If you want to say hello or talk about something, please feel free to ask! It’s okay even if you’re in the middle of a topic! Yuuki Daiji! It’s Merua Crew, a man of the sea and a former poster girl for a luxury cruise ship. ↓If you have a hard time saying something, go to the anonymous Marshmallow! https://marshmallow-qa.com/merua_crew?utm_medium=url_text&utm_source=promotion ↓Click here for future distribution schedule https://youtu.be/TueVZVQ5c1w 📢General tag is #Merua Crew Distribution tag is #Merua Live🌕Greetings I-STREAM 3rd generation member Melua Crew, an individual seaman and former poster girl for luxury cruise ships! 📣 Below is my account! YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UC-eIS-zNpOo31wkMVXtfjjg Twitter https://twitter.com/merua_crew?s=20 Click here for marshmallows! ————————————————– ———– https://marshmallow-qa.com/merua_crew?utm_medium=url_text&utm_source=promotion 📣A request from Merua Crew! ! ————————————————– ———– ① Please refrain from directing people to topics or content that are unrelated to the distribution. ② Please refrain from making comments that are slanderous or constitute spam. ③ Please do not mention the names of activists who have not been mentioned or the name of Melua Crew in other places. ④ Please refrain from talking to other listeners as much as possible. Please, I would be happy if you could follow the above and enjoy the broadcast with me! 📢Official I-STREAM you belong to —————————————– ——————– Official Twitter →https://twitter.com/I_STREAM_?s=20 Official homepage (for inquiries, click here) →https:// i-stream.jp 📢Rented sound source————————————– ———————– DOVA-SYNDROME (BGM) ・https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play13801.html ・https:/ /dova-s.jp/bgm/play15678.html ・https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play18141.html Thumbnails are created using the stable diffusion commercial model. #Boy Voice #Virtual Youtuber #Mel Alive #New Vtuber #Shota #JpVtuer #VtuberJP #Vtubers #Vtuber #Boy’s Daughter #Shota

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