Oshi no Ko Season 2 Final episode will air on October 6th

    by Turbostrider27


    1. I Wonder why The changed The date just for final episode, maybe They needed more time? Or They run out of time slots?

    2. Interesting that they scheduled it on a Sunday 7 PM JST primetime slot. The subs will appear one hour after.

    3. Whether it’s because of a bad schedule due to a delay a few weeks ago after the stage play arc, or if they just need more time for the final episode, either way I’m glad they’re not rushing it.

    4. BackyardEvergreen on

      Such a weird date to switch to considering it’s not even a Wednesday but hopefully the delay means it’ll be high quality especially since it’s the season finale

    5. Remember when they pushed this season 3 months back to attend to their schedule issues?

      Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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