Junji Ito has revealed that the first four episodes of Uzumaki has been completed and lives up to his expectations.

    by Enough-Chocolate5122


    1. Enough-Chocolate5122 on

      Scheduled to air later this year (according to the article) 

      > Kurozu-cho, a small fogbound town on the coast of Japan, is cursed. According to Shuichi Saito, the withdrawn boyfriend of teenager Kirie Goshima, their town is haunted not by a person or being but by a pattern: uzumaki, the spiral, the hypnotic secret shape of the world. It manifests itself in small ways: seashells, ferns, whirlpools in water, whirlwinds in air. And in large ways: the spiral marks on people’s bodies, the insane obsessions of Shuichi’s father, the voice from the cochlea in your inner ear. As the madness spreads, the inhabitants of Kurouzu-cho are pulled ever deeper, as if into a whirlpool from which there is no return… 

    2. Has this not been in production for like years at this point? How many total episodes is this expected to be?

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