Whisper Me a Love Song Episodes 11 & 12 will be deferred till further notice

    by CosmicPenguin_OV103


    1. Aerodynamic41 on

      Yeah, this was pretty much expected after they ran out of timeslots thanks to that 2-week delay.

      *flashbacks to Zom 100*

    2. Plus_Rip4944 on

      Oh what a surprise…

      One of My fav manga was murdered, and Its not first time this happens(TPN2)

    3. It’s getting harder and harder to keep interest in this show. I wanted to love it but between the slideshow animation and now the delays it’s getting difficult.

    4. ModieOfTheEast on

      I mean, it was to be expected. I still wanted to watch it originally, but after today’s episode, I am not sure I want to watch the rest. Not because today’s episode was bad. It was actually one of the better ones, but it’s now confirmed that they made the decision to skip Summer Festival which [Manga Spoiler]>!has the first kiss between Himari and Yori during fireworks.!< How anyone can think that skipping that part is a good idea, I have no clue.

    5. I’ve been enjoying the manga but have not watched the anime yet. Is it faithful to the manga?

    6. CosmicPenguin_OV103 on

      As reported earlier, the 3 weeks delay to previous episodes means the title has ran out of its spring season TV airing slot like many other anime did (the most famous of which recently would be *Eighty Six*).

      Usually slots won’t be found till late in the next season at the earliest so prepare for them to be around September.

      Too bad this happens right as [episode 10 pushes the plot towards real drama]>!Wow that Shiho back story is so heavy and intertwined between so many girls like Aki, Yori, Himari, Momoka etc. – I really don’t know how anyone can help her to get rid of her emotional stresses.!<

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