Saitama: ‘A little appreciation would be nice… just saying.’ Goku: ‘Nah bro, you take the credit. I’m just here for the snacks.

    by NeedleworkerNo9143


    1. The thing about Saitama is that he is bored with life and wants something to give him purpose he is at the end he is the strongest never to be beaten and he knows it. Yet every challenger is possibly someone who can challenge him yet they all die in one punch.

    2. Different circumstances, here Saitama was accused by jealous heroes of destroying civilian property after he destroyed a meteor that would bring mass destruction, and civilians joined and blamed him even though he saved everyones lives , everytime someone steals his credit and as you know the man is poor and can’t even eat in peace , and having some recognition will help his living conditions better and unlike in dragonball there are no wishing stones to restore his broken house back . He doesn’t have anyone feeding him food for free , saitama earned money by being a construction worker before becoming a hero and lives in an abandoned city . Different living conditions for both of them , for one it doesn’t matter if they get fame or not ,to another it matters more , I’m not sure but I don’t remember Goku working to earn money , i believe he gets it from fighting tournaments

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