Depressing meme

    by overatedstuffidc


    1. Bro I have no idea what you have to deal with but to say men can’t be depressed and show feelings is misogynistic bullshit. Oh only women are allowed to show feelings and men have to be strong blah blah blah… The reason why so many just can’t find a partner is because you have to take responsibility in a relationship. I don’t mean UngaBunga strong man protects family but you have to show love, understanding, listen, be empathetic and much more. But before you can take responsibility for another person, you first have to come to terms with yourself. Take a break, seek psychological help and stop telling yourself bullshit about how you have to be strong, blah blah blah. A partner is not a problem solver, first learn to love yourself so that you can love someone else.

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