1. ExpiredMilknCheese on

      Not surprised, it was originally planned for two cours Anyways

      What does worry me, is that this show has ZERO traction in Japan. When the show first began public reaction Seems they hated the Rangers being portrayed in a “negative light” to say it nicely.

      Not to mention manga sales didn’t even get any noticeable boost from an already declining (in numbers) series. From what I hear Disney won’t even promote this series at all for overseas viewers.

      Unfortunately it did not succeed internationally or in Japan.

      It’s a shame, because I quite like this series and unlike other shows I can’t really see this getting another season after this. The best we can do is support the IP as much as we can

    2. Pre-planned investment in S2 for a show that gained next to no success at all has to hurt a bit. They need to Kaiju 8 on CR it to generate hype, as outside Japan is their best hope.

    3. Another second cour dressed as S2. Seems to become the norm. Either way I’m happy for more Ranger.

    4. Nice_promotion_111 on

      I’m guessing it’ll adapt the whole school arc.

      Beat girl and the goat and his reveal are finally going to get their time to shine as well.

    5. dagreenman18 on

      HA! Con Drunk lets me be awake as we get this news. The pacing seemed pretty confident in a second season so it makes sense.

    6. Luckily this was always planned for split cour. If it wasn’t, this wouldn’t get the 2nd season in a million years. I was even shocked when I first heard of the anime announcement. Not sure if I ever saw manga sales go from meh to abysmal like with Ranger and then get anime adaptation. New manga volumes sell around 10k copies per 10 weeks.

      Plus with Disney, this anime never had a chance of making some noise.

      Well, at least we’re getting 24 episodes. 2nd season is adapting the 2 best arcs of the manga, so it will be fun.

    7. Oh thank fucking god I was worried since series was underperforming on Japanese steaming sites. Bros, we won

    8. ah I was hoping/waiting for this to pop up.

      I’m really enjoying the fact that so many good shows this season received immediate second season announcements

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