Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Infinity Castle Arc Trilogy Movies Announced

    by zenzen_0


    1. Aerodynamic41 on

      Ufotable is about to break their own record for the highest-grossing Japanese film 3 more times.

    2. Brave_Management_381 on

      i know a lot of people hate this movie format, but i will never forget the experience of watching mugen train in theaters for the first time.

      and now with infinity castle, holy… you guys are not ready.

    3. It’s gonna be gorgeous no doubt. I’m just worried about it being rushed . . .

    4. Crunchyroll also announced it already so the gaps between Japan and worldwide release wouldn’t be more than couple weeks like the latest world tour screening

    5. DBZLEGEND456 on

      To milk this even more, they will convert them into seasonal format after about a couple of months.

      Because they need a reason to include an OP lol

    6. Hopefully the wait between Japan and worldwide release for each of the films isn’t long.

    7. I fucking hate movie format for long ass arcs that just should be in tv show format

    8. ibeeeeeechan on

      I’m gonna be in the retirement home by the time all of the movies come out💀💀💀

    9. atropicalpenguin on

      See you in three years I guess.

      May this give Ufo time to start a Tsukihime anime.

    10. Electrical_Chance991 on

      Idk how to feel about this honestly. On one hand, we’ll get movie-quality animation and theater experience for one of the best arcs of Demon Slayer. On the other hand, most of the discussions surrounding the series will die. Only hardcore fans will talk about it nonstop, most of the casual watchers and other anime fans will comment/tweet saying “Awesome movie, amazing animation. Can’t wait to see what happens next” and will move on to talk about other seasonal anime and then will never talk about it until the next movie comes out. This arc would’ve generated soo much hype on weekly basis. S2 was the best season bcoz every episode kept building up insane hype up until the last ep.

      Plus Demon Slayer is mainly popular for its action/animation. While watching movies, you can’t rewind/pause/rewatch to appreciate its animation/action. It will also gonna be hard to avoid all the spoilers between the Japanese release and the international release.

    11. Love DS, but im not a Fan of this. This will take years. I would have rather waited 18-24 months to get a last long DS Season. It’s way more fun. But I guess the cow has to be milked till the end.

    12. Willythechilly on

      In honestly a bit bummed about this in the sense that it will basically kill weekly hype fandom discussion as well as just being extremely dragged out and inconvenient.

      I feared this for a long time but I guess it’s happening

      No doubt it will look amazing but…
      3 of Them

      Oh well Im sure it’s an upopular opinion but I had to get it off my chest.

    13. OMG I HATE MOVIES…they’re not gonna bring this shit to tv or home release after 6+months..

    14. Damn I really hate much movies are more profitable than anime.

      Guess that’s what happens when you ask for 10$ for 90 mins of anime instead of a few cents for 600 mins

    15. Doctorstrange838MCU on

      This will surely create a domino effect within the anime industry, where a ton of other popular anime will start announcing movies to adapt single arcs instead of anime seasons.

    16. SanchitoBandito on

      So the final bit of this series is gonna take a few years cause they’re finishing it off with 3 movies instead a of season?

    17. Longjumpi319 on

      Hopefully they release it in a way that western viewers can also watch it this time.

      For the last movie I ended up watching it on the high seas despite the fact I was more than willing to pay for it.

    18. SomeUserOnTheNet on

      Honestly I think this is fine. There’s a harder limit on spending money per episode if you go direct to TV, meaning less bombastic fights in an arc living or dying by its bombastic fights. There’s also TV censorship guidelines, and oh boy would we get a lot of dimming if some of those fights were on TV first

    19. I wasn’t a fan of the Haikyuu movie rushing the match hopefully these 3 movies will have better pacing. I’m not a fan of movies honestly but as long as we don’t have to wait more than 3 months after Japan it’s alright.

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