The latest episode of the anime “Transformers Earth Spark” will be distributed for a limited time! *After the distribution starts, it will be distributed until around 10:00 on Monday of the following week. (Please note that this is subject to change without notice.) When looking at the pictures, please keep the room well-lit and try not to get too close to your eyes. Click here for details Episode 52 “Fight! Transformers!” Twitch and Slash continue to fight in the Mandroid Tower. The Decepticons also join the fight and gradually corner the Mandroids. However, as soon as the weapon is activated, all the Transformers stop. Then Robbie and Mo wake up… “Transformers Earth Spark” is being broadcast every Sunday at 9:15 a.m. on TV Tokyo’s 6 network stations! Official HP: Official X (Twitter): #Transformers #Transformers #EarthSpark

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