Know the difference ๐Ÿ‘‡

    by Nintendoxtream


    1. Yeah… No. Unless we totally ignore original meaning of the word Otaku from Japan and just adjust the definition to suit your view.

    2. Not quite. Otaku can effectively be translated as enthusiast. There are anime otakus, miniature otakus, idol otakus, and even gun otakus among others.

      Also, using a borrowed word like otaku (or a nonsense word like weeb) to describe someone who watches anime doesn’t actually help when talking to someone outside of the anisphere. Just say you’re a fan of animated TV and/or movies and move on.

    3. Weaboo is a person who throws away their nationality and tries to become japanese. Eats rice instead of bread because rice is japanese. Rejects dub and always watches sub because japanese voice is far superior. They dont sleep on bed, they sleep on futon because its japanese. Has a samurai sword collection because its japanese and respects the way of the samurai. Basically japanese cocksuccer, super hardcore fan but its true meaning got normalized and vanished in time.

    4. SentenceCareful3246 on

      To be honest I think it’s more cringy to call yourself or others “Otaku”. Must people that I see in videos and such prefer to refer to anime fans as weebs. At least for what I’ve seen.

    5. Otaku is a person who has lots of knowledge about the said topic, usually being Anime. Technically the definition can be used toward anything that the said person is very informed about. Can still get mad about anime BS.

      A weeaboo is a person that tries to act like an anime character and makes everyone cringe with how they portray themselves. Typically non-Japanese people yelling Japanese phrases common in anime, etc. Makes me throw up, even when I do it as a joke.

      Thatโ€™s the easiest definition. None of your bullshit youโ€™re saying.

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