Sentai Daishikkaku, episode 12

    Alternative names: Ranger Reject

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    by AutoLovepon


    1. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      Blue getting clipped kinda reminds me of what happened with Translucent from The Boys. Taking out someone from the main crew really puts everyone on high alert. Even more than if Peltrola had simply just escaped. Damn shame XX is trapped with that bastard. Maybe D can save her?

      I’m still very curious about Suzukiri. Hopefully we find out what her deal is. She doesn’t seem too worried she’s been found out..

      I really like this series. It’s like The Boys meet the Power Rangers. All in all, great fun. Very glad we’re getting an s2!

    2. hell_jumper9 on

      We’re getting a Season 2, folks. Everyone gonna see who the real best girl is.

    3. What was D’s plan against Blue Dragon Keeper? No way he can fight and win him clean right? The scenes kinda jumped all over the place in this episode as well.

      Glad that 2nd season is confirmed. Wasted if there’s no continuation given the excellent world and characters they have built in S1.

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