Dungeon Meshi was the most watched anime on Netflix between January and July.

    by maronic03


    1. I wish I could get into it, but I’m a few episodes in and it just seems devoid of any substance. Feels like a cartoon.

    2. That’s good to hear, it’s pretty good.

      Now only if we could get Netflix to actually translate the text on screen and fix their horrendous typesetting.

    3. I love it but even I don’t understand the widespread popularity that made it beat JJK sales in my country

    4. >It racked up a massive 90.6 million hours watched, equivalent to 8.8 million views (hours watched divided by runtime)

      I despise this metric so fucking much.

      I only watched the first 3 episodes of this show. I should not be included in the 90.6 million hours watched. But I am because big numbers need to be generated for that good press.

      It’s a whole season of TV with 24 half hour shows. Saying that the whole thing has 8.8 million views is just not true.

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