Good evening ♪ Tonight we’ll be playing a watermelon game where you drop fruit into the watermelon. I hope you’ll all be able to chat and be healed together with cute fruit. As a measure against storms, comments will be posted 1 minute after you subscribe to the channel. Thank you for your understanding. Thank you for your understanding. “Notes” ★Please refrain from abusive behavior, abusive language, commands, dirty remarks, comments that Icchan finds unpleasant, etc. If no one listens to you even after warning you, we may interrupt the distribution. Yes. In severe cases, you may be blocked. ★Please do not react even if a storm occurs. Comments will be deleted immediately. ★Please hide the names of other streamers that Icchan has not mentioned. ★Please refrain from exchanging friends or inviting listeners during the broadcast. This is not a bulletin board. We are not responsible for any disputes between listeners. Thank you for your understanding. Twitter Please check the distribution schedule. I’ll try to put it on #Watermelon game #Switch #Chat streaming #Icchan’s secret base #Ilima

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