Original Animation Project “GROTESQUE” Teaser

    by inspyral


    1. footballshaw on

      Reading the title made me think of a much darker presentation, but I vibe with this a lot more.

    2. CosmicPenguin_OV103 on

      Atsushi Nishigori as director? Hmm, will he be in the Idolmaster (2011) condition or in the DARLING IN THE FRANXX condition I wonder?

    3. DirectionExact31 on

      Loving the character designs of the girls, they look so cool!

      I still haven’t seen Franxx, but hopefully Nishigori can stick the landing this time around.

    4. This has the potential to be absolutely jaw-dropping amazing…or just suck and be forgotten real quick. Hoping for the former though, this trailer was (presumably deliberately) all over the place but was really intruiging still. I’m hyped for it for that Yuri shot alone.

    5. Emi_Ibarazakiii on

      Delinquents spotted at 0:30? That alone makes me want to check it out!

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