Episode 18 – Hyunckel Versus Hadlar

    I believe the worth of a man lies in how much they can let go of the past. Be it s life in shame, hated by all, so long as you walk the path you believe, isn’t that enough?


    <— Last save | Adventure’s log (Index) | Journey continues —>



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    Screenshot of the day:

    Shaking hands with a legend

    Comment of the day:

    Questions of the day:

    1. On a scale from 1 to 10, how useless was Hadlar today?
    2. How do you liked the birth of Baduck and Crocodine friendship?
    3. Did today episode improved Hyunckel character?
    4. What’s your opinion on whatever is going on between Maam and Hyunckel?


    Please, respect the fact there are First Timers watching Dai no Daibouken with us, so avoid talking about vague things or events that would slightly spoil things to happen. And if you want mention things like this, please hid it behind SPOILER TAGS like [Dai no Spoilers] I am getting the hammer because you spoiled the fun for others

    by Shocketheth


    1. Shimmering-Sky on

      **First-Timer Quest: Sky no Daibouken, subbed**

      – [lol](https://i.imgur.com/AXA0HRw.png) [](#azusalaugh)

      – [You can gain your redemption by *living* too.](https://i.imgur.com/hNHbmoJ.png) [](#etotamadunno)

      – [Was it repaired by someone…?](https://i.imgur.com/jETm45C.png) Or [did it just recover because reasons?](https://i.imgur.com/HCSwQzl.png) [](#sakurathink)

      – [With just one attack…](https://i.imgur.com/SQnGs10.png) [](#doggo)

      – [lol okay then.](https://i.imgur.com/vd6lzMt.png)

      – [Damn, Hadlar’s claws damaged Hyunckel’s armor…](https://i.imgur.com/MHnIJy8.png)

      – [Oh shit–](https://i.imgur.com/swIk8Oq.png)

      – [Uhhhhhhhhhh](https://i.imgur.com/MxDFWfo.png) [](#watashiworried)

      – [Hm…](https://i.imgur.com/uyGnXmj.png)

      – [He nailed Hadlar’s other heart!](https://i.imgur.com/KdT7WeI.png) [](#rengehype)

    2. **Dark Commander welcomes you to Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken Rewatch!**

      * [Cucking noises intensifies](https://i.imgur.com/8It4EZo.png)
      * Crocodine do be hitting Hyunckel with a Gintamaesque speech [](#gintamathispleasesme)
      * Maam respecting Hyunckel wish even if it’s something she, deep inside, is opposed to as she would rather go to help him, but she believes in him. I am actually digging Maam character.
      * [You know what? I actually have to agree with Flazzard in this](https://i.imgur.com/a2sudIQ.png), because maaaan Hadlar was so fucking stupid and useless today. Like is he so fucking stupid to not known, that Hyunckel armor absorbs spells? Okay he atleast came with a feign to pierce Hyunckel armor, but why the fuck was he stalling for time with standing behind Hyunckel in a melee range of his whip sword. AAAAARGHHH, this is so frustrating.
      * Today episode I am giving F to Hadlar for not doing his fucking homework.


      1. 10 – What an useless fucking clown lol
      2. Look below into Crocodine Shonen Commentary Corner
      3. Huh…. Well not like it improved his character, but it set him on a path of development that will last for a while
      4. I don’t think that I am capable of addressing them properly, but I guess it’s nice that Hyunckel is Maam’s rock that she can put her faith into, but I don’t know Chief…. I doubt their potentional relationship would be healthy IRL…

      # Crocodine Shonen Commentary Corner:

      [I’m sorry but Crocodine won’t give a commentary today as he and Baduck disappeared who knows where, and apparently they took Gomechan with them.](https://i.imgur.com/X2LMddp.jpeg)


      Nobody for this episode


      **Director -** [Karasawa Kazuya](https://anidb.net/creator/43228)

      **Episode Director -** [Watanabe Masaki](https://anidb.net/creator/19263) (episode 11,18)

      **Chief animation director -** [Komatsu Kozue](https://anidb.net/creator/11487) (episodes 9,10,12,14,16,18)

      **Script/Screenplay -** [Sumisawa Katsuyuki](https://anidb.net/creator/3748) (episodes 10-13,16,18)

      **Storyboarding -** [Watanabe Masaki](https://anidb.net/creator/19263) (episode 11,18)

      **Key animators -** 山下梢, 清水敦哉, Nagashima Hideki, Kawamura Atsuko, Hara Natsumi, Yokoyama Miyuki, Shimada Chihiro, Yamamoto Takumi, Mura Shuntarou, Manabe Hisateru, Studio Cosmo, Hata Honoka, Funakoshi Mayumi, Kosakai Tomoya, 新見ちひろ, Ichinose Mifuyu, Iwasaki Yasutoshi, Ishikawa Osamu, 西村あずさ, Kajita Noa, 間中紗永, Kon Kyouko, Nakamura Yuuki, Itou Yoshihiro, Narasaki Asako

      ***See you tomorrow because the Adventure continues!***

    3. cooperjones2 on

      Newbie-Adventurer here! LV 18/100

      Crocodine and Hyunckel


      Lmao Popp, I don’t think Hyunckel thinks of Maam like you do

      Hadler vs Hyunckel is a really bad matchup for Hadler

      Spoke too soon. OH NO.


      Maam knows what Crocodine and Hyunckel wanted. Thankfully Dai and Popp listened



    4. **First Timer, Sub**

      Hyunckel is pretty awesome here, his fight against Hadlar was the highlight, particularly Hyunckel’s comments on how he sees himself and Hadlar expressing some respect after he is stabbed. A love triangle seems to be set up between Hyunckel, Ma’am, and Popp so we will see how that plays out. Crocodine meanwhile keeps being cool.

      1. He tried his best and came close to winning

      2. It’s cool

      3. He’s slowly becoming my favorite 

      4. She got really attached to him didn’t she?

    5. Blackheart595 on

      **First Quester**

      **Day 18 of extensively researching Princess Leona’s life story**

      As if Hyunckel ever did [equal treatment](https://imgur.com/iQn8RSI) [](#yousaidsomethingdumb)

      That’s a pretty interesting [disadvantage](https://imgur.com/0LNHFHC) of the curse field. If Flaazar is inside, he has no idea if it’s been disabled or not, because it doesn’t actually affect him in any way. Of course, Flaazar isn’t stck inside and can just see the spires.

      No way Hadlar is down. Talk about an obvious trap.

      Honestly, I’ll be disappointed if Hyunckel dies here. Though if his entire character arc’s been a mess anyway, might as well make his end a mess, too.

      Lmao, this the best day of Hadlar’s life [](#laughter) No way he remains dead, he’s the measure for when Dai surpasses his mentor.

      > On a scale from 1 to 10, how useless was Hadlar today?

      I can’t give him a 10, because he’s less useless than yesterday. But it’s a 8 or 9 for sure.

      > How do you liked the birth of Baduck and Crocodine friendship?

      They’re great together [](#meguminthumbsup)

      > Did today episode improved Hyunckel character?


      Eh, it’s alright. Hyunckel just got revealed as alive after he supposedly died, only for him to die for good exactly one episode later. And what did all of that accomplish? Well, he got to finally avenge his father’s killer, so I guess that brings some closure to his character journey. Except wait a moment, wasn’t there a meaningful moment with Crocodine teaching Hyunckel that the worth of a man is measured in his ability to let go of the past? Mighty ironic for someone who is fundamentally a vengeful specter of the past that refuses to be vanquished until it achieves its purpose. I guess he just wasn’t up to it.

      So no, I can’t say it improved him.

      > What’s your opinion on whatever is going on between Maam and Hyunckel?

      They didn’t even make lots of little Hyunckels smh my head [](#psh-mongrels)

    6. **1st** **~~Dai~~** **Popp no Daibouken Rewatch, Sub**

      [Senzu Bean](https://i.imgur.com/Oxtj88f.png) The DBZA brainrot is real!!

      [Finally! The question everyone is asking!](https://i.imgur.com/6zpTcEc.png)

      Crocodine with a [great quote](https://i.imgur.com/8RGGL17.png)


      [Thank you, Crocodine!](https://i.imgur.com/Y1jWjIL.png) None of this would’ve been possible with you.

      [Jealous Popp](https://i.imgur.com/UurjWmt.png)

      [Hadlar’s Dirty Tactics](https://i.imgur.com/Dlq17C9.png)

      [Like Master, Like Student](https://i.imgur.com/NmBvf9d.png)

      [Dai no Late Spoilers] >!So, the [seeds of doubt](https://i.imgur.com/jQXlKXu.png) were [sown here](https://i.imgur.com/LYdPBAX.png).!<

      [No Hearts for you, today!](https://i.imgur.com/MPjc6vC.png)

      [The Battle is Over](https://i.imgur.com/OmrOkTo.png)

      [OST Documentation – Episode 18](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OD0tVXR50ixuRVijA_54YtHUuerpXbLYzIjQYXnIqmU/edit#heading=h.fscive4axv9d)


      **1.** Hyunckel told him to risk his own life to fight him and he actually tried. But the fact that he lost and wasn’t able to do anything makes it 9/10. [Even Flazzard agrees.](https://i.imgur.com/aACLYkC.png)

      **2.** Love it. The fact that he even suggested to rename the attack since it sounded a bit ominous and Crocodine obliged.

      **3.** Yes. [This](https://i.imgur.com/TwR4REb.png) [right here](https://i.imgur.com/W9iEd74.png).

      **4.** IDK. Ask Popp maybe. He seems to know about it in detail.

    7. NicDwolfwood on

      **First Timer, Sub**

      So Hyunckel saved Maam and she was very happy to see him alive(poor Popp lol). Hyunckel gives Popp some recovery herbs and so him and Maam run off to help Dai, meanwhile Hyunckel stays to battle Hadlar. We see through flashback how he survived, Crocodine saved him by pulling him out of the Lava and then giving him some solid advice on living on with his sins and atoning for them in life instead of death.

      Crocodine uses his Anguish blast to destroy the flame spire, getting rid of the anti magic spell that was enveloping the island and area around the Tower. nice little moment of Baduck telling him he should change his Anguish blast to Redemption blast and he likes it lol.

      Hyunckel vs. Hadlar was a real treat though. They gave each other some haymaker attacks. hadlar stabbing Hyunckel with his Wolverine claws and combining it with Kasizz to burn him from inside the armour. To Hyunckel destroying his heart with a bloody scryde, using Grand Cross for the first time and then finally putting Hadlar down when he went to finish Hyunckel off by stabbing him with the chain sword on his helmet.


      1. He’s always been kinda useless lol. He got his arms blown off by Dai, 5 episodes into the series lol. So his performance with Hyunckel was poor if you consider he is supposed to be leading all these powerful monsters, so 9/10 useless.

      2. Love it.

      3. Well it gave him a path toward moving past being a villain and atoning for his sins.

      4. All I can say is poor Popp. If Maam really likes Hyunckel and vice versa he doesn’t stand a chance lol.

    8. First timer!

      1. 10/10, as useless as usual. Imagine being piccolo and being struck by the death beam cannon.
      2. At this point I think Crocman could be friends with just about anyone. He’s a good boy!
      3. Honestly I still don’t particularly care about him, we’ll see how he evolves. Also trying to steal Maam from Popp, smh.
      4. It’s pretty weird. I know he was Avan’s student, but come on, she doesn’t even know the guy and he was trying to murder them just a few episodes ago! I’m sure it won’t go anywhere though, because clearly Popp X Maam has got to be a thing.

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