Company confirms it produced those subtitles, but states it does not know how they ended up on early episodes of the Japanese audio stream.

    by Ocixo


    1. Key points from the article:

      1. Ocean Group did produce the “dubtitles”.
      2. According to Ocean Group, they weren’t involved in the use of these subtitles for a number of reasons.
      3. Ocean Group therefore “does not know how English dubsubs ended up on earlier episodes of the Japanese version”.
      4. Crunchyroll didn’t respond to any questions from Anime News Network.

      I’ve seemingly been wrong about this before, so take the following with a huge grain of salt:

      Ocean Group didn’t mention having provided the current subtitles for the Japanese version in the article either, so it’s probably safe to assume that Crunchyroll has produced these subtitles themselves (like usual).

      This could imply that Crunchyroll either:

      1. Did not have any ‘normal’ subtitles ready at the time and reckoned they could get away with the dubtitles.
      2. Or had mistakenly switched out the subtitles for these dub-version ones and didn’t notice this for multiple weeks in a row.

      Regardless, both wouldn’t be a great look for Crunchyroll. (Or am I missing something here?)

    2. bbkkoommaacchhii on

      They ended up getting fixed? I just went with the 4de version since CR never fixed the first episode

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