Dr. Umar breaks his silence on Dwight Howard’s situation.


    1. Marrying outside your race goes back to your relationships with your parent of the opposite gender to you. If you're a man and you hate your mum, you'll marry a woman that doesn't remind you at all of your mother. If your a woman you'll marry a man who doesn't remind you of your dad.

      It goes back to raising healthy families and having positive role models and relationships between fathers and daughters, and mothers and sons.

    2. Sooo he disagrees with Black men being gay cause Black women are being married/chosen less?!?Thats not Black gay men’s problem…We don’t like women…That’s not n straight Black men.Don’t put that on us.Wen arent who we want. 🤷🏽‍♂️

    3. Dr Umar is 1000% correct on the structure of black family and black love. Marrying outside our race is only watering down and polluting the black family and this is why the billboards and media pushes the interracial relationships especially in the rap and acting world. This is why high profile white actors and actresses marrying within their own or you find white actors marrying Hispanics or Latino etc.

    4. The problem is that he, like most Black men, loves to speak on the LGBTQIA when the subject is mentioned, then he backdoors and blames said community as if it's the fall of Black men. In actuality, Black people are last in society because of straight Black men and women over the years, especially when it comes to being a whore; sleeping with whoever they want to without commitment and indulging in lesbianism as they see fit. How can there be a family structure in the Black community when all the females share a baby daddy with another female? I've watched this unmarried man tell us that he received oral from a lady who was looking to use him, but that's okay. If he cared about Black kids, he wouldn't be tryna cum in her mouth so she can go home and kiss her children with cum in the back of her throat from someone who isn't their father. But more importantly, where is Umar's family structure? Why doesn't he have a wife? Right! He gaslighting. Now, if all Black homosexuals left tomorrow, Black people will still come in last and in reality, the birth rate will drop tremendously because I know from my own experience that plenty of openly gay Black men, DL black men, and even gay Black Women have children. Just look at Dwight Howard; who has an all-Black kid. Yet, according to Umar, he should have been with a White or Asian woman because he is rich and in a different class. If you take away the videos of Umar speaking on homosexuality, he would be left with hardly any content. This topic alone is paying his bills and because the LGBTQIA is a community he doesn't feel should exist, he's exploiting it for personal gains. Nobody is out here living to fit into the mindset that Umar has. It's his dream, not everyone else's dream and to be quite frank, people could careless about what he wants and expects from Black gay men and women. He is not our God and we simply do not care to please him or anyone like him.

      He always speaking about masculinity but don't even look like he can fight. I've been taught that it is a feminine trait to look for masculinity in a man. Umar looks for "masculinity" in men. Other countries, like Saudi Ariba, Iran and so many other countries lack what this man describes as masculinity but yet, they have a whole country to themselves. It's good to have masculinity in men but it is also unnecessary. He should shift his focus into coming up with creative ideas to open his school and without much help from everyone on Google's internet. He should just do it how Marcus Garvey would have done it, without the internet. He needs to practice what he preaches.

      I'm gay and I can build a whole house by myself, level and square, plumbing and electrical included. I bet my bottom dollar that Umar can not. He is good for sitting in chairs and speaking. I know I'm more valuable to the Black community.

    5. I dont get what is there to agree or disagree about what someelse decide to do with their parts

      They are arent yours

      Unless it triggers something you like and thats whag bothers you

      The message should be
      "I will mind my own parts"

      Why are we so obsessed about other people having sex and how they do it

    6. I Love Dr. Umar!! He stay preaching!! ❤️❤️🙌🏽🔥😭 He’s so well spoken. As a black woman I do date outside my race bc financially stable single heterosexual black men are becoming extinct. I want a man at the end of the day I don’t care what race he is. I don’t want to be single forever.

    7. This Why I disagree With the Brother Because without Fredrick Douglass HavingPrivate relationships With White Women He wouldn't even be able to have the tool to free us. You seem to leave out the text of how many white women put their life on the line not for us for Fredrick who did it for us. Him eventually Marrying A white woman from being a former slave help black people see equal rights in every light. We gotta stop demonize the people who not black that saw us as equals when most of our own didn't believe the devil was a lie. Dr Umar got white blood in his veins. Lets look at the whole picture to get it right

    8. I'm a gay black man and I agree to a certain extent with what dr Umar is saying but he gotta stop excluding us from being apart of the struggle because weather yall like it or not we here we gay get over it..

    9. He hit the nail on the head with the media promoting interracial relationships as the it thing, even in the Indian American community we have Mindy Kaling who has a fetish for white men in real life and in her shows, every show she’s ever made is an Indian girl dating multiple white dudes

    10. I kno Umar be mad at the SNOWBUNNY LOVERS. But wat about these LITESKIN CHASERS. Isnt that jus as bad. Honestly, that bs is killing us more than the Snowbunnies. We need to eliminate Liteskin culture. Its a fabrication. Ninjas were never meant to be liteskinneded. U were either Arab, Indian or Nubian. No inbetweens.
      This fabrication is killing the culture

    11. His 1st mistake was believing a "god" is real in the 1st place lol smh. One thing about our community, yall will never wake up and realize ya'll have been lied to & religiously indoctrinated💯☠️ The same god that supports/condones SLAVERY smh. No reason to move the goalpost to defend it. The sooner black people, christians in general realize: every human on the planet was born not believing until someone told you/taught you about religion and god and jesus, heaven hell etc💯😂 You either grew up in it, grew up around it, was told/taught it was true, or it passed down to you without question. Religion/relationship with an imaginary being that exists in your head has done NOTHING for the black community but keep ya'll comfortable & delusional. Let it go, its a poision✨️

    12. some ppl don’t choose to be gay it’s something that’s with you from birth that’s not understood. of course heterosexuals don’t agree bcus their minds only thinks one way. if you know you know

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