Kaijuu 8-gou, episode 12

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    by AutoLovepon


    1. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      Old man Isao took a serious beating this week. Had Kafka not wrestle back control at the last minute, they’d be burying the old fella. But man, bro had to punch himself through the chest. Talk about extreme measures.

      The higher ups really are a bunch of useless short sighted old fucks. Isao putting Kafka to use is the best strategic move and is best in the long term for the defense of the nation. As long as he keeps his kaiju side under control.

      This series was phenomenal. Music, animation, characters, and story were all excellent. Production IG really killed it with this one. I know there’s rumors of an s2, but anything confirmed yet? Ain’t no way this is a one off series.

      Edit: Looks like an s2 announcement has been made. Hopefully we won’t have to wait too long for the new season.

    2. That was a really well done season finale.

      Was hyped for the full duration of both last episodes.

    3. “Hey, we’re not done talking. Wake up.”— Hey, I’m not done watching, why only a twelve episode season?! This was too good to be over already. Welp, guess I’ve got to read the manga

    4. valar0morghulis on

      How did papa Shinomiya just sit in that meeting casually after that fight? Wasn’t he seriously hurt? Or was there a time skip we don’t know about? Did Mina just wait for days there? I figured the last scene was a bit later, because Kafka was healed now.. anyway

      Enjoyed the season overall. Started to feel more invested in the second half, but didn’t expect Kafkas secret to be out so soon. Reno was my favorite throughout lol he’s the sweetest. Vice captain Hoshina being a close second.. for different reasons lol

    5. Those Kafka-Mina moments made me tear up a little.

      I also owe an apology to Isao. He’s a real one for risking his life to give Kafka a chance to prove himself in the fight and then maintaining his stance that Kafka should not be disposed of yet despite being the only one in the room to think so.

    6. Affectionate-Island on

      “I believe it’s his heart.”

      “You mean it’s his *core*?”

      Was expecting that snide retort from one of the officers to Mina. Also, in the flashback, was that an ambulance where Mina was crying? For her… cat?

      What a great adaptation. Was hyped to see them introduce the wielder of Number 1 so soon in the story! I don’t remember whether he appeared in the manga at this point but I’m excited to see more of that character next season.

    7. Hunted-Wumpus on

      Great show, ended up being my favorite of the season I think. Good finale as well. Glad it got confirmed for season 2, but if I were hoping to pick up the manga, what chapter would I start at?

    8. Aptitude? Fortitude? Experience? No, the ultimate power is childhood love
      ^(And the worst is the end of a season)

    9. Teal_is_orange on

      Kaiju No. 8 becoming larger and having a red aura instead of blue is quite frankly terrifying

    10. Aerodynamic41 on

      “We’re not asking for your personal opinion! Stop trying to cover for your subordinate.”

      Dafuq? You literally just said that her testimony will have no effect. Props to Isao for overruling them though. I’m glad he’s in charge. Kafka would have been dead if it were anyone else.

    11. Wonderful season, look forward to season 2. Kafka’s is extremely likable and it will be enjoyable to see him again, but I also want to see the other officers become stronger. Also, I would love to see Kafka and Isao fight together, they would go hard in the paint fighting alongside each other.

    12. actionfirst1 on

      So, when Kafka used his core to regenerate, what happened to his human body at that moment, did he just entirely become dust and reform everything?

    13. AmethystItalian on

      Glad to see Kafka get “accepted” though I can’t say I’m not worried about the kaiju inside of him…feel like he’s just going to come back at the worst time.

      Excited for more of this one, will be fun to see how much more openly he can use his powers now.

    14. Kafka freaking Nat 20’d that charisma save eventually

      I’m now curious if there are more parasites in existence.

    15. This episode proved just how powerless Mina was and why Ichikawa was so against him revealing his powers. The top brass are stubborn and even division captains aren’t shown any respect. They made her stand in an empty room during the test lmao

    16. Ichikawa is pumping iron. There’s a lot to be concerned about with Kafka’s situation and the squad getting transferred around…but he can only focus on himself, and getting stronger, believing in Kafka and in his desire to become someone strong enough to not need to be saved by him any more.

      Mina’s arrival at HQ is already off to a great start when she learns Isao is evaluating Kafka and they’re just going to make her stand around until he’s finished.

      Kaiju No. 8 has truly been unleashed, fighting not just more ferociously like a true Kaiju but able to contort and twist his body in a way Kafka would never think of (especially when it harms his human side) and Kafka is powerless as Kaiju No. 8 goes Ora Ora Ora on Isao and actually does some damage, all as Kikoru helplessly watches.

      Although, yeah, if Isao really was determined to kill Kafka he could have just executed him immediately, there was no need for a fight. Maybe he did take what his daughter told him and wanted to give Kafka a chance to prove himself…even if it might be moot now that Isao is getting beaten to death by Kaiju No. 8.

      But Kafka can’t kill Isao in front of Kikoru, she has enough daddy issues as it is! And she even called him “Baka Kafka’ like a true tsundere!

      And of course Kafka won’t give up, but after being consumed by his inner Kaiju and drowning in the loss of his humanity…his memory of Mina and their promise that she still cherishes is enough for him to finally wake up and take back control of his body. Just in time.

      Kouki Uchiyama!? You’re in this now? I know he usually shows up in these shows, it’s just kind of funny. This Narumi guy looks legit.

      Mina’s never shown Kafka any special treatment and whatever she says might not even matter…but she owes it to him to proclaim how much value he has as a Defense Force member and that the one thing that makes him stand out is his humanity, Kaiju powers or otherwise!

      So the good news is…Kafka lives! But mostly because he can be a vital asset and can be an even stronger tool in the Defense Forces’ arsenal than just making him into a Numbers weapon could be, even though everyone else in the top brass very much wishes they could destroy him. Isao acknowledges his usefulness if not that he’s more human than Kaiju, but so long as he has a human will and consciousness, that could be the deciding factor in making everyone accept him!

      Mina’s happy, Kikoru is happy (and deciding to get stronger for the sake of their own promise as well), the whole squad is happy…maybe the world isn’t ready for a Kaiju Superhero, but at least one squad accepts it. Even if said Kaiju hero falls asleep sitting up.

      Hey, the clean up crew! I miss them! But I didn’t miss Kaiju No. 9 who has been playing online chess to learn how humans think and is already planning on staging an invasion of Defense Force HQ to liberate all their Kaiju power. And…he’s in communication with someone.

    17. Lemme help everyone out a bit:

      If you want to read the manga, continue at chapter 39 because 38 is where the anime end. Dont worry about reread, the anime adapt everything they have in the manga + added alot of extra screen

      And read it from mangaplus if possible. It the official shounen jump app, and you will directly support the author if you read it from there. It do have 1$/month sub fee, but you can read it for free with their 1 month trial.

    18. Shimmering-Sky on

      – [I really do like Kafka and Ichikawa’s friendship.](https://i.imgur.com/R8WCxsW.png)

      – [That is both horrifying but also, like, *the* way to fight if you can regenerate.](https://i.imgur.com/o40aSgv.png)

      – [Ohhhhhh shit, Kaiju No. 8 separated his core to regenerate from *that* after what should have been a fatal attack?](https://i.imgur.com/f5H1reZ.png) [](#jawdrop) I’ve seen that sort of thing at least one other time and it was terrifying over there, too.

      – [Hm…](https://i.imgur.com/Q87lqpY.png)

      – [Oh boy, he turned *red*…](https://i.imgur.com/0ymVsOb.png) [](#emiliaohdear)

      – [Kikoru “sore demo”!](https://files.catbox.moe/myhmop.mp4)

      – [Okay I *love* that him thinking of Mina in that sequence](https://i.imgur.com/eqc6wR9.png) is what [let him break free.](https://i.imgur.com/CAyZjAL.png) [](#ilovethiskindofshit)

      – [I guess this is the best outcome for Kafka at the moment.](https://i.imgur.com/IQBzpqj.png)

      – [So what?](https://i.imgur.com/f8NF4Tk.png) [](#indexsmugshrug)

      – [Yeah, that’s what I’m saying.](https://i.imgur.com/CmSON4e.png)

      – [Nyeh, he had a “sore demo” too?](https://files.catbox.moe/5xr70o.mp4) [](#sagiri)

      – […*wow*, Kaiju No. 9 is so on the nose about that.](https://i.imgur.com/OJUPNm4.png) [](#trololol)

      – [That is… concerning.](https://i.imgur.com/hmqCXno.png)

      – Season 2 can’t come soon enough!

    19. HappyAsianCat on

      After ED gag: clips of everybody happy and cheering from the text notification and Kafka blushing in red kaiju form.

    20. SerasAshrain on

      Awesome show! Definitely was my favorite this season, can’t wait for season 2.

    21. [No. 8 destroying its own body](https://i.imgur.com/uYHvxqs.jpeg) to twist and land a punch on General Shinomiya was fucking sick. [Regenerating from his core](https://i.imgur.com/Y4uSit1.jpeg) and using the injured body as a distraction was pretty cool too. It’s always fun whenever characters with insane regeneration use it to their advantage,

      I understand that General Shinomiya [wants to test Kafka](https://i.imgur.com/8ntPzoC.jpeg) but he may have gone too far with his little test. If it wasn’t [for Kafka stopping himself](https://i.imgur.com/6BMVFUI.jpeg), No. 8 might’ve killed him in front of his daughter.

      [The First Division’s Captain was really itching to end Kafka.](https://i.imgur.com/1vbjVEa.jpeg) His weapon looks awesome though. I’m pretty sure that’s a Monster Hunter Switch Axe in sword form. xD

      To no one’s surprise, [the Brass has already made up their mind to dispose of Kafka](https://i.imgur.com/8sw0O7w.png) even after hearing Mina’s report and personal opinion about him. Thankfully the final decision [still rests on General Shinomiya](https://i.imgur.com/EQGLLRf.png) and not those chucklefucks.

      You gotta love Kafka’s first reaction after waking up [is how relieved he is to see General Shinomiya completely fine.](https://i.imgur.com/5cV2xwW.jpeg) I think that alone speaks a lot about his character and his humanity.

      Welp, I guess that’s it for Season 1. I was wondering why I haven’t seen any posts on the sub confirming Season 2 but it looks like the official Twitter account has already confirmed that it’s getting one we just don’t know when. The anime has definitely made plenty of improvements to the series so I’m looking forward to seeing what Season 2 will be like!

    22. PandaRocketPunch on

      “Over 200 officers and 3 captains lost their lives.” … “AND YOUR WIFE.”

      I get why the show wanted to remind us, but the delivery just missed the mark for me to the point I burst out laughing.

    23. so Isao got hulk smashed (like what he did to loki in 1st avengers movie) this week huh.

    24. Gimme that season 2 asap. This was the best thing I’ve seen from jump since Jigokuraku. As a big Toku/Godzilla fan I loved it.

      This was a “2nd season is imminent and this is just a set up” finale if I’ve ever seen one lol. The Kafka and Shinomiya fight was fire, ended up being a little generic in the end but it’s cool. Isao not as bad as I thought. Last week I ripped on him for being this universe’s Thunderbolt Ross, but I guess he did take Kikoru’s plea to heart and gave Kafka a chance to prove himself.

      Fitting that in the end, it’s Mina or at least Kafka’s mental perception of her, that keeps him on the right path and snapped him back in control. She’s been his guiding light ever since they were kids.

      “We dont want to hear your personal opinion” ok so why tf did you invite her if you don’t want her to sit down at the table or give her actual insight as someone who lives and works with the dude on a daily basis lmao.

      The general staff old heads had no intention of even hearing her out, good thing Isao has a brain. You really think you can continue fighting these Kaiju with the same methods as they get stronger and stronger? PLUS Isao is literally using Kaiju 2’s abilities so all that “precedent” shit is stupid 💀

      Don’t really matter whether they officially designate him as Kaiju or Human, long as my boy is alive and allowed to continue serving alongside Mina and the others we good. It’s been a very eventful last few months for everyone in the division and now that the cat’s out the bag with Kafka, can’t wait to see where things go from here.

      Kaiju number 9 claims he’s got human intelligence figured out, but in traditional shonen villain form, he’s forgetting that’s not the most important thing humans have on their side. It’s their hearts. Hype for s2


    25. Time_Fracture on

      Episode 12: **Hibino Kafka.** The final episode.

      Damn boi No. 8 probably seeking attack inspiration from Undead’s Andy.

      As the time of writing, Kaiju No. 8’s MAL score is at 8.39, If I recall it was at 8.35 before this episode aired. My prediction it will above Konosuba and GBC but still unable to beat Hibike.

      As I said before in Episode 11 discussion, if you miss it, the official soundtrack album has been released, although I received from EU and US area that only 12 songs were available instead of full album. [Spotify Link](https://open.spotify.com/intl-id/album/4r7MuwiXbYJpPJT61bB5Pchttps://open.spotify.com/album/4r7MuwiXbYJpPJT61bB5Pc) | [Youtube Music Link](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kcZwN1o6NRhvYu8sH4KvSECTGLOFWsmoo)

      So it’s time to round up all the illustration Naoya Matsumoto did upon the airing of the anime.

      [Episode 1: Watching the Kaiju](https://twitter.com/ringo_inuS/status/1779140672999800843)

      [Episode 2: Kikoru](https://x.com/ringo_inuS/status/1781674193568047520)

      [Episode 3: Kafka and Reno](https://x.com/ringo_inuS/status/1784191179611160736)

      [Episode 4: Soshina](https://x.com/ringo_inuS/status/1786740578623057969)

      [Episode 5: Kafka and Kikoru](https://x.com/ringo_inuS/status/1789273098057084969)

      [Episode 6: Soshina and Mina](https://x.com/ringo_inuS/status/1791838310568210772)

      [Episode 7: Kaiju Kafka](https://x.com/ringo_inuS/status/1794361559487234407)

      [Episode 8: Kaiju No. 8 vs Soshina](https://x.com/ringo_inuS/status/1796894461294944329)

      There was no Episode 9 illustration

      [Episode 10: Soshina vs Kaiju No. 10](https://x.com/ringo_inuS/status/1801964873376809214)

      [Episode 11: Half Broken Kaiju Kafka](https://x.com/ringo_inuS/status/1804501848600269096)

      [Episode 12: The Third Division](https://x.com/ringo_inuS/status/1807042823272951949)

    26. Vermillion_Crab on

      This show did not break the wheel nor reinvent it but I sure as hell enjoyed every minute of it. I just love every character they introduced so far and I for one appreciate all the little things they added or improved from the manga. Makes me appreciate that this adaptation is in safe hands and is capable of elevating the source material. I finally gave in and read a short bit ahead in the manga and I was impressed at how Production IG made a great adaptation.

    27. The animation of Kikoru’s dad channeling the kaiju he’s wielding the remains of goes so hard

      I know it’s very clear by now that everyone loves the guy but the sheer amount everyone’s mood improves once they hear about the good news about Kafka made me smile.

    28. Honestly, been a while since a show got me hyped. Enjoyed this season a lot. Likeable characters, pretty cool fights. Glad to we’re getting S2

    29. I may have misjudged the old man a bit last week, but by all appearances he’s still been a pretty terrible father for Kikoru.

      He did at least come up with good logic for keeping Kafka around, a known quantity very powerful kaiju ally may be more useful than just another weapon for a human officer to use. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, after all.

      I’m really looking forward to S2.

    30. SleepyPiplup99 on

      So happy I picked this up 2 days ago. I want to start reading the manga so which chapter is right after this ending?

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