Floor 11 – Underwater Hunt (Part 1)

    Floor Guide
    [Ascend – Floor 12 ↑]()
    Descend – Floor 10 ↓

    Series Information

    MAL | Anilist | Kitsu | AniDB | ANN

    Streaming Options

    Tower of God is available to stream subbed and dubbed on Crunchyroll.

    Art of the Day

    (Note: Pixiv links may contain NSFW advertising. Sorry!)

    The Trio + Rachel

    Source: Wenci on Pixiv

    Soundtrack of the Day

    The Bull


    Questions of the Day

    1. You have to fight one, which are you taking: the bull or the white steel eel?

    2. You get one princess of Jahad to back you up in a fight, who are you taking: Anaak or Endorsi?

    Tomorrow’s Questions of the Day

    [1.]What do you think you'd be feeling if that happened to you?

    [2.]Is that redeemable?

    Note to all climbers

    Please be aware that the threads for floors 12 and 13 will be posted by u/laughing-fox13.


    Please make sure to put all references to future events behind spoiler tags. Any untagged hints and spoilers will be removed. Let’s keep everything as fresh as possible for first-timers!

    by HereticalAegis


    1. HereticalAegis on

      **Rewatcher and Co-Administrator for this Climb**

      How interesting that Bam’s test to gain the right for him and Rachel to climb the tower together is designed to keep both of them from actually doing anything besides sitting around waiting.

      On the other hand, it’s kind of nice that the story forces Bam and Rachel to be uncomfortably alone together. Surely they still have stuff that needs working about between them, so giving them something like a bottle episode is probably for the best if they’re going to climb the tower together.

      **Source Comparisons**

      This thread is for comparisons to the manhwa. Please be sure to [properly tag](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/q28ulr/announcing_changes_to_spoiler_tags/) all discussion of the source material. Also, please keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive compilation of differences, only ones I thought interesting or important enough to include.

      Note for newcomers/non-source readers: Some of these notes contain anime spoilers. **Comparisons that contain anime spoilers will be in the clearly marked Anime Spoiler section.**

      Episode 11

      Chapters Covered: 60 – 67 (first half), 73 (first half)

      Chapter Skipped: 66 (second half)

      **Notable Differences**

      – No significant changes from the manhwa today. This anime rearranges the event of these chapters to align and show them happening simultaneously. The skipped half of chapter 66 is adapted in episode 12. All content between Bam and Rachel in the bubble is taken from the first half of chapter 73, with the rest of 73 adapted in episode 12.

      – [Manhwa]>!When Ren is talking to Anaak in the manhwa, he doesn’t play coy. He straight up says he killed Anaak’s mother. Their battle is more extensive in the manhwa as well, with Ren using a light shield to block attacks from the Green April and employing a feint to open Anaak’s guard enough to stab her.!<

    2. Shimmering-Sky on

      **First-Timer climbing the tower, subbed**

      – […tasty?](https://i.imgur.com/WSC8d5m.png)

      – [This *is* quite a pretty sight, just like Rachel said.](https://i.imgur.com/V01i4CA.png) [](#awe)

      – [I see Rak returned to normal off-screen.](https://i.imgur.com/KI645m7.png)

      – […so the *others* need to make sure Bam and Rachel get caught by the dolphins?](https://i.imgur.com/T3geAiZ.png) But what about Bam and Rachel *themselves*?

      – [Hm?](https://i.imgur.com/Xq0I2vm.png)

      – [Ah, lovely.](https://i.imgur.com/XJ1m3o6.png) [](#emiliaohdear)

      – [Who’s Serena?](https://i.imgur.com/WLuHF1P.png) [](#niatilt)

      – [Endorsi’s aiming for the Black March, hm?](https://i.imgur.com/D3zfSte.png)

      – [This is… worrying.](https://i.imgur.com/tZbbLPQ.png) [](#sakurathink)

      – […ah shit, the Bull is *totally* being controlled and isn’t actually as weak as Endorsi was making it look, isn’t it?](https://i.imgur.com/oDBkkVb.png) [](#watashiworried)

      – [Oh shit.](https://i.imgur.com/SApXkyC.png) [](#ohfuck)

      – [Ohhhhhhhhhhh shit.](https://i.imgur.com/E5FlcZl.png) [](#gasp)

      – [Damn…](https://i.imgur.com/ikHRIBt.png) [](#kurisudisappointed)

      – [Oh that is not good.](https://i.imgur.com/NdSJoQY.png)

      – [This sheep-looking motherfucker is awful.](https://i.imgur.com/Bhyhk26.png) [](#peasants)

      – [Fuck…](https://i.imgur.com/yl4yt97.png) [](#forgotkeys)

    3. [“You’re a very lucky person.”](https://i.imgur.com/XFMTUgF.jpeg)

      **OST Track of the day:** [Facing the Enemy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqd3I2Jd1ZA&pp=ygUQZmFjaW5nIHRoZSBlbmVteQ%3D%3D) [(Spotify)](https://open.spotify.com/track/1EINUCzHGU8H4YaDdwHBA1?si=bc125efd86e341ea)

      **Rewatcher, subbed**

      [TOG]>!Oh, i didnt realize how big of a hint [this](https://i.imgur.com/2q7aOq2.jpeg) is about how Bam got into the tower, they really are not subtle about it if you know whats going on. Very excited for tomorrow.!<

      Looks like Bam was able to take the test with rachel

      such a [cute little dolphin](https://i.imgur.com/5mJwGWQ.jpeg)

      [I hate the worm](https://i.imgur.com/g94F4wk.jpeg) design already


      Welp, guess we will be seeing [that](https://i.imgur.com/pwSUWQx.png) soon

      [Yuri](https://i.imgur.com/ucIyDOL.jpeg) time lets go

      [Shes not wrong](https://i.imgur.com/LjqKnYg.jpeg), but bam didnt have many important things, just Rachel

      hey look, the [thing](https://i.imgur.com/2GAG0G2.jpeg) they were told to not worry about

      Poor [Shibisu](https://i.imgur.com/QaFW6CM.jpeg)

      calling him a [cow](https://i.imgur.com/yBPFlCw.jpeg) lmao

      you know rachel you could of been doing [this](https://i.imgur.com/xcsh8Yu.jpeg) 8 episodes ago


      [webtoon]>!We will now never hear about Nae again despite learning she has rare powers!<

      [TOG]>!Oh i never picked up on the bull comment!<

      Great way to [bait anaak](https://i.imgur.com/D0Nz5Qr.jpeg) into battle

      Its a little overplayed but Shinsu is basically the perfect track for most any fight scene thoughout

      [little monster](https://i.imgur.com/CLtNbfH.jpeg)

      what the fuck [parasol](https://i.imgur.com/100XNf7.jpeg)

      [webtoon]>!Okay they really relaxed on him being a shit person, theres a totally valid argument here that he was trying to save Hatz and didnt think of the consequences compared to just ignoring commands!<

      [comically evil](https://i.imgur.com/O7BAgwu.jpeg) ren



      1. Do i have shinsu powers? I at least know the trick to the eel, but i doubt i could handle being eaten to do it though.

      2. I think Endorsi would actually be able to complete the task handed to her, assuming she doesnt wear those damn heels.

    4. Rewatcher(Damnit Paracule!)


      Another day, another weird, convoluted test in the tower in a very weird environment. We learn who the druids of the setting are but not really any rules to it. The Testers all seem to have their own agendas. Bam and Rachel get mostly sidelined today so everyone else can do things.

      QotD: 1 The Bull is a bit more manageable

      2 Anaak but that’s because she doesn’t change sides.

    5. **rewatcher**

      I think its neat they show there are more kinds of classes outside of the base 5, with animas being kind of like summoners who can manipulate the towers animals.

      there is something about voicing a character like Ren which makes even scummier. like its one thing to read those lines, but to hear them out loud just adds to the layer of disgusting. both dub and sub perfectly conveyed his scumbaggery.

      **adaptational differences**

      * I overlooked a few things last episode that I think I should mention, in fact its kind of an overall trend that i think should be adressed. When Lero objected to Hansungs plotting, he brings up the background of the irregulars in the tower, how one called Phantamanium slaughtered Jahads highest rankers at the time, and how another called Urek Mazino founded an organization. maybe on their own this wouldnt be a bad cut, but they keep cutting out mentions like about the irregulars, who had already been mentioned a few tiems at this point. I get that not everyone is as into wordbuilding as I am, but its not just worldbuilding, its also building hype for future characters. and i think something of value is lost when every single little mention like that is cut out.

      * Ren didnt bother being coy in the manhua, he just straight up admits to killing her mother. i mean its pretty clear either way, but its a neat distinction. also, instead of holding it in his tongue, he held the gem necklace in midair, like a goomba. gotta say, moving it around with his tongue is a far better visual.

      * they simplified Ren and Anaaks fight, where he summoned some freaky abstract monster for her to fight at first, with that being what imapled her instead of a tongue. Previously when the show abridged the action, i was critical, but in this instance, i found the summoned creature kind of confusing, so I am ok with it being cut.

      * so Paracule saved Hatz this episode. that might make anime onlies temporarily consider if Paracule isnt entirely a worthless pice of dung, but dont be fooled. in the manhua, he didnt blow their cover to save Hatz, he just wanted to attack. and he missed too! in short, paracule hating hours are all hours. Also Rak called him Pickle instead of Parasol, and i cant choose which one i like better.

    6. laughing-fox13 on


      The final test is underway! It’s kind of interesting that even though Bam with Rachel is the one undergoing it it’s really on the others to make sure they pass.

      We did get to a bit more of Narae this episode and what she can do. Her ability is cool but it is terrifying what people who are better skilled can do. We the Endorsi giving the Bull some trouble until not Ren control it.

      Speaking of Ren, poor Anaak… she might have powers of a princess but she can’t compete with him and now he’s toying with her and Endorsi…

      Lero Ro pointing out how this elaborate test was put together so quickly and Hansung just drinks his coffee

      Other notes:

      Rip Shibisu, hearing the “I’m delicious” and “I’m not delicious” from in English was funny though

      I can’t believe Hatz was willing to give Parasol redemption. I would’ve lost all hope in him after the tag game

      **Just a reminder** in case as some didn’t notice last week: As the post says, I’ll be posting the threads for Floors (episodes) 12 and 13


    7. **Rewarcher anime only**

      [ToG anime]>!”Last chance to climb the Tower, Rachel.” “You’re lucky, Rachel.” Man the look of horror in her face. There’s almost a part of her that would’ve been fine being denied, but the Tower has chosen. Shit it’s almost comical now how they serve it on a silver platter. They put a juicy steak in front of a starving dog. Times up Rachel. Now, reach out and grab your destiny!!<

      The tests the author comes up with are actually very interesting. Everything in the Tower is based around an ecosystem and the food chain. Everyone has a place and a role to play. Even Jahad’s political system seems to imitate it.

      Bam has a way of making people come together huh. Shibisu and many in the group see in him a certain light that they have lost. That’s why the want to climb with him.

      You better not lose Serena’s gift, Shibisu.

      Some excellent use of music this episode.

      The Bull’s eye resembles the eyes on the Crest of Jahad.

      Anyone remember what position is Narae?

      Man I don’t remember Ren being this much of a dick. Also, I got it wrong last episode. He’s not here to make someone pass, he’s here to take people out.

      So here’s a dilema for Endorsi, the self interested Princess: kill Anaak and betray yourself, your own promise, or protect her and become an enemy of King Jahad, and probably die right here and now? Pride or preservation? Which way, “National Treasure?”

      [ToG anime]>!With future knowledge Rachel’s behavior with Bam in the bubble is even more off-putting. I guess she’s trying not to think about it. Pretend it’s just like back in the cave. These are after all the last moments she’ll have with him before she succumbs to her own darkness.!<

      _Questions of the Day_

      1- The bull because I can at least fight it on land where I get to use my legs.

      2- Trick question the answer is Yuri

    8. **Tower Ranker & Rewatcher**

      ## [Episode 11: Underwater Hunt (P1)](https://i.imgur.com/5H1c6MQ.jpg)

      I do love the layers to these tests, always been a strong point of ToG.

      [Next Episode Spoilers]>!Being a rewatcher; Rachel’s actions this episode are really subtle, but it is clear that she has firmly decided.!<

    9. **First Timer and source reader who forgot most of the stuff already**  

      **Tower of God**  

      **Episode 11**  

      – Yeah Rak, better stop messing with him if you want to pass the test.

      – I’m pretty sure that Hansung will make the bull jump on them somehow, because he obviously not gonna let them pass easily.

      – Bam…. I don’t think saying that others are stronger and smarter to Rachel’s face is a good idea.

      – Yeah, this a bit too well-prepared though. It’s like he plan for this all along.

      – You called that a bull? It’s the red cape, isn’t it….

      – Nice save from Anaak.

      – Endorsi and Anaak’s dynamic is so good.

      – “No one likes a girl who’s a showoff” Really?? I bet you differ.

      – And because she plays with the bull too much instead of finishing it off, now Endori got a full Cell saga’s Vegeta’s backfire experience.

      – Ohhhhhh. He might be the one that killed her mom. Or maybe he borrowed it from someone just to mess with her.

      – Lauroe has to work because his blanket got stolen.

      – While he messed up the plan, gotta give the green dude a bit of credit for at least trying to make up for his betrayal.

      – Giving Endorsi the Green Apple for free would surely won’t backfire on you/s


      1. The bull at least seem killable without having to use any special equipment.

      2. Endorsi because she’s seem stronger to me and not because I’m biased at all….

    10. First Time Watcher, subbed

      I really liked Bam and Rachel actually being able to just talk to each other, despite the fact they are doing a very important test. Bam is so wholesome, he mainly wants everyone to just be able to get along and be able to eat together.

      While the plan seemed to be going well initially, it started going downhill fast. First the princesses both get beat up by the Bull and the Royal police guy, then Parasol screws up Khun’s plan by killing the goblin, man I despise Parasol (I know his name is actually Paracule but Rak calls him Parasol)

      I was not expecting the administrators test to be this elaborate, also interesting that despite being the one who can actually start the test, Bam has to rely on his teammates to actually complete it.

      Since this is a two-parter, some predictions for next episode, Anaak will turn the tides by using Black March since despite losing Green April she should still have that one, and Endorsi and Annak will use one each to fight the Royal police guy and the Bull. I also feel like there is a decent chance that Yuri shows up since it seems like they have almost reached the testing area, but there is also a good chance that they still don’t show up until the end of the season. I also feel like the Anima girl will have a big role next episode.


      1. Hard to say as I would probably be obliterated by either of them, but probably the Bull as it does seem to ignore those it has no business with or are weak such as Shibisu, so I might be sparred.

      2. Definitely Anaak, from what we have seen so far Anaak seems to be stronger, plus having Green April which can help with large groups of enemies will just add a lot more flexibility. She might also allow me to borrow Black March is we really get into a bind.

    11. **First Time Tower Climber – Dubbed**

      * Yesterday I stayed on the sidelines by visiting Floor 10 alone for quite a few reasons (Bad Weather, Was running around until 2pm, Wasn’t in the mood to partake in the thread that day)
      * Net Dolphins are literally Water Bees in how they function
      * Who eats the Net Dolphin Queen then?
      * Uggh Goblins where is GS when you need him
      * Well guess this is now the Biology Class I had to take in 10th Grade with weird Bee/Dolphin creatures and their Food Web
      * Jealous but I give you props for not using it to sabotage
      * Alright any Rachel Slander is on hold until further notice because I may be rude sometimes but I like to give people a second chance
      * Oh come on third time this week with someone getting eatten but this time they made it out
      * Oh good the trope of Yelling in a Cave causes the roof to fall is not in effect
      * Really an Imposter why must you ruin everything


      * QOTD 1 – The Bull at least my mobility isn’t handicapped

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