Episode 19 – The Final Avan Style Technique


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    Screenshot of the day:


    Comment of the day:

    goes to u/Kaxew for pointing out and appreciating Hyunckel showing a moment of vulnerability:

    I really liked seeing Hyunckel cry upon the realization of everything people have done for him and everything he's done to people. You don't typically get to see the badass lone wolf in shonen cry and be vulnerable, so it's just nice to see. Crocodine gives a huge speech and I somehow have fallen in love for the same man I had fallen in love with two years ago. Yeah, he's just a great character. I mean, his redemption arc is so great he has a technique named after it! How many characters have you seen who's redemption are literally spelled out for you? That's right, just our guy.

    Questions of the day:

    1. From all the techniques belonging to the Hero’s party and the enemies that were shown so far, which one would you want to be capable of using?


    Please, respect the fact there are First Timers watching Dai no Daibouken with us, so avoid talking about vague things or events that would slightly spoil things to happen. And if you want mention things like this, please hid it behind SPOILER TAGS like [Dai no Spoilers] I am getting the hammer because you spoiled the fun for others

    by Shocketheth


    1. Shimmering-Sky on

      **First-Timer Quest: Sky no Daibouken, subbed**

      – [Let me guess, he’s *not* actually dead?](https://i.imgur.com/STgUBGW.png)

      – [Okay, wasn’t expecting Flazzard to do *that*.](https://i.imgur.com/YFPhMsu.png) [](#flyingbunsofdoom)

      – [I’m holding onto this line as copium that Avan is still alive too, somewhere.](https://i.imgur.com/7KX3CGx.png) [](#katoupls)

      – [Uh-oh…](https://i.imgur.com/7HNKZGK.png) [](#watashiworried)

      – [So Flazzard was the only one who could grab the medallion…](https://i.imgur.com/VRR2zRD.png)

      – [Ohhhhhhhhh boy.](https://i.imgur.com/2QbLYrl.png)

      – [So… what, you have to *disintegrate* all the pieces?](https://i.imgur.com/6WiYHh0.png) Or freeze them in place, but half of him is ice, so that won’t work.

      – [Aha, *that* makes sense too.](https://i.imgur.com/dvalkea.png) [](#harukathink)

      – [He looks weaker now…](https://i.imgur.com/ueDkUYG.png)

      – [Dai did it!](https://i.imgur.com/g75qRZM.png) [](#rengehype)

      – […or not.](https://i.imgur.com/LSdXtFS.png) [](#sadholo)

      – [I see, so that’s why Dai failed.](https://i.imgur.com/6FuTkz9.png) [](#rengethink)

      – [Oh sweet!](https://i.imgur.com/ifrAhn1.png) [](#SPORTS)

      – [So his problem is that he was overthinking it with his eyes.](https://i.imgur.com/LyvvapZ.png)

      – [Bingo!](https://i.imgur.com/T64Ly9j.png) [](#woo)

    2. **Dark Commander welcomes you to Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken Rewatch!**

      * [Nice teamwork!](https://i.imgur.com/cydhTVH.png)
      * [A Dezaki shot?](https://i.imgur.com/RFFyU0L.png) [YEEEES!](#SPORTS)
      * [I hate to say it, but there are times when you need to keep your mouth shut Maam.](https://i.imgur.com/gCDFsrw.png)
      * [Ah yes…. Hyunckel unlocked the blood manipulation technique…](https://i.imgur.com/azrtIAc.png)
      * Ughhh… what? That’s how this episode ends?…. Looks into the preview…. Oh I forgot about that. [](#mugiwait)


      1. Not technique but I would love to be able to cast Megante.

      # Crocodine Shonen Commentary Corner:

      [Unfortunately, Crocodine, Baduck and Gomechan are still on an Vacation in Las Vegas](https://i.imgur.com/mcyyykA.jpeg)


      Nobody for this episode


      **Director -** [Karasawa Kazuya](https://anidb.net/creator/43228)

      **Episode Director -** [Tanaka Yuuta](https://anidb.net/creator/27117) (episode 13,19)

      **Chief animation director -** [Kagawa Hisashi](https://anidb.net/creator/2803) (episodes 8,11,13,15,17,19)

      **Script/Screenplay -** [Chiba Katsuhiko](https://anidb.net/creator/4242) (episode 1-9,14-15,17,19)

      **Storyboarding -** [Tanaka Yuuta](https://anidb.net/creator/27117) (episode 19)

      **Key animators -** Nagasawa Ken`ichi, Cobos Rai, Takai Kouichi, Juumonji, Kagura, 小坂美穂, Hoshino Mamoru, Narasaki Asako, 新見ちひろ, Takano Tooru, Mura Shuntarou, Nakatsu Kazumi, Shimada Chihiro, Hara Natsumi, Shida Naotoshi, Kawamura Atsuko, 清水敦哉, 山下梢, Kawano Hiroyuki

      ***See you tomorrow because the Adventure continues!***

    3. ###First Timer

      * Big Croc is dominating.

      * All the mage dude does is being annoying.

      * I guess it’s time to resurrect Hadlar with even stronger body again.


      * [Flazzard is the best.](https://i.imgur.com/2ihhRRX.png)

      * Look at these mean bastards ganging up on my boy.

      * That’s true loyalty. If we had more people like Flazzard in the Dark Army the world would’ve been ours.

      * Against Logia you need Haki.


      * And to think there were people who couldn’t see Flazzard’s greatness.


      * Just tell him to close his eyes. Throwing blood at people is disgusting.


      * Coolest Dai scene so far.


    4. **Rewatcher**

      OK, today seems like a good time to vent, just a bit. There’s a lot of aspects about the anime I love, and I’ll gush about it, but around now is when the main negative starts to appear every now and again.

      I just have a hard time appreciating action scenes. I don’t know when this happened to me exactly, but for a very, very long time Action scenes and set pieces in media just don’t impress me. ever. It doesn’t matter how good (expensive) it looks, I don’t really care. Maybe it started because my parents always had movies turned up way too loudly and I couldn’t bear the sound associated with these scenes (Still can’t handle them btw, but I CONTROL THE VOLUME [](#worshipme)), but at some point, I just never have been impressed.

      So the reason DQ Dai is an 8/10 instead of a 10/10 is because there’s *long* stretches of this and I’m kind of just tuning on standby waiting for the next real plot development. They’re worth it when they happen, that’s why I sing the show’s praises and want other people to see it; I know other folks appreciate great action coupled with this stuff.

      This aversion to Action (Coupled with an aversion to Blood, a nasty one-two combo) is what got me to try a wide variety of anime quite quickly, but it also made me jaded to the most popular anime (battle shounens), Me from even a decade ago would never watch any.

      Shows like Dragon Quest Dai and the Case Study of Vanitas are the reason that present me wishes to try just a bit harder to find good action shows, or even bloody shows, that I might like, but it’s difficult and slow progress. Most seasons I will still turn my nose up to action and blood. But my mind is more open than ever, and I’m looking for anything that could be a next step. So I will say that this nonstop, meaningless-feeling action is a fault of DQ for me, but the silver lining is nice to have, and I know this show delivers.

    5. NicDwolfwood on

      **First Timer, Sub**

      So continuing where things left off, Hyunckel awakes to find Hadlar nowhere in sight(yeah he ain’t dead lol), Zaboera gives Crocodine the slip, Mystvearn is nowhere in sight either….So back to Dai and friends, they arrive at Valge Tower and Flazzard was lying in wait. He grabs Maam by the leg is about to kill her by slamming her on the ground. Crocodine makes a cool appearance, throwing his axe to chop off Flazzards arm, saving Maam as well as Hyunckel show up too.

      Flazzard uses his special final attack, Rock Bullet Shrapnel Detonation to vanquish his enemies and seek the battle glory he hungers for. Everyone gets pretty beaten up by flying rocks of Ice and flame rock. The Situation calls for Dai to use Avan’s Air Slash and master the Avan Sword techniques. His attack kinda works, he tried to destroy Flazzard core and sorta grazed it? But otherwise he wasn’t really pulling it off. Hyunckel decided to take his eye sight away by throwing blood in his eyes, so he could use his inner eye to find the core. Dai does so, unleashing a perfect Air slash….episodes ends with Flazzard being split in half down the middle.


      1. Honestly being a master of the Avan techniques would be cool. Or having that cool Armour Hyunckel has.

    6. **1st** **~~Dai~~** **Popp no Daibouken Rewatch, Sub**

      [Loved the teamwork!](https://i.imgur.com/A1ZJLX4.png)

      [Right back at yaa](https://i.imgur.com/KeRA2eR.png), [Popp](https://i.imgur.com/4U0L2hG.png)!

      So, Dai’s first Air Slash was kind of a fluke.

      [Well, that’s one way to do it!](https://i.imgur.com/fMdB2t1.png)

      [Dai](https://imgur.com/270e45ea-3b56-4a49-a4ad-66faaba3742e) using [Air Slash](https://i.imgur.com/VUBDxac.png) with his inner eye to[ slash Flazzard’s core](https://i.imgur.com/K1FEQeP.png) [was truly a hype moment](https://i.imgur.com/sG0mg0F.png) and probably my favourite Dai moment yet. But I like how he uses his inner eye and senses other as well. [Dai no Spoilers] >!The colour of the their souls being the same as that of their Insignia of Avan was a nice touch.!<

      [OST Documentation – Episode 19](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OD0tVXR50ixuRVijA_54YtHUuerpXbLYzIjQYXnIqmU/edit#heading=h.7k8j2dx4y71l)


      **1.** Technique – Dark Aura Puppetry Hand. Spell – Zoom. I guess both are self-explanatory. Also having Hyuckel’s Armor and shouting Amdo!

    7. Blackheart595 on

      **First Quester**

      [Hahahahaha](https://imgur.com/9PwPp0R) I love Zaboera.

      What, [Hyunckel really lives](https://imgur.com/ChVIRST)? No way! Not after Mystvearn showed up there! Like I don’t now what his relation to Vearn is, but he’s called Myst-Vearn ffs! So that leaves me very, very suspicious of what’s going on here. Potato time, I think Hyunckel might now be housing either Mystvearn or Hadlar somewhere within himself.


      So, uh, Dai and company made for a straight dash to the tower while Crocodine and Hyunckel fought their respective enemies, right? But now Crocodine and Hyunckel have caught up with them, as they only just start their encounter with Flazzard? How is the timeline supposed to work out here?

      That was a very interesting scene with the Legion Commanders. In particular, Mystvearn trying to reach for the medaillon to prove his loyalty to Vearn is sticking out to me. Is their bond weaker than I assumed? I expected the trust between them to be more matter of fact, to the point that such displays wouldn’t be necessary.

      Heeey that reminds me of [some discussions from yesterday](https://imgur.com/vJbtWps). [](#urbansmile)

      They made [a lot of little Flazzards](https://imgur.com/BJLDn6d)! [](#akyuusqueel)

      And this is the story of [how the dinosaurs went extinct](https://imgur.com/UWYyPAT).

      Oh no! Is Hyunckel about to [sacrifice his life](https://imgur.com/Yl8bIaO) to save the heroes? [](#makicry)

      Oh no, Dai failed.

      Hm. I’m afraid I’ll need a few more episodes to really grasp this Air Slash. In particular, what kind of limitations does it have that it isn’t just an instawin. Also, Dai should totally use Air Slash against Hyunckel to perform an exorcism.

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