The demon sounded like it was at peace [Sousou no Frieren]

    by EconomyElderberry74


    1. This show is so good at worldbuilding and making characters all feel like they belong in a “war” like world. Leads to a lot of philosophical arguments, but it also is smart enough to make things quick, snappy, and important.

    2. themaninthehightower on

      [Frieren S1] >!So far, demons seem to react poorly not to impending death, but by how much they were fooled by their killers. The village demon was killed straight up, no worries. Qual was perturbed after being killed by his own spell creation. Lügner picked up Fern’s concealment of mana, and bemoaned Frieren’s influence with his dying moments. At the other end of this range, Aura freaked the hell right out over Frieren’s incomprehensible lie.!<

    3. This writing, right here, needs to become a mandatory lesson for all anime writing.

      So many series will have an antagonist who is so unbelievably irritating that you start to dislike watching the show entirely. It’s deliberate, you’re supposed to hate the bad guy, but making them so egotistical and just *schoolyard antagonizing* that it becomes hard to believe ruins your immersion.

      Making them simultaneously fighting for survival by any means necessary and a legitimate threat that needs to be defeated is just good writing.

    4. ExpiringMilknCheese on

      If the frieren leaks are to be believed,

      i wanna let Madhouse cook but the waiting period for Season 2 is gonna be unbearable. I just miss this show so much man

    5. aperversenormality on

      The demon doesn’t lie, it just doesn’t fully understand the purpose of the words it’s speaking. The revealing part is that this demon really did try to make peace with the humans in the village and had no idea what it had done wrong. They’re not even malicious it’s just that their way of understanding the world is that different.

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