Floor 10 – Beyond the Sadness

    Floor Guide
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    Descend – Floor 9 ↓

    Series Information

    MAL | Anilist | Kitsu | AniDB | ANN

    Streaming Options

    Tower of God is available to stream subbed and dubbed on Crunchyroll.

    Art of the Day

    (Note: Pixiv links may contain NSFW advertising. Sorry!)


    Source: u/lunaticmoon123 post on r/TowerofGod


    Source: ねね on Pixiv

    Soundtrack of the Day



    Questions of the Day

    1. Would you choose to take the more dangerous and difficult shorter path up the tower, or the longer but relatively safe path?

    2. Now that everyone remaining are on board with accompanying Bam up the tower, has your opinion of any characters changed?

    Tomorrow’s Questions of the Day

    [1.]You have to fight one, which are you taking: the bull or the white steel eel?

    [2.]You get one princess of Jahad to back you up in a fight, who are you taking: Anaak or Endorsi?


    Please make sure to put all references to future events behind spoiler tags. Any untagged hints and spoilers will be removed. Let’s keep everything as fresh as possible for first-timers!

    by HereticalAegis


    1. HereticalAegis on

      **Rewatcher and Co-Administrator for this Climb**

      **Source Comparisons**

      This thread is for comparisons to the manhwa. Please be sure to [properly tag](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/q28ulr/announcing_changes_to_spoiler_tags/) all discussion of the source material. Also, please keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive compilation of differences, only ones I thought interesting or important enough to include.

      Note for newcomers/non-source readers: Some of these notes contain anime spoilers. **Comparisons that contain anime spoilers will be in the clearly marked Anime Spoiler section.**

      Episode 10

      Chapters Covered: 52 – 59

      Chapters Cut: Much of 54 – 57

      **Notable Differences**

      – This is the first episode with dramatic cuts/alterations to the manhwa. First, cuts of relatively unimportant material. [Manhwa]>!Most of the cut content covers Khun recounting to Lero Ro how he built connections and persuaded other testers to join his scheme for the Hide and Seek test. There is a scene of Bam talking to Endorsi about his experience in the depths before meeting Rachel.!<

      – There is also important cut content here. If you’re the kind of person who would rather not click on a spoiler tag, I recommend reading chapter 57 to see this content. [Manhwa]>!During a conversation with Lero Ro, Hansung Yu talks about how the tests on these floors used to resemble tests on higher floor. These initial tests were made more complex in response to the appearances of two Irregulars: Phantaminum and Urek Mazino. Phantaminum notoriously invaded Jahad’s castle and slaughtered Jahad’s best rankers. Next came Urek, who wielded monstrous power and quickly gained great influence within the tower. Urek even formed a group, Wolhaiksong, feared by the ten great families of the tower. These two events made the tower rulers realize the power balance could be upended and the tower brought down by these Irreguals. The tests Bam and the group are taking now are designed to weed out Irregulars and remove them from the tower before they can become dangerous.!<

      – [Manhwa]>!The anime alters the cafeteria scene. In the manhwa, Khun comments on Endorsi’s underwear trick, then calmly tells her she ruined everything as he’s leaving. Most of the group isn’t there, and Rachel’s companion disappeaing isn’t brought up…because he didn’t disappear. The scene of Khun getting a warning about Hoh from Hwaryun is anime original.!<

      – [Manhwa]>!Before Bam arrives to Khun’s room, Khun tells tiny Rak about his half-sister Maria and about how schemed to take her side in the family power dispute and send her to the king of the tower’s side because he believed she deserved that happiness. Rak replies by saying he would kill that king and make himself king, then he would get to choose who is at the king’s side.!<

      – [Manhwa]>!The funeral scene for Hoh takes place much earlier in the anime and there is no dialogue in the manhwa. In the manhwa, Serena and Shibisu drink in Hoh’s honor in one of their rooms. Bam’s scene with Rachel is also earlier in the anime and has no dialogue in the manhwa as well.!<

      – There is another major alteration during the results announcement. [Manhwa]>!Rachel’s companion, Ghost, is listed as having passed, and no mention is made of him having disappeared…beacause he didn’t disappear.!<

      – [Manhwa]>!As part of the conditions to take the Administrator’s Test, Hansung Yu mentions that Jahad is an Irregular.!<

      – [Manhwa]>!In the manhwa, Rak is the only one of the group that realizes Khun is acting and the scene plays out with everyone else believing the charade to be real.!<

    2. [“That’s why Bam… you should abandon me too.”](https://i.imgur.com/xUCQOEl.jpeg)

      **OST Track of the day:** [Irregular God](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xntL61cSsN4&pp=ygUPaXJyZWd1bGFyIGdvZCB0) [(Spotify)](https://open.spotify.com/track/6aJn1pBW4wfUAHU7SxOP5r?si=21df5b4c99304128)

      **Rewatcher, subbed**

      As we get close to finishing out the rewatch, id encourage any first timers interested in watching season 2 to **avoid** watching any S2 trailer as they are shockingly spoilery (especially the most recent one that teases the OP, which is a shame because it kinda slaps).

      If you are not a webtoon reader and have already watched them, Its not the end of the world but its quite weird how much they have shown.

      [webtoon]>!the latest CR trailer literally calls wangnan “the boy with Zahad’s ring” and horyang “The Devils right arm”, the former i dont remember ever being touched even through the workshop arc?!<

      guess its [mask off](https://i.imgur.com/ix2Fatz.jpeg) for rachel.

      Ah, so [thats](https://i.imgur.com/CeXWzyb.jpeg) how it happens in the anime.

      Khun having all these plans is one of the most fun parts about the group

      FINALLY [Tiny rak](https://i.imgur.com/rzgGRij.jpeg) time

      [Cant admit](https://i.imgur.com/yceKfpk.jpeg) that he wants to continue with Bam

      Thats [a wrench](https://i.imgur.com/Y72pPhh.png), wonder how many disabled people climb the tower

      Oh, i didnt notice [this little cut](https://i.imgur.com/Uxc36X2.mp4) until now. Im sure theres a term for it but i have no idea what its called.

      Honestly, i didnt expect [khun to accept](https://i.imgur.com/SP28tN2.jpeg) the first time around.

      Those glasses are [*filled*](https://i.imgur.com/v9ZGqjG.png) to the brim

      [TOG]>!Making sure its less obvious putting it here, but [you arent wrong](https://i.imgur.com/YZF7SWi.jpeg)!<

      Bam is not ready for the tower doing stuff like the funeral

      [Man. So many lost even at the beginning of the tower.](https://i.imgur.com/yhChK0N.jpeg) According to someone in the episode thread, they counted ~6912 graves based on whats shown here.

      Its amazing that bam is so willing to stay by Rachels side al this time, but when you consider [what little Bam had,](https://i.imgur.com/TPVYJyh.jpeg) i dont blame him. What else would he of had if it wasnt for Rachel? He never would of been able to climb the tower otherwise.

      oh theyre [*drunk* drunk](https://i.imgur.com/wFMbgjz.jpeg). Arent they kids lmao

      [TOG]>!”he never would of been able to climb the tower otherwise” heh!<

      theyre [*gone*](https://i.imgur.com/ABXghsk.jpeg)

      nooooo Serena, [arguably best girl](https://i.imgur.com/uwUaKKA.jpeg) is leaving. Sadly, she did ultimately fail the test, but i hated seeing her go.


      [webtoon]>!I think i spoiled myself on this, but i have learned that this is not Ren’s “actual” form, but just a suit. I think that does get teased during this though!<

      [This scene](https://i.imgur.com/YID6Wzl.jpeg) is by far the one of best uses of the OST, short of yesterday’s Lotus. Have i said how much i love the OST?

      [just what are you doing](https://i.imgur.com/Mr5ont3.jpeg)

      how are [you](https://i.imgur.com/kGR8QYm.jpeg) handling this sword

      [Rachel passed??](https://i.imgur.com/e7owVWq.jpeg)


      [Fuck you paracule](https://i.imgur.com/XuFQ0Fu.jpeg)

      [such a backhanded comment](https://i.imgur.com/eAtIvs8.jpeg)

      [Rak got true confidence](https://i.imgur.com/iyesXaZ.jpeg)

      well, Bam has now [revealed himself.](https://i.imgur.com/ON6ssO7.jpeg) Shocking that Khun hasnt realized even now.

      I love the artwork on the walls of of the administrator’s room. i kinda want that.

      [Whitefox level of face quality](https://i.imgur.com/kF83sR0.png)

      [webtoon]>![this](https://i.imgur.com/5OWkhbq.jpeg) literally just doesnt get discussed again, instead its helping FUG lmao!<

      the gang saw [right through them](https://i.imgur.com/wqWvt7G.jpeg) lmao

      well, [all but one](https://i.imgur.com/UWYaOuw.png)

      hello again [mr dragon](https://i.imgur.com/8RcLMP8.jpeg)

    3. Rewatcher(I am rather surprised that I never picked up the manwha)


      Dub note: Rachel’s seiyuu does the role a lot more expressively so the English version comes off a bit…flat.

      So this was our breather episode and it was likely needed animation side if nothing else. Giving Hoh a funeral does have meaning, at least once you’ve seen enough people die, but verbalizing exactly what that means escapes me. But always remember that services are for the living and that receptions are for the bottle. Didn’t see any drunk post funeral hook ups but I do wonder if that is my culture that does that. Serena just leaving…is kind of perfect. She *might* have passed the test but she just realizes she doesn’t want to become the kind of person that Hoh was.

      Most of the episode is catching up and Tower intrigue. Disqualifying Rachel is grim but then are Lighthouses even wheelchair accessible? Doing the Guardian’s test seems risky and Bam’s Irregular status is revealed.

      QotD: 1 There is a virtue in recreating Jahad’s path, I suppose

      2 Surprisingly little

    4. Shimmering-Sky on

      **First-Timer climbing the tower, subbed**

      – [Only two of that group could progress, huh…](https://i.imgur.com/C8pzxYS.png) I guess that explains why Hoh was so desperate.

      – […wait, was *Khun* the one who gave Hoh that letter?!](https://i.imgur.com/QquzVem.png) [](#jawdrop)

      – [What the fuck?](https://i.imgur.com/jWRlNdq.png) [](#laughter)

      – [Aw shit…](https://i.imgur.com/yRkQWAW.png) [](#ohfuck)

      – [Huh…](https://i.imgur.com/PmuvGMJ.png)

      – [Aha, *now* I’ve gotten a “sore demo” out of this show!](https://files.catbox.moe/032ebg.mp4) [](#urarahype)

      – [Ah…](https://i.imgur.com/Nxr0z3S.png)

      – […okay, it wasn’t Khun, that was just Khun taking the card from Hoh’s room.](https://i.imgur.com/7PaAQhH.png)

      – [Bam did indeed pass, good.](https://i.imgur.com/jPyvGSW.png)

      – [Damn…](https://i.imgur.com/3C80LLY.png) [](#emiliaohdear)

      – [This must be something *incredibly* big…](https://i.imgur.com/fKnlSsM.png)

      – [Oh, so *Bam* needs to take the Administrator’s test, then.](https://i.imgur.com/jMoXatI.png)

      – [Ah, right, not everyone knew about that.](https://i.imgur.com/AGS8hJK.png)

      – [Rak pls.](https://i.imgur.com/0YLY1o4.png) [](#trololol)

    5. **Rewarcher anime only**

      Aftermath of the Tag game. Interesting that no one seems to hold grudges for what Ho did. I guess they understand in some way. They all feel the humid breath of defeat chasing at their heels. They see Ho and think “that could be me”. I wonder if it’s common for groups of Regulars to be this sympathetic? Or maybe it’s Bam’s wholesome presence in the group that has them keep sight of a little bit of light in the draconian Tower.

      Serena sees the limits of herself in Ho and chooses to politely bow out. Good Ending for her, probably. She realized she ain’t built for this, and didn’t force it. I do hope we get to see her again someday.

      Yuga wasn’t Yuga at all!? Ngl I totally forgot about this lol. Recall that before the classes started they said that Yuga was late two days. He must’ve been taken over in the journey. So we have the, what was it, Jahad Royal Guard messing about behind the scenes. They want someone, or multiple someones to pass. Oh boy, something big is cooking. I didn’t realize how big on first watch but this seems BIG big.

      Rachel is paralyzed from the waist down, under normal circumstances it would’ve been over for her, but Bam has resolved to literally hard carry until they get to the Stars. For this they’ll ask for a special test. Apparently Floor Guardians used to administer tests in the past, bun under King Jahad’s authority the Test Administrators do it now. They say when he climbed the Tower, he passed a Guardian’s Test. But to ask for that, you have to be an Irregular. Is King Jahad and Irregular?

      Obligatory Fuck Paracule

      [ToG anime]>!That scene under the Tree is wonderful. Rachel’s last plea to Bam to save himself, _from herself_. She basically admits her true nature unfiltered to him right then and there. It’s crazy I, and Bam, didn’t see the signs! Bam’s words of confort I now see only hurt her. She knows he talks only lies about her. She’s a vampire, burnt by the light of the Sun.!<

    6. **Rewatcher**

      Ah, i see, the power of at the top is the power to make Rak into a chibi. no wonder everyone is killing and betraying each other, Chibi Rak is worth the sacrifice.

      Not only does Hansung have chibifying ability, he’s also really powerful. I loved that scene of him this episode. they say there is always a bigger fish, Hansung is that fish! it makes the Deep Sea fish epithet quite intimidating.

      the reveal that only irregulars can take administrator tests reveal a fundamental hypocrisy about Jahad’s empire. they try to force out irregulars, but the founding members of this empire must have been irregulars as well, before the current system was set up. its like they are trying to prevent anyone from following in their footsteps to challenge them.

      **Adaptational differences**

      * There was one cut wit hansung, but im not sure if they will put it in later, so ill spoiltag[tog] >!Hansung outright confessed to arranging Hohs attack and Rachels paralysis to stop Bam. this might have been omitted as unneccesary, since the anime fairly strongly hints that already. plus the truth is even more complicated. It is a shame to lose Bam;s badass reply though!<

      * Hoh’s funeral, Serena’s departure and Rachel and Bam’s talk are in the manhua, but only in a silent montage. This change is flat out best changes thus far. Hoh’s funeral is emotional, brings everyone together, and even has moments of humor like Rak dumping chocolate bars and Hoh’s grave.

      * And Rachel and Bam’s talk is even better, because even though their relationship is core to the whole series, they didn’t actually have this chat where Rachel admits to how she really feels about Bam and how she abandoned him. Having it actually have dialogue and back and forth instead of the idea just being vaguely conveyed through montage is such a huge improvement over source material.

      * and we are going 4 for 4 on really good adaptational alterations, because in the original, no one caught on to Khun’s reverse psychology ploy to get everyone to help Bam. Or well, Shibisu later revealed he did pick up on it, but he let it play out instead of calling him out on it. I love this change because it shows off Shibisu’s perceptiveness, and everyone agreeing of their own volition instead of being tricked makes it more wholesome. and it keeps Khun trying to trick them, because of course he would try to manipulate, that’s just how Khun is. this episode has the best adaptational alterations by far, i am actually quite impressed.

      * wait never mind, they cut the bit where Rak asked if it was Bams mating season and he would rip off his banana if he tried to stop climbing the tower, 0/10 stars /j. but in all seriousness, Rak was quite insightful in the cut content, being the only one who saw right through Khun’s acting, and he even gave Khun an inspirational speech about his hang ups about being separated from Maria. that being said, they do still show Rak being awesome, so i think these are fine cuts.


      1. Probably the safe route in a vacuum, but if everyone else was doing the more dangerous route, peer pressure might lead me to go with that one

      2. no, I had the vibe they were all not really bad people at heart, even Endorsi. they were just forced to be rivals…..except for Paracule, paracule just sucks. He’s like the Jobin of Tower of god (points if you get the reference)

    7. laughing-fox13 on


      Bam wanting to gather everyone for Hoh’s funeral is good natured but idk if I would do that if I knew the guy hated me lol. It is another way to show Bam’s kindness

      As for the results of the test, all the characters we expected pass. Rachel was severely injured and will never be able to fully heal. With that, Rachel can’t go on and Bam will take an administrator test so Rachel can come with. I like how everyone instantly rallied with him even though he’s an irregular and there are consequences with it. The acting job scene was funny too

      The scenes with Khun finding out what really happened was neat. Hwaryun, in her limited screen time, gave him a tip and he did some investigating. Interesting to see Lero Ro tell him about the administrator’s test and Khun covering for him when asked where he heard it. Hansung confronting the Yuga imposter and reminding us about the test makes me worried for our crew.

      I want to give Serena a proper shoutout. She was a good character that was grounded in a show with characters who weren’t lol (well and Shibisu).

    8. First Time Watcher, subbed


      I like that they have the scene with Hoh’s funeral, it’s nice to see everyone come together for that, I like how Rak gave an offering of chocolate bars to him. It’s also nice to see the gang drinking and having a good time. I was surprised that the one girl who I don’t remember the name of left, I thought Shibisu would convince her to stay but I guess not, it’s nice that she gave her dagger to him though.

      I like that Rachel did apologize to Bam and she definitely feels bad about abandoning Bam but Bam is not willing to abandon her in return. Bam’s motivation for climbing the tower seems to have shifted from finding Rachel to helping her reach the top, will be interesting to see how he balances passing himself and helping Rachel.

      I definitely don’t trust the tea drinking testing person, he is very suspicious. On the other hand, while not as smart as blonde hair tea drinker, Lero-Ro seems a lot more down to earth and seems like he will be able to help Khun.

      I wonder what the administrator test will be like, we should find out next episode. I forgot that nobody knew that Bam was an irregular before this, I like the whole gang instantly supporting Bam, shows how close they have become, except for green spear bearer, I will never forgive you.


      1. If it was just me, probably the longer but safer path, but since a lot of strong people are choosing to go with Bam on the shorter path, I would probably go with that one.

      2. Not really, if anything it solidified my opinions on a lot of the characters, a lot of the main gang I already liked so this just reaffirms my opinions on them. And even though some of the randos are also coming, such as the green spear bearer guy, they did so only because everyone else was so it did not improve my perception of them.

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