I am confused by this manga

    by Minty11551


    1. Romulus_FirePants on

      It’s called being an abusive brat who doesn’t know how to handle her feelings towards a doormat MC

    2. Yandere couldn’t be more inaccurate
      Tsunderes she is fine tht
      But yandere is completely different
      So the needle shouldn’t be in middle

      She just. A tsunderes gal? I guess

    3. What’s confusing about it? She’s a typical tsundere who’s also trying to make him more brave, and he’s an introverted nerd who’s slowly learning to be more assertive. Basic rom-com shit.

    4. She’s not a yandere. At the end of the early manga chapters (even the first ones) we see Nagatoro questioning herself if she went too far on Senpai.

      So she’s more of a tsundere, of the two options.

    5. Definitely not a yandere. Not really a typical tsundere either as she >!kisses him!< in like chapter 8 and is hinting that she likes him pretty aggressively early on, trying to get him to ask her out. Mostly it’s just that she expresses herself through teasing and is extremely possessive.

      Now she does go too far several times through the series, but she will apologize after the fact, because she doesn’t like hurting him, just annoying him.

    6. From what I know, Yanderes are a little violent with competitors (that could possibly lead to bloodshed)

      Nagatoro is a Tsundere from what I’ve seen, possibly a keeper but she didn’t make assassination prep times

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