Tower of God aesthetic difference from Season 1 to Season 2

    by Ajxtt


    1. CypherStalker on

      2nd looks like it destroyed the carefully chosen colors by just upping the contrast and making it look like every other anime out there.

    2. Painkration on

      Season 1 looked so much more unique. season 2 isn’t bad but it lacks some pop

    3. I really liked the strange and unique artstyle used in the first season, the enveloping weirdness it had, sad its gone

    4. To everyone complaining about the change, remember that the original style received lots and lots of hate when it was released. Maybe you liked it, but the studio was probably pressured to change it.

    5. There was a lot of hate for the original artstyle of season 1. And now its just another generic artstyle we have seen a 1000 times. I know that the manhwa also changed the artstyle between season 1 and 2. But I really loved the unique style of season 1. Would have loved to see it return in season 2

    6. lifeordeathsworld on

      Oh god ew, they un-Tower of God-ed Tower of God. Looks like common low budget trash now…

    7. Electrical_Chance991 on

      the lineart on the clothing is gone, and the compositing isn’t helping at all.
      Kagenashi style has its own appeal and now its gone.

    8. You can barely make out anything in the second example. All clearly visible lineart is lost so its just one big dark mess that somewhat resembles a person.

      I haven’t seen this show so I won’t comment on what’s better or worse for it. But if you’re going to change the artstyle then you need to adapt the old shots to something that would work with your new artstyle instead of simply copypasting the same cut of animation that was intended with a different artstyle in mind.

    9. I liked s1’s look but let’s not pretend it didn’t receive a good amount of backlash.

    10. Shimmering-Sky on

      I loved season 1’s artstyle, sad to see it change. At least it’s not *as* bad of a switch as Log Horizon S1 –> Log Horizon S2 was, though.

    11. snuffaluffagus74 on

      Season 2 looks more like the Manhwa, which season 1 didnt have, which changed the mood of the story. I loved the aesthetic of the first but it definitely needed the change to fit the whole somber and mood of the manhwa for the first seasons. The color and mood changes later on which is noticeable as the character goes through his growth.

    12. I hated the first episode of season 1 because of the artstyle but it quickly grew on me and I started to like it more than other styles out there.

      Unfortunate that they changed it.

    13. chrissysnose on

      This sub was talking shit about season 1’s animation when it came out. Looks like people got goldfish memories

    14. AggravatingPace2813 on

      no one wins. when s1 came out a lot of people didn’t like the art style. now that it changed, lots of y’all don’t like it either..

    15. To be fair, the art style in the manhwa changes pretty drastically following the first season

    16. I always loved the season 1 art style. The drawn aesthetic with light yet bright colors made it unique.

    17. Its a shame if it loses the thing that made it standout, too many shows are just going for the more darkened look, this reminds of when we had the remake of MGS1, the original ps1 game colours really stood out and lent to the effects and atomosphere, then the remake came around and just made it a dull version of its former self.

    18. PantsUnderUnderpants on

      This series is on my list and, as an artist with a degree in animation, it breaks my heart. The lines in the first image look so crisp. The colors are so subtle and beautiful.

    19. Honestly I was expecting they where going right out the bat to adapt the first season with more of an artstyle of what you see today in the webtoon, so when they went for an artstyle more similar to the 1st season I was certain they were going to change it for the second.

      So if you’re going to cry do it at SIU for changing the artstyle with time, not on the studios.

    20. SliderGamer55 on

      Yeah, I’m bummed out about this. I just rewatched season 1 a couple of months ago and one of the things that most stood out as a positive was its art style. It’s almost like a more subtle version of how Trigger anime characters tend to stand out.

      It still looks…good enough I guess but I looked at the trailer that had characters I didn’t recognize, I would not have known it was Tower of God. I think taking something that is good and unique and taking out the unique part is not…a great idea. Especially after a 4 year gap of a 1 cour anime.

    21. DatKillerDude on

      this is what happens when you listen the loud minority’s whining 🙁

    22. I don’t watch this anime but second image S2 is awful, if we’re here to enjoy the anime, they should probably need to make it more less realistic with the lighting and shadow for us the audience to understand the image more, it supposed to be dark but doesn’t mean it needs to be completely unreadable

    23. Dinkleballs on

      Only if you fuckers learned to appreciate what we had before it was gone smh

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