A summary of 6 Touhou character relatives/blood relations urban legends that have been concealed by the official! There are many sister characters among Touhou characters, but behind the scenes there are characters who are actually parents and children or are related by blood.This time, we will introduce the secret settings and urban legends that have such dreams! Is Fran’s parent Remilia?![Ranking of characters that look good in human group swimsuits]https://youtu.be/cNs2raYOfeQ[Slow explanation]Eh! Too much!? Official manga “Touhou Suichouka” Story summary and latest publication information summary ! Reimu’s bathing scene⁉︎ https://youtu.be/jacLrL7BQog On this channel, we will explain the characters and original story while playing the Touhou original! I will explain slowly, making use of the Touhou original game, and I am conscious of two things: 1)[Touhou project original story and character explanation]2)[Touhou original project small stories, behind-the-scenes settings, and considerations]. It’s explained slowly, so you can enjoy it with just the subtitles, and it’s made so that you can understand it with just the audio, so you can enjoy watching and listening! So, I hope you enjoy watching and listening to it while playing sports, preparing dinner, or commuting! We also create a variety of videos related to Touhou Project, such as characters, abilities, games, anime, manga, etc., in a fun class style! I’m sure there are some typos and verbose content in the video, but I hope you can watch it with kind eyes (^^;[Related recommended videos]Touhou new work[Touhou Juouen]information summary https:/ /youtu.be/3Nhq8fOVBaQ The unequal society of Touhou character busts https://youtu.be/MtJKQ64gyU8 Touhou Suichouka is too good!? Story and commentary on the latest issue https://youtu.be/jacLrL7BQog Touhou Popularity Vote Ranking EXTOP10https://youtu.be/jacLrL7BQog Touhou Popular Vote Ranking EXTOP10 https //youtu.be/0f_1ntnnifI Which of the rival characters is stronger? https://youtu.be/fvMua1ZdiWg[Touhou ASMR Ear Picker]https://www.youtube.com/@asrmtouhou[Touhou secondary creation app game ( Mainly Touhou Roswa) / Explanation of fan-created goods]https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2KQ70tTnqnAuhAcYGNj2fQ[Illustrations by wonderful artists of paradise]Koumakan Cabekko-sama Yuu Eichi Remifla https:/ /www.pixiv.net/artworks/108883135?comment_id=165314173 Hoshiringo-sama https://hoshi-ringo.booth.pm/ Cronte-sama AI Emochiko-sama New characters https://www.pixiv.net /artworks/110831348?comment_id=161485991[Perfect and elegant BGM]Mr. Hauser[Touhou Arrangement]Go To Corpse Travel[Corpse Travel]https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm38275211 A pair of divine beasts with an expected value of 0 × Eternal Shrine Maiden[Roswa Recommended]Behind story and setting of the “tragic ability disappearing character” that makes you cry in the history of Touhou Roswa! https://youtu.be/YgOFRjqoZvc Explaining the back story and setting of Touhou Roswa 2P color character! https:// youtu.be/hTAZHoWu0sc Summary of super important old characters https://youtu.be/l79qpH5G0LI I got Reimu~♪⇩ https://twitter.com/yukkuritouho33 I want you to use the play video! Use the picture you drew! Feel free to DM me if you want it! If you have any supporting pictures, we will introduce them in a video! Playlist ⇩ Touhou small stories https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5cp0OY9H4d-9eoINCd5wHXQid5pCulJu Touhou character explanation/trivia https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5cp0OY9H4d9NtmueHRxhMCLBG354vEsR Touhou history https://youtube.com/ playlist?list=PL5cp0OY9H4d8vgTj4v_ycfErPEQa2SmlK[Lovely BGM]Ayane ~xi-on~[Touhou piano arrangement]Elegantly blooming, ink-dyed cherry blossoms ~ Border of Life https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm23429930 “Oshio Kui Yume” ” https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B33vPO7mLZYXfmtTV3NkOHNJaXBPVTQ0NEVmN0ZaNlRXYlNhQnlfTlVHNUtLSFZHTUg5dVE?resourcekey=0-PLsSZKubGtH1cclahB7OOQ Mr. Shiinafuyuki Touhou Homemade Arrangement – Blaster (Onbashira Graveyard) https:// www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm23323141 skyluigi Dear[Touhou Koumakyo]Septet for the Dead Princess Vampire of Scarlet[Arrangement]https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22581209 Pocket Sound[Channel registration]⇩ http://www.youtube.com/channel /UCwA0kLAsAApV_Q9KgapXmNw?sub_confirmation=1 (Referenced) Touhou Kuusou Reader http://exist-twinkle.com/book/kuusou.html Science Fiction Game Reader https://news.denfaminicogamer.jp/kusokagaku-game/171222 Touhou Gumon Shiki ~ Perfect Memento in Strict Sense. The Grimoire of Marisa Touhou Gumonguchi ~ Symposium of Post-mysticism. Touhou Project original work Touhou Bunkacho ~ Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red. Touhou Bunka Shinpo Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia. The Grimoire of Usami Secret Club Otherworld Shooting Record Touhou Kourindo ~ Curiosities of Lotus Asia. Touhou Sangetsu Sei Series Touhou Fugetssho ~ Cage in Lunatic Runagate. Touhou Naugetsusho ~ Silent Sinner in Blue. Touhou Ibarakasen ~ Wild and Horned Hermit. Touhou Suichouka ~ Lotus Eaters’ Drunken Sake Touhou original story wiki 2nd This is a derivative work of Touhou Project. The reason why the background etc. sometimes differ is because I use an unofficial Spepra tool. There is no difference in the spell cards themselves.[Material]Scene Change Shall https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/97437895 VA-SYNDROM https://commons.nicovideo.jp/material/nc180368 Sound Effect Lab https://soundeffect-lab.info /sound/anime/ Illustration ⇩ Irasutoya https://www.irasutoya.com/ Touhou illustration drawing Cronte #slow commentary #Touhou #Touhou project


    1. 幽々子の父、歌聖を西行とする場合、幽々子は1000年前の存在なのに対し、西行は800年前の人物と、時代の違いがある為、ほとんど確定事項のように語るのではなく別人である可能性も特筆すべき。

    2. 大河ドラマだと都で評判の若武者トリオとして

    3. 咲夜さんは永琳先生の娘


    4. ぬえちゃんは伝説上の鵺ではないので…スペカ名に意識したものもあるけどあれは鵺伝承を利用しただけで全く関係ない存在

    5. でも美鈴や従者がレミリアを「お嬢様」と呼んで、パチュリー達がフランを「妹様」って呼んでるからお嬢様の妹君ってことで姉妹関係じゃないんですか?

    6. こういったキャラの深堀りをしていくことによって、以外な事実にも気づけちゃうのホント凄いわ…そんでそんなキャラを作った神主が凄い…

    7. ここまで普通じゃないキャラしかいないと、原作にそろそろ本当のただの人間が出てきても良い気がしてきた。

    8. 間違ってる文章してきまします漢字違う福の神恵比寿と永琳霊夢は負けていない😮実際は依姫は咲夜とレミリアを完敗しそして武闘派勘違い豊姫大食い勘違い神奈子諏訪子より年上勘違いです😅

    9. 関係は薄いですが、藤原不比等は蘇我蝦夷の子孫と結婚しているので、だいぶ遠いですが屠自古と妹紅も関係ありそうですよね。

    10. ゆゆもこの絡みどちらも父親が奈良出身であり娘同士は藤原家の家系という意外な共通点が出てきてよりゆゆもこの絡みが見てみたいと思いました

    11. ここにまとめ動画出してくれて助かりますいつもありがとう


    12. ・そもそも、飛鳥時代はまだ武士事態存在していなくて、出現したのが平安中期以降

    13. 咲夜を人間にしたのが本当ならレミリアの運命を操る能力は本気出してないだけで結構すごかったりする?

    14. 大半はモデルにしただけでその人自身が幻想入りしたという設定じゃないから、皆も気をつけよう!

    15. レミリアの説に関しては間違いだと思う。

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