Experiment: Which aura strikes you as the strongest?

    by OhNoExclaimationMark


    1. Depends on the character and show

      Like someone going full black is usually just going full depressed or rage mode

    2. C is definitely undead. E is a magical girl, we’re about to get hit with a Starlight Breaker.

    3. Perfect-Scholar-2827 on

      Logically… Black or white due to the fact that they are separated from colour, and in lesser quantities which means more rare. Also rainbow could mean all colours but using that knowledge final answer is : white

    4. InvestInHappiness on

      Black or light purple. Black reminds me of characters portrayed as the final strongest enemy. Light purple makes me think of gods or cosmic entities.

      White is commonly used as the base colour for ki/aura, and red is a common first power up. The commonality make them seem less powerful. Rainbow looks like a gag.

    5. thatoneguy2252 on

      White but only if the hair also turns white. Otherwise I consider it basic. Thanks dragonball

    6. LeToutPuissantPoulpe on

      Red is usually an “evil” color and bad guys are usually presented as stronger or more menacing. Therefore dark red strike me as the strongest.

    7. Mindless_Use7567 on

      Depends on the universe but it would be Pure White, Pitch Black or Rainbow as these are all extremes which would mean that they represent one end of a spectrum.

      Technically all 6 could be the strongest in an aura magic system.

      If you could give more details about the universe these auras would be used in then we can give more consistent answers.

    8. If we base ourselves on the electromagnetic spectrum, the light purple color is stronger, but if we interpret black as ultraviolet light, then the black aura wins.

    9. Rainbow in Clearing isekai with zero believer goddess was prove of anima if I remember right

    10. A: Divine Being Awakening

      B: Villain Awakening

      C: Hakari

      D: Pure Chaotic Neutral Rage

      E: Calm Realization

      F: Gay Awakening

    11. Depends on the character, but overall probably rainbow. Like, you’re telling a guy has the power of God, anime AND lgbt on his side? Surely gotta be the strongest one out there

    12. Do other characters in the story have an aura? Then the anti-aura. 

      When some people with auras are duking it out, and somebody with no aura confidently walks in. Or better than walking in, they’ve been standing there and nobody knows how or since when.

    13. White = Angelic or “purity” aura

      Red = uncontrolled rage aura

      Aqua green = ethereal, ghostly aura

      Black = sinister, brutal aura

      Pink = magic or “girly” aura that pops up right before the big tough guy gets his ass beat

      Rainbow = fab, magical, inspirational, happy time aura, but also beats your ass

      Probably the strongest ones are red and black, based on pure AP

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