Dungeon no Naka no Hito, episode 11

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    by AutoLovepon


    1. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      I pity the fool who’d even think of crossing Belle in her house. Hilkemast and his buddies fucked up big time. Hilkemast said he’d serve Belle as her underling. Well, wish granted. At least he’ll be better off than Atoto. It’s gonna suck being an undead with half a body.

    2. ###Stitches!

      * [Executioner Belle](https://i.imgur.com/HTTCABj.jpeg)

      * [Executioner Clay](https://i.imgur.com/ncwmQm6.jpeg)

      I just absolutely [love Belle’s executioner outfit.](https://i.imgur.com/X7E7KVJ.jpeg) It’s definitely cute but more threatening. I was hoping Clay would wear a similar dress [but the ninja outfit works well too!](https://i.imgur.com/ncwmQm6.jpeg)

      [I’ll never get tired of how brutal and violent this show is.](https://i.imgur.com/vxwVxrO.jpeg) Those three murderers deserved what they got. I love how the leader tried to bargain with Belle by offering themselves to become her underlings. They’re going to become her underlings alright, just not how he thinks. [Except for that guy that got bisected.](https://i.imgur.com/KkiFfx9.jpeg)

    3. JustARandom-dude on

      This girl is going to have severe trust issues and take “rumors” more seriously after all this

      I wonder for how long Belle has been in charge of the dungeon. She said her predecesor didn’t mind having adventurers breaking the “Don’t hurt of murder each other” rule, even mentioned that Clay had to deal with people like that a couple of times, but as soon as the dungeon was under her management “pest control” became a thing

      Another friendly remainder of how strong Belle actually is, she completely evaporated that guy’s left side with minimum effort

    4. With the previous reveals concerning the local guild and the treaty with the king, this episode really hits the nail on the dungeon’s extraterritoriality. (For lack of a better word.) These adventurer-killers, the lived by underhanded backroom deals, got to die by underhanded backroom deals. Dungeons are naturally places where the laws of the kingdom wouldn’t always reach, but this dungeon has its own set of laws.

      I really like the horror vibe of having Belle show in the back of certain cuts as she teleports away her victims one by one. Especially, the cut of them going down the stairs with just the black dress visible in the back of the group.

      I’m not quite sure what is the point of disguising yourself if the only people who are going to see you are your victims, though. A very Belle thing to do.

      Ps. Also, the earth golems with their derpy faces being, in fact, high-level threats; is very Dungeon People.

    5. so these people act nice, but are complete scum? Looking forward to their end. Why do they do it? What fun is being the shitbags they are? Do like that the stone golems were all stronger than they realized. And the nice little way Belle picked them off to the tenth floor.

      DAYUM Clay, quite the beat down. Same with Belle. Stupid dude, you were already going to become the underling, an undead nobody. FINGER BANG! Or SPIRIT GUN! Depending on your preference. Belle really showing her strength. Hehe her realizing she can’t raise him as a proper undead.

      D’awww good for Priestess, finding good dudes. Glad for her. Such a tough time for her today.

      Their executioner outfits were great 😛

    6. Great episode, still not used to the cutesy artstyle being all murderery, i dont think ill ever get used to it haha

    7. Those executioner outfits for Belle and Clay were pretty great.

      Priestess girl is incredibly lucky that the world was kind of conspiring around her to deal with the murderers (and possibly worse given that comment to the brute about not breaking her) that she had foolishly signed on with.

      The juxtaposition of the CGDCT style of the show and the moments of brutal violence is still kind of wild.

    8. Belle might’ve inherited the dungeon and its existing system from her predecessor, but she’s made clear with this episode that she’ll be running it her way. Murder and the likes are prohibited from now on!

      And oh boy, does Belle not like rule-breakers. She gave those scumbags some real mean glares. Belle and Clay definitely did not take their opponents seriously as they were seemingly spinning their weapons around for their own amusement, and made swift work of them. If you mess with the dungeon, the dungeon messes with you.

      A shoutout to the golem that just took a hit from those brass knuckles head on. They’re cute but also rather formidable apparently!

    9. I just love the [fax slime](https://imgur.com/J9UoKLe)

      [Belles](https://imgur.com/QxmsFyR) and [Clays](https://imgur.com/wefUMO8) outfits where simply [lovely](https://imgur.com/VIkTqTW) and cool!

      I really don’t want to know what [that party](https://imgur.com/2yRlmGh) was [planning](https://imgur.com/pM4Q8uD) with that [poor](https://imgur.com/ehQqJ0T) Priest girl [](#dighole) Thank god she got [away](https://imgur.com/owTZG2N) relativly unharmed

      Loved [how](https://imgur.com/B4je1gy) [subtle](https://imgur.com/lDcPv1B) [Belle](https://imgur.com/oArAOy4) [took](https://imgur.com/fCpfxNu) them away for their [punishment](https://imgur.com/EbK9Xk1).

      Those [utter](https://imgur.com/XLRoN91) [fools](https://imgur.com/G8Z2Rfo)! [](#laughter) [The fight](https://imgur.com/Lt8b2fw) [was](https://imgur.com/yYr6UpG) [over](https://imgur.com/ePI6YHo) in a minute tops… although Belle [forgot](https://imgur.com/qLSjv5Q) something [](#azusalaugh)

      Love how serious this show can be, but next week seems to go back to the laid back yuri bait

    10. Hmm. Pretty weak episode. It mostly followed a bunch of side characters and then had the main duo show up to clean up the plot at the end. Pretty odd for the penultimate episode of the show’s run, but I guess it’s fine since it doesn’t really have much of a main plot it needs to worry about advancing. 

    11. FkinShtManEySuck on

      This show has really been growing on me over the season.
      It knows how to do a lot with little. That last scene where the cleric girl meets up with Wolf’s Fang really hit.

    12. That poor priestess… I hope she gets to join the Ice Wolf’s Fangs, these guys are all right and what she went through wasn’t fun.

      It’s pretty good to see that Belle won’t tolerate murderous shenanigans from now on. It’s always a treat to see her completely obliterate monsters or people with that blank look on her face. And she just ran that guy through with her staff!

    13. Okay, so we’ve got a murder gang running wild.

      Oh, the thieves guild have caught notice of them. And gotten Belle and Clay involved. Yeah, they’re done for. Congratulations on the world record for fastest time to go from a problem to a statistic.

      “Good afternoon gentlemen. Welcome to your private meeting with the dungeon’s administrator and her assistant. We have caught notice of some of your deeds lately. Usually, we maintain a hands off no interference policy. Usually. Let’s get straight to business. Your lives are forfeit. Feel free to put up a fight. The outcome won’t change.”

      Damn, that was brutal. I was expecting it but still. That guy really shouldn’t have tried to run. Well, two functioning undead out of three is still pretty good.

      Btw, the executioner clothes are quite stylish. I like it.

    14. Belle takes rules **very seriously**, and murder and abusing other explorers is a line that, if anyone crosses, [Belle will have no mercy on you](https://imgur.com/a/meO8p4x). (and even more, Belle knowing that people had tried to abuse of Clay in the past… I wonder what happened with them…)

      So, moral of the episode? **Follow the rules and don´t mess with Belle**

      It´s a shame there´s only one episode remaining, truly my favourite anime of this season

    15. You go girlboss!!!! Sudden gothic lolita outfit and the way she was casually spinning the staff before throwing it, mmmmm lovely. The horror style of Belle grabbing him before teleporting them just for the sake of it too

    16. Man I keep forgetting how OP Belle is
      Just blocking everything and then throwing her staff to employ him is one thing, but finger pistoling Atoto from that distance is insane
      That lady means business when she donns her ~~maid costume ~~ Executioner Clothes

      Also love how the thief grandpa just sneaked into the others guild room and then casually hopped away to send a death note fax

      Next episode looks chill again, man I really don’t want that show to end

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