Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Season 3, episode 13

    Alternative names: Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken 3rd Season, Tensura, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3

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    by AutoLovepon


    1. discuss-not-concuss on

      a Kanemoto Hisako character being interested in slime? hmm.. a most curious thing indeed

      Ramiris’s one-brain-cell is so contagious, even Treyni starts “Sasuga-ing”. Beretta’s immunity to the virus requires further research

    2. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      I’m very happy for Ramiris. She’s finally moved on from NEETdom lol. This whole labyrinth thing could be a pretty good money maker for Tempest. Ramiris *is* actually pretty useful after all!

      Things look pretty chill for now, but it looks like Rimuru becoming a Demon Lord is causing quite a stir. He’s sorta shifting the balance of power in this world. I just hope no one does anything stupid like those Church idiots.

    3. WhoiusBarrel on

      Just remembering Ramiris is a Demon Lord herself as she tries to trespass into Tempest and live there is fucking hilarious. Though on paper Tempest is just sounding more terrifying now that they have 2 Demon Lords living there.

      The Elf Empress is hilarious but the fact she can tell Rimuru’s actions are those of an Otherworlder is pretty telling of how knowledgeable she is in the political landscape.

    4. The episodes this half seem to have drastically improved, really enjoyed the episode

    5. Ooo a new Elf mommy

      Well, we’ve gone from meetings to planning now. But I do like me some city building/management so I’m enjoying this one a bit more.

      Lol forgot how much of a gremlin Ramiris is

      Also, can’t show my appreciation enough when shows use maps to visualize their worlds and explain all the geopolitics. Just helps me grasp things so much easier

    6. SnabDedraterEdave on

      Ramiris can never not be adorkable. At least she’s no longer a NEET Demon Lord and properly employed by Rimuru. Treyni also infected by Ramiris’ dorkiness whenever it involves Ramiris is never not funny.

      This episode introduces elf empress Elmesia, who rules the country Ellen/Elyun (the elf adventurer who partied with Shizu and met Rimuru that way) is from, says she wary of Rimuru as a growing threat, but actually she just wants to go to Tempest to try out Yoshida’s improved pastries.

    7. Finally, Empress Elmesia debut! The mannerisms, the va, she is perfect. Need more scenes of her

      Good for Ramiris, she beat homelessness and joblessness after centuries. She can finally show why she is still considered a demon lord. Dungeon building will be fun

    8. Damn! Time fly’s when you’re having fun, that ep went by so quick!

      After meeting the Elven Empress I think I finally realized why all the world leaders here have a serious side, but are also loving Rimuru. They’re all so bored and pent up by work that they NEED to be on equal terms with Rimuru so they can just show up to all the fun stuff he has without needing to go through any diplomatic formalities.

    9. It makes sense other political leaders would react to what’s going on with Rimuru lately and all the business with Lubellius…especially Rimuru’s old buddy, King Gazel! And even if Rimuru is stronger than him now, he knows he can always count on him.

      I guess it figures Ramiris would get bored and try to move to Tempest where all the fun is…even though Rimuru told her no. But when has that ever stopped Ramiris? She’ll just go ahead and do it and not sweat the details, Rimuru is nice enough to let that slide, right? Even if she ends up roping in Treyni as an accomplice, knocking out guards, and Beretta being the only one talking sense. She would’ve gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for Gobkyu!

      But as easy as it it is to scold Ramiris while reflecting on how someone sensible like Treyni loses all sense when Ramiris is involved…maybe her convenient dungeon entrances could be turned into something useful.

      We now turn to the Sorcerer Empire of Thulion with Eldra and Empress Elmesia, a beautiful and serene lady voiced effortlessly by Hisako Kanemoto! And she has some choice words to say about Eldrad dealing with Tempest without her involvement! A queen deserves to have some fun and get into political negotiation too!

      Though I guess with women it always comes back to sweets, as Elmesia is a partaker in Yoshida’s delightful concoctions and wanted him for herself and her kingdom…but Tempest snatched him up. And how is this relevant to Erald? Well, Eren loves those sweets too and it might be his best chance at getting his daughter to come home more, when she’s not showing up for tea parties without him even knowing.

      But Elmesia knows Rimuru is not someone to underestimate, figuring out he’s an Otherworlder turned Demon Lord who is in a great political position and one that they have to maximize into a profit for THEIR kingdom while they can. Which means she is totally attending this festival.

      Ramiris finally does something useful! She can totally make a working dungeon under the future colosseum for young adventurers to test their mettle in and turn it into another revenue stream for Tempest! Now Ramiris actually has a job! She can even solve their Lycanthrope refugee problem! And of course it immediately goes to her head.

    10. McDonaldsApproval on

      Ramiris is so much fun. Think the comedy really helps make the meetings enjoyable.

    11. Did they change Gazeel dwargon’s voice or have I just not hear him in a while

    12. I just love Ramiris. Hearing that she gets to move into the town and be among friends makes me happy, and she even gets a steady income!

    13. Starting the Episode strong with another meeting [](#kannathumbs)

      Ramiris is a [delight](https://imgur.com/y5byD70), and together with her #1 Simp Treyni and Beretta, who holds the braincell among the three of them, a surefire way for a good episode.

    14. I really love how Rimuru treats Ramiris despite her being a goofball. Instead of making fun of her or retorting to every idiotic thing she does, he responds with a lot of patience and respect towards her. I kept expecting him to give her a friendly karate chop to the head whenever she does her shenanigans only to be surprised by his reactions. I am too used to tsukomi reactions normally employed in his situation.

    15. So we are finally introduced to the Elven Empress Elmesia El-Ru Sarion. She actually is an interesting character. It’s clear she is very wise, but I get the sense Eren’s father is a little too overprotective? Sure he has a point that you don’t want to bring her to unknown territory. I get the sense she can defend herself quite well. Much like how interactions were really interesting between Luminous and Rimuru. I am looking forward to him meeting Elmesia. The way she linked Rimuru being the center of these nations and making it a convenient shortcut between them allow Rimuru to profit of it quite well.

      Ramiris causing so much commotion this episode, you would think Milim made a surprise appearance. Create a Coliseum where they could train rookie adventurers, and he is able to solve the Ramiris problem rather smoothly by delegating her to watch over the dungeon. Rimuru as a leader shines when he is guiding his associates to put them in a position to succeed. Also adding a solution to the Lycanthrope refugee problem.

    16. Before talking about the episode itself, I must say that [Henrietta](https://i.imgur.com/xo81kMi.png) looks good. Thanks to her outfit and blond hair, she instantly reminded me of Ryuu from DanMachi.

      Anyway, we are finally in the dungeon-building section of Tensura. It’s so hilarious seeing [Ramiris](https://i.imgur.com/wBmidfY.png) trying to force her way into living in Tempest and how[ Treyni just follows whatever request she asks her without questions.](https://imgur.com/a/hU5AXFf) [Her blind devotion to Ramiris is just too funny.](https://imgur.com/a/WsM92EO) Luckily Beretta can at least question their actions and tell Rimuru what they were doing.

      Meanwhile in [Thalion](https://i.imgur.com/foJIN3J.png) thanks to Erald’s conversation with [Elmesia](https://i.imgur.com/kBXltLj.png) we learn that thanks to Eren, Yoshida became a really important person for the Empress, and also [we see Elmesia having some fun humiliating Erald.](https://i.imgur.com/5G3eVUJ.png)

      I can’t wait to see [Ramiris’ dungeon being built.](https://i.imgur.com/5fipAF2.png) I love [how](https://i.imgur.com/DYElerO.png) [many](https://i.imgur.com/AIOpfhm.png)[ reactions we got from her today.](https://imgur.com/a/YRAMTwM)

    17. ###Stitches!

      * [Sulking Elmesia](https://i.imgur.com/61NAlat.jpeg)

      * [Overacting Elmesia](https://i.imgur.com/nD1hiNh.jpeg)

      * [Serious Elmesia](https://i.imgur.com/5l2s2H5.jpeg)

      * [Beretta, Treyni, & Ramiris](https://i.imgur.com/IHpwNjy.jpeg)

      * [Proud Ramiris](https://i.imgur.com/ZUWWnOG.jpeg)

      [Ramiris secretly trying to build a shack inside Tempest](https://i.imgur.com/aNffQ7D.jpeg) was pretty funny. I was going to be upset at Rimuru if he kicked Ramiris out but I’m glad it all worked out in the end. Rimuru didn’t just give Ramiris a place to stay inside Temptest, [he also gave her a paying job.](https://i.imgur.com/AAgzvPB.png) I’m so happy for Ramiris. She won’t be known [for being a broke and unemployed Demon Lord anymore!](https://i.imgur.com/AtfqXSu.jpeg)

      [We finally meet the Empress who Erald serves.](https://i.imgur.com/DCrBOL0.png) Just from her first impressions, Elmesia is a lot of fun especially when [she was toying with Erald.](https://i.imgur.com/MTSDmXM.png) Being an empress though, she knows how to get serious and [recognizes the kind of power Rimuru has.](https://i.imgur.com/o3Dmkci.jpeg) I am excited to see how she’d interact with Rimuru though!

    18. Elven empress, very nice. I can’t wait to see Rimuru’s reaction when she shows up. And since she’s close with Eran who’s already a friend of Tempest that’s just even better.

      Not that Rimuru is planning this at all but I suspect letting Ramiris set up shop in Tempest is a good way to gain some favor from Guy since we know they’re close. Rimuru knowing all of her abilities as a resident will probably be very useful. Powerful infrastructure abilities, and we know he likes infrastructure.

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