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    Questions of the Day

    1) What do you think Sei meant by saying she was “Birds of a Feather” with Kashiwagi-san?

    2) Do you think Tsutako ever got permission for that photo?

    3) Why do you believe a sapphire doesn’t fit?

    Yamayuri Council Chart

    Posting carefully so as to not disturb the first timers with spoilers in their viewings, such is the standard of modesty here. Forgetting to use spoiler tags because one is in danger of missing the post time, for instance, is too undignified a sight for redditors to wish upon themselves.

    by lilyvess


    1. **Maria-sama ga Miteru Rewatcher/Light Novel Reader**


      It is I, Rosa Lilium, once again welcoming you to my Lily Mansion Thread. Take a seat. I’d offer you some cookies but my supply seems to have emptied out. How shameful of me as a host not to be prepared for guests and their voracious appetite. I thought I had brought enough cookies to last me the rest of the month but apparently I underestimate everyone’s gluttony.


      Hmm. Oh, you want to hear more from the book I was reading yesterday. I’m glad you so thoroughly enjoyed my reading yesterday. I suppose it would be a crime to keep my talents all for myself.


      If you insist, I suppose I could read a bit more for you all.

      > “That’s why it would be a bit awkward bringing the police into this. We’re already intended to marry, so grasping her wrist is no big deal.”

      >Kashiwagi-san held Sachiko-sama’s hand.

      > “I can embrace her shoulder.”

      > And as he spoke, he placed a hand on her shoulder. The refreshing hand of Kashiwagi-san looked extremely impure this time, to Yumi.

      > “And kiss.” (Stop…!!)

      > Don’t touch Sachiko-sama any more. –Yumi thought.

      > If they touched, Sachiko-sama would become dirtied.


      That pure innocence! Hold onto it, young Yumi!

      > Apparently her grandfather was a stubborn, Meiji-born
      person obsessed with the welfare of his company. In that case, there
      was the option of simply adopting Kashiwagi-san and allowing him
      to inherit the company, but apparently he loved his only granddaughter, and wished to have Sachiko-sama inherit everything.

      > “What do you think Suguru-san said, when he came to celebrate my high school entry? We’re similar people, so our marriage will certainly succeed. That we should both live freely, without interfering with one another. When I asked, ‘What do you mean?’ he confessed, ‘I hate to tell you this, but I can only love other men.’ So he said I should fall in love with someone else, and have their child. He wanted to give everything to my child, as the future heir to the Ogasawara group. They would be related by blood anyways, so he would be able to love him like his own child. … What was he thinking? Making a mockery of people like that.”

      >”A 16-year old high school student, to a girl one year younger.”

      >”Too much cuteness results in a hundred times the hatred. Because of him, my hatred of men grew even stronger.”

      > She tried to crack a joke, but it couldn’t have been that simple.

      > Because Sachiko-sama truly did like Kashiwagi-san.

      > Before she could tell the person she liked, “I like you,” they ended up becoming intended consorts. Even that was hard to digest, but then her hopes of a possible loving relationship was obliterated. –At the age of 15.

      > That would pervert your thoughts. Who cares about men!


      What fabulous misfortune that poor Sachiko has! To be the beard for that Kashiwagi-san! Poor girl, it’s okay. You have Yumi now. Take comfort in Yumi’s embrace now.

      Oh, and for those of you curious about the mystery of the Sapphire

      > [MariMite episode 1]>!(But why is it a sapphire…?)!<

      > [MariMite episode 1]>!She had wondered this as a child, and had dragged that
      bewilderment to the present. Blue sky, evergreen oak, nightingale,
      mountain lily, and then spontaneously a sapphire.!<

      > [MariMite]>!She could understand the comparison of Maria-sama’s soul to
      such beautiful things, but a materialistic symbol such as a jewel, as
      opposed to natural beauties such as the sky and plants and animals
      had always felt out of place. Plus, a sapphire was an expensive
      possession, so while anyone could look up at the sky and bask in its
      beauty, only a select few could adorn themselves with sapphire!<

      [here is the second special](https://streamable.com/r1ohqx)

    2. **First-Timer**

      **On today’s episode of Marimite** And they were *sisters!* I wonder just how sisterly Yumi and Sachiko’s relationship will remain in the future.

      – Yumi really has been shanghaied into this play.

      – Sachiko’s efforts to get Yumi to accept her rosary do feel manipulative at times, like promising to handle the press for her.

      – How convenient for Sei. She can use the professional reason that Shimako is a gifted student to hide a more personal reason for choosing Shimako as her soeur. [](#yuristare)

      – Referencing the [“Straw Millionaire”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_Millionaire) is a fun way for Sei to recontextualize her comparison of Sachiko picking Yumi to Sachiko grasping at straws. Yes, it was just something Sachiko did out of desperation. But it may just lead her to treasure.

      – For someone who got shanghaied into the role, Yumi has been memorizing her lines diligently.

      – I wonder why it’s just Sachiko who is so determined to keep away from men. The other student council members have no trouble with men. [](#harukathink)

      – Yeesh, the student council has some wheels within wheels planning going on here. Part of why they did the play at all was to get Sachiko more used to men.

      – Ah, well that begins to explain Sachiko’s dislike of men if her father and grandfather were scummy.

      – Sachiko truly is stubborn. She digs her heels in whenever she’s challenged and just becomes even more determined to win.

      – How scandalous! Sachiko’s dress shows her collarbone! [](#bakabakashii)

      – [Sacchan!?!](#maxshock) Do Sachiko and the boy know each other?

      – Her cousin *and* her fiance? The upper classes do like their inbreeding. And I can see why Sachiko doesn’t like him because he seems pretty scummy too. [](#annoyedkiki)

      – We’ve got some nice narrative parallels here. Sachiko was actually in love with her cousin but he didn’t like her back and is only engaged to her because the family made him. Sounds pretty similar to Sachiko and Yumi’s situation.

      – Ah, a nice twist with Yumi now offering to take the rosary while Sachiko refuses. I suppose Sachiko would view this as a defeat and doesn’t want to lose.

      – What!?! We aren’t going to watch the folk dance!?! [But the folk dance is such a perfect scene for lesbians!!!](https://youtu.be/b9BDAOTPVNY?si=zZtEaQyuBC1DdnL5) [](#shakeit)

      – We skipped over the play pretty quickly.

      – Sachiko still offering the rosary to Yumi even after the bet is over is a pretty huge deal.

      – [And Yumi accepts](#jibrilaww)

      – The only witnesses to the rosary being the Moon and Mary is so intensely yuri it’s killing me. The Moon is always associated with love. And the Virgin Mary is associated with the all-girls Catholic schools that are a staple of the yuri genre.

      I will admit to being a bit disappointed at how this storyline wrapped up rather abruptly, mostly skipping over the play after Sachiko had resolved to perform in it. I understand that Sachiko got her big character moment that finished the arc, but it still felt rather rushed.

      I understand Sachiko’s aversion to men better now, but I also think the identity of the prince played a big part in why she so adamantly refused to take the role of Cinderella. It was too much to handle since she’s already trapped in a loveless betrothal.

      This also creates nice narrative parallels between Sachiko and Yumi. Both of them know what it’s like to like someone who doesn’t like them back in the same way. Both of them know what it’s like to be pressured into being in a relationship with that person.

      The actual moment of Sachiko offering Yumi the rosary to become her soeur was lovely and a nice character moment for the both of them. Sachiko failed to achieve her goal of getting Yumi to take her spot in the Cinderella play, yet she still offered Yumi the rosary. Why? I think it’s because Yumi was there for Sachiko. Yumi was the one who was there to listen to Sachiko finally confess what was bothering her so much and she was the one who acted as a pillar of support for Sachiko. Additionally, there’s also the fact that Sachiko doesn’t like to lose. She did promise that Yumi would accept her rosary and Sachiko never gave up on that, even after the play was finished. So, I guess you could say that Sachiko didn’t lose that one.

      For Yumi, having Sachiko still offer her the rosary must have been momentous. Yumi refused to become Sachiko’s soeur out of a feeling of inadequacy. She didn’t consider herself worthy of being Sachiko’s soeur and didn’t want to get the position only because Sachiko was desperate for anyone or because Sachiko was outmaneuvered into accepting her. Here, after the play is already finished, Yumi gets her wish. Sachiko still wants Yumi to be her soeur, which means Sachiko wants Yumi because of who she is, not because she was a convenient choice. So this time, Yumi is able to accept Sachiko’s rosary.


      1) Perhaps she is also stuck in a loveless betrothal? I don’t know.

      2) Tsutako is one of our new types of business people. She doesn’t care for rules and regulations. She asks for forgiveness, not permission. It’s called being a disruptive entrepreneur. [](#sassyimouto)

      3) Are sapphires the wrong color perhaps? Otherwise I don’t know.

    3. HereticalAegis on

      **Maria-sama First-Timer**

      Episode 3:

      Even in Catholic girls’ school, the paparazzi are the fucking worst.

      Jeez, Yumi is really deep in the self-deprecation pit, huh. It’s depressing that she holds onto the less flattering things people say about her, like “the straw”. I wonder if we’re going to get any background on why she feels this way about herself.

      [Wow, she is getting awfully familiar](https://imgur.com/a/Lqcx7Bl)

      Well at least there’s no way Sachiko handles jealousy worse than Chikane.

      So you want to get Sachiko over her fear/dislike of men by…forcing her to play the romantic lead opposite a man in a public play? [What do you think about this, Mr. Stark?](https://youtu.be/cfR3ZbU-oYM?si=1C6M35hd45bfoC9z)

      All the men in Sachiko’s family keep mistresses? Sachiko should protest by getting a mistress or two of her own. That will teach them.

      Oh my goddess, Sachiko literally runs the moment the dance number is finished. [](#laughter)

      How interesting Kasiwagi calls Sachiko “Sacchan.” Do they have a history? I thought they’d never met before.

      Hmm, I wonder if the student council is uncomfortable for Sachiko having as many as 5 or 6 girls all interested in her. Contrary to how harem anime portray situations like that, I get the feeling that kind of environment would be immensely uncomfortable.

      [That checks out.](https://imgur.com/a/BQVgwZi) To add on to her other issues, I’d feel really weird playing the romantic interest to my cousin for a play.

      [Blegh.](https://imgur.com/a/3S8hRlE) Immediate [veto](#norice)

      Aaaaand he’s a fucking creep. I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you. [](#gabdisgust)

      Oh, we’re already done with the performance. That was quick.

      Yumi accepted the rosary! [](#yuristare)


      1. Sachiko’s got cousins all over the place!

      2. Lol probably not

      3. No idea

    4. **First timer, subs**

      * That fork is so much less refined than I had expected, it caught me off-guard.
      * So aggressive we’ve never actually seen them interview anyone.
      * What, does she just hate flowering trees?
      * I would have gone with headpats myself, but you do you.
      * How much time is lapsing? That Yumi has already memorized her new lines.
      * [Oh No… **He’s Hot**](#assman)
      * See, tho boys’ uniform gets to have grade markers.
      * That’s not complicated, that’s just being unfaithful.
      * Dat skirt sitting. I swear, the random things they give special animation to.
      * [Lady-Princess!](#seasonalneat)
      * I’m not against them talking about it in theory, but the manner they did it in was quite uncouth for this series.
      * Oh, he’s giving her pet names already. That can’t be good.
      * Second time that slipping has been brought up. There has to be a pay off at some point, but I don’t think there’s enough time in this episode for it.
      * Cousins, does that make it more or less likely tha… there it is.
      * [Consent](#norice)
      * Ah, yes. Parallels. Well, at least it’s better than I thought he was?
      * Y’all need a groundskeeper. Have we even seen a second member of staff? Are men allowed to work in a girls’ academy? I’m not familiar with the particulars.
      * OMG, this song was already a thing at this point?
      * How can anyone say this is slow? I thought the plot would last all season.


      1) She’s only in it for the power. Maybe that’s why she picked a first year.

      2) She’s saving it for the wedding day.

      3) It’s not a living thing?

    5. AmeteurElitist on

      **First Timer**

      [We love a girls girl](https://imgur.com/wT2OF6u)

      I was surprised when they skipped the performance, but I’m happy with the decision since there wasn’t really any more to get out of the story.

    6. 1. Hmm…
      2. Probably not
      3. I dunno 

      Wow, Sachiko’s cousin is a real prick and Sachiko might be a caged bird.

    7. Shimmering-Sky on

      **First-Timer Watches Over Us, subbed**

      – [Yumi will have to play one of the stepsisters if she doesn’t do Cinderella, huh?](https://i.imgur.com/AjnrznL.png) [](#harukathink)

      – [She’s *really* trying to convince Yumi to accept her rosary.](https://i.imgur.com/SdRKLoy.png)

      – [Hm…](https://i.imgur.com/aDbSh3o.png)

      – [What *is* Sachiko’s deal with the guy from the other school?](https://i.imgur.com/5WP5BSl.png) [](#csikon)

      – [He looks like Sachiko.](https://i.imgur.com/5a31Szk.png) [](#harukathonk)

      – [Ehhh.](https://i.imgur.com/3Asym8x.png) [](#sagiri)

      – [Yumi’s head looks *hilariously* disproportional in this shot to me.](https://i.imgur.com/PszbvWz.png) [](#seasonallaugh)

      – [You can’t just make someone smile who doesn’t want to.](https://i.imgur.com/jRIagAX.png) [](#foldedarms)

      – [That’s *two* Gintama names in the span of two episodes.](https://i.imgur.com/tZetJau.png) [](#shock)

      – [Oh they *are* related.](https://i.imgur.com/NUpY0oY.png) [](#suddenshock)

      – […goddammit.](https://i.imgur.com/FMhkPNA.png) [](#badtaste) This makes the council trying to force Sachiko into the role of Cinderella even *worse* in hindsight, wtf.

      – [Oh shit.](https://i.imgur.com/PTSY2Ww.png)

      – [But now *Sachiko* doesn’t want to give it up?](https://i.imgur.com/XdtTOuE.png)

      – [Blehhhhhhhhhhh they’re *cousins*.](https://i.imgur.com/GU79dJo.png)

      – [Ah, *now* the rosary will be passed.](https://i.imgur.com/V3WgNVZ.png) I’m actually a little surprised this happened in episode 3.

    8. First Timer(Holy time skip, Batman!)


      So this is why I generally stopped writing my reviews as I watched but rather after watching as, until Kawishagi arrives, Sachiko is coming off incredibly like a “No means yes” kind of gal. But the show does a relatively decent job of demonstrating why Sachiko is dreading this event so hard. Also, I was indeed write about her being betrothed to the candidate, just had no idea she was a jilted cousin. And yes, it is indeed sexist that the Osaguras assume their daughter can’t run the company but remember these came out in the 90s and in the present day the Japanese might balk at such a thing, it depends on how progressive the family in question is. Add in that Sachiko has not given anyone her thoughts on dedicating her life to corporatism and this becomes interesting.

      So let’s see…Satou enjoys trolling a lot this episode. Mainly on Yumi but she also gets a few over on Sachiko. Yumi’s sexuality, whatever it turns out to be, has taken sanity damage basically any direction you choose. One thing that is slightly amusing is that I very much cannot sort out the lesbians from the LUGs and the celibate. Non-zero chance that Hasekura is the straightest girl on scene, the only useful thing I learned from Wonder Egg Priority, a sentence one rarely types, is the reminder that being attractive to women doesn’t mean you are attracted to them.

      So the last scene is a bit interesting to diagnose, knowing that this series apparently lives on drama: Sachiko offers the rosary and Yumi can now accept it as they have a real relationship. BUT is the twist that Sachiko just hates to lose and she will a poor soeur?


      QotD: 1 Sei is going to keep dating girls until forced otherwise

      2 No

      3 Blue is the wrong color scheme for this

    9. **First-Timer**

      [Gokigenyou.](https://i.imgur.com/SpwRlIw.jpeg “Can anyone tell that I’m sticking my pinky out?”)

      My, we sure did cover a lot of ground today, didn’t we? I do so wish that we could have seen Sachiko’s performance; I’m sure it was positively enchanting.

      Not that the events we did perchance to see weren’t wonderfully entertaining! The truth of the matter with Sachiko not wanting to dance with Suguru is quite juicy – a loveless marriage, perish the thought!

      Such wonderful poetry today, as well. Sachiko and Yumi return to the place they first met, to allow their relationship to progress to the next level. We wouldn’t want anyone to see such an intimate event, after all.

      [This, my dear friends, is what we refer to as “cinematography.”](https://i.imgur.com/0s8OMnp.jpeg) The white and yellow flowers flank the red rose and her soon-to-be petite soeur; if the rosary exchange hadn’t happened in this very episode, I would call it foreshadowing (for an event that is stupendously obvious, but it still helps to sell the scene).

      And the distance the camera is at – Yumi and Sachiko are shown small, smaller even than the flower plants, but close together for intimacy.

      There is perhaps some yet-further foreshadowing in the flowers themselves – note the white ones are all connected in a line, but the yellow are scattered and separated. Perhaps we will soon see some active division amongst the Yellow Rose fmaily?


      1. Hmm.. perhaps she is also betrothed to someone she does not care for?

      2. Oh, probably. It does seem like something sachiko would do to tease Yumi, at the very least.

      3. I admit, I am not up on my gemstone metaphors.

    10. First Timer



      Arranged marriages


      A girl liking a boy in MY yuri anime?!?! It’s more likely than you think.


      This episode surprised me in several ways. The reason the stuco went to all this roundabout trouble was specifically that they were trying to help Sachiko with her issues but didn’t want to bring up any kind of trauma. A surprisingly reasonable explanation.

      I’m also surprised that they sped through the festival so quickly. I guess its main purpose was to facilitate the will they/won’t they with Yumi accepting Sachiko’s rosary, but it still felt quick. I’ve read enough light novels and their adaptations that this episode somewhat feels to me like it cut out a chunk of the source material, probably the bit that described the festival itself. Not that that’s necessarily a bad thing, but three episodes per LN volume is a fairly standard pace that usually requires some trimming. Can a light novel reader let me know how wrong this assessment was so that I can be so humbled as to not get ahead of myself again?

      [MAN](#badtaste) has appeared in this episode. Considering [MAN](#badtaste) shares this rewatch with genetically engineered Perfect Boyfriend Oogami Souma, he very clearly and quickly fails to live up to his predecessor’s legacy. However, [MAN](#badtaste) does provide a good explanation for why Sachiko acts that way. With both her father and grandfather having mistresses, likely because their own wives were from arranged marriages, she can see herself being just like their wives eventually with someone like [MAN](#badtaste) as her future husband.

      Down with the patriarchy!


      Down with heteronormativity!


      Down with [MAN](#badtaste) in yuri anime!


      1. (Which one’s kashiwagi again?)

      2. Probably not. She’s a creative with morals in a society where the rich and powerful trample all over the lower class.

      3. That’s referring to the song saying Maria’s heart is a sapphire, right? I guess because they’re blue. idk much about gems or flowers beyond “look pretty.”

    11. ###First Timer

      Uuugghh, heat wave…


      At least my plants seem to like it.

      ###Maria-sama ga Miteru Ep.03 – The Moon and the Rosary

      * Oh, [I want to see this!](https://imgur.com/4il3rDf ) Yumi being mean to Cinderella (Sachiko)! [](#SPORTS)

      * Episode: Third. Attempt at convincing Yumi: ~9th. Subtlety: [Error 404.](https://imgur.com/8mXpyXM )

      * A [boob joke](https://imgur.com/2Y5667V ) would be out of place in this reserved and proper institution.

      * Please let this just be an entire [school full of yuris.](https://imgur.com/mucHUQP ) The absurdity would be amazing!

      * [Mood,](https://imgur.com/iH4v7rT ) I’m with her.

      * Dude, I love how *every single one* is [shipping them](https://imgur.com/26y69AE ) so badly. For ulterior motives or not, that is so good! [](#laughter)

      * There needs to be [more vileness,](https://imgur.com/KG8mINL ) Yumi. You’re a bitch, remember! [](#protest)

      * Silly, that’ll only [make it worse.](https://imgur.com/dxe894A )

      * Ma’am, this is a [catholic school.](https://imgur.com/WEI28ED )

      * [Two faces](https://imgur.com/yelVbJE ) of absolute misery. C’mon Yumi, you got the fun partner! [](#azusalaugh)

      * [The shipping](https://imgur.com/E37e501 ) is so fantastic! [](#hearteyes)

      * [Ahahaha!](https://imgur.com/XD0GhM2 ) [](#laughter)

      * [School full of yuris! School full of yuris!](https://imgur.com/WDtQbx6 )

      * Not sure whether [he’s a bitch](https://imgur.com/MoETqY0 ) or not. It’s probably not the case, but it would be so heckin funny if he was gay.

      * Okay, that’s [even spicier!](https://imgur.com/FM91Xhm ) OH [HECK YEAH!!](https://imgur.com/ncHGqXk ) [](#grandhype)

      * I [ship them,](https://imgur.com/E0STgSj ) as does everyone. I get the inner turmoil now, Sachiko’s only ‘acceptable’ way is to have a mistress herself, like her family that she hates.

      * How could this get [even more spicy?](https://imgur.com/s6VOfWj ) He’s in it for the power and righteously declines incest! What a good man.

      * [Oh yeah!](https://imgur.com/aqM5guD ) But for what, exactly? To get out of pity and earn Yumi’s petit souership is my guess. I like the implications that has for the Cinderella-sister-prince dynamics.

      * We [just timeskip](https://imgur.com/lHJGY5J ) past the play, what? [](#howcouldyou)

      * We’re also [just resolving](https://imgur.com/f9DFAa0 ) the rosary thing now? [](#maxshock)

      That was such a fun episode! Great, even, except for the fact they timeskipped the most exciting stuff and just rugpulled a great deal of expectations. Having them be en bouton soeur whatever by episode three seems fairly acceptable for the larger story, but I’m genuinely wondering why they just added all this super juicy spice only to throw it away 2 minutes later.

      They didn’t eliminate the incest, though, so there’s that. And they kinda made the entire school a yuri breeding ground simping for Sachiko, so I still have them.

      That must be some good story they want to focus on…

      Anyway, with the newly established dynamic between Yumi, Sachiko and the rest of the school, I think we’re at a really fun point. So many power plays are possible, so many shenanigans await!

      [[It’s our Dance]](https://imgur.com/Mrm53y0 )


      I’ve found my stride again!! Retracing stills is fine and all, but Maria-sama isn’t exactly giving exciting shots very frequently.

      Fine then, I’ll do it myself!

      > 1) What do you think Sei meant by saying she was “Birds of a Feather” with Kashiwagi-san?

      I have completely blocked out where or when this line was uttered.

      > 2) Do you think Tsutako ever got permission for that photo?

      No and never will.

      > 3) Why do you believe a sapphire doesn’t fit?

      Lack of willpower!

    12. First timer, subbed

      I think I like Yumi, she’s got some bark in her now that she’s not just awkwardly fidgeting around everyone.

      These are some proper rich girl problems. Not really my thing, usually, but I find myself intrigued. Sachiko seems to realize the hypocritical position she’s put Yumi in and rescinds the rosary, big actions from someone who hates to lose. We skip the play, which surprised me a bit, but it’s not an issue.

      Cute ending, Sachiko chooses Yumi anyways and Yumi accepts, all is well.


      1) Hates to lose, maybe.

      2) No, rip.

      3) *Midori desu*!

    13. Regular_N-Gon on

      **Gokigenyou, First Timer**

      * Yumi really has no say in any of this, huh?

      * Who dislikes cherry blossoms? What a weirdo.

      * Yumi is the only one who runs around here. Maybe she *could* be a good fit for Sachiko, after a fashion.

      * That shot of Sachiko stalking was pretty slick, even if the dialogue was poorly timed.

      * Rei is so princely [](#sobright)

      * I can’t say I’m paying attention to symbolism too much but Yumi taking the place of a dead tree next to Sachiko is right there.

      * Such a fleeting moment of vulnerability for once! I need more!

      * Ho, I thought there wouldn’t be any, but there’s a *gokigenyou* in the preview! I suppose I’ll have to count it, but I’ll track it separately.

      I… sorta thought that the Cinderella arc would be longer. Well, as rapid as it was, I guess it is nice to have the sister thing happen without the wager clouding motive.

      *Gokigenyou* counter (Maria-sama): 14 [+1; Total: 33]


      1) I couldn’t work that one out. Maybe “strong willed”? Kashiwagi might be sketchy, though, with how he’s been framed so far.

      2) Probably. She doesn’t seem like the type to give up.

      3) [](#yuishrug)

    14. baboon_bassoon on

      **first time la vie en rose en bouton**

      Yumi is the straw, Sachiko isn’t a fan of some light infidelity

      [](#suddenshock) Oh the gingko nuts promote elegance since you cant rush, incredibly big brain of the school

      Sacchan? what if they’re betrothed or something

      Rosa Gigantea this is no time for hanky panky

      I’m surprised Rei didn’t punch him

      Cousins ok so not betrothed – LOL alrighty then never mind

      She loves him but he doesn’t like her [](#schemingsaten)

      Oh we schmooving, the play already happened, I like it, we were just going to go through the motions after the gave us the reasoning

      “Our only witnesses were the moon and mother Maria” someone check on Tsutako she’s crying

    15. **First Timer**

      Fellas I am absolutely cooked. I went to sleep at 5:30 am and woke up at 8:00 am after working all night in the aRt project and couldn’t fall asleep again. Definitely not fit to comment on the characters again. The good news is the worst of it is finally over! Hopefully I’ll be able to recover and write walls of text and participate more in the episode discussions soon!

      For now, I noticed something cool about my fansubs. [The text is](https://files.catbox.moe/c6ofny.png) [color coded to](https://files.catbox.moe/n3aq6r.png) [each Rosa family.](https://files.catbox.moe/utyxvk.png) That’s a neat and subtle way to get the viewer familiar with the social and political dynamics of the setting.

      On another note, [I really like the composition of this shot.](https://files.catbox.moe/ykzbko.png) It helps it tell a lot with very little. The angle hides Sachiko’s eyes while still showing us her reactions with her frowning, only Yumi’s face and expression is clear, and it also positions the Prince Charming actor (haven’t learnt much names as you’ll notice) to intrude between them once he enters the scene. Real cool. The direction is cooking with this show.

    16. **First time, Pretty dresses are always appreciated**

      I remember somebody saying that the series is slow but I feel like a lot of things happened on this episode.

      Our main couple is getting really close, that’s so nice except that it does not, it is weird it feels like their distance change like thrice this episode. But then having the blue haired protagonist having some weakness is good. I guess we will eventually know more about it but I appreciate her sincerity with Yumi.

      The issue was him being her betrothed is kinda annoying? I know school romances have a set limit but having the whole I’m going to marry that guy anyway looming on the horizon is kinda disappointing. I hope they do not talk too much about it.

      I’m surprised the Rosario scene happened so suddenly, it was cute. Yet, I thought it would take more time,

      * What do you think Sei meant by saying she was “Birds of a Feather” with Kashiwagi-san?

      Maybe they have similar circumstances? A private catholic academy looks like the playground of rich girls before they get married off. Or maybe it was Mariite the series which popularized the concept?

      * Do you think Tsutako ever got permission for that photo?

      Not all all. I have a feeling the news related people (photos and school paper)

      * Why do you believe a sapphire doesn’t fit?

      No idea really. I wonder when we will find out

    17. OccasionallySara on

      **First Timer**

      I was very surprised that the Cinderella storyline was resolved this episode. I thought we would have gotten at least half a season of Sachiko trying to get Yumi to be her soeur, but I think the moment was handled well despite how quickly that it happened. 

      It’s interesting that Sachiko has been feeling about Kashiwagi the same way that Yumi has been feeling about Sachiko. Luckily Yumi doesn’t have to feel that way anymore.  I could really feel her happiness when Sachiko offered her the rosary without the attachment of the Cinderella play looming over their interactions. I think the scene in the greenhouse did a nice job showing how vulnerable Sachiko is and how much she finds comfort in Yumi’s presence, so the offer of the rosary felt genuine. I really liked the scene with the two of them in the gym, too. With this plotline wrapped up, I’m curious as to where the story will go from here.

      **Questions of the Day**

      1.  Honestly, my first thought was that they are both gay. 

      2. No, but now that Yumi and Sachiko are officially soeurs, maybe she will!

      3. It’s a lot more bright and bold than the other things mentioned in the song. 

    18. GondolaMedia on

      **First Timer**

      So incest wasn’t in my bingo card. Best episode so far and if I had given this the 3 episode rule I would have been hooked. I don’t have much else to add but I got curious by the ending and decided to google what sapphire represents and oh boy [Sapphire history]>!did I leave with a smile.!<

    19. laughing-fox13 on

      **First Timer/Subbed**

      Well that was a bombshell lol. /u/Vaadwaur you were right about the guy being set up as someone Sachiko is supposed to marry, but I didn’t see the cousin angle either. The moment he called her Sacchan, I knew he would know her more personally but not being a family member

      I guess it makes more sense why she doesn’t like him, especially if the rumors about the men in her family are true. And of course Suguru doesn’t really love her either and seems like a piece of work in that short screen time he had. Good moments between Sachiko and Yumi today

      I am very confused about the other girls though, I can’t tell when they’re being sincere and if they have something else in mind. I had hoped that Shimako would be a friend but Sei mentioned that she might be envious of Shimako. Of course, I started thinking about it more when Shimako mentioned how Sachiko doesn’t like the trees where they eat lunch. (Side note, Sei has a great design). And then now I’m wondering what they mean by liking Sachiko as well. Idk if I really trust any of the other girls, especially since Yoko admitted to manipulating in ep2


      1) [](#RengeThink)

      2) probably not lol

      3) it is an odd choice for a heart color 

    20. First to put this out Suguru is gay. [That is what]>!Sei was referring to when running with Yumi. A lot of people miss what she is implying.!< In the light novel it is clearly said by Sachiko to Yumi when they are in the green house. For some reason they removed it in the anime. (Like this series of all series would have any reason to censor it.)

      I love that dance between Yumi and Sachiko when they are alone it is so sweet and for the moment they get to forget their worries.

      Yep old money standard of trying to keep all power in the family by marrying heirs. One of those long lasting tropes.

      One the tropes I hate the most is the forced engagement/marriage. Funny considering this is my favorite series.

      Sachiko has a prett good reason to dislike men considering what her family is like.

      Random thing. In one fanfic when Suguru and Sachiko is having that confrontation and yumi sees. In it Yumi is more of a tomboy and tackles him and is about to pound his face before being stopped.

      Festival over and we end with another iconic scene with the rosary though not as much as the scarf since it isn’t as easy to fit into other stories.

      A funny tidbit about the Maria song. There is/was a major christian website that had a clip of it on the site as a example of the song from the anime. I can’t remember if it was just the audio or the video included. I don’t remember the site either.

      [Sigh I would kill to have the novels licensed…](https://forums.j-novel.club/topic/6338/maria-sama-ga-miteru-maria-watches-over-us?_=1718741944423)

      Btw there is a real japanese girls (I think it was catholic) that does all this Gokegenko greets stuff. Though the author didn’t go to it.

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