JJK: Gege Akutami Feels Itadori’s Character Makes The Story Bland

    by bedemin_badudas


    1. MokonaModokiES on

      okay then why not just create an escenario that forced Itadori to change in more interesting ways? Its your story why are you blaming the character when how he is used is YOUR OWN CHOICE?

      You already have potential with how Mahito and Sukuna have been breaking him. Just use that…

    2. MonsterKiller112 on

      Why does Akutami always comment on his manga like he is criticizing someone else’s work?

      He is the creator of Itadori, if he feels he is bland then he should change it and make him more interesting. Why is he complaining about his own main character?

    3. Zestyclose_Remote874 on

      Bro that’s on you.

      And as an anime only, I don’t even see how that’s remotely true.

    4. aot-and-yakuzafan_88 on

      >Itadori’s character makes the story bland

      Gege, YOU CREATED HIM! That’s on you. If you think his character makes the story bland, then why didn’t you think of more character traits or anything for him, If you think he “Makes the story bland”

    5. But you also hated the one who is arguably considered the most fun character in the setting in Gojo.

    6. Imma be real here, does Gege even like his own story? He doesn’t like Gojo. He kills off a majority of his cast. And now he doesn’t really like his MC.

      Your the literal creator, you wrote your characters this way.

    7. Immediate-Divide-908 on

      So, either he’s confessing he didn’t create Itadori, or more likely, admitting he’s incapable of writing a *good* protagonist. 🌚

    8. SerasAshrain on

      Well to me he does indeed seem bland. As a bleach fan, people were always giving Ichigo a hard time because he never had some over the top grand goal like “i want to be hokage” or “I want to be pirate king” or “I want to be wizard king”, etc. he was just an otherwise normal guy who wanted to protect his friends and family. 

       But I was always wondering why Itadori never got the same criticisms when his motivation is “I don’t want to be alone when I die”… I do think he takes the cake, at least to me, for bland MC’s. 

    9. I think a lot of people miss out on the fact that he was required to make character changes to get published. Iirc the main 3 were supposed to be killed early in the story and Yuta was supposed to be the main charcacter.

    10. I have no idea why some people seem to be reacting negatively to this comment. I find it amazing that an author can look at its work objectively and look for areas he could of improved on. Authors arent gods who will get everything right, they are allowed to have ideas and later on feel they failed in the execution. From what I have seen in the anime and what I have heard from manga readers it’s obvious jjk isnt a masterpiece so hopefully he uses this experience to make something much better next time

    11. Well, that doesnt help much if you keep killing the interesting characters and the bland one is still alive.

      I wanted a Nanami traveling to thailand and visiting different beaches spinoff.

    12. Shiro_no_Orpheus on

      I love this. So much. I have a JJK fan in my friend group who called me an idiot for saying that he’s a lame MC, I just don’t get him.

    13. SteakForGoodDogs on

      Well, you wrote a main character whose main combat shtick is “I punch it for massive damage” with the same self-sacrificial personality as Shirou Emiya (but without the backstory trauma) without a foil to contrast him, so…..

    14. He’s right itadori is a traditional shonen MC, western fans asking why he made it that way then when the actual demographic that matters wouldn’t really accept it.

      His actual approach with the ensemble cast allowing other characters to almost be MC’s in their own right is the perfect balance

    15. This isn’t the first time he revealed Itadori wasn’t his favorite character. I don’t think he alone makes the story bland, but it’s obvious to me that Gege likes Okkotsu (the original MC), Fushiguro and Gojo (the fan favorite) much more than Itadori and thus struggles to have a balance of screen time between them.

      There are not a few series where the authors once introduced new MCs but ended up bringing back the original ones (Dragon Ball, Gundam Seed Destiny, Yakuza, Ace Attorney and the list goes on). I just hope Itadori will not follow the same route.

    16. JJK’s characterisation has always been weak imo. It only gets worse as we go deeper in the story. This was part of the reason why I didn’t enjoy the shibuya arc.

    17. Just personal opinion, Megumi would be a cool protag, a mid sorcerer who got trounced in fighting strength by his new teammates but having a nuclear option just in case. I like Yuji but Megumi seemed to have more potential with his struggle while Yuji just casually gets stronger at a rapid pace with less effort.

    18. If he feels that way why the fuck did he write it that way then?

      Like I know he hates Yuji Itadori but come on, it is still on you how he is portrayed, the story placed around him and whether he is bland or not.

    19. This shit was definitely meant to end a little after Shibuya and he’s been trolling ever since

    20. wallowsworld on

      Gege has got to be the funniest mangaka of all time, like I have never seen someone criticize their own series this much in my life

    21. orphan_of_Ludwig on

      Yuji is actually compelling now considering everything with Sukuna. So it’s so strange for him to put out this statement when Yuta and Megumi would be really bland, too cool for school types.

    22. MysteryNeighbor on

      Yuji barely moves the story though, bruh has just been caught in the middle of almost every situation he’s been in that doesn’t involve moments of getting possessed by Big Suk

      If anything, Yuji is one of the most *passive* MCs out there. 

      I think this is the only instance I can think of in which I feel the mangaka is just straight-up wrong about his story and shows a worrying lack of self-awareness as to the real issue and that’s giving the villains ridiculous amounts of plot armor

    23. theodoreroberts on

      Then it is your fault? You just show you are bad in writing and developing a character. And this is not a difficult character like anti-hero or enigmatic villain or complex godlike being. This is just a white bread with butter character, you are unable to put jam or lecture and chicken, or tuna and tomatoes on it, then it is your fault 100%.

      The final fight is getting stretched like a rubber band recently. There is no excitement in the development. It goes around and around:

      * Yuji and someone fights, Gege hypes that person for the entire chapter
      * Yuji gains the upperhand
      * Sukuna insults Yuji, Sukuna punches Yuji
      * Sukuna kills or mortally injures that someone, maybe add a Binding Vow
      * Someone new joins the fight, Gege hypes that person for the entire chapter
      * Sukuna insults an off-screened Yuji
      * Sukuna kills or mortally injures that someone, maybe add one more Binding Vow
      * Yuji and someone joins the fight, Gege hypes that person for the entire chapter…
      * Rinse and repeat, oh maybe some NPC dies.

      So lacking of character development is not his only problem. Being unable to kill off the last boss that feel exciting to read is also another of his problems.

    24. Gege doesn’t know what he’s doing and just winging it as it goes it seems lmao

    25. BitchYouAintNoNerd on

      Insert the SpongeBob meme of him looking for the criminal responsible for this

    26. Gege cooks, but dislikes it for some reason. He then wonders why people like it though which frustrates him that he would then burn it on purpose until it’s shit and everyone thinks it’s shit and that motivates him to create even more shit until it’s all a pile of shit. And then he finally complains about it. 👍

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