Here’s Iris, one of my OCs. She’s a magical girl in her battle outfit. Why do you think she became one? More info in the comments.

    by Misiwasy


    1. BTW she’s the protagonist’s cousin, not by blood, and she enjoys doing gymnastics.

    2. “Why do you think she became one?” What kinda show are we talking about. For example someone in the madoka magica universe may have made a specific wish, whilst others may become magical girls to be magical girls to achieve a goal like defend people or make people happy that can only be done specifically by being a magical girl.

      For the latter, the eye patch and the choice of weapon suggests she’s a bit of a chuuni at heart, so wanted to live her childhood (or I guess current) dream of fighting monsters and being a cool action hero!

    3. Because of her ability to strike awesome poses plus badass eye patch, I would assume!

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