Floor 13 – Tower of God

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    Series Information

    MAL | Anilist | Kitsu | AniDB | ANN

    Streaming Options

    Tower of God is available to stream subbed and dubbed on Crunchyroll.

    Art of the Day

    (Note: Pixiv links may contain NSFW advertising. Sorry!)

    A S1 poster featuring everyone

    Source: Miho Tanino on Twitter

    Soundtrack of the Day


    Irregular God

    Questions of the Day

    1. Does this episode change how you feel about Rachel at all?

    2. What even is a Rachel?

    Tomorrow’s Questions of the Day

    [1.]Do you have a favorite character?

    [2.]Favorite test?

    [3.]Favorite track from the OST?

    [4.]What do you think might be found on the higher floors?

    [5.]Are you excited for season 2?


    Please make sure to put all references to future events behind spoiler tags. Any untagged hints and spoilers will be removed. Let’s keep everything as fresh as possible for first-timers!

    by laughing-fox13


    1. Shimmering-Sky on

      **First-Timer climbing the tower, subbed**

      – [Wait *what*.](https://i.imgur.com/aKjxelL.png) [](#hahahawhat) Then Rachel is an Irregular too?

      – [Hm…](https://i.imgur.com/dqMdKbH.png)

      – [I’m starting to see why Rachel did what she did.](https://i.imgur.com/N2EFd61.png) Doesn’t justify it, but it does explain it at least.

      – [Ohhhhhhhhhh shit.](https://i.imgur.com/AgGah9K.png) [](#gasp)

      – [Huh…](https://i.imgur.com/idGF3QP.png) [](#shock)

      – [So that explains that one dream of hers from an earlier episode.](https://i.imgur.com/cDZhesr.png)

      – [That’s an awkward typo in my subs lol.](https://i.imgur.com/eK18Fhe.png) [](#azusalaugh)

      – [Where *is* Bam…](https://i.imgur.com/dYvpiGN.png) [](#csikon) I don’t think he’s dead.

      – [I mean, he’s not wrong to ask this.](https://i.imgur.com/FJgijC7.png)

      – [Oh wow…](https://i.imgur.com/o9ZygEE.png)

      – [Aaaaaaaaand there he is.](https://i.imgur.com/I0SKYK3.png)

      – [Interesting…](https://i.imgur.com/2zhDjfE.png)

      – [Title drop!](https://i.imgur.com/qDs2Wfm.png) [](#neat)

      – [Wait is that an older Bam or someone else entirely?](https://i.imgur.com/FYWiwOl.png)

    2. *It’s Indian legend time. A Native American fairy story for children of all ages. Legend has it that when the world was young and unfinished, the great spirit father made the mistake of leaving his paints where his children could get them. Raven begged Eagle to paint him as beautiful and grand as the great spirit had made Eagle himself. And so he did, or so he tried. But when Raven looked at his reflection in the water, he didn’t like what he saw. Raven became angry, he and Eagle fought, and the great spirit father’s paints were spilled over Raven and made him all black: black eyes, black wings, black breast. Raven ran into the river and flapped his wings against the current, but the color was indelible, the water wouldn’t wash it away. ‘This is your punishment,’ said the great father, ‘for interfering with my work. Black you are, and black you will stay, you will never come clean.’ Not much of a legend at that, is it, children? But I rather like the moral.*

      Rewatcher(Fuckin’ schemers)


      So we get Rachel’s motivations and…several times anime like to do this in this order and it never works for me. Also, I still don’t quite get how Headon made the original mistake. It is interesting that Khun mostly sees through Rachel on the spot. Oh welp, prologue over, on to next season!


      QotD: 1 Refer to my opener

      2 An avatar of Aboleth

    3. laughing-fox13 on


      I liked how they ended the season with this episode. It gives us Rachel’s POV as the season went through, her state of mind, and her true desire. So yes, in Episode 1, Headon was talking to her. It was a great way to tie everything in together and see how she was struggling to actually kill Bam until she finally built up the resolve to do it herself.

      Outside of Rachel, we had a bit of what Hwaryun was really doing here and Hansung scheming. It seems like they wanted Bam and train him. For what purpose? We don’t find out in this season. Lero Ro was fed by the end of it and is leaving to find the truth behind what occurred here.


      /u/hereticalaegis will be posting the overall discussion thread tomorrow!

    4. WednesdaysFoole on

      Seems like one of the reasons people like Bam, why he is a “star” is that what he cares most about is what he has, whereas the rest, or at least many of the regulars, are there because they lost that very thing and it’s *for* that, that they desire the tower. Bam’s presence brings this back to them in a way, these *present moments, present bonds;* whereas with Rachel it’s the opposite. Despite not having gone through what the other regulars have (as far as we know) she chooses to dump what she already has (what the others lost) in order to climb the tower.

      It’s almost as though she intentionally puts herself in the position where she suffers loss, and that effectively makes Rachel like the regulars, or rather a poor imitation of them since the others didn’t seem to have *chosen* their prior suffering. Well, this is just based on my theory of this loss as the condition for being chosen.

      She hates that the others are all, “Bam, Bam, Bam” but it’s as though she’s missing this key point. The direction she chose just means she’ll never become the star, she can never replace him. It’s not Bam’s shinsu that draws others to him; it’s that he’s kind and appreciative of those around him in a way that is refreshing to all these people who don’t have that anymore. Removing this doesn’t mean that your own inadequacies disappear…

      During the exchange between Rachel and Khun, Hansung says “I hope whatever you seek lies at the end of the difficult path you’ll travel down. I hope you can be proud of the path you’ve walked. I hope you feel that the hand that grasps what you desire is beautiful. I hope you’ll still have at least one friend by your side.”

      Too bad Rachel wasn’t listening, because that’s a big, fat **no** on all counts.

    5. **Rewatcher**

      I find Rachel a very interesting character in how normal she is. Shes not over the top evil, she dithered as long as she could about betraying bam, but neither is she a good enough person to resist the temptation. She’s desperate to be special, but she is utterly normal, down to her morality.

      I liked that the breaking point was that Rachel was almost hesitating when she thought about how Bam was the only one who treated her like she was special, until she realized he had other people he cared about now, and the thought of not even being special in that way was what brought her envy to the boiling point.

      Hansungs scheme is really something. He’s successfully isolated Bam and convinced all other concerned parties that he is dead. it was pretty diabolical, yet effective.

      **Adaptational changes**

      * they restructured Rachels flashback, and i have to say, it is way more impactful in this format. the chapter format of the manhua kind of went back and forth, but showing it from the beginning as Rachels view of the series gives it a nice flow. Plus i like the slightly different characterization, in Manhua she was kind of pissed at Bam for stealing her spotlight right off the bat, whereas the anime had her gradually build up the malice necessary to do the deed. I think this might be my favorite change, even better than fleshing out the montages in episode 10.

      * Rachel explicitly requesting a boon and getting ghost, and him acting as a bonus life, is anime original, as you might guess if you recall how him going poof is anime original. On the one hand, i do like Rachel demanding a pressent instead of just getting one, feels like something she would do, but on the other hand, i do wonder how the anime will handle it if Ghost ever comes back one day.

      * some of these things might still be included in season 2, so i will spoiltag. [tog] >!firstly, it’s briefly mentioned that guides can see the different paths and even the future. and more importantly, Hansung gave the graduating class commemorative rings. now, that might not seem important, but it;s actually pretty dang important. if you know, you know.!<

      * I enjoy Lero’s character, him trying to figure out the truth. In the manhua, he was a bit more specific about where he intended to go [tog spoiling since anime might bring it up] >!that he is headed for the 77th floor, to see yuri’s organization. I continue to be baffled on why they cut out hype for future events!< Also Quants firing is a lot funnier, instead of Lero just quitting for him, Hansung fires him, because he doesn’t want to break up such an iconic duo. its actually pretty sweet, Quant at first was trying to convince Hansung to go after Lero since there is no ranker like him. Hansung probably just ships it, and ngl, i can see it.

      * the final change I will note is pretty critical, but also spoilery. the anime will probably take a few episodes to get to this chunk, so click with caution. [TOG] >!while it isnt shown until a flashback later on, originally Bam was so broken about the betrayal that he isnt even motivated to climb the tower, until Hansung threaens his friends. by having Bam be all motivated on his own, it kind of takes away that element of coercion. and its pretty important, because the whole interplay of blackmail from REDACTED and his own will is pretty important to the next part. maybe they just wanted to end on a more uplifting note? or the anime directors hadnt read ahead to make it more consistent. Im guessing season 2 will just course correct and show the manhua version contradicting this ending scene, but im excited to find out!<


      1. at least she hesitated? but its actions that really matter, and her actions speak volumes. that being said, she was kind of manipulated into her role, so while its 100% her fault, Hansung and Hwaryun also bear some blame as well.

      2. a miserable pile of secrets, have at you! actually, while that joke was a fairly accurate description of Rachel, i think Rachel is just an average person who wants to be special, and when it all boils down, she is willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen. Rachel is an asshole, Rachel is a pawn, Rachel is empty, Rachel is Rachel.

    6. **Rewatcher**, subbed

      Well this is the end of S1. I really liked that we were getting to see Rachel’s POV and just how pathetic she is. Headon was spot on when he was shittalking her. Btw I loved the twist that Headon seemingly adressing the viewers in the first episode was actually him talking to Rachel.
      Just like I liked that bookend with the repeat of Rachel’s monologue from the opening of the season.

      We also found out what’s gonna happen to Bam’s friends and about Hwaryun being involved in Yu Hansung’s schemes.

      Very excited for S2 now and it can’t come soon enough.

      **Tanino Miho art for episode 13**:

      + [Bam](https://i.imgur.com/HCeh075.jpeg)
      + [Everyone](https://i.imgur.com/HbvRvhV.jpeg)


      >Does this episode change how you feel about Rachel at all?

      I think at this point nothing could change my opinion on her lol.

      >What even is a Rachel?

      I don’t know what a Rachel is but I know this is my least favourite of it.

    7. **Rewarcher anime only**

      And there it is, the most important episode of the season. Everything this far has been for the sake of this moment. This is Rachel, at last, unhidden!

      A rat in two legs, a snake in the most Biblical sense! A Devil, only spouting lies and temptations, but forever weaker than the true Light! A vampire, free of all morality, to act in her deepest and darkest desires as she likes, yet for this having renounced the light of the Sun, which now burns her with it’s barest touch, and only able to subsist by sucking the lifeblood of others who still live under it’s light! Not even the shadow of a star! A starving and dirty dog with a bottomless stomach, who could blame it for wanting a bite of the juicy stake placed before it? Absolute scum, a black hole that swallows all light, she is only coldness and decay!

      Indeed there is no hiding it, that was a murder attempt. The murder attempt of someone who is akin to her own son. There is no justification, not even the attempt of a reasonable motivation! Only inevitability. Only what was always true.

      Rachel is a pest, a blight upon all that is holy. There is nothing sacred before her, nothing that she will not sacrifice, nothing that she will not defile. This bitch would sell out her own mother to climb the Tower! That she’s perfectly aware of her ugliness only makes her worse!


      She makes Tower of God peak! Before the betrayal and this episode ToG was just a pretty good Shounen-ish story. But Rachel gives ToG the extra angle it needed to become something more.

      In Tower of God, the hero starts strong and the villain is the weakest of them all. There is no more absolute example of Might makes Right. Bam can preserve his inner light because he’s strong. Rachel is completely rejected by the miracles of Shinsu and her weakness gives raise to an overwhelming jealousy for those more fortunate than her.

      Just as we can ask if Bam is the strongest because he’s Bam, or if he’s Bam because he’s the strongest, we can ask if Rachel is the weakest because she’s Rachel, or if she’s Rachel because she’s the weakest. Who does Shinsu, who does the Tower chose and why? Why is Bam loved by the Tower, and why is Rachel hated? As of now, who knows…

      But enough of me Gushing about my disgusting, audacious, rotten to the core True Best Girl, let’s talk about the episode itself.

      In hindsight this episode actually reveals very little, it mostly just verbalizes what was already there. But even this small change is enough to send ripples throughout the narrative. It’s a legitimate genius move by the writer. The recontextualizing of scenes is incredible. Knowing that Rachel was watching Bam blaze through the First Test with the same disdain as me because of how everything fell into Bam’s lap in that moment. Her team protecting Bam in the Crown Game because he was her target to kill, and no one else’s. Her brief exchanges with Endorsi, particularly the restroom one which changes the assumed target of “Who does X think they are?” from Endorsi to Bam (this comes across better if you take into account that phrase is gender neutral). Her, perhaps surprising, reluctance to kill Bam because there is some part of her that truly loved him. Until the powers that be have had enough and engineer a perfect murder scene.

      Truthfully, I think Rachel is, or was, scared of herself more than anything. From the moment she heard Headon’s proposal she already knew deep in her heart that she had it in her to kill Bam. The depth of her darkness terrified her. She even pleads to Bam under the tree to run away from her, because she’s a danger, because she’s poison.

      But it was inevitable, the plan was too perfect, the opportunity to clean, and her envy too great. In the end, she embraces herself as a villain, even as it kills her inside, because this is the only way she’ll ever see the Stars. The only way she’ll ever _be_ a Star.

      The last sentence is a lie though, Rachel has dammed herself for what she did. She’s not stupid, she’s too self aware to truly believe she’ll ever be a real Star being the way she is. She doesn’t have what Bam had and she never will.

      But the plan worked, and we get the most twisted and corrupted and just plain _wrong_ ending possible: Rachel stealing everything Bam had built around himself for herself, a perfect team to hyper carry her weak ass up the Tower, _in Bam’s name no less._ God it’s so fucked up. They are inadvertently shitting on Bam’s legacy while thinking they’re honouring it.

      It’s beautiful…

      Khun has his doubts of course. They can’t yet prove that there was a murder, but of course something about this smells fishy to him. After all, he can parse the true nature of Rachel.

      Meanwhile, Bam survived, but it was no miracle. This was planned all of it. We aren’t given too much info, but Yu-han says the objective was to fake Bam’s death. They want him to mess around behind the scenes unknown. For what reason I have no idea. That’ll be up to Season 2 to answer I hope.

      Sheesh can you tell I love this bastard snake eyed piece of shit so much? I had never written so much for this show before this lol.

      _Questions of the Day_

      1- Yes, I love her now lol

      2- Turbo-answered in comment lmao

    8. Sorry, this is a long one and not very filled with pictures. … but I do have one picture: I [made a meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/hh6f8a/tower_of_god_did_somebody_say_testing/) for this episode years back and can’t resist sharing it.

      Are you all ready for a 🌶️ Spicy Hot Take 🌶️ ? I think Rachel is over-hated. Now, to be clear, I don’t think Rachel is a good person (see meme above) – but I also think the fandom’s reaction to the character is a bit over-the-top and somewhat misses the point.

      (For context: I’m pretty much just talking about what’s been covered in the anime; I’ve read some of the manhwa past this point, but not enough to really change anything here)

      The thing is, Rachel isn’t meant to be some great villain. The point is she’s just a normal person, without special powers and not amazingly good nor amazingly bad, who’s desperate to go up the tower.

      Like on the first floor, she comes off badly compared to Bam, but her reaction to being told to go jump into a tank with a giant sea monster honestly seems pretty reasonable. Bam’s the weird one here – no normal person is going to do that. Rachel thinks that it’s suicide and not fair and… she’s quite possibly right. It’s not a Regular test, and Bam only survives because of Yuri’s intervention. If Rachel had taken the test, she probably would have died. And Headon really may be intentionally manipulating her here.

      And then she’s told that the only way she can achieve her dream is to kill Bam. And again you can see what the heroic choice would be here… but Rachel is an average person, being told she can achieve her life dream if she just kills someone she never really cared that much about: despite Bam’s obsession with her, it’s largely one-sided: to her, Bam seems to just be some kid she met and her feeling never went much beyond pity.

      It’s very much (and intentionally) a parallel to Hoh: Bam meets him and decides they’re friends, but to Hoh, Bam was just a rival and an obstacle and a sore reminder of Hoh’s powerlessness.

      But again, Rachel is an *average* person, not a amazingly bad one, so she feels terrible about being tasked to kill the human-equivalent of a puppy and spends the entire show feeling (correctly) guilty, which pushes her away from people and exacerbates her poor mental state. If she were a worse person she wouldn’t feel guilty and would have just attacked Bam during the crown game (a time when they were actually on opposite teams in a potentially deadly game).

      I’m not saying this justifies her choice: ultimately, she makes her choice despite having every opportunity to make a different one. And yeah, it’s not *all* due to manipulation: she clearly has flaws: she deeply wants to be special and she’s prone to jealousy, and ultimately at the end this is what pushes her over the edge. (Or, I guess Bam, really) … but she also wasn’t exactly in a stable mental condition at the time.

      But I feel like the right feeling towards Rachel is pity, not hatred – ultimately she’s an average person who gets manipulated into a shitty situation and makes a shitty choice.

    9. [“It would of been better if I met Bam before you did.”](https://i.imgur.com/pa0IHmt.jpeg)

      **OST Track of the day:** [Rachel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m7xm19IdGI) [(Spotify)](https://open.spotify.com/track/4bzTLzAf8TlhckQY480GdD?si=e5693ce755e04d16)

      **Rewatcher, subbed**

      [“At the top of this tower exists everything in this world, and all of it can be yours.”](https://i.imgur.com/t3O5w8U.jpeg)


      > [**”…Lets climb up.”**](https://i.imgur.com/7WP2THJ.jpeg)

      Bam was truly unique to the tower, managing to bring together such a large group to work together when not long ago (episode 2) all of these groups struggled to make a trio. Just being himself, not bound by the sorrows that led everyone else to the tower, was their inspiration to work together (and it probably helped that he was powerful too), but with that gone, they choose to follow in Bams footsteps and [help the one](https://i.imgur.com/KjdYSQ3.jpeg) he thought of so dearly, not that [everyone](https://i.imgur.com/FRuBUcG.jpeg) is truly on board.


      > [**”I’m going to climb the tower in search of the truth.”**](https://i.imgur.com/DkwwUZC.jpeg)

      Clearly disllusioned with [Hansung’s plans](https://i.imgur.com/30SJy4s.jpeg), Lero Ro decides to find his own answers within the tower. Sadly, the anime leaves this a lot more open than the webtoon does at this point, leaving us with little to discuss today.


      > [**”To do that… I will climb the tower.”**](https://i.imgur.com/2qrYvBi.jpeg)

      Betrayed by [his world](https://i.imgur.com/fwgsiLt.jpeg), Bam simply wants to know why [Rachel](https://i.imgur.com/xrPIdVD.jpeg) sent him to his death. While this is much more nuanced in the webtoon (and you *will* see complaints about this in the thread im sure, its actually kinda important for S2), the obvious answer is to climb back to where Rachel is and join her again, no matter the cost.


      > [**”I’ll do anything to climb the tower.”**](https://i.imgur.com/lN9iIPo.jpeg)

      Rachel [was not chosen](https://i.imgur.com/1uVrnV9.jpeg) by the tower. Regulars are chosen by Headon, Irregulars are chosen by the tower. Rachel instead [slipped through the cracks](https://i.imgur.com/Cup2h1W.jpeg) Bam formed and found her way into somewhere where she never belonged and could never survive, a world where [Bam was a star](https://i.imgur.com/ry4xrlo.png), a reality [she could not handle.](https://i.imgur.com/5lvNY9O.jpeg) Rachel didnt want to see the starts, she wanted to be [the star.](https://i.imgur.com/vVoaxLI.jpeg) What better way to be the star than to [kill the very thing](https://i.imgur.com/O3kqwSU.jpeg) the tower chose to change it?

      By all accounts, Bam is everything Rachel is not. Bam was able to [brave the eel](https://i.imgur.com/xUWzaF9.jpeg), Bam was willing to sacrafice everything during [crown game](https://i.imgur.com/a0CSkGd.jpeg) for her, Bam was able to find a place to [make friends](https://i.imgur.com/0AdlvYN.jpeg) and form relationships in the tower, [it was always about Bam.](https://i.imgur.com/71sbVIn.jpeg) It must of been infuriating to have him have everything she wanted to have so dearly.

      > [**”I told you, didn’t I, not to come?”**](https://i.imgur.com/E9JGbgq.jpeg)

      Despite everything Rachel says though, without Bam she never could of climbed the tower. The doors [never would of opened](https://i.imgur.com/nZh3cpH.jpeg) for her, and for her to achieve anything, she owes it to Bam for brining that path to light, and becoming [the light](https://i.imgur.com/2OOgwCp.jpeg) in what little Bam had before entering the tower, regardless of her pleas.

      > [**”…You can abandon me too.”**](https://i.imgur.com/HrRWPVR.jpeg)

      Even if she is [hesitant](https://i.imgur.com/BnoeYMN.jpeg), no path exists unless she fufills her end of the deal, being given [one last shot](https://i.imgur.com/fs51OEX.jpeg) to finish bam for good. Despite [being Bams everything](https://i.imgur.com/8gFdKqS.jpeg), Rachel wants to [become a star](https://i.imgur.com/12dfNyd.jpeg). Rachel will do anything to become a star. And the only thing standing in her way is the one that cares about her the most, [has the power](https://i.imgur.com/Nugvv5j.jpeg), has the friends, the one who *is* the star, [Bam.](https://i.imgur.com/cCGsM9q.jpeg)

      To her, every problem shes had in the tower is [All. Bam’s. Fault.](https://i.imgur.com/VTNcAcO.png)


      > [**”In your place, i will become a star.”**](https://i.imgur.com/dGIo2mx.png)

      The amount of nuance Rachel is given, even in just the anime, is impressive for what is (our) antagonist. For a world we know nothing of past the tower, and the allure of it giving you anything you desire, and then to be [called trash](https://i.imgur.com/BbkHXPb.jpeg) and worthless/unworthy repeatedly by a literal god, is it really shocking that she’d do whatever it took to climb? To her, Bam took it all. Bam took the fame, the power, the friendships, and the only thing she had to do was to remove him from the picture.

      > [**”Never betray anyone, no matter what happens.”**](https://i.imgur.com/npoOkt2.jpeg)

      Do you think you’d be more morally correct than Rachel, to leave the tower that claims to give everything you ever wanted, to return to that cave alone for the rest of your life with nothing to show for it?


      > [**”I hope whatever you’re seeking is worth more than him.”**](https://i.imgur.com/Z6CM73a.jpeg)

    10. Episode 13

      First Time Watcher, subbed

      Ok this episode has convinced me that I despise Rachel, Bam needs to catch up to her and beat her up.

      Even though Bam did not pass, at least everyone else gets to go through. While I still do not like Parasol at all, my dislike of Rachel has completely eclipsed that. I know they tried to make her seem conflicted but she still tried to murder Bam and does not seem to show any remorse at the end. Also if I understand it correctly, Rachel genuinely died it the stab from Hoh but she got given a revive in the form of her bodyguard which is why he disappeared.

      In order to try and become a star, Rachel gave up the only person who saw her as a star. Rachel was already Bam’s star but she just could not see it and could not be satisfied with that.

      I feel like this was a way of Headon and red-hair girl to forge Bam into the savoir they want him to be, they wanted to make Rachel betray him in order to encourage him to get stronger.

      I also hate how Rachel is still just going with the group and is just using others to try and climb the tower. It does seem like Khun suspects that something is up so hopefully he will split off from Rachel.

      Some things I am excited to see in season 2 and beyond, Lero Ro and the ranker investigating what is going on, and trying to uncover the many plots going on, Khun figuring out what’s going on with Rachel, what is on the 77th floor, which means there is a good chance Bam meets up with Shibisu at some point, and I want to see Bam kick some ass.
      (Bam also looks really good with the ponytail)


      1. Makes me not like her even more, it tries to make her a little bit sympathetic, but she still chose to try and kill Bam and lie to everyone in order to climb the tower.

      2. A SNAKE 🐍 🐍🐍

    11. HereticalAegis on

      **Rewatcher and Co-Administrator for this Climb**

      And there we have it, that’s season 1 of Tower of God.

      Ending with more of a look into Rachel framed through the events we’ve already seen is a such a ballsy way to end the prologue section of the story.

      Bam’s not dead, but he’s separated from the group and no one, save for Hwaryun and likely Hansung Yu, know he’s alive. Finding out Hwaryun is also a guide now makes a lot more sense and helps explain both why she didn’t seem to care much about passing the tests and why she would target Rachel. Bam was her goal the whole time. Like Yuri, Hwaryun must have somehow known that an Irregular would open the door, and she has her own goals for him. Now we can assume Hwaryun is going to train and guide Bam up the tower.

      As for the team…they coalesce around Rachel, believing Bam to be dead. Because why would Hansung Yu, who’s been pulling everybody’s strings from day 1 and clearly has his own agenda, allow them to know Bam is still alive? So for now, Rachel wins and gets to take Bam’s place as the shining star she coveted and despised him so much for.

      And now I can only wait in anticipation to see how they will adapt the next section of the manhwa. Rumor has it, two cours are planned, so hopefully this means the production committee is fully committed to adapting the story and the creative team won’t be forced to unnecessarily cut/alter so much of the material.

      **Source Comparisons**

      This thread is for comparisons to the manhwa. Please be sure to [properly tag](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/q28ulr/announcing_changes_to_spoiler_tags/) all discussion of the source material. Also, please keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive compilation of differences, only ones I thought interesting or important enough to include.

      Note for newcomers/non-source readers: Some of these notes contain anime spoilers. **Comparisons that contain anime spoilers will be in the clearly marked Anime Spoiler section.**

      Episode 13

      Chapters Covered: 75 – 78

      Chapters Cut: None

      **Notable Differences**

      – [Manhwa]>!The anime expands a lot on Rachel’s thoughts throughout the story. The manhwa mostly covers her encounter with Headon and watching Bam pass the first test. She also meets and conspires with Hansung Yu immediately after the first test. Hansung Yu introduces Hwaryun to Rachel as her guide.!<

      – [Manhwa]>!Ater the test results are announced, Lero Ro tells the group Bam wanted them to continue climbing the tower no matter what. Lero Ro also definitively tells the group Bam is dead.!<

      – [Manhwa]>!Before sending them off to the next floor, Hansung Yu gives each of the passing members a “graduation” ring.!<

      – [Manhwa]>!Lero Ro quits directly to Hansung Yu’s face. He also specifies to Quant that he plans to climb up to floor 77. A stunned Quant replies that floor 77 is Wolhaiksong’s floor, and that it is a forbidden and hellish place.!<

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