Episode 21 – Maam’s Decision

    You grew so strong so fast and learned new spells, and saved me again and again. That’s why, after that battle, I decided I wanted to catch up with you. I can’t have you rescuing me all the time, right?


    <— Last save | Adventure’s log (Index) | Journey continues —>



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    Screenshot of the day:


    Comment of the day:

    goes to u/sisoko2 with pointing out that sometimes it’s about the strength of the heart:

    Even when she is important you are still bringing her down. Such slanderous anti Maam agenda won't be tolerated. Defeating evil is not only about strength but also about heart.

    Questions of the day:

    1. Are you glad that Maam tackled the fact that she was constantly getting saved and decided to change class from Warrior/Priest to Martial Artist?
    2. Opinions on Popp and Maam saying their farewells?
    3. Was Popp right with his mentality to grow stronger before confessing to Maam?
    4. First impressions about Killvearn?
    5. Have you predicted the reveal that the Vearn’s castle is actually being a rock giant?


    Please, respect the fact there are First Timers watching Dai no Daibouken with us, so avoid talking about vague things or events that would slightly spoil things to happen. And if you want mention things like this, please hid it behind SPOILER TAGS like [Dai no Spoilers] I am getting the hammer because you spoiled the fun for others

    by Shocketheth


    1. ###First Timer

      * That mage training is the most Dragon Ball looking sequence I’ve seen.

      * Maam saw all the mean comments in the rewatch and is leaving us.


      * Scratch that, she is going to Tenkaichi Budokai.


      * Now that was a cool entrance. Seems all the cool villains are Somethingvearn. Can’t wait to get rid of Hadlar’s gang and get more Vearns.

      * Hearing Dio’s voice from Mystvearn is really distracting.

      * I had a feeling the castle turns into mecha.

      * Leona is the surrogate for the viewers.


      * Foolish me for thinking they will actually go with the romance… Still it was very sweet scene.


    2. Shimmering-Sky on

      **First-Timer Quest: Sky no Daibouken, subbed**

      – [Damn, the Magic Gun really is completely busted…](https://i.imgur.com/yeNaQxX.png) [](#sadholo)

      – [Oof, must be especially hard to see Leona doing something great when she’s lost her weapon.](https://i.imgur.com/Xhzbl17.png) [](#therethere)

      – [Naruhodo.](https://i.imgur.com/bptLejP.png) [](#harukathink)

      – [Hence the episode title…](https://i.imgur.com/CAWd7zU.png)

      – [Huh, turning a class change into a full-on plot point, interesting.](https://i.imgur.com/OvOIYUg.png)

      – [Oh boy.](https://i.imgur.com/8KiAJMS.png)

      – [Hm…](https://i.imgur.com/Dvxcuxx.png)

      – [Baran’s staking his claim on fighting Dai, I see.](https://i.imgur.com/UlymR3M.png)

      – [Mhmm.](https://i.imgur.com/uvQC5yB.png)

      – [The castle can *move*?!](https://i.imgur.com/GzNNTnS.png) [](#maxshock)

      – [Leona is totally right.](https://i.imgur.com/4hrAya5.png) [Go, Popp!](#faito)

      – [Hahaha, Popp took them to where they first met instead.](https://i.imgur.com/C4JixUh.png) [](#kukuku)

      – [Aw…](https://i.imgur.com/C2P1iNI.png)

      – [He chickened out of the proper confession, though.](https://i.imgur.com/wCfMj6d.png) [](#dejected)

      – [Shimmering sky!](https://i.imgur.com/6yZcmFJ.png)

      – [Oh shit…](https://i.imgur.com/YyQKGxs.png)

    3. [**Good evening!**](https://i.imgur.com/udHU1uT.png)


      **Previous episodes —>** [**1**](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1dc2obm/rewatch_dragon_quest_dai_no_daibouken_episode_1/l7v1fuj/) **|** [**2**](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1ddnjwj/comment/l8602u7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) **|** [**3**](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1defzg3/comment/l8bjngt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) **|** [**4**](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1df86gh/comment/l8h5qee/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) **|** [**5**](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1dkkyxh/comment/l9ihu0m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)

      **Today at Sky no Daibouken:**

      The Hero party consisting of Dai – u/Shimmering-Sky, Popp – u/Adensty and Baduck – u/Blackheart595 got expanded as the newest member of the crew, Knuckles (Hyunckel) is no one else than the biggest Hyunckel fan, u/zadcap. There is also a deceased mentor Avan – u/KendotsX whose teachings we still remember.

      And the Dark Army has the Dark Commander Hadlar – u/Shocketheth, the Dark King Vearn – u/sisoko2, and the newest member that got introduced today, the ruthless reaper Killvearn – u/Raiking02, who was deployed to kill our favourite Sky no Daibouken characters.

      Who will be the first victim to fall to Killvearn’s scythe? Will it be one of our established characters, or someone else?


      I am basically going to answer my **QotD** with the following paragraphs because this episode is a payoff to the development of characters from episode 1-20, and is setting their characters on a path that will be resolved in the future.

      Now to the answering of my questions:

      >Are you glad that Maam tackled the fact that she was constantly getting saved and decided to change class from Warrior/Priest to Martial Artist?

      I know that First Timers were asking it previously, specifically why Maam is both Warrior and Priest with not contributing to the party and being useless with constant need to be saved.

      Previously during the [discussion of episode 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1dgq8b4/comment/l8rl1x6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I brought a little summary of the classes in Dragon Quest III, and Dai no Daibouken is a story that takes game mechanics from Dragon Quest III and other JPRGs to certain extent and tries to translate those mechanics into a narrative focus, and part of this is Multiclassing.

      That’s right, in Dragon Quest III you were able to make your characters to switch classes after reaching a certain part of the story, leading into possibility of creating, for example, warriors capable of casting Priest spells.

      Upon switching classes in DQ III you transfered to your new class a half of your stat gains from the previous classes as all the learned spells.

      Now Maam tackling her issues with being useless is a great way how to put the multiclassing into an actual narrative, plus it’s your average JPRG thing of building your character in certain way, only to realize that there is a new member of the party who overshadows the character you were building earnestly, and what is your possible choice to make after something like this happening?

      Reset all the skill points and build your character from a scratch.

      And that’s what just happened with Maam.

      >Opinions on Popp and Maam saying their farewells?

      It was a really great moment to look back at their journey so far, and to see how their grew so far, but the confession didn’t happen because Maam needs become stronger as someone who can actually contribute to the party not with her measly restorative spells, but with her fighting abilities after she will gain some levels in the Martial Artist Class.

      And Popp has some self doubts to overcome.

      Plus them shaking hands was a real touchy moment especially thanks to what I assume is a OST played for first time, because the tender sounds of Violin definitely tugged some heartstrings within me.

      And bonus fact, for the viewers of The Adventure of Dai 1991, the reunion of Maam and Popp still haven’t happened, as this was the final scene with Maam in 1991 version of The Adventure of Dai. After all, the Adventure of Dai 1991 ended prematurely with hitting a point in the story we are going to witness in next several episodes.

      >Was Popp right with his mentality to grow stronger before confessing to Maam?

      First and foremost, we need to understand Popp doubting himself and thinking he is not worthy yet.

      >First impressions about Killvearn?

      You know, before u/Adensty started to posting an OST Documentation I got myself the official soundtrack for Dai no Daibouken and I got hyped after finding an OST Piece called [Kill-Vearn](https://files.catbox.moe/rh9riz.mp3), so I hit the play button and told myself, *that’s it?*

      To me the song sounded underwhelming compared to my memory of it, but my god today episode made me to think why I liked this OST Piece so much.

      Kill-Vearn is that kind of Villain who PLAYS, HIS, OWN, FUCKING, OST!!!!

      My god, how many Villains hits this levels of coolness before they actually appear on the screen for first time?

      I know Killvearn did show himself to the viewers, but it was several seconds after the OST started playing, and when he showed himself, he definitely stole the show for himself.

      His demeanor is so darn cool, and what’s best, that we still haven’t seen him in action, yet already he is a terrifying character just from his introduction scene.

      >Have you predicted the twist with the Vearn’s castle actually being a rock giant?

      I will admit that I totally miss the foreshadowing leading to this, but I need to give a shootout to u/lC3 who noticed the foreshadowing tied to the Sovereign Rock Castle:

      >Heart Chamber, Left Shoulder Chamber … is their base gonna turn out to be Vearn’s body or something?

      In episode 10, the Dark Commanders were discussing the upcoming tactical meeting in the Vearn castle rooms with calling those rooms Heart Chamber, Left Shoulder Chamber, so kudos to u/lC3 for pointing out this little detail. [](#happyclap)

      # Crocodine Shonen Commentary Corner:

      Crocodine is still recovering from his visit to Las Vegas

      # Voice Actors Corner:

      Today Voice Actor Corner goes to Killvearn voice actor [Hiroyuki Yoshino](https://myanimelist.net/people/283/Hiroyuki_Yoshino) known for his roles of Franky Franklin from Spy x Family, Hachibei Takaya (Taka-chin) from Gintama, and Houka Inamuta from Kill la Kill.

      In the 1991 Adventure of Dai Killvearn was voiced by [Hideyuki Tanaka](https://myanimelist.net/people/234/Hideyuki_Tanaka) who gave his voice to characters as Aiolia Leo from Saint Seiya, Enrico Maxwell from Hellsing, Donquixote Doflamingo from One Piece, and Hideyuki Tanaka besides voicing Killvearn in the 1991 version of Dai also voiced Avan in the 1991 version of Dai.

      ***See you tomorrow because the Adventure continues!***

    4. Blackheart595 on

      **First Quester**

      **Day 21 of building a giant mecha for Princess Leona**

      The bad guys have a mecha! I repeat, the bad guys have a freaking mecha!


      And there was a funny bit where they threatened to kill Hadlar, right after they had established his immortality. Actually, didn’t they say he gets stronger with every revival? That sounds like something that *could* get abused… In before Vearn is going to rebirth in Hadlar’s body.

      Talking of Vearn, he’s really getting out of hand – [now there’s three of him!](https://imgur.com/QSeT9IV) This is really starting to feel a lot like main body and clone bodies setups that I’ve seen in other stories, so let’s lock that in for real now.

      And Maam decided to reclass as a monk! Can’t wait to see the results of that.

      > Are you glad that Maam tackled the fact that she was constantly getting saved and decided to change class from Warrior/Priest to Martial Artist?

      Might we say she’s becoming a Warrior Priest/Monk?

      > Opinions on Popp and Maam saying their farewells?

      Popp is such a brat lmao.

      > Was Popp right with his mentality to grow stronger before confessing to Maam?

      Popp is such a brat lmao.

      > First impressions about Killvearn?

      See above.

      > Have you predicted the twist with the Vearn’s castle actually being a rock giant?


      I don’t think it’s doing a lot of twisting. It’s just a reveal imo.

    5. cooperjones2 on

      Newbie-Adventurer here! LV 21/100

      RIP Magic Gun, couldn’t be upgraded to Magic Machine Gun


      Maam had that look of “I’m the anchor to this party, Leona would be a better party member”, no Maam, you’re a key member of the party!

      Oh! Maam is strong, she’ll train to be Martial Artist? Nice.

      Killvearn has a cool design and for someone that doesn’t talk a lot, Mystvearn has talked a lot lol

      Baran (I like more my name of “Mustachioed Guy”) will deal with our heroes? I wonder how he fights, he looks to be the strongest of them all

      Dragon Knight? Why is Hadlar so hellbent in keeping Mustachioed Guy away from him?


      Popp didn’t move until Leona told him directly “You might die tho” lol
      I think I understand Popp, he doesn’t want Maam to have any kind of hesitation in her training.

      1 Yes! It makes the characters more dynamic and she’ll be stronger and be the one saving Popp now lol
      2 and 3 I kinda understand Popp, saying goodbye with unresolved feelings is hard but making your love interest hesitate in a really important decision is not the move, plus he gets to work on himself to be the man he thinks she thinks he is

      4 Design looks cool their lackey is kinda annoying but if anime tropes have taught me anything is that that “lackey” is probably stronger than Killvearn
      5 Nope, took me by surprise, I though they’d teleport it with like the Orbs of the 6 Generals emblem or some other way

    6. NicDwolfwood on

      **First Timer, Sub**

      Aftermath to the big battle type of episode on this one. With Maam’s Magic Gun being busted for good, as well as seeing Leona’s magic skills and Popp’s improvement in magic while training with Matoriv, she decides she needs to go get strong on her own and transition to martial artist class.

      You have the bad guys meeting at the Sovereign Rock Castle, we get a new character called Killvearn, who was trolling Hadlar a bunch, with his inability to kill Dai and how he got his ass kicked again lol. Baran makes his return also and he is pissed Hadlar has been keeing Dai away from him and orders that he will get to face Dai next. Hadlar refuses and gets called out for trying to keep Baran away from Dai by Killvearn. Afterwards Killvearn reveals the Demon King sent him to move Sovereign Rock Castle from its current location, so he uses a magic key and the castle comes to life and lifts off the location, like a giant rock golem.

      So Maam readies to head off deep into the mountains of Romos to find the martial arts master, Popp becomes a bit downcast at her leaving and when Dai tells Leona that Popp likes Maam, she decides to give the ship a little push lol, by telling him to confess while he has the chance before he dies in battle. So he uses a zoom spell to take her to the mountains of Romos….instead they end up in the forest area where they had met the 1st time? Anyways, he ends up not telling her how he feels, but sends off her with some lighthearted fun, telling her not to come back as a gorilla. Dai is left shook at Leona’s scheming back at the Papnica castle lol. Episode ends with Crocodine and Hyunckel arriving to where the evil castle used to be, seeing that it sprouted legs and walked away.


      1. She kinda didn’t have a choice after her magical gun destroyed.
      2. It’s too soon for a confession lol. No, but it was a fun goodbye, with Popp choosing to make light of the situation and go for a joke.
      3. Idk. it’s kinda making excuses to put it off. If he likes the woman and if she likes him back, it kinda doesn’t matter if he is strong or not.
      4. He’s a big troll, but I’m sure he is also really strong as well.
      5. No, that was actually super cool, I wasn’t expecting it to grow legs and walk.

    7. **1st** **~~Dai~~** **Popp no Daibouken Rewatch, Sub**

      On my first watch, I thought this was just a breather before the next arc, but as a rewatcher, this episode has a lot of things I missed.

      [I guess even Baduck has his limits.](https://i.imgur.com/bpgCjms.png)

      The [Hero](https://i.imgur.com/MMvQe12.png) [Class](https://i.imgur.com/Oc0cHx6.png)

      >[A Hero’s Weapon is Courage.](https://i.imgur.com/gB01Ta6.png)

      [Dai no Spoilers] >!Now I get why Leona must have thought that Dai’s Insignia of Avan was courage and not pure heart since this is supposed to be the [hero’s ultimate weapon](https://i.imgur.com/jgt5ly5.png).!<

      >[Self-doubting Popp](https://i.imgur.com/17cqlxL.png)

      [Dai no Spoilers] >!People are not ready for the greatness that is Popp no Daibouken and the greatest character development in fiction!<

      Like u/Shocketheth pointed out in a previous episode, [the signs were already there.](https://i.imgur.com/TeLctiQ.png) It isn’t that surprising though since [her late father was also a Warrior.](https://i.imgur.com/aU9cozh.png)

      [Leona](https://i.imgur.com/cEP9r3Z.png) never [holds back](https://i.imgur.com/OLkFyat.png). That’s what I like about her. [Even Maam agrees.](https://i.imgur.com/BdaZCfa.png)

      [Class Change. Let’s Go!](https://i.imgur.com/bz5m5K2.png)

      >[Good Evening!](https://i.imgur.com/zBNthlN.png)

      So, even the Dark Army has someone with Engrish on their side. [Dai no Late Spoilers] >!Bro, Avan’s Engrish vs Killvearn’s Engrish. They were destined to fight each other. I am only realizing it now.!<


      >[Killvearn’s warning](https://i.imgur.com/Grl37fj.png)

      [Dai no Spoilers] >!Kinda ironic since this doesn’t actually work on Killvearn.!<

      Popp zooming to the place [they first met](https://i.imgur.com/D8Wl5HQ.png) was a great way to [what’s on his mind](https://i.imgur.com/JDN06Cv.png) and also [how Zoom works](https://i.imgur.com/7LQmjg1.png).

      When I watched it for the first time, Popp and Maam’s farewall [was a great moment](https://i.imgur.com/MQeYAzm.png) for me and it still is. Simply for the fact that Popp at this moment [recognizes his worth.](https://i.imgur.com/PyF55pn.png)

      Now look I do love Leona but [this was pretty mean](https://i.imgur.com/e93QCUM.png). Well, the silver lining is that Maam got a free ride to Romos and Popp was able to say goodbye to her.

      [OST Documentation – Episode 21](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OD0tVXR50ixuRVijA_54YtHUuerpXbLYzIjQYXnIqmU/edit#heading=h.fvyfnvnzjd53)


      **1.** Yes. Like Leona said, the enemies are only going to get stronger from here and if she can’t keep up, she’ll end up becoming a burden to the party. Really liked how Maam took the initiative herself.

      **2.** See above

      **3.** See above

      **4.** My guy knows how to make an entrance. And as the name suggests, prepare an exit for people.

      5. Not on the first watch since the only think we can see is a head-shaped rock. [Dai no Late Spoilers] >!But I could’ve never have anticipated that this castle will actually be the form of the final boss.!<

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