give up control over the racing team, which he didn’t like, backed out and insulted Ford by calling their cars ugly, the factory they were built in ugly, and even allegedly insulted Ford II by saying his grandfather was a better man, and that the real Henry Ford was dead. Ford II was not happy, and demanded that Ford built a car that would beat Ferrari at Le Mans, and in 1966, Ford did just that with the GT40, Ford won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place that year, Ford would go on to win Le Man in 1967 as well, and in 1969 under a different team. Ferrari never took the podium again until 2023. Ford essentially ended Ferrari’s budding dynasty at Le Mans out of spite. (they had 7 wins, including 5 in a row at Le Mans before 1966)

      * Uh oh, looks like Kanie’s going to do something stupid out of spite, now you’ve done it.

      * [Sento also looks really good in that red, Colonial British-esque uniform.](https://i.imgur.com/R3JDbcD.jpeg)

      * Latifa shouldn’t have to deliver such bad news.

      * Poor Crocky, how kids don’t find you cute is a crime.

      * Can’t believe Macaron is being a voice of reason here.

      * I love how Kanie is insulting everyone, good way to get them motivated.

      * [Ooh cute blonde secretary.](https://i.imgur.com/l6Pq622.png)

      * He’s got a point, they actually have to try to succeed, or they can’t say they did their best.

      * [I like how their shoes are basically molds of their feet.](https://i.imgur.com/t4S9qLN.png)

      * [Really am going to be interested in reading the first timer’s reactions to Tiramie’s antics.](https://i.imgur.com/wk33soq.png)

      * So the necklaces make it so it hides their true appearance, clever.

      * [Kanie makes a logical first move by making sure the park is cleaned up and the rides repaired.](https://i.imgur.com/is1tCTM.png) Sorry Moffle, but it has to be done, some of those rides are dangerous, if anyone would to get hurt or worse, killed on them, you’d have bigger problems to worry about than if you can get 250k more visitors in three months.

      **Questions of the Day.**

      > How do you predict his mind-reading skills will help, or cause problems, in the show?

      Considering he can only do it once, he has to be careful and choose the right moment to use it.

      > Now it’s revealed he can only use his powers once, how would you go about using these powers? Now, would it be a power you would want?

      Same as the last answer, very carefully, using it willy nilly will be a waste.

      > Do you think Kanie would actually stay for the 3 months?

      Guy’s got an ego, and it was challenged by that blonde haired guy, like I said earlier, spite can be a very powerful motivational tool.

    3. **First Timer, Source Reader, Subbed**

      [Hey wait a sec](https://files.catbox.moe/lnn3dt.mp4), [Maple Land is just Byston Well!?](https://i.imgur.com/xQj69tj.png) ~~Is that why I imagined Miyu Matsuki’s voice when reading Latifah’s dialogue!?~~

      Love how wonderfully smarmy they made Kurusu look. His dialogue alone is annoying (endearing) enough, but his facial expressions being taken up to eleven and the way he just gets so uncomfortably close to Kanie heightens that. The funny thing is that in spite of how much of an ass he is, it’s hard to really call him evil, dude’s just doing his job, yet somehow he is also extremely punchable.

      This is also probably how all the mascots feel about Kanie now, although let’s face it, at least he has some charisma. It’s kinda funny how he contrasts with everyone else in this show, with what are oftentimes considered “Dick moves” from him really just being what he has to do in order for the park to survive. *Of course* maintnence would be necessary, these idiots need better locales if they wanna attract more people.

      And of course, the mascots finally begin showing some focus in all their hand-drinking glory. Tiramii’s outbursts in particular are rarely not a delight with how shameless he is, but the little details like Moffle’s slippers (Which are modeled exactly like his feet) are what really makes this aspect shine. They feel like they’re fully integrated into modern day society instead of just sticking out like a sore thumb ~~which makes it all the more disappointing they cut out the bit about them discussing how few followers they have on Twitter but I’ve grown used to Gatoh adaptations cutting out all the references to IRL brands.~~

      Also I’m so glad they kept [Mackey](#utahapraises). I dunno what the hell Gatoh’s issue with Mickey Mouse is but it just wouldn’t be AmaBuri without it.

      EDIT: Bruh why was the thread so late it’s like past 12am over here [](#bruh)

    4. Baby-Penewine on

      sorry for the delayed post!

      can we appreciate how much detail they put into background characters? [https://i.imgur.com/WzFcgrK.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/WzFcgrK.jpeg)

      it’s actually insane, the little gnomes, cards, carrot heads, hampsters, it adds soo much to the worldbuilding. this is a part of the show i love; they are fully committed to the bit

      also another trivia since he wasn’t in last episode:

      Kurisu Takaya = Chris Tucker

      these 2 episodes have been more focused on setting up the plot, now we’ll get more into the episodic and funny episodes. enjoy!

    5. LockmanCapulet on

      **Rewatcher, dubbed**

      * Ah yes, the best worst boys, Macaron and Tiramie. [I love their over-the-top faces when not in guest-relations mode](https://imgur.com/dREbhzz). Allison Keith-Shipp and Jessica Calvello give fantastic performances as the pair.

      * Sylphy. That is all. Sylphy.

      * Kanie and Moffle, natural enemies. It really brings a tear to the eye. I want what they have.

      * And here we have our first hint of an antagonist, Kurisu Takaya. He’s polite and professional enough in this meeting with Sento and Kanie, even if he clearly thinks of the park as a failure.

      * I do appreciate that, between Kanie’s correct observations on the park yesterday and his quick answer to the income estimate in the meeting, we get the sense that Kanie is indeed qualified to help the park. Obviously they’re asking him because we need a main character, but he is the right guy for the job.

      * Side note, that suit is a good look for Sento. Though I do prefer her normal red uniform. It just goes so nicely with Kanie’s blue one.

      * KyoAni’s sunset scenes never disappoint. I love the moody lighting and shading.

      * We finally get a good view of most of the park’s cast and a lot of the wacky mascot designs. Shoutout to Wrench-kun the wrench, Genjuurou-kun the samurai dolphin, and Codain the dogu statue. Wanipi the Balloon Fairy gets a particular highlight, the poor guy. He has one of my favorite mascot designs, [I love his dumb lil face with his tongue hanging out](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/51/fe/0b/51fe0b95632571cb62a3c56727349c7e.gif). I appreciate that Moffle calls Wanipi out for running out of hope but also encourages him that they’re all in this together.

      * “If we wanna succeed here, we need them to have a little hope left.” And here we have Kanie reiterating the theme of the series, even if he himself might not fully believe it yet.

      * I love Moffle, Tiramie, and Macaron’s shoes shaped just like their feet.

      * Tiramie is a leery perv but I’m glad Moffle and Macaron call him on his shit.

      Now that Kanie is on board, we get to really get into the meat and potatoes of the series. Looking forward to the next episodes.

      As an aside, I’m binging the next several episodes in one go and saving my notes to post on each day’s thread. Life stuff has me busy for the next while so I’m getting a bit ahead while I can.

      Questions of the Day:

      1. Mind-reading seems like a useful tool to help sweeten business deals, by identifying exactly what potential partners or clients are looking for.
      2. With the once-per-target rule, I’d probably end up never really using the power, saving it for emergencies.
      3. Well as a repeat watcher I don’t wanna spoil!

    6. Running a bit late tonight, got distracted with new toys for me. Anyway…

      Answers du fromage:

      1) Yes, all of the above. It certainly seems to have helped with Mr. Predatory Lender, for one. I think. Maybe. (Also, <3 Sento, very clever!)

      2) Time for a good poker game. Maybe.

      3) I have this feeling he’s very motivated at the moment.

      So, seeing as I’m running late, I have two major announcements for this episode.

      1) Sento Isuzu in a business suit/skirt is one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen in anime. And she’s *clothed*. Yow.

      2) Predatory lenders are scum. I hate predatory lenders, almost as much as car dealers.

      Meanwhile, skirt aside, I think my favorite bit this episode is the mascots hanging out and relaxing after work. Classic comedy routine there.

      And of course, not Wally Gator, and poor Latifa’s speech, which thankfully got interrupted.

      Looks like tonight’s episode is the great cleanup – I wonder how that will go?

    7. First time Watcher. Episode II: The attack of the clones (I’ll show myself out) Spanish subs

      Kanie let that guy have that opinion about history!; of all the things he’s got an opinion on that (IDK who was that rabdom man talking about My Japanese history knowledge is superficial unfortunately)

      You get just one use per person?! Code Geass flashbacks intensify! That was a clever reveal and a good way to waste his power’s effect on her.

      Damn! that park is huge. It looks like a mini city outside random Japanese city. (If someone knows where they are, feel free to tell me)

      Moffle is the uncle of Latifah. Is he a good uncle or a daemon Targaryen kind of uncle? He still distrust our MC, hate at first sight.

      I get you male pink cat service working sucks.
      This ~mie treatment is getting annoying, but since he appears at the OP, they’re not going anywhere.

      You know what Moffle is right, why is Kanie needed? That’s a lot of exposition. Basically, they need human happiness to survive. It reminds me of [Madoka Magica]>!why Kyubey recluted magical girls to harvest their emotions!<

      Temu Loid Forger is right. They’ve not accomplished the stipulated number of visitors, and they’re gonna lose the lease, but if the park is closed, these people are gonna die, Now Kanie is fully onboard, that’s so heroic of him, who’d have thought?
      Also, he’s great at math

      And I was wrong. He didn’t accept the job right away. The idea of Seito threatening several administrators is just hilarious. Why Kanie, though? she transferred schools for that. Is it because he’s the one that got away from our soon to be losing heroine, Latifah?

      Well, in a developed nation as Japan, even rich businessmen use public transport, Jk Of course, he got an Uber black ride.
      He wounded the pride of Kanie. In the end, Kanie goes to the castle just in time for the meltdown.
      Moffie is cruel, yet he speaks no lies, poor Sharkie the blue dinosaur. Now He’s beating up the dinosaur. Would Moffie really consider dying instead of joining his friend?

      Moffie is at the moment the character I hate the most in this show, rude and insensitive. The businessmen is just business, and that’s ok; very American of him. Yet Moffie is shown as a mediocre at best, boss.

      I loved Kanie’s speech. He insulted them (once again he told them no Lies) and promised them the results that these useless idiots can’t achieve , and he’ll even get the Princess love, better put your money where your mouth is. Also, they’ve got nothing to lose. The park is doomed anyway, so let’s try with this narcissistic kid. He may be able to save them.

      Now that the setting has been introduced. I hope the funny shenanigans can begin properly. I expect many work related conflicts, and I’d probably side with Kanie. Whatever these guys have been doing isn’t working, yet as Kanie himself said, they have so much attention to detail that the park just needs a push in the right direction.

      Well played. that the employee got mad shows they still care. Silly Kanie, do you really believe you’ll stay only for three months. One of these girls (hopefully Latifah but unfortunately most likely Seito) will be your wife. He’s in Salaryman mode now. That’s commitment.

      HAHAHAHA, the pink cat is such a perv. An amulet to look human, that explains how Moffie can become a regular at a bar.

      The park is closed for maintenance and cleaning. An unpopular but necessary action, Moffie’s wrath just shows how he’s part of the problem with his boomer mentality, no wonder that Amagi brilliant Park fell to its current state.

      1. I think his mind reading skill will be seldom used. Kanie, for all his faults, he’s not Lelouch.
      2. Flying or instant teleportation would be the best powers for me.
      3. He’ll stay longer, mark my words. He will fall in love with Seito (even if Latifah or the water fairy are better), and he’ll get fond of the park. Therefore, he’ll stay.

    8. Oh, so Sento can emote after all. I thought it was going to be a thing that she just physically can’t show emotions or something. Guess she’s just a clueless cold type.

      I wonder how long it’ll take for this guy’s past relation to Latifa will come up? When Sento and the MC were having the conversation in episode 1 about how she knew who he was, it sounded like it was because he used to have involvement with the park in the past, but it turned out all they were talking about was the fact that he used to be famous, but then when he spoke to Latifa he had flashbacks of them arguing when he was a kid, interesting.

      …I wonder how long it actually took him to go from down there in the crowd to up on that ledge where Latifa and Sento were

      So they also handwaved why they don’t get a professional managing consultant with ‘we tried but they all quit, probably b/c I pointed a gun at them, I just don’t know how to interact with people of Earth’, feels like they should still reapproach that idea without a gun, maybe even with the MC there to interact with them for communication/cultural differences in general, but of course they won’t

      Mind reading once per person, they’re not gonna make it easy, huh? Unless it’s actually not true since he hasn’t actually tried to read someone’s mind a second time yet. It looks like he’s not going to use it willy nilly considering the opportunity he had to use it in the board meeting but instead deducing things.

      If I had one-time mind reading powers I’d uh. Idfk maybe just small stuff like silly pub bets like guessing numbers

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