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    Streaming Options

    Tower of God is available to stream subbed and dubbed on Crunchyroll.

    Art of the Day

    (Note: Pixiv links may contain NSFW advertising. Sorry!)

    Bam and Khun (and Rak)

    Source: シャチ
    on Pixiv (May contain spoilers)

    Hair-tied Anaak

    Source: Patti
    on Pixiv

    Drippy Hwaryun and Endorsi and Yuri

    Source: suri on Pixiv (May contain spoilers)

    Season 1 Group Shot

    Source: YON on Pixiv

    Bam and Khun Build a Snowman

    Source: 黑黑 on Pixiv

    Questions of the Day

    1. Do you have a favorite character?

    2. Favorite test?

    3. Favorite track from the OST?

    4. What do you think might be found on the higher floors?

    5. Are you excited for season 2?


    Please make sure to put all references to future manhwa events behind spoiler tags. Any untagged hints and spoilers will be removed. Let’s keep everything as fresh as possible for everyone heading into Season 2 blind!

    by HereticalAegis


    1. HereticalAegis on

      **Rewatcher and Co-Administrator for this Climb**

      Congratulations all who survived the tower’s trials! With this thread, you have officially graduated and are hereby invited to continue your journey into season 2. Was the tower and all its experiences worth it? What will you take with you, and did you gain anything along the way? I hope everyone enjoyed their journey to some extent and wish you all the luck in the world moving forward.

      Before we part, I would like to offer some brief word of thanks to those who helped make this rewatch special for me:

      First, to u/laughing-fox13: You are incredible. When I set out to find a co-administrator, I was only looking for someone who could help post a couple threads on time and do basic management. I couldn’t have imagined I’d find a co-administrator who would be the most active person in all threads, source and link all art, and provide all other manner of support behind the scenes. It has been a genuine pleasure getting to work with you for the past month and a half, and your excitement has only amplified my own excitement both for this rewatch and for season 2. Thank you so much for everything you do and have done, and I hope we get to work together again in the future.

      Next, to u/Shimmering-Sky: Thank you for all your help behind the scenes as a mod and for giving me the push to put this rewatch together. The banner you put together was awesome, and your excitement for the rewatch is one of the things that has made hosting worthwhile for me. I hope this rewatch has been just worthwhile for you.

      Finally, to all climbers: Your participation is what makes rewatches possible, and I couldn’t have imagined this one would receive so much enthusiastic support. Reading all your comments has been enlightening for, both for details I myself overlooked and for ideas I never considered. On that note, I want to specially thank those among us who did not particularly care for Tower of God. Dissenting views are something I highly value in art and media. As someone who is not averse to sharing controversial views on popular shows myself, I understand the conviction it can take to share opinions that cut against the popular grain, and I appreciate your willingness to bare your thoughts in full. So thank you for helping to make this rewatch compelling. It has been a worthwhile experience for me, and I hope it has been similarly worthwhile for you, even if you dropped out partway through or finished but are not a fan.

      With those thank yous behind us, I wish you all one final congratulations and hope to see you around for season 2!


      1. Rak and Endorsi

      2. The Hide and Seek Test

      3. [25+Light](

      4. Chaos. Lots and lots of chaos.

      5. I can’t wait!

    2. Shimmering-Sky on

      **First-Timer climbing the tower, subbed**

      Well, that was fantastic and I’m definitely looking forward to season 2 now! I did watch the trailer for it and I’m kinda disappointed the artstyle isn’t unique like this season’s was, though. That was one of my favorite parts of this show. [](#dejected)

      Is it weird that I *don’t* hate Rachel after all this? I dunno, after being spoiled by seeing how much absolute rage people have towards her, I guess I was expecting something even more awful than what she actually did. This is me with Mai-HiME’s ending all over again, where I went in expecting something absolutely godawful based on what I’d heard about it, just to be met with something that was mostly good actually and nowhere near the actual worst endings ever ~~cough cough YGO ARC-V cough cough Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory cough cough~~. [](#animatedthink)

      Anyways, overall had a *fantastic* time with this show, so it earned a 10/10 from me. Thanks for hosting this rewatch, u/HereticalAegis and u/laughing-fox13!


    3. Rewatcher


      Two conclusions in on day is just too much. I am glad for this rewatch as I will pick up S2 immediately but I fear there isn’t much left unsaid. See you all in the weekly threads!

      QotD: 1 Too many to choose

      2 Random wave test

      3 Shinsu

      4 Cthulhu

      5 Yes

    4. **Rewatcher**

      When I first watched Tower of god, I noticed some differences, but didnt really think too much of them. But then i heard complaints about the changes made, which made me wonder if I had missed something, since the complaints werent very specific. So it was an interesting excercise to really analyze what was changed between both versions, and trying to figure out the rationale behind them.

      And i found that many of the changes werent really that bad, and some of them even enhanced the material. of course, they also made some that i think were downgrades, but sometimes that is just how it goes with adaptation.I think that both the webtoon and anime are worth experincing in their own right, and am glad they both exist. I am very interested to see how the anime will adapt the source in the next season

      In particular, while worldbuilding I quite appreciated was shaved off, in return it got a better sense of pacing, and some extra character moments that were very appreciated. they reframed some characters developments into new arcs which gave the season a more conclusive feeling ending, although also simplifying some other ars a tad too much. But it all evens out to a good show in the end.

      On a final note, i would like to give a shout out to the dub. While on the whole, i would say the Sub is much better, there were some good dub performances, I especially enjoyed Anaak and Quant.


      1. gotta go with Khun, I like how smart he is, and the way he wants to protect Bam is also really nice.

      2. hmm, tough choice, but i will go with timed door test. what it was testing and its answer was really clever

      3. I dont know their names but they were all good

      4. Cannot answer because ive read ahead

      5. Yes! the trailer looked really good, and the next parts are actually my favorite part of the series thus far.

    5. **Rewarcher anime only**

      And that was Tower of God! I don’t know what comes from here, but I have to say this is a masterful introduction. The way it introduces the core concepts and philosophies of the story is just perfect. Both memorable and impactful.

      I have to say this will definitely have to go on the list of anime you haven’t truly watched if you haven’t seen it twice. The hindsight truly gives it another angle.

      Surprisingly not a lot said about the soundtrack during the discussions, but first timers go give it a listen please. It’s as good as MiA’s imo. Kevin Penkin is a master of his craft.

      Not a lot more to say. Watching this twice definitely bumps it up in my estimation. Without Rachel this would just be a standard tower climbing story with it’s OP protagonist but the writer is truly genius for including the perspective of the weak and unfortunate and giving it the spotlight it deserves. It really makes everything come together and both sides of the coin enrich each other elevating the narrative to something more.

      For Season 2 and beyond, I’m mostly looking forward to whatever Rachel does next. She pretty much has carte blanche from my part to do anything as long as it’s in character lol. Redemption, corruption, slice of life, I don’t care just let her cook.

      Her being the indisputable weakest character so far makes her journey the most interesting, because she has the greatest challenges ahead of her. She’s gonna be a regular ass mf in a world of people who can Thanos snap her in an instant if they ever suspect her and this will only become more true the higher she climbs. For what the anime covers other people arranged the plan and she only had to pull the trigger, but I doubt she’ll have such help going forward. She’s going to have to cook her own schemes and I’m very much looking forward to that. Other people were born very strong, or with a great intellect, or a natural talent for Shinsu. She has only gatekeep, gaslight and girlboss to rely on. Perhaps Rachel’s luck will be to be a good swindler?

      Se you all in Season 2 and beyond!

    6. **Tower Ranker & Rewatcher**

      Thanks for hosting u/HereticalAegis and u/laughing-fox13!

      Its been a good refresher. I have read P1 of the webtoon a few time’s now, but from here on I am quite fuzzy on a bunch of things.

      I am kind of excited for the next season now, very curious how they will handle some things. The trailers production quality also has me wondering if that bump in quality will be maintained.

      > Do you have a favorite character?

      I really like how the characters gel together. Endorsi and Anaak both have great energy but I think I will give it to Shibisu for being a comedic relief character that is done very well.

      > Favorite test?

      Crown Game

      > Favorite track from the OST?

      All of Kevin Penkin’s stuff is great.

      > Are you excited for season 2?


    7. WednesdaysFoole on

      Overall thoughts:

      I’ve often heard ToG comparisons to HxH, and my first watch I thought it was just the exams, but this time around it feels a lot more like the themes are reminiscent of the latter. [HxH]>!That of the bonds you have and make on your journey is as precious, or perhaps even more precious, than the thing that you’re hunting. Also, wish granting reminds me of Alluka.!<

      I tend to enjoy stories that utilize wish granting as a way to bring out different aspects of the characters, their strengths and their flaws. Like a mirror held up to the wisher. Whether it’s the ~~monkey~~devil paw, the “Something” from HxH, the Room in Stalker/Roadside Picnic…

      I know, I probably compare stories to another a bit too often. But it’s not to say someone did it better or worse; what I find interesting is how the other stories affect and sometimes add to how I interpret the story I’m currently watching/reading.

      In ToG, at least this season, the question being posed is, is it worth throwing away what you have, throwing away what’s important to you, becoming someone you never should have become, in order to obtain what you believe you want? I hope this theme is further explored, although from what I gather this is only the beginning and things might take off in any direction from here on out.

      Thank you /u/HereticalAegis and /u/laughing-fox13 for hosting. Perhaps I’ll see some of you around in the season 2 episode discussion threads, or maybe not; it’s been fun y’all.

      Favorite character: Yuri. The reasoning is a bit shallow; she’s badass and looks good. Khun and Rachel are a close second, they’re most interesting.

      Favorite test: The Door and Tag.

    8. ThothStreetsDisciple on

      1. Khun. Always Khun

      2. Door test. It encapsulates everything I love about TOG.

      3. Not sure.

      4. I already know.

      5. Yes. The parts getting animated are great.

      Now, I watched Tower of God dubbed. Ill give my thoughts on it.

      Most of the cast was about the same as the sub. There were 3 dubbed voices I found superior and one very inferior.

      Khun- Frankly, I hated his dub voice…At first. Its nothing like the sub or what I imagine in my head. Yet as time goes…it just works. It works way better for some reason. I didnt expect Khun to have a deep voice and yet it really works.

      Bam- Obviously better. Bam in the sub is way too meek and sounds like hes one second away from crying all the time. Also, hes voiced by Johnny Young Boch. Cant go wrong.

      Endorsi-I liked her better. Thats all really.

      Yuri-This one is completely terrible. The sub actually is not only superior, but gets her completely correct. Yuri is feminine in the sub, yet not the stereotypical cutesy high voice of most anime women. What does she sound like in the dub? An upper middle class American white girl whos kind of a bitch….If that was Yuri, I wouldnt knock it, but Yuri isnt that. Yuri, despite her looking young and being younger than most rankers her level, is actually pretty wise. Like yeah shes a hothead who can be stubborn, but she is very intelligent and sees through a lot about the politics of the Tower. Her as a bitchy teenage sorority girl isnt right.

      My thoughts on season 1? Frankly, I found season 1(its called season 1 in both the manwha and the anime) as the peak of Tower of God in my book. These characters have magical powers and strength yet its all about trickery, plots, schemes and abusing the rules. That still happens going forward, but as time goes on TOG becomes more a stereotypical battle shonen. I really miss season 1 and wish the manwha was continuously like it.

      Also. The character I hate most in Tower of God?

      Its Hwa Ryun. The red headed bitch with an eye patch. Shes loved by the fanbase because shes hot, cold and logical. I dont get it…at all. I know how she acts going forward. I dont get the amount of love she has. Also, her being really attractive is apparently foreshadowing of something(as claimed by SIU). I just hope to god that it isnt a foreshadowing of Bam x Hwa Ryun. I genuinely hate her.

      Im curious for anime onlys who never read the manwha season 2 or anything going forward. What are your predictions about the Tower, Bam, the other characters, and anything else going forward? Very interested

      edit: Thing Im most excited for about season 2? A certain rapper whose really bad with women.

    9. laughing-fox13 on


      I don’t really have a lot to say in the overall discussions for rewatches. I really enjoyed it on first watch and still did the second time. I don’t see myself changing my score (8/10) but it has made me more excited for S2 than I was previously

      I want to say thank you all to first timers and rewatchers for your participation. Your enthusiasm was much appreciated! It makes it easier to reply and stay active in threads

      To rewatchers and source readers, thank you again for properly tagging spoilers and not spoiling the show for the first timers. Y’all did great for the most part and I’m happy that we had so many source readers to tell use notable changes and differences!

      And finally, thank you to /u/HereticalAegis for all the work you’ve done. You did a majority of the leg work and had fun with the formatting of the posts, and making sure everyone had a good time watching. It’s been a lot of fun working with you on this and I didn’t really have an interest in hosting a rewatch until you asked for a co-host, so thank you again for your hard work

    10. First Time Watcher, subbed

      Thank you u/HereticalAegis and u/laughing-fox for hosting this rewatch, it was a great time and I loved all the dodo et you put in such as the artwork, soundtracks, and questions of the day.

      I really enjoyed the series and am looking forward to watching season 2, I really liked the characters and all the test were very unique.

      Most of my predictions/wants for season 2 I made in last week’s discussion so I will move onto the questions.


      1. Definitely Khun, I just like his calculated planning side, and how he supported Bam. I also just think he is supper cool and has a great design. Some runner-ups are Shibisu, Anaak, and Rak.

      2. Probably the crown test, it was very fun to see our first proper fights of the series and seeing what everyone was capable of, it also just introduced a lot of concepts properly, such as the 13 month weapons, and a lot of characters such as Endorsi and Rachel making her return.

      3. I am not too much of a music guy myself, while I enjoyed a lot of the music I can’t really pinpoint any specific tracks, but overall I thought it was good.

      4. Honestly no clue, I am looking forward to finding out though, it would be cool to see some more irregulars though.

      5. Definitely, this felt like the prologue, it feels as if season 2 will be the start of the real plot, so I am looking forward to not only Bam’s development, but how the others will adapt without Bam and if they stay with Rachel.

    11. **First Time Graduate**

      * After the last episode I had some disappointment since the Rachel Hate Train really made me expect worse from her and on that note I found the song “The Judas Kiss” by Metallica to be fitting for her when it comes to Fear and Betrayal


      * QOTD 1 – Rak
      * QOTD 2 – The Final One
      * QOTD 4 – Trials and Tribulations
      * QOTD 5 – Yes

    12. **Rewatcher, subbed**

      I had plans for a writeup but real life got the best of me. Better today than any other. Thanks to both hosts for the rewatch, accidentally seeing the 24hr thread is how i learned S2 was finally releasing, which has me pretty excited. I hope the anime only’s liked the show and are excited for S2 as i am.


      1. Khun

      2. Isint adapted yet 🙂

      3. Lotus

      4. I cannot answer this one without spoiling lmao

      5. Absolutely

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