Second Issue – Say Hello to the New Heroine

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    Bringing out the character's charm to its fullest is my job!

    Questions of the Day:

    1) What part of the manga-making process would you want to be a part of?

    2) Are you any good at singing?

    Wallpaper of the Day:

    Umetarou Nozaki

    Rewatchers, please remember to be mindful of all the first-timers in this. No talking about or hinting at future events no matter how much you want to, unless you're doing it underneath spoiler tags. Don't spoil anything for the first-timers, that's rude!

    by Shimmering-Sky


    1. Shimmering-Sky on

      **Gekkan Shoujo Rewatch Host-chan, subbed**

      [Welcome back, everyone!](#michaelwink)

      Today’s Wallpaper of the Day trivia: Nozaki’s color in that shot at the end of the OP is green, so he’s got a green background as a result. Also, rather than being a screenshot from the show, the base image I used for this was the cover of one of the manga volumes.

      – Clearly all the people who were confused Bakugo’s VA could do a role that isn’t explosive like that one when he played Himmel all need to watch this show for Mikoshiba. [](#psh-mongrels)

      – I love the duality of [Mikoshiba saying all that flirty stuff]( just to [not be able to handle the words that came out of his own mouth.]( [](#azusalaugh)

      – [Pffffffff](

      – [She’s not wrong, lol.](

      – [The joke about *none* of them being good at buildings]( is honestly even funnier than the joke about Mikoshiba only being good at adding all the extra flower effects. [](#seasonallaugh)

      – [Same face syndrome.]( [](#pointandlaugh)

      – [Seo is amazing.]( [](#utahapraises)

      – [That’s one way to do it, I guess.]( [](#trololol)

      – [The dramatic lighting hahahahaha]( [](#laughter)

      – [She’s so good!]( [](#seasonallisten)

    2. LittleIslander on

      **First Timer**

      Two character introduction episodes for the price of one!

      * It occurs to me how well they sell Sakura just through her interactions and general personality. If you asked me to like, tell you anything about her as a character or what kind of traits she has I wouldn’t be able to say much. But she doesn’t fall flat or feel bland and all and contrarily is actually a very fun protagonist to watch.
      * Ah, being scared of an intimidating guy. I’ve been there, Sakura.
      * The surface level joke that Mikorin wants to be asked for guidance but tries to act cool and like he’d find it a pain to be bothered is fun, but the reversal that Sakura ends up finding *him* a pain for not being upfront about it really completes it.
      * Artists, does the “bad at drawing certain things” joke land? [](#ama)
      * Is this how manga art actually works? I always thought most manga just have one artist. Are the secondary artist roles usually uncredited? Do I just read the wrong manga?
      * Sakura’s chibi physically moving to dodge the heart slayed me. [](#rinkek)
      * Can we talk about how pleasant the school grounds are? So much vibrant foliage! Every animal high school tends to look the same but this one really stands out in a good way.
      * Seo is total hairstyle goals.
      * I love how Seo has to carry the papers as a penalty, but Nozaki is forced into it for no reason.
      * The entire “I’ll come back!” gag, oh my lord. [](#laughter) Especially the little bit afterwards when Sakura finds him waiting there, Nozaki-kun again shows its ability to know just how to extend a joke.
      * Seo’s an everyday Rosa Canina! [](#awe)
      * It’s kind of cute that this episode that’s all about trying to reduce people into simple shoujo manga personalities carried the undercurrent that people don’t actually work like that. Like, Nozaki thinks he has Seo solved, but then learns she’s a gorgeous singer. Then later he thinks there must be some narrative to her friendship with Sakura when it’s mundane. He’s actually kind of a bad judge of character, isn’t he?

      Y’know, I’m really starting to realize all that’s necessary to dupe me into watching a straight up comedy is to insist that the two main characters are on a romantic trajectory. I mean, even Urusei Yatsura if you think about it…

      > 2) Are you any good at singing?

      Not really, I dislike my voice way too much to ever pursue it.


    3. **Episode 2 (first timer)**

      * Blushing at your own double entendre? I agree with Nozaki, that is kind of cute.
      * “Don’t ask me” – wants to be asked.


      * Chiyo is preferring realistic drawings – btw, if they all keep calling her Sakura, I might switch over.
      * I say that one scene before she gets named Chiyorin…
      * Since the female MC is modeled after Mikorin, Yuzuki will surely become a male character.
      * “You’re a lolicon” –Yuzuki also noticed the ep1 eye catch.
      * Walking on her hands – impressive, but not as impressive as the magical gravity holding her skirt up.
      * Nozaki holding these books on one hand is also not bad.
      * Great singing voice, too? Now they are just showing off.
      * Second episode with an after-ED scene in a row. Is this standard here?
      * Preview not only after the ED, but also after the after-ED scene.


      Side character introduction episode, so mostly setup. I think Mikorin is slightly more promising for comedy so far.

      Mecha spotted: None so far, but Nozaki’s and Yuzuki’s strength looks suspiciously mechanically enhanced.

    4. ShadowWasTakensTaken on

      **Love Hunter Rewatcher**

      I was so ready to make the “Mikorin is the real heroine” joke but the show made it for me!!


      It’s such a deeply ingrained impression of his character for me that I completely forgot the story itself brings it up. He’s so cute. I’m actually reading [a manga]( right now which I just realized probably based the protagonist off of him. If it’s a coincidence, that’s also funny. He’s a perfect heroine.



      From Nakamura Yuuichi, to Miyano Mamoru, to her now, this cast is great. [And Seo is so fucking funny.]( You know you have a problem when even Nozaki is bewildered at how much of a moron you are. The handstand walking into her [shounen manga scene with Nozaki fucking killed me.]( That’s a very convincing modernized Dezaki style.


      The joy of rewatching this is that it’s been so long since I first watched it that I forgot 99% of the jokes, so these are all feeling super fresh. But the funniest scene wasn’t even any of those – [this shit actually made me laugh so fucking loudly.](


      The joke I was expecting was for Nozaki to also suck as much as Mikorin at that one and for Chiyo to be the only good one – all 3 of them doing the same exact house I pictured in my mind destroyed me. [Nozaki]>!They truly would be nothing without Hori-senpai. At least Nozaki can draw boxes.!<

      Man, they’re all so dumb. Everyone is so stupid. Chiyo is dumb. Nozaki is an idiot. Mikorin is stupid. Seo is a moron. I love them all so much. I’m really falling in love with the show all over again.


      > 1) What part of the manga-making process would you want to be a part of?

      story and nothing else


      > 2) Are you any good at singing?

      I won a karaoke event in a Discord server with a total of 3 participants so that’s gotta count for something.


    5. **First-Timer, Gekkan Shoujo Sub-zaki-kun**

      [Of course the bad boy has fangirls.](

      [That moment where your mouth outspeeds your brain.]( Classic blunder.

      [Such a useful senpai.](

      [Ohh, he *wants her* to ask for help.]( Male Tsundere, got it.

      [Yup, got there.](

      [I really like how Sakura’s VA delivers sarcasm.](

      [There is a reason that architecture is a high-end skill.](

      [Ah, an expert in effects and details.](

      [“I’m way too awkward.”](

      [Love that she dodges the heart.](

      [A delinquent, fun.](

      [You don’t say.](


      [This is actually pretty impressive.](

      [We have hit Riyoko Ikeda and/or Osamu Dezaki.](

      [I sincerely doubt that.](


      1.I would be the writer, if anything.

      2.I cannot carry a tune with a bucket.

    6. Starshine011 on

      **First Timer here!**



      * [So he’s his assistant as well, intriguing…](
      * [So he can dish it out but can’t take it? Lmao](
      * [Yeah ok bro](
      * [And he’s waiting for her to ask for help.]( That’s actually kind of precious.
      * [Ok you know what I think he’s my new favorite](
      * [He’s literally me!!](
      * […Nevermind.]( My artistic skills are pretty nonexistent all around.
      * [LMFAO](
      * [PLEASE I need these stupid ideas to become their own romcoms](
      * [I don’t believe you](
      * [That is crazy](
      * [I hated these kinds of people back when I did soccer in high school](
      * [Damn she is mad annoying](
      * [What the fuckk lmao](
      * [This shit so beautiful.]( Nozaki wake up she just skedaddled!!
      * [Pot calling the kettle black](
      * [Damn ok girl, get it](
      * [Lmao, let him keep dreaming](
      * [You already have a character modeled after you silly.]( I love him though.
      * [Ooh…](

      Another fun one! Seems like we’re getting a new character every episode, at least in the beginning. I thought the new girl was lowkey kind of annoying, but it does seem like she has a more sensitive side to her. That episode preview definitely has me excited for the next one!


      **Questions of The Day:**

      1. I would love to do the actual drawing, but I’m not any good at that. I think I’d maybe try to come up with the actual story? I dunno really.
      2. My friends always tell me I’m good but I’m not so sure myself.

    7. collapsedblock6 on

      Its Mikoshiba day my dudes.

      * [OHNOHEISHOT](

      * [Don’t mind if I d-]( I mean, male tsundere poooog

      * [That’s why we love Mikoshiba](

      * [This fucking guy LMFAO](

      * [‘Tired of your bullshit’ Sakura](

      * [Bro needs to be pampered, jesus](

      * [“Holy shit Mikoshiba-kun, you aren’t a complete incompetent”](


      * [Fucking died](

      * [Could have sworn this was a comment face at one point](, a great one at that

      * [Pog pog pog](

      * [This isn’t how you react to peak, Nozaki](

      * [God is dead](

      * [That was a smooth one tbh](

      * [Feel the stare in your soul](

      Dunno if Mikoshiba counts as a tsundere but if he does then he is the king of them all. He’s so overbearing, I love it.

      Seo is the queen of chaos. Love how everyone hates her and she is just this undeterred vortex of energy. She brings decent slapstickness to the comedy.

      > 1) What part of the manga-making process would you want to be a part of?

      Uh, editing maybe? Not really interested.

      > 2) Are you any good at singing?


    8. entelechtual on

      **Rewatcher, sub and dub**

      * Fitting that Mikorin, the stand in for the star shoujo manga protagonist, is a huge pain in the ass who can’t say what he’s feeling.

      * I feel like Chiyo spends 90% of the anime with her eyes completely horizontal and narrow. Her voice when Mikorin is “explaining” stuff to her…

      * So Mikorin draws the annoying shoujo flower effects.

      * The trope of the identical looking male character designs stings particularly bad after recent abominations like Realist Dreamer.

      * Chiyo is pretty dense about Seo. I guess it’s easier to notice these things when you have some distance.

      * Seo is still a strong contender for best girl. She truly is too perfect.


      1. I’d love to be a little beta boy but I don’t think I could color within the lines.

      2. My singing ability is closer to Miyuki Shirogane than Seo.

    9. Heda-of-Aincrad on

      **First Time Viewer, Already A Fan**

      So far, I’ve liked the scenes that just focus on Nozaki and Chiyo the best because their dynamic is really fun, but Mikorin had some pretty cute scenes too. It was a nice twist that even though he tries to be the princely male love interest, he’s actually the inspiration for Nozaki’s easily flustered heroine. And he’s responsible for the flowery shoujo aura (in the manga and IRL)! I can see why Nozaki finds him entertaining, with the way he’s so obvious about wanting Chiyo to ask for his advice or act like a flirt only to get embarrassed by his own pick-up lines. The fact that he’s kind of self-aware about it too makes it even better.


      The skits with Seo didn’t work as well for me though. She just seems like the kind of character who would be annoying in real life – messing up people’s projects without even noticing or apologizing, pushing her work off onto others, and thinking she’s all that so this guy must have a crush on her. After that first impression, the singing didn’t really impress me.


      Questions of the Day:

      1) Story/character writing definitely suits my skills best.

      2) Not bad, but not great either.

    10. TakenRedditName on

      **Rewatcher – Nozaki-kun Ep2:**

      Throughout the episode, it is funny seeing Mikorin’s ikemen charm have zero effect on Chiyo. We already know the kind of guy she is enamoured with so she sees past Mikorin’s sparkle.


      I forgot the sound of Mikorin’s voice. He is more higher pitched than how I read him.

      I’m so jealous of [Mikorin’s ability to draw shoujo flowers.]( The one regret I have that I wish I could tell my younger self to do is that I should’ve been the type of person to doodle shoujo flowers in the margins of my school notebooks to build up flower drawing skills.


      [Old comment face spotted(?)](

      Now that I think about it, none of Tsubaki-sensei’s heroines are what you called the adorable type like [Mamiko]( in the ones I’ve read.


      Nozaki should’ve leaned in his [same-face syndrome]( and made his manga about triplets. The male lead and the rivals share the same face yet be so opposite is such a slam dunk (and there is a third one too, I guess).

      I don’t agree with Nozaki, Seo is totally shoujo manga heroine material. Cool, wild, stupid. People would totally follow along with a heroine like that.

      Geez, look at [the amount of lines Seo gets vs how the background characters are drawn.]( As Seo would say it, “It’s because I am a beautiful woman. [](#hackadollthumbsup)”

      [The handstand scuttle back really completed the joke.](


      [Cursed Nozaki.](

      [Nozaki Manga Reader Thought:] >!Seeing Mikorin in his debut. Who is this cool boy? The Mikoshiba Mikoto I know is a boyfailure. “But TakenName, Mikorin is a boyfail.” Yeah, but it has been so long since I’ve seen crowds swoon for his paper persona.!<


      **Q2)** I’ve never done karaoke so I don’t have never had myself score on how bad my singing is.

      Next Time: [](#romance) (but for real)

    11. **Rewatcher**

      Best boy arrives! I love Mikoshiba; he’s definitely my top character in the show, though most of his best moments happen later on. Seo is also very cool, but [Future]>!as far as female characters are concerned, I like Kashima more.!< 

      I find the same-face syndrome joke hilarious, and though it’s supposed to be an indication of Nozaki’s relative lack of skill, he’s in good company. Quite a few famous mangaka display same-face syndrome both within and across their works. Mitsuru Adachi infamously couldn’t differentiate between his own lead characters, Naoki Urasawa reuses designs all the time, Osamu Tezuka himself embraced the “Star System,” and while Arina Tanemura’s art is pretty, she also only draws one type of main character. And don’t even get me started on anime (Hiraiface, anyone?).

    12. Isn’t there anyone who isn’t awkward?

      I don’t mean it wrong but it’s funny how socially awkward everyone is

      >What part of the manga-making process would you want to be a part of?

      Drawing the nipples [](#crazedlaugh)

      >Are you any good at singing?

      Haha nope

    13. First timer

      I’m already familiar with Mikorin because an image of him is featured on a page on TV Tropes, I believe it was “Bishie Sparkle”

      Mikorin is attractive, but he’s full of himself and a bit stupid

      He’s also rather bossy

      Is there a real game show like Memory Sketch?

      I love how Chiyo, Nozaki, and Mikorin all draw houses the same way

      Mikorin is a playboy, isn’t he?

      He may be a jerk, but he’s funny when he gets embarrassed

      You know what they say: write who you know

      I already hate Seo

      She is a great singer, though


      1. I want to come up with the story of a manga.

      2. Ehhh, not really, but I bet with some voice training, I could be good. It’s just that I sing songs out of my pitch. Apparently I’m a mezzo-soprano.

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