Third Issue – Violence vs. the Prince

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    She's brave enough to say lines like that, so naturally, she got that nickname.

    Questions of the Day:

    1) What do you think of Hori and Kashima after their introductions this episode?

    2) Have you ever been in a play?

    Wallpaper of the Day:

    Yuu Kashima

    Rewatchers, please remember to be mindful of all the first-timers in this. No talking about or hinting at future events no matter how much you want to, unless you're doing it underneath spoiler tags. Don't spoil anything for the first-timers, that's rude!

    by Shimmering-Sky


    1. Shimmering-Sky on

      **Gekkan Shoujo Rewatch Host-chan, subbed**

      [Welcome back, everyone!](#michaelwink)

      Today’s Wallpaper of the Day trivia: Much like the previous two wallpapers, the background colors come from Kashima having the blue color in the OP. Also, the pattern is supposed to be like a spotlight on her in reference to her being an actress.

      – [Chiyo pls.]( [](#trololol)

      – [Kashimaaaaaaaa!]( [](#utahapraises)

      – [Nozaki pls.]( [](#crazedlaugh)

      – [Hori!]( [](#urarahype) …wait holy shit, I didn’t realize he has the same seiyuu as [SHOGUN KAYOOO](, this just got even better.

      – [But you]( literally [did.]( [](#hikariactually)

      – Ooh right, the first time I watched this show was before I started my “sore demo” collection (hell, it was before I’d even gotten into Gundam), and my pre-rewatch of it was with the dub, I can collect them now! [Seo had a quick one here.](

      – [Hori, my short king.](

      – [Ah, there it is.](

      – [CHIYO NO](

      – [Chiyo why would you say it like that!!!!!!!!]( [](#laughter)[](#laughter)[](#laughter)

      – Okay I can *really* hear the Shigeshige in Hori’s voice when he’s “performing” the lines of the prince for Nozaki. And also in the post-credits scene.

    2. LittleIslander on

      **First Timer Who’s Found Her Favourite Character**


      A handsome girl on stage! Truly, this show knows the way to my heart… I actually ended up trying the “write notes as you watch” approach instead of writing them afterwards like usual. Not because of a conscious decision, but because I was enjoying the episode so much I couldn’t contain writing about each gag as it came along until the end.

      * Time for a new guy?
      * Wait, no, that’s a masculine girl.
      * Damn! It actually is a guy.
      * WAIT! IT REALLY WAS A GIRL! [](#yuristare)[](#spinning)
      * Hiodoshi Ao-kun, is that you?
      * Sakura-chan has to come out as straight to the Prince.
      * …Sakura-chan has to come out as a little less than straight to herself. [](#kotohoops)
      * Ouch. Talk about getting friendzoned, Mikorin.
      * The stupidity… by gods. It really is Ao-kun. [](#mindmelt)
      * He who was prophesied… finally, a man who can draw buildings!
      * “I’m thankful senpai is a guy” Sakura has clearly learned nothing from the day of exposure to Kashima’s groupies.
      * “You’re doing manual labor for Kashima’s sake” Seriously, Sakura, take a hint.
      * “Nozaki-kun’s repaying him with his body” Way too much of a hint! [](#panic)
      * In all seriousness, I’ll give the writers that I *genuinely* can’t tell if they’re setting up Kashima and Hori romantically or if the joke is that they really are just friends.
      * You know, it’s kind of funny that our Ao-kun is the one character here who *doesn’t* draw manga…
      * The setup and payoff of Hori’s acting skills so far apart in the episode was neat.
      * Ha, they completely lost the plot during the line reading and got into the acting.
      * The punchline that Nozaki-kun didn’t have any kind of writing breakthrough during the whole gokigenyou sequence and just produced an even more stupid draft was *perfect*. [](#azusalaugh)
      * They actually managed to win *me* over to shipping the masculine girl with ladies hanging off her arms all the time with her *guy* friend. In one episode! That’s gotta be worth an award.

      That had an easy home run on my front and… yeah, it hit the home run. Just a super fun episode all around, even the half that wasn’t focused on Kashima directly! I hope we get a lot more of both of them… at least for now I have the preview banter.


    3. **First-Timer, Gekkan Shoujo Sub-zaki-kun**

      [The utter scoundrel.](

      [Very pretty.](

      [She’s goddamn smooth, too.](

      [At some point you’re going to realize that you’re a shoujo heroine yourself, Sakura.](

      [Nozaki is gonna cut the knot in 3, 2, 1…](

      [Lewdly, too!](

      [Sakura, you are literally sitting right next to Mikorin.](

      [A relative of Bulma, I suppose.](

      [What a surprise.](

      [How is *that* what you ask him??](

      [That’s not.. oh, whatever.](

      [Yea, that is a potential problem.](

      [This is a good gag.](

      [Don’t fix what ain’t broke.](


      1. They’re a fun duo.

      2. I have not.

    4. **Rewatcher, Source Reader, Subbed**

      Now hear me out for a second; this is a Shoujo Manga, right? Well, it’s not, it’s a Shonen, but let’s pretend it is. Well if so, and if you know the usual tropes you know exactly what’s missing: The prince! Yes, the dashing, heroic prince whom all the girls swoon over. This however presents a problem: Where does Mikorin fit in? He’s the heroine after all, he can’t go cheating on the hero with the *prince*! At best, the prince should be a rival, and if he isn’t, then [he has to be an idiot.](

      Unfortunately for us, Kashima falls into the second criteria. Fortunately for us, she’s a girl who stole her fashion sense from Utena, so don’t worry Suzuki, Mamiko isn’t cheating on you with another man.

      Also fortunately is that the Prince already has her man. Meet Hori-senpai, and with him we’ve been introduced to the most popular ship of the Manga. No, seriously, they consistently make it to the top of the popularity polls. These two are just the perfect Manzai duo, and fortunately Hori would make Chiaki-senpai proud: Like Nodame, Kashima is a big baka so naturally it’s only natural that she ends up being the Boke here, gender be damned.

      Alas she’s just not very cute as a result. Oh sure, she’s the prince, but that’s not cute material. If anything Nozaki fits that even more, as proven by Hori-senpai’s constant payment of his own body for writing services. Naturally, given how she is our debatable lead, Chiyo must now also partake in this, which hey if anything leads to Mikorin getting some acting lessons. I remember having those… I dropped out after a year out of boredom.

    5. Starshine011 on

      **First Timer here!**



      * [Handsome girl!!](
      * This opening’s definitely growing on me
      * [Ah, my daily dose of yuri](
      * [Nice job, Nozaki](
      * [Yet another assistant?](
      * [Take a shot every time Sakura makes this face](
      * [I love how everybody who’s been introduced so far has been a dumbass in some way or another](
      * [He’s been doing the backgrounds, hasn’t he?](
      * [How… sweet?](
      * [Sakura why](
      * [Hey, you don’t know that!](
      * RIP Kashima-kun
      * [Lmaoo true](
      * [Damn I thought y’all just met](
      * [It can’t be helped, it’s simply the Mikorin effect.]( He is certainly my favorite so far.
      * Aa the ending was cute!!

      I feel like I don’t see a lot of the “handsome girl” trope in anime (please share if you have examples, I’m begging), so I am loving Kashima! Especially the fact that she’s a dumbass, same as the rest. And Mikorin is as cute as ever. I actually really like this show so far and I’m super excited to see where it goes from here. But wait… who was drawing the briefs??


      **Questions of The Day:**

      1. Hori I like, but I don’t have a particularly strong opinion of him. Definitely thought the last scene was cute though. And as I mentioned earlier, I absolutely adore Kashima!
      2. Nope, never been my thing and I believe I would be rather horrific at it.

    6. First timer

      -If Mikorin actually was gay, I wonder how his fangirls would take it. Would they be upset, or would they squeal over the yaoi?

      -Blue hair and pronouns

      -Yuri moments

      -“Why would a girl draw underwear?” “Only a girl would raw a cute cat” Sexism, much?

      -Hori is the mysterious background artist

      -“Tell me about your undies” “THAT’S HARASSMENT!”


      1. I like Kashima, she’s like if Tamaki from Ouran was a girl. She’s also a GNC and bisexual icon. I think Hori is a prick though.

      2. I have never been in a play

    7. InfamousEmpire on

      **Gekkan Shounen First Timer**

      This episode was fine, if a bit of a downgrade from the first two

      Starting off with what I like, Kashima is a fun character. Her whole schtick of effortless charm that does more harm than good in practice because her rizz is too strong leads to some funny moments here & there, and I generally just enjoy her presence on screen.

      My less than strong reaction to the episode mostly has to do with the fact that, by contrast, I don’t really get much out of Hori. He’s not *bad*, really, I just don’t find him or his dynamics with the rest of the cast particularly funny or endearing, and the fact that he’s so entwined with Kashima’s gimmicks also kinda drags down my enjoyment of her as well.

      It’s not a bad episode overall, just one I didn’t have as much fun with.

    8. entelechtual on

      **Rewatcher, sub and dub**

      * Chiyo going from being upset at Mikorin for being friendly with another boy and relieved it’s just a girl… Girl you got problems with reality.

      * Actually Mikorin has his own delusions.

      * Chiyo you can’t call Kashima an idiot and then ask if Hori likes briefs.

      * Chiyo might have the worst phrasing of them all.


      1. Kashima is pretty fun. Hori takes a while to warm up to, I feel.

      2. I played a tree in middle school… I prefer behind the scenes theatre stuff.

    9. collapsedblock6 on


      * [My heart…](

      * [Loved the little gag](

      * [Good Sakura face](

      * [What about ME!!!](

      * [Oh please Sakura](, you know he doesn’t have the mental capacity to bring a girl home

      * [Oh oh](

      * [Damn, cry on command](, she is good

      The duo of the day is Kashima and Hori. Kashima is the epitome of the meme of [the guy surfing on a rake](, I love her unwavering confidence that is just founded on her sheer ignorance.

      Hori is not a very outstanding character in this cast but he is still plenty fun and great chemistry with Kashima. He creates good contrast being the calmest and least absurd person in the room giving another tone/pace to the humor.

      > 1) What do you think of Hori and Kashima after their introductions this episode?


      2) Have you ever been in a play?

      Once. It was fun though I don’t remember what it was, it was a kids mystery with bug people. Never felt like ever going to another.

    10. **Episode 3 (first timer)**

      * “He already has a boyfriend, but …” – Now, don’t be spreading rumors, Chiyo.
      * Kashima, Prince of the School.
      * The fact that you can identify Kashima’s gender from the clothes shows how unequal female and male fashion are. The later can use the former, but never the other way round.
      * “They” – Jokes that only worked in Japanese, not in English, until English decided that “they” is an acceptable single person pronoun again.
      * “They are bonding over a piece of underwear” – confusing is the salt of comedy.
      * “Nozaki is repaying Senpai with his body” – Now, don’t be spreading rumors, Chiyo.
      * “You’re Misa, the maid”


      * “The hardcore prince and the clumsy maid” – what exactly is the age rating on this???

      I am not into comedic violence and the running gag with Kashima and Hori is no exception. It is not like they need this common trope, either. There is enough substance to the characters to make them work without. The much better version of jokes were the repeated misunderstandings that Chiyo caused. She seems to be out to single-handedly ruin the reputation of every member of the school.

      Mecha spotted: None so far, but Kashima might want to try getting some solid steel armor between herself and Hori.

    11. TakenRedditName on

      **Rewatcher – Nozaki-kun Ep3:**

      [Mikorin’s face when he sees his friend is so moe.](

      I like our new characters today. I have a weakness to princely types and Kashima is so stupid which makes Hori-senpai’s over-the-top violence funny. It has been a long time since I saw the anime and I can’t pin down a lot of these voices, but the way Hori-senpai yells “Kashima!!!” is iconic and I can perfectly remember the sound.


      Kashima is a prince, but [this random girl has some real ojou-sama drills.](

      Peak character design is when [red character and blue character and they are buddies.]( Their shades are so complimentary.

      [Chiyo is not a fujoshi.](

      Thought about it last episode, but there was a small little setup with how Nozaki can’t draw buildings so [Hori-senpai is the one who draws the backgrounds.](

      Before she said it, I was trying to come up with what double entendre she would say and [this one works.]( I can already imagine the BL cover.


      [She looks so proud and stupid]( (*affectionate*).

      [Nozaki-kun Manga Reader Thought:] >!Nothing all too shocking today, actually. Kashima and Hori-senpai are so themselves. Maybe the fact that the Hori Masayuki I know is more mom than what his debut shows. The real thing I want to bring up is how anime-onlies are never going to see that one time [Kashima gets a wig.]( [](#sobright)!< Something else though, from last episode that I only realize after the fact, [Nozaki manga:] >!Chiyo is so cold to Mikorin at the start. Nowadays, those two are BFF buddies. Like, compare them in the episode to the [most]( recent [chapter.]( The brain poising these characters received from hanging out with each other for too long.!<


      **Q2)** Only school plays when I was in school. The next closest thing was being in the audience while budaixi puppetry was being performed during a convention panel.

      Next Time: **Him.**

    12. **First timer**

      – This got gay fast.

      – [I mean, you could. It’s not like Nozaki’s trying to keep it a secret, it’s simply that no one believes him.](

      – [Def Nozaki.](

      – That script reading got intense.

      – This epiaode marks another comic relief getting added to our cast.

      – I like how everyone’s been riffing with Sakura so far.


      – I like em.

      – I don’t believe so.

    13. **Rewatcher**

      The second best character arrives! I love Kashima for the same reason I love Mikorin: the contrast between their apparent cool, suave nature and their actual derpiness is an easy way to win me over. Hori is the perfect person to match her; I never tire of watching their antics.

      I’m pretty sure Kashima is supposed to be based off the “cool, handsome, masculine-looking older girl whom all the other girls swoon over” trope in shoujo manga, which itself is likely a nod to the Takarazuka Revue. I haven’t actually seen as many characters of this type in newer stuff; I’ve come across more often in older series like Rose of Versailles, Oniisama e…, Utena, Sailor Moon, etc.


      1. Love.
      2. Yes, being part of school plays was compulsory when I was a kid. ~~I actually loved it.~~

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