*Boukyaku Battery *, episode 12

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    by AutoLovepon


    1. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      I honestly was not as confident in Kei as Haru was. I really thought the goober was gonna totally strike out. Then when that didn’t happen, I was sure Chihaya was gonna get struck out. Boy am I glad to be 0 for 2 lol. Pretty great the guys won, but poor Kei still gets no respect around here. At least he’s not given up on trying to be better than his past self. Guy’s got a long road ahead but it seems his approach to baseball is already different. It’s not so cold and mechanical like.

      I enjoyed this one overall. Not a huge baseball fan but I found this pretty fun. I wonder if we’re gonna get an s2 announcement soon?

    2. This is a really good finale. Draws a good conclusion to the story, reminded audience how Kei started as someone with 0 interest in baseball, fell in love with it and became a good player in such a short time. The flashback was great and maybe a little depressing 🥹. I honestly thought they will leave it for the first episode of season 2.

      This show really deserves a season 2 😭. Though production will probably still take a year or more…. and hopefully more famous seiyuu for the new characters

    3. Sad there was no second cour announcement at the end. 🙁 Hopefully S2 will come sooner than later, but knowing MAPPA’s stacked schedule, it probably won’t be coming for quite a while if it wasn’t preplanned.

      This easily ended up being my favorite anime of the season, I pretty much loved everything about it (other than the fairly weak start).

    4. Muted-Conference2900 on

      This was a great finale to a great show. I rated it 9 it was my favourite show this season.

      Though Season 2 didn’t get announced so I was a little bit disappointed. But I still believe it will get a sequel soon maybe at The MAPPA Stage Event which they hold every year. Though this year has already happened so gotta wait till next year.

    5. demurefox97 on

      I usually hate anything sports related but somehow the characters and the comedy really made me love this show. Please please let there be a 2nd season.

    6. WhiskAnalysis on

      Woo! Their first win! I wasn’t expecting the game to wrap up this quickly. I thought they might only tie up the score or only get a very slight lead that they’d have to fight to maintain. But we did get a lot more insight into Kei’s amnesia since he seems to recall the faces of the players he faced middle school. I initially held off on speculating as to the cause of his memory loss (since amnesia in fiction really just works as the plot demands), but I do wonder. The first episode showed Kei in the hospital with a bandage around his head. So it seems to suggest a head injury? Probably only a head injury since he doesn’t appear to have any broken bones or anything else at the start of the show. Although, I’m not sure how much time has progressed between Kei getting amnesia and starting high school. 

      I don’t know why, but I suspect that his amnesia didn’t result from a baseball-related incident, that it was instead a mundane accident like hitting his head from a bad fall or something. And I do believe that the show is hinting that he lost all his baseball knowledge because he was starting to grow weary of the sport at that point of his life. It really appears that he’d been overextending himself for quite some time. I found it especially odd that Kei’s own feelings about the sport prior to his memory loss weren’t as clearly expressed while everyone else’s love for baseball was spelled out so plainly. It’s a very stark contrast between him and the others. So I do think he was getting less and less enjoyment out of baseball during the period leading up to his amnesia. Then when the injury occurred, his subconsciousness tried to eliminate that source of stress. And that’s how we got the idiot version of Kei. As for why/how the Commander came back, I’ve got no clue. Maybe getting back into the routine of training helped jog his memory of how he used to be? But why did Commander leave so soon then? 

      I really enjoyed this show. I was initially drawn in by the name (I mean Oblivion Battery just sounds cool), and even though I’m not super knowledgable about baseball, I decided to give a shot on account of the voice cast. Definitely wasn’t expecting it to be so goofy at the start, but I was also surprised by the show’s depth and how many serious topics it managed to cover in a relatively short amount of time. Hoping for a second season now!

    7. And here I thought this was just going to be some silly/goofy show!

      How I was wrong!

      Has to be the hidden gem of the season

    8. GreyGrimoire on

      I really liked this! Episode 11 made me lose a bit of hope for the show, since i really liked the Commander but im starting to like this version more like new Kei that wants to surpass his past self sounds cool, hopefully this gets a second season!

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