Which anime do you think?

    by Megantel


    1. Black clover, and don’t bother trying to get me to change my mind and pick dragon ball Z. I know many people would’ve said it already and I wanna say something different so freakin sue me

    2. Remarkable_Log_3260 on

      This: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JNCtzxaqdgc&pp=ygUXZmF0IGFsYmVydCBqYXBhbmVzZSBkdWI%3D

    3. Deathnote maybe?

      Felt like when I was in high school these were all talked about and Deathnote was right there with them, despite being much shorter.

      Dragon Ball Z would be my choice but yeah it’s before them, same with JoJo.

    4. Dragonball aired before the big 3, big 3 characterizes 3 of the biggest manga that aired at the same time, not the best manga/anime that aired in history

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