WIT Studio’s One Piece Remake Will Address Series’ Two Major Flaws For New Anime Fans, George Wada Reveals

    by AdNecessary7641


    1. I stopped after Alabasta, because while I love the characters and the story, man the anime is just waayyy too bloated. I think the remake is really a good idea because there really is no show like it, and it needs to be packaged in a much more concise format. Does anyone know if they are going to be using the same VAs?

    2. _StevenPettican04 on

      I absolutely can’t wait, I’m currently reading the manga, and so desperately want to be able to watch an anime of it that lives up to the quality of the story

    3. shadow0wolf0 on

      I really hope they bring the current one piece Dub cast for the remake. I’m extremely attached to their voices having been watching them for over 1000 episodes now.

    4. Hopefully the pacing is more digestible so the One Piece community can grow with more fans!

    5. Desperately needed. Was doing a rewatch and man, even the early arcs that I thought I remembered had decent pacing were a slog to get through.

      Not even being a huge one piece fan makes me want to sit through Toei’s adaptation

    6. Forgive me for sounding ignorant, but why of all things to remake, they choose One Piece of all things? I haven’t watched the anime but from what I know it’s already insanely successful, and if the problem is pacing and filler, the viewer can just skip them over, no?

    7. WIT Studio : Here’s a high-quality modern adaptation of the most popular manga of all time to make it even more popular.

      Also WIT Studio : *Shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan*

    8. Hefty-Paper8644 on

      So it’s pretty much like dragonball kai except unlike kai they are completely redoing the animation for the first season??

    9. SanchitoBandito on

      This is gonna be like DBZ Kai, right? I feel like they could just edit episodes together and get the voice actors to redo some dialog in case certain scenes don’t transition well. If they re-did audio it could have the same effect Kai had on older fans where they didnt like the dialogue changes, though I’m sure this is to get new fans.

      Excited nonetheless though for more people to experience it since we all know for HUNDRES of episodes post episode 70ish, there’s really only 12 minutes of actual progress in an episode, and even that could be bloated. The rest of the time it’s the stupid world intro of Gol. D Roger, the intro, and then a recap of the previous episode.

    10. Emotional-Chef-7601 on

      I prefer my animation to be crusty and not the new type of modern animation.

    11. whowilleverknow on

      I cannot for the life of me imagine caring about the aspect ratio of all things.

    12. I stopped watching the anime because of the terrible pacing, and my brothers gave up on starting it because it has over 1000 episodes. If the pacing is fine, this remake may be the perfect chance for us

    13. I’ve only remembered watching 4kids dub back in the day, a remake would entice me to finally get into one piece

    14. SliderGamer55 on

      I love the One Piece anime with all my heart, but I am overjoyed that there’s gonna be a true, modern, high quality anime adaptation that One Piece deserves. One Piece deserves so much better than what being a long runner has allowed for it to be.

    15. Mana_Croissant on

      How long will it take though ? Even if they need 2/3 of the existing episode number to reach the same spot that is still a whooping +600 episode and if am not mistaken they are not gonna constantly run this like OP but use seasonal system where it will have seasons and then break and such. Wouldn’t it take FOREVER ? 

    16. hope it’s good. i only watched one arc of one piece and it was impel down. idk what compelled me to skip a bunch of arcs but i did. i dropped it shortly after lol. whitebeard the goat.

    17. StrawSolider on

      Ngl I feel like in the time it’ll take for this remake to be made, you could probably watch the OG series/read the manga

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